Draftjs mentions plugin with scroll - draft-js-plugins

The issue is keydown/keyup aren't working when mention list popup has scroll , i can scroll using mouse but keyup/keydown aren't making the scroll move to the right position

This can be achieved by custom entry Component ->
const entryComponent = (props:any) => {
const { mention, isFocused, searchValue, ...parentProps } = props;
const entryRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (isFocused) {
if (entryRef.current && entryRef.current.parentElement) {
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'center',
behavior: 'auto'
}, [isFocused]);
return (
aria-selected={(isFocused ? 'true' : 'false')}
<div className={'mentionStyle'}>
</> );


Setting the state from a callback in the parent component doesn't work

I'm trying to set the state from the parent component using a callback. This callback gets passed down to the child component that renders a material ui datatable. The callback responds onClick and passes some values to the callback. The problem is that setting the state with the values from the callback arguments doesn't work.
My assumption is that when the user clicks the button from the child component, it should invoke the callback function and pass the values I needed to set the state.
Parent Component:
export default function ViewJobs() {
const [type, setType] = useState('');
const [params, setParams] = useState({});
const callback = ({ cellValues, componentType, path }) => {
setParams(cellValues) // Sets the params with an object.
console.log(cellValues) // Displays the data I need in the console
console.log(params) // Displays undefine in the console.
<TabPanel value={value} index={0} dir={theme.direction} >
Child Component
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default function DataTable(props) {
const { jobs, parentCallback } = props;
const rows = jobs.payload;
const handleDiaryClick = (event, cellValues) => {
const params = {
componentType: 'diary',
path: "/view/jobs/diary"
const renderDiaryElement = params => {
return (
style={{ backgroundColor: "#000000" }}
onClick={(event) => {
handleDiaryClick(event, params);
<MenuBookIcon />
return (
style={{ height: 400, width: '100%' }}
Since the state has been lifted up to the parent component, I'm under the impression that the code above should be working.
I tried to reproduce the issue but I couldn't replicate it.
Any advice or inputs are appreciated. Thanks.
After further checking on my codebase, I found that the history.push(path) located in my callback is causing the issue. I had to remove this line of code for it to work.

react navigation bottom nav shows a grey box on focus input

I have a problem with bottom nav when I focus on a input
When I focus on that input field bottom nav be hide but that grey box is before it.
I wanna know how I can delete that box
const TabBarComponent = props => <BottomTabBar {...props} />;
initialRouteName: "showFlow",
tabBarComponent: props => (
<TabBarComponent {...props} style={styles.bottomNav} />
tabBarOptions: {
inactiveTintColor: colors.grey,
activeTintColor: colors.background1
Try setting keyboardHidesTabBar from https://reactnavigation.org/docs/bottom-tab-navigator#tabbaroptions to false.
finally i did find a way for solve that problem:
import { Keyboard } from "react-native";
const TabBarComponent = props => {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
let keyboardDidShowListener = Keyboard.addListener(
let keyboardDidHideListener = Keyboard.addListener(
return () => {
}, []);
const _keyboardDidHide = () => setShow(false);
const _keyboardDidShow = () => setShow(true);
return (
style={{ height: show ? 0 : 80, backgroundColor: colors.background1 }}

