How to Get Spring Beans using initContext.lookup() of EJB - spring

I have a requirement where in there are two maven modules as below.
1. EJBModule
2. Framework
3. UIModule
Whenever I make a call to #RestController in UIModule it invokes a Service in Framework which uses lookup as below and gets the EJB bean.
and uses that bean with reflection to call the a particular method.
My requirement is to replace the EJB layer with its beans to Spring Beans.
I can create a Spring bean but could not invoke it using initContext lookup, I tried creating a New Spring module and Adding dependency to framework ( But in this approach I need some model objects if I add the model objects to this new spring module it is creating a circular maven dependency).


IS Spring Context and Spring IOC container both are same and ApplicationContext is part of it?

I know what is application Context. It is an interface which provides spring beans.
All beans get initialized in Spring IOC containers.
But How all three are connected. Could you please explain.
Spring beans are the instances of classes that spring manages. You create classes and "mark" them to be spring managed (putting #Component, using #Bean in java configuration and so forth - there are many ways to tell spring that the instance of some particular class should be managed by spring)
When spring starts it creates an application context with is a registry of all beans it resolves.
Spring can inject one bean into another and its the way of spring to instantiate beans.
The principle of "providing dependencies by external container" as opposed to maintaining dependencies by class itself called Inversion of control, and spring implements this concept.
Update 1
There is no such a thing as "spring context" technically speaking
Spring IOC container is a framework that manages the beans (your classes) by means of providing a technical abstraction called application context (its a real interface in java with implementation inside the spring code).
In order to benefit from spring your Beans should have dependencies between them. In this case spring framework that implements IOC principle can "inject" (provide, resolve) dependencies between beans.
Here is an example:
class A {
class B {
private A a;
When spring container instantiates class B (creates the object : new B()) it "understands" that this instance (we call it bean because it's managed by spring) has a "dependency" on class A and since A is also managed by spring, it can "inject" (read put a value) into the property a of class B.
This is called an Inversion of Control. You, as a programmer do not have to instantiate property b by yourself, spring does it for you.

How to add Spring dependency injection to a sub-module of a project not using Spring before

Noobish question here, but I'm struggling to make this work.
I've an old project with submodules which does not use Spring or anything, just final class and static Instance.
--- Main
------ Server
------ Business
------ Webservices
Server has a dependency with Business and Webservices.
Webservices has a dependency with Business
Server is the sub-module with the web.xml file.
I have to add a new service in Business sub-module and I want to start using Spring and dependency injection to do so, in order to start migrating the project to Spring.
(I'm not talking SpringBoot, just regular Spring).
In Business sub-module, I did:
add spring-core, spring-beans, spring-contet dependencies as well as javax.inject .
Using spring version 4.3.2
create an interface IMyService and its implementation MyServiceImpl and added the #Service annotation on the impl.
add a spring-context.xml file in src/main/resources declaring context:annotation-config and context:component-scan base-package
Then I created, in my submodule a "bridge" to try and use the Spring bean from my submodule in a non spring bean of another submodule, like described here :
However the context never get injected.
I've tried adding in the web.xml of Server the contextConfigLocation but no dice either.
What Am I missing so that my Spring context get initialized in the Business module ?

Spring Boot Scanning Classes from jars issue

In my sample spring boot application, i have added a dependency of a custom jar. My sample application has a support for web and jpa.
The jar which i've created contains a Spring MVC controller. Below is the sample code
public class StartStopDefaultMessageListenerContainerController {
private Map<String, DefaultMessageListenerContainer> messageListeners;
I haven't manually created a bean instance of this controller anywhere in my code.
Problem - When i start my spring boot application by running the main class, i get an error in console that prob while autowiring DefaultMessageListenerContainer.
My question here is, even though this class StartStopDefaultMessageListenerContainerController is just present in the classpath, it's bean shouldn't be created and autowiring should not happen. But spring boot is scanning the class automatically and then it tries to autowire the fields.
Is this the normal behavior of spring and is there anyway i can avoid this?
If the StartStopDefaultMessageListenerContainerController class is part of component scanning by spring container, Yes spring tries to instantiate and resolve all dependencies.
Here your problem is #Autowired on collection. Spring docs says,
Beans that are themselves defined as a collection or map type cannot be injected through #Autowired, because type matching is not properly applicable to them. Use #Resource for such beans, referring to the specific collection or map bean by unique name.
And also Refer inject-empty-map-via-spring

Getting Spring object instantiation right

I'm new to Spring and a little confused about how it works. I get that I can use the application context to instantiate beans and have them populated. However, is the idea that I should be able to just write Bean b = new Bean() and then have Spring to somehow automagically populate that Bean?
I'm experimenting with Spring in a web application, and as far as I can see I need to inject the ApplicationContext into, say, the servlets to be able to instantiate other beans (services, daos etc.) from there. It's a bit cumbersome, but probably works.
However, is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring is an Inversion of Control container. A bean is an object whose life cycle is managed by Spring. If you want Spring to populate an object, it needs to go through Spring, ie. it needs to be bean.
is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation
which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring doesn't hook into anything. You configure your beans and the relationships between them with Spring and Spring handles creating the instances and linking them up.
For domain objects, Spring provides a solution via the #Configurable annotation:
It requires compile- or load-time-weaving and, thus, introduces some additional complexity but having the convenience of using the standard new Bean() syntax plus Spring's autowiring is worth it in my opinion.
Alternatively, you could define your domain objects as beans with prototype scope and use some factory to create them using the Spring ApplicationContext.getBean() method. With a scope of prototype a new instance will be returned every time and since you go through the ApplicationContext, Spring will do all the dependency injection magic as usual.
As for services and other beans with singleton scope, you would typically NOT retrieve them by first injecting the ApplicationContext and using it but instead you would inject them via either a constructor, setter or annotation-based strategy. The documentation covers that in detail:

Recommended way to access Spring beans in Apache Tomcat webapp?

I'm developing a web application on Apache Tomcat 6 with Hibernate and Spring, I'm using different XML configuration files to define my Spring beans (like the Hibernate DAO, Quartz scheduler and some other stuff). All these files are loaded at Tomcat start up via web.xml (ContextLoaderListener).
Now I'm not sure what is the recommended way to get access to my beans.
Should I write on class which provides the BeanFactory for all classes which should use a bean, or is it the better way to load the BeanFactory in each class.
BeanFactory bf = (BeanFactory) ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext();
One of the core ideas of the spring framework is to minimize dependencies between classes. You'll get the most benefit by using this concept throughout your whole project. Each and every backend object should be defined as bean and can therefore use the dependency injection automatism.
If some of your Beans need to access the ApplicationContext directly (eg for requesting all Beans implementing some marker interface) you can implement the ApplicationContextAware interface, so still no factory is needed.
Use dependency injection instead. Create getters & setters in each controller class, and use your *-servlet.xml to inject the required beans via the <property> tag. No factory needed!
