Not able to download Cloudera - download

I am trying to find a link to download cloudera zip file on VMWare , but unable to get any.
Tried searching on google , on cloudera website , but in vain.
Can somebody share some views on it.

Cloudera indeed no longer provides a quickstart VM for the legacy CDH 5 platform, this can be seen here as you get redirected to CDP datacenter.
However be aware that CDH 5 relates to a very old distribution. I believe CDH 5 goes end of life this year. Even CDH 6 is not recommended for new clusters, as CDP 7 is already GA for a while. CDP, the Cloudera Data Platform is the successor to both CDH and HDP.
If you want to check out the latest version, there is a trial which should serve for most purposes that you may wanted to use the quickstart. This can be downloaded here.
Full disclosure: I am an employee of Cloudera, the company behind both CDH and CDP.

Seems Cloudera no longer supports Quickstart VM. I too faced this issue a month ago. I finally found a link to archived version here:
In the description of the above link, you will find the Google drive link for Cloudera 5.13.0. That's all i was able to find.


hortonworks website is NOT supporting download HDP Sandbox

I am in need of HDP 2.3.2 on Sandbox for VMWARE,
but there seems a problem in Hortonworks website,and I can't find one for downloading on Internet.
Go to .There you will find "Hortonworks Sandbox Archive". You can expand this chapter and find all released sandboxes for VirualBox and VMWare

Suitable hadoop framework for ubuntu

I want to start working with Hadoop and BigData. I need an easy graphical interface to start. I try Hue but I couldn't get it configured.
Please help me to choose my suitable Hadoop.
I use Ubuntu 14.04.
I think Cloudera,sandbox(by hortonworks) is a easy way.Hard way is installation to Ubuntu.Also i have ubuntu 14.04 and Hadoop(hive,pig),Apache spark exist and i dont need open virtual machine.
There are 3 major Hadoop distributions that you can start with.
Each one of them has a UI installer and manager. I think the best for you would be though, to use the virtual environment that these vendors provide.
The Hortonworks Developer Sandbox is an image including Hue as UI to get started. However, the downloadable sandbox image is based on CentOS.
If you want to install a Hortonworks Distribution on Ubuntu, you need to run an Ambari installation (Downloads - Hortonworks Hadoop). Be aware that Hue is not included into the default Ambari installation, but Hue can be installed easily separately. To run properly, Hue on Hortonworks still needs Python 2.6.x.
There are some distributions like Cloudera or Hortonworks but their package needs high machine configuration. For example RAM + 16GB and sometimes it's not possible for the user. In addition, they include some Hadoop related project that user doesn't need at all. If you want to enter this field seriously I strongly recommend installing Hadoop on your own. Doing that you do some configuration and will get familiar with many Hadoop concepts.
You can start using this install tutorial.

Cloudera support for docker container or Docker support for CM 5 image

Recently my org is considering Docker. Our group is using cloudera CDH 5.1.2.
1) Does cloudera compatable with Docker container?
2) Is there any known issue related to docker and cloudera combination?
I could not find any topic on docker in this forum.
Any pointer would be helpful.
An official answer from Cloudera has been posted here :
I read through what docker is, yesterday. I do not think this has
been tested, there are a number of platform virtualization projects in
progress, but I did not see this on the list.
Lookt at its intent, it might work but you would definately want to
test. The thing I'm concearned about is the level of effort to
normalize between distribution types as there are a large volume of
subcomponents that are brought directly into the CDH "Parcel" that are
platform specific.
You might be able to get a CM server and agents deployed in a generic
way, but then you would want CM to manage the deployment of CDH parcel
across the target "cluster" once it was online, rather than
abstracting that install as well.
Bottom line is installing Cloudera Manager inside a Docker container does not seem to be an easy route, because CM needs to manage the installation of the other Hadoop components.
Other options include:
Using Vagrant to create a CDH VM with Cloudera Manager (Cloudera Documentation Link)
Managing CDH components manually without cloudera Manager (Cloudera Documentation Link)