UI Flickers when I drag and drop and item

I have a problem getting react-beautiful-dnd to work without flickering. I have followed the example in the egghead course. Here is my code sample.
Item List Container
onDragEnd = (result) => {
if (this.droppedOutsideList(result) || this.droppedOnSamePosition(result)) {
droppedOnSamePosition = ({ destination, source }) => destination.droppableId
=== source.droppableId && destination.index === source.index;
droppedOutsideList = result => !result.destination;
render() {
return (
<DragDropContext onDragEnd={this.onDragEnd}>
{this.props.categories.map((category, index) => (
Item Category
const ListCategory = ({
category, droppableId,
}) => (
<Droppable droppableId={String(droppableId)}>
{provided => (
<ListItems category={category} show={category.items && showIndexes} />
List items
{category.items.map((item, index) => (
render() {
const {
item, index, categoryIndex, itemStore,
} = this.props;
return (
<Draggable key={index} draggableId={item._id} index={index}>
{(provided, snapshot) => (
'list-item-container': true,
'selected-list-item': this.isSelectedListItem(item._id),
style={getItemStyle(snapshot.isDragging, provided.draggableProps.style)}
<div className={cx('select-title')}>
<p className={cx('list-item-name')}>{item.title}</p>
Method to reorder Items (I'm using Mobx-State_Tree)
reorderItem: flow(function* reorderItem(result) {
const { source, destination } = result;
const categorySnapshot = getSnapshot(self.itemCategories);
const sourceCatIndex = self.itemCategories
.findIndex(category => category._id === source.droppableId);
const destinationCatIndex = self.itemCategories
.findIndex(category => category._id === destination.droppableId);
const sourceCatItems = Array.from(categorySnapshot[sourceCatIndex].items);
const [draggedItem] = sourceCatItems.splice(source.index, 1);
if (sourceCatIndex === destinationCatIndex) {
sourceCatItems.splice(destination.index, 0, draggedItem);
const prioritizedItems = setItemPriorities(sourceCatItems);
applySnapshot(self.itemCategories[sourceCatIndex].items, prioritizedItems);
try {
yield itemService.bulkEditPriorities(prioritizedItems);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Problem editing priorities: ${error}`);
} else {
const destinationCatItems = Array.from(categorySnapshot[destinationCatIndex].items);
destinationCatItems.splice(destination.index, 0, draggedItem);
const prioritizedSourceItems = setItemPriorities(sourceCatItems);
applySnapshot(self.itemCategories[sourceCatIndex].items, prioritizedSourceItems);
const prioritizedDestItems = setItemPriorities(destinationCatItems);
applySnapshot(self.itemCategories[destinationCatIndex].items, prioritizedDestItems);
try {
const sourceCatId = categorySnapshot[sourceCatIndex]._id;
const originalItemId = categorySnapshot[sourceCatIndex].items[source.index]._id;
yield itemService.moveItemToNewCategory(originalItemId, sourceCatId, destinationCatIndex);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Problem editing priorities: ${error}`);
Sample data
const itemData = [
_id: 'category-1',
title: 'Backlog',
items: [
{ _id: 'item-1', title: 'Here and back again' },
_id: 'category-2',
title: 'In progress',
items: []
_id: 'category-3',
title: 'Done',
items: []
When and item is dragged and dropped, I check to see if the item is dropped in the outside the dnd context or in the same position it was dragged from. If true, i do nothing.
If the item is dropped within the context, i check to see if it was dropped in the same category. if true, i remove the item from its current position, put it in the target position, update my state, and make an API call.
If it was dropped in a different category, i remove the item from the source category, add to the new category, update the state and make an API call.
Am I missing something?
I am using both mst and the react-beautiful-dnd library
I will just paste my onDragEnd action method
onDragEnd(result: DropResult) {
const { source, destination } = result;
// dropped outside the list
if (!destination) {
if (source.droppableId === destination.droppableId) {
(self as any).reorder(source.index, destination.index);
reorder(source: number, destination: number) {
const tempLayout = [...self.layout];
const toMove = tempLayout.splice(source, 1);
const item = toMove.pop();
tempLayout.splice(destination + lockedCount, 0, item);
self.layout = cast(tempLayout);
I think in order to avoid the flicker you need to avoid using applySnapshot
You can replace this logic
const sourceCatItems = Array.from(categorySnapshot[sourceCatIndex].items);
const [draggedItem] = sourceCatItems.splice(source.index, 1);
sourceCatItems.splice(destination.index, 0, draggedItem);
const prioritizedItems = setItemPriorities(sourceCatItems);
applySnapshot(self.itemCategories[sourceCatIndex].items, prioritizedItems);
just splice the items tree
const [draggedItem] = categorySnapshot[sourceCatIndex].items.splice(destination.index, 0, draggedItem)
this way you don't need to applySnapshot on the source items after
I believe this issue is caused by multiple dispatches happening at the same time.
There're couple of things going on at the same time. The big category of stuff is going on is the events related to onDragStart, onDragEnd and onDrop. Because that's where an indicator has to show to the user they are dragging and which item they are dragging from and to.
So especially you need to put a timeout to onDragStart.
const invoke = (fn: any) => { setTimeout(fn, 0) }
Because Chrome and other browser will cancel the action if you don't do that. However that is also the key to prevent flickery.
const DndItem = memo(({ children, index, onItemDrop }: DndItemProps) => {
const [dragging, setDragging] = useState(false)
const [dropping, setDropping] = useState(false)
const dragRef = useRef(null)
const lastEnteredEl = useRef(null)
const onDragStart = useCallback((e: DragEvent) => {
const el: HTMLElement = dragRef.current
if (!el || (
document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY) !== el
)) {
e.dataTransfer.setData("index", `${index}`)
invoke(() => { setDragging(true) })
}, [setDragging])
const onDragEnd = useCallback(() => {
invoke(() => { setDragging(false) })
}, [setDragging])
const onDrop = useCallback((e: any) => {
invoke(() => { setDropping(false) })
const from = parseInt(e.dataTransfer.getData("index"))
onItemDrop && onItemDrop(from, index)
}, [setDropping, onItemDrop])
const onDragEnter = useCallback((e: DragEvent) => {
lastEnteredEl.current = e.target
}, [setDropping])
const onDragLeave = useCallback((e: DragEvent) => {
if (lastEnteredEl.current !== e.target) {
}, [setDropping])
return (
{(index < 100) && (
cloneElement(children as ReactElement<any>, { dragRef })
I have to apply two more timeout invoke in the above DndItem, the reason for that is during the drop, there're two many events are competing with each other, to name a few
onDragEnd, to sugar code the indicator
onDrop, to re-order
I need to make sure re-order happens very quickly. Because otherwise you get double render, one with the previous data, and one with the next data. And that's why the flickery is about.
In short, React + Dnd needs to apply setTimeout so that the order of the paint can be adjusted to get the best result.

