Docker hub jhipster-registry not accessible on port 8761 - microservices

I have recently started exploring the microservice architecture using jhipster and was trying to install and run the jhipster-registry from docker hub. Docker shows that the registry is running, but I am unable to access it on port 8761.
Pulled the image with docker pull jhipster/jhipster-registry
Started the container with docker run --name jhipster-registry -d jhipster/jhipster-registry
Here's a snapshot of what docker container ls returns:
Am I missing something over here?

You are starting the JHipster Registry container, but you aren't exposing the port.
You can expose a port by passing the port flag -p 8761:8761 which will enable you to connect to it via localhost:8761 or in a browser.
You may need to configure some environment variables for the JHipster Registry to start correctly. These may depend on your generated app's options, such as authentication type. For convenience JHipster apps come with a docker-compose.yml file. You can start it with docker-compose -f src/main/docker/jhipster-registry.yml up, as documented.


Springboot + Postgres + Docker linking

I have one container of springboot application on docker,and one container of postgres with all the settings.How can I run both of them by linking them together.
The image springboot-postgresql corresponds to spring boot application,and postgres refers to postgresql.
Postgres is listening to,port 5432.
Please suggest,if there's another way other than making a .yml file and using docker compose up .
Thanks for the help.
The way you can communicate between each container is using docker network,
First, you need to create a network:
$ docker network create sprintapp
Above, the command creates a network named sprintapp
Then, you need to specify to a container to be inside the network:
$ docker run --name [CONTAINERNAME] --network sprintapp [IMAGE]
This way, all containers within the network could talk to each other, using [CONTAINERNAME] as the URI to locate it.
More info about this:
docker run reference
docker network reference

docker image running not able to access api in spring boot gradle

I have created a image of spring boot gradle project by using command gradlew jibDockerBuild
I run the image by this command docker run -p 8082:8082 demo:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.Image is running successfully on port 8082.In project server.port is 8082 only.
I am not able accesss api so I have checked in my machine whether this process is running on the port or not by command netstat -a -n -o | find "8082".No process is running on that port.
When you install Docker on Windows by Docker Toolbox by default Docker will run on IP (DOCKER_IP).
You can access all your containers running inside docker with DOCKER_IP on your Host machine ie Windows.
Read more on it here
Regarding your mapping query
You have mapped port, which means your container port will be mapped to DOCKER_IP:PORT
If you were using Docker on Linux or Mac it will get mapped to localhost:port as in those cases Docker is running on localhost.
The same is not true for Windows at least with Docker Toolbox.
As per your configuration, you can access your application on HOST machine by hitting - Zuul and Eureka not working inside Docker

I´ve been trying to validade my microservices on a Docker structure, where i connect everything through linking containers but i´m not having success when trying to pass through an API Gateway with Zuul.
Basically i have theses microservices:
All of these start with success but i can´t acess the product-service behing the api-gateway.
My code is all at:
along with the docker commands that i´ve used.
The error usually is: Forwarding error
In my later tests i´ve been also having this error:
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: product-service
You can check it on the branch docker
Docker advises not to use --link option to link the containers and therefore this switch of docker run is deprecated.
There are many problems creating end-to-end links, like for example environment variables are being shared between 2 linked containers (imagine different values of JAVA_HOME for example).
Instead try coordinating your services using docker compose or define network using docker:
$ docker network create my-net
$ docker create --name my-eureka --network my-net --publish 8888:80 eureka:latest
$ docker network disconnect my-net my-eureka
Find more info in the docker docs

docker ports not available

I have a spring-config-sever project that I am trying to run via Docker. I can run it from the command line and my other services and browser successfully connect via:
However, if I run it via Docker, the call fails.
My config-server has a Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ARG JAR_FILE=build/libs/my-config-server-0.1.0.jar
ADD ${JAR_FILE} my-config-server-0.1.0.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","/my-config-server-0.1.0.jar"]
I build via:
docker build -t my-config-server .
I am running it via:
docker run my-config-server -p 8980:8980
And then I confirm it is running via
docker ps
1cecafdf99fe my-config-server "java -Djava.securit…" 14 seconds ago Up 13 seconds 8980/tcp suspicious_brahmagupta
When I run it via Docker, the browse fails with a "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" and my calling services fails with:
Could not locate PropertySource: I/O error on GET request for
"http://localhost:8980/aservice/dev": Connection refused (Connection
Adding full answer based on comments.
First, you have to specify -p before image name.
docker run -p 8980:8980 my-config-server.
Second, just configuring localhost with host port won't make your my-service container to talk to other container. locahost in container is within itself(not host). You will need to use appropriate docker networking model so both containers can talk to each other.
If you are on Linux, the default is Bridge so you can configure my-config-server container ip docker inspect {containerIp-of-config-server} as your config server endpoint.
Example if your my-config-server ip is then endpoint is -
Just follow the docker documentation for little bit more understanding on how networking works.
If you want to spin up both containers using docker-compose, then you can link both containers using service name. Just follow Networking in Compose.
I could imagine that the application only listens on localhost, ie
You might want to try setting the property server.address to
Then port 8980 should also be available externally.

Docker Mac alternative to --net=host

According to the docker documentation here
The host networking driver only works on Linux hosts, and is not supported on Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, or Docker EE for Windows Server.
On Mac what alternatives do people use?
My scenario
I want to run a docker container that'll host a micro-service
The micro-service has dependencies upon databases that I'm also running via docker
I thought I'd be able to use --net=host on Mac when running the micro-service
But the micro-service port is not exposed
I can override the db addresses (they default to localhost) on the microservice.
But that involves robust --env usage
What's the simplest / most elegant solution?
The most simple and most elegant solution is to use docker named bridge network.
You can create a custom bridge network (default is bridge) like this:
docker network create my-network
Every container deployed inside this network can communicate with each other by using the container name.
$ docker run --network=my-network --name my-app ...
$ docker run --network=my-network --name my-database...
In the example above you can connect to your database from inside your application by using my-database:port. If the container port is exposed in the Dockerfile you don't need to map it on your host and you can keep all your communication internal inside your custom docker bridge network.
In most cases the application its port is mapped (example: -p 80:80) so localhost:80 is mapped on container:80 and you can access the app from on your localhost. If the app needs to communicate with a db you don't need to expose the port of the db and you don't have to map it on localhost as explained already above.
Just keep the communication between app and db internal in your custom bridge network.