Hadoop on Windows [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a Microsoft Windows user and new to Apache Hadoop. Most of the Hadoop tutorials I found are Linux based so I am finding it difficult to learn Hadoop on Windows. Any pointers to learn Hadoop on Windows would be best.
If your primary objective is to learn Hadoop then it does not matter you learn it on Windows or Linux, because everything is exactly same on both platforms. I have extensively used Hadoop on both platform and found all the commands and processing are identical on Windows and Linux. So here are my suggestions:
Download VMware VMPlayer on your Windows Machine
Download CDH Virtual Machine for VMware
Access virtual machine in your Windows box and follow the tutorials exactly they are on Linux.
You can also try "Syncfusion BigData Studio" to run a single node cluster in your local machine along with required ecosystems installed with it; Also "Syncfusion BigData Platform" allows you to manage clusters in a much easy way without any manual configuration from user's end; These 2 setups are "100% free for everyone";
To download setup and know more, please refer:
You can also try Amazon Elastic MapReduce, this is more efficient if you don't have any linux experience.
I managed to port Hadoop-1.0.1 on windows-7, cygwin-1.7, jdk1.7_x64.
but it's not for beginners: you will need to patch and recompile hadoop.
I use Hadoop natively on Windows as a virtual 2-node cluster running on one machine. It runs inside Cygwin (so no VM). Works well to try Hadoop out and I still use it to test new code in small before putting it on the cluster. You basically get every bit of functionality as with a full cluster. Getting it to work can be a bit tricky though.
I used the following short guide: Stanford Hadoop for Windows guide
Which worked fine for me. Very important is that you use 0.20.0! Higher version do not run under Cygwin. I think it is best to leave the number of default nodes to 2. This way you can test if splitting the work across multiple nodes works, but more simultaneous nodes can give you memory problems.
With the latest release of Hadoop 2.2 I see that the release notes mentions that this version has significant improvements for running Hadoop on Windows. I downloaded Hadoop 2.2 yesterday and I saw lot of .cmd file alon with .sh files which ensures that this version has scripts and batch files for running Hadoop on Windows environment. However while looking at the Apache Hadoop documentation I couldn't find any step-by-step instructions on how to install and run this newer version on Windows. Besides this it looks like that the newer version has YARN architecture embedded in it and the old configurations provided on some of the tutorials online may be outdated and not applicable anymore. Is there any good documentation for Hadoop 2.2 available online ? I want it specifically for running Hadoop under Win
I compiled Hadoop on Windows and it's released as zetabyte's "Apache Hadoop for Windows". There is a core/common package available and also a package with a GNU environment (bash, etc.)

Is there a good online tutorial for Hadoop development on a Windows 7 machine? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been following the awesome Yahoo! Hadoop tutorial, which worked great for getting a virtual machine environment set up (Module 3 of the tutorial). But now I'm getting stumped by the HDFS section (Module 2) and think it might be easier if I had a Windows specific tutorial. I tried following this one, but some of the steps weren't quite right. I've been trying to find a good tutorial that will work for me on my Windows 7 machine, but am a bit stuck. Is there a good place to go for this? Hadoop seems to be very geared toward Linux users, and unfortunately I have to use my work laptop, which is Windows 7. Can I make this work or does it really only work for Linux users?
The Hadoop tutorial on the Yahoo Developer Network is outdated and problematic. Half of the steps didn't work for me at all (I was running their image in VMware Player on Windows 7), and the other half were vague. The Java code examples were poorly written and wouldn't compile. At any rate, they are written for the old Hadoop API.
I gave up on that tutorial and instead used the Cloudera Demo VM image. This comes pre-configured with Hadoop, Pig, Hive, HBase, etc. I was in business at once and had no problems compiling and running Hadoop jobs and Pig scripts.
The Cloudera Demo VM downloads on their main support page ('s+Hadoop+Demo+VM) are all 64-bit. If you are looking for a 32-bit version like I was, you can get one here:
This one has a slightly older version of the Cloudera distro (CDH3u0) running on Ubuntu 10.10 with Gnome desktop. I installed Eclipse for compiling my Hadoop jobs, but didn't bother trying to install the Hadoop plugin, which I've heard is problematic. The first time around, I made the mistake of accidentally updating the Cloudera distro to CDH3u3 via the system's Update Manager and this messed up my Hadoop configuration. I didn't know how to reconfigure it properly, so I just started over from the original image.
To get Pig running, you need to first set the JAVA_HOME variable: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
Unfortunately, I wasted a ton of time with that old YDN tutorial before a Java developer friend familiar with Hadoop pointed me to the Cloudera distribution.
I was completely new to hadoop and honestly I found the cloudera tutorials and information completely unhelpful. Give the IBM ones a shot, they're super helpful and they are very friendly for beginners. Step by step instructions for pretty much all of the core hadoop applications and a few specific to IBM's distro.
Here's the download link. --
You have to make an account but it's free and doesn't take that long.
I can't post more than one link right now but is pretty easy to find the tutorials online and they also exist within the VM.
Also there's a forum that I've posted my questions on when I get stuck and somebody from IBM has always helped me out within an hour to a day. Cant post the link but if you google "IBM InfoSphere BigInsights Forum", its the first hit.
Good Luck!
I am trying to learn Hadoop right now also and what I did was download virtual box ( ) and load some linux images on it and started following tutorials.
You can even get a pre-made hadoop setup image from cloudera. I think this approach is far better than installing and setting up on your prime machine because in the event there's a problem you're main machine won't be effected(you can simply revert to an old copy of your virtual linux image or scrape it and start again without any impact).
Good luck!
Developing Hadoop on windows is doable but hard to get right. It requires installing Cygwin and getting all the environment variables right can be tricky.
To get started developing on windows I recommend installing vmware player and run the pre configured virtual machine by Cloudera. This simply means you will be doing the Hadoop development in linux without rebooting or reinstalling your windows system and without the installation troubles assiciated with cygwin.
I've been banging my head against the yahoo tutorial for a long time as well. The Eclipse plugin is no longer maintained and is pretty unreliable. Hopefully the cloudera image will do the the trick.
I have just finished the "Hadoop Fundamentals I - Version 2 " at
It comes with IBM BigBisunessInsight VMWare images and works very well.
The images include a local mode one and a cluster mode one. It is able to simulate a multiple nodes cluster in my Windows 8 workstation with 8GB RAM.
Hope this information be helpful:-)