Open only one React-Bootstrap Popover at a time

I'm using React-Bootstrap Popover and I was wondering if there is any builtin property that I can add either to Popover itself or to OverlayTrigger so only one popover will display at a time.
You can try rootClose props which will trigger onHide when the user clicks outside the overlay. Please note that in this case onHide is mandatory. e.g:
const Example = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return { show: true };
toggle() {
this.setState({ show: !this.state.show });
render() {
return (
<div style={{ height: 100, position: 'relative' }}>
<Button ref="target" onClick={this.toggle}>
I am an Overlay target
onHide={() => this.setState({ show: false })}
target={() => ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.target)}
<CustomPopover />
I managed to do this in a somewhat unconventional manner. You can create a class which tracks the handlers of all of your tooltips:
export class ToolTipController {
showHandlers = [];
addShowHandler = (handler) => {
setShowHandlerTrue = (handler) => {
this.showHandlers.forEach((showHandler) => {
if (showHandler !== handler) {
Then in your tooltip component:
const CustomToolTip = ({
}: CustomToolTipProps) => {
const [showTip, setShowTip] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (!controller) return;
}, []);
return (
onToggle={(nextShow) => {
if (!nextShow) return setShowTip(false);
controller ? controller.setShowHandlerTrue(setShowTip) : setShowTip(true);
overlay={(props: any) => <Overlay {...props}/>}
<div className={containerClassName}>{children}</div>
It's not really a 'Reacty' solution but it works quite nicely. Note that the controller is completely optional here so if you wanted you could not pass that in and it would then behave like a normal popover allowing multiple tooltips at once.
Basically to use it you can create another component and instantiate a controller which you pass into CustomToolTip. Then for any tooltips which are rendered using that component, only 1 will appear at a time.
STEP 1: we declare a currentPopover variable that contain current popover id, so we are sure that there is only one popover at a time.
const [currentPopover, setCurrentPopover] = useState(null);
STEP 2: the OverlayTrigger from react-bootstrap has properties to set popover state manually. If the currentPopover variable is equal to popover id then we show the popover.
show={currentPopover === `${i}`}
STEP 3: the OverlayTrigger from react-bootstrap has properties to handle popover click manually. On click we update the currentPopover variable with the new id, except if we clicked on the current.
onToggle={() => {
if( currentPopover === `${i}` )
const [currentPopover, setCurrentPopover] = useState(null);
show={currentPopover == `${i}`}
onToggle={() => {
if( currentPopover == `${i}` )
(I use ${i} as id cause my OverlayTrigger is in a loop where i is the index)

Double click and click on ReactJS Component

I have a ReactJS component that I want to have different behavior on a single click and on a double click.
I read this question.
onDoubleClick={this.onDoubleClick} />
And I tried it myself and it appears as though you cannot register both single click and double click on a ReactJS component.
I'm not sure of a good solution to this problem. I don't want to use a timer because I'm going to have 8 of these single components on my page.
Would it be a good solution to have another inner component inside this one to deal with the double click situation?
I tried this approach but it doesn't work in the render function.
render (
let props = {};
if (doubleClick) {
props.onDoubleClick = function
} else {
props.onClick = function
{...props} />
Here is the fastest and shortest answer:
class DoubleClick extends React.Component {
timer = null
onClickHandler = event => {
if (event.detail === 1) {
this.timer = setTimeout(this.props.onClick, 200)
} else if (event.detail === 2) {
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.onClickHandler}>
const DoubleClick = ({ onClick = () => { }, onDoubleClick = () => { }, children }) => {
const timer = useRef()
const onClickHandler = event => {
if (event.detail === 1) {
timer.current = setTimeout(onClick, 200)
} else if (event.detail === 2) {
return (
<div onClick={onClickHandler}>
var timer;
function onClick(event) {
if (event.detail === 1) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
console.log("SINGLE CLICK");
}, 200)
} else if (event.detail === 2) {
console.log("DOUBLE CLICK");
document.querySelector(".demo").onclick = onClick;
.demo {
padding: 20px 40px;
background-color: #eee;
user-select: none;
<div class="demo">
Click OR Double Click Here
I know this is an old question and i only shoot into the dark (did not test the code but i am sure enough it should work) but maybe this is of help to someone.
render() {
let clicks = [];
let timeout;
function singleClick(event) {
alert("single click");
function doubleClick(event) {
function clickHandler(event) {
clicks.push(new Date().getTime());
timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
if (clicks.length > 1 && clicks[clicks.length - 1] - clicks[clicks.length - 2] < 250) {
} else {
}, 250);
return (
<a onClick={clickHandler}>
click me
I am going to test this soon and in case update or delete this answer.
The downside is without a doubt, that we have a defined "double-click speed" of 250ms, which the user needs to accomplish, so it is not a pretty solution and may prevent some persons from being able to use the double click.
Of course the single click does only work with a delay of 250ms but its not possible to do it otherwise, you have to wait for the doubleClick somehow...
All of the answers here are overcomplicated, you just need to use e.detail:
<button onClick={e => {
if (e.detail === 1) handleClick();
if (e.detail === 2) handleDoubleClick();
Click me
A simple example that I have been doing.
File: withSupportDoubleClick.js
let timer
let latestTouchTap = { time: 0, target: null }
export default function withSupportDoubleClick({ onDoubleClick = () => {}, onSingleClick = () => {} }, maxDelay = 300) {
return (event) => {
const touchTap = { time: new Date().getTime(), target: event.currentTarget }
const isDoubleClick =
touchTap.target === latestTouchTap.target && touchTap.time - latestTouchTap.time < maxDelay
latestTouchTap = touchTap
timer = setTimeout(() => {
if (isDoubleClick) onDoubleClick(event)
else onSingleClick(event)
}, maxDelay)
File: YourComponent.js
import React from 'react'
import withSupportDoubleClick from './withSupportDoubleClick'
export default const YourComponent = () => {
const handleClick = withSupportDoubleClick({
onDoubleClick: (e) => {
console.log('double click', e)
onSingleClick: (e) => {
console.log('single click', e)
return (
Your content/button...
onTouchStart start is a touch event that fires when the user touches the element.
Why do you describe these events handler inside a render function? Try this approach:
const Component = extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
handleSingleClick = () => {
console.log('single click');
handleDoubleClick = () => {
console.log('double click');
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.handleSingleClick} onDoubleClick={this.handleDoubleClick}>
