What is "setindex! not defined" error in julia? - coding-style

When I run my code one error occurs with my code setindex! not defined for WeakRefStrings.StringArray{String,1}
CSV File here.
using CSV
EVDdata =CSV.read(raw"wikipediaEVDdatesconverted.csv")
And the Error Code is here
rows, cols = size(EVDdata)
for j =1:cols
for i = 1:rows
if !isdigit(string(EVDdata[i, j])[1])
EVDdata[i,j] = 0
I am working with Julia 1.4.1 on Jupter Notebook

setindex!(collection, item, inds...) is the function that colection[inds...] = item gets lowered to. The error comes from the fact that CSV.read makes an immutable collection.

As Oscar says in his answer, setindex! tries to mutate its arguments, i.e. change the contents of your column in place. When you do CSV.read(), by default immutable columns of type CSV.Column are returned. This is done for performance reason, as it means columns don't have to be copied after parsing.
To get around this, you can do two things:
Pass the keyword argument CSV.read(raw"wikipediaEVDdatesconverted.csv", copycols = true) - this will copy the columns and therefore make them mutable; or
Achieve the same by using DataFrame((raw"wikipediaEVDdatesconverted.csv"))
The second way is the preferred way as CSV.read will be deprecated in the CSV.jl package.
You can see that it's current implementation is basically doing the same thing I listed in (2) above in the source here. Removing this method will allow CSV.jl not to depend on DataFrames.jl anymore.

It could also be done this way
col1dt = Vector{Dates.DateTime}(undef, length(col1))
for v = 1:length(col1)
col1dt[v] = Dates.DateTime(col1[v], "d-u-y")


Chef Ruby hash.merge VS hash[new_key]

I ran into an odd issue when trying to modify a chef recipe. I have an attribute that contains a large hash of hashes. For each of those sub-hashes, I wanted to add a new key/value to a 'tags' hash within. In my recipe, I create a 'tags' local variable for each of those large hashes and assign the tags hash to that local variable.
I wanted to add a modification to the tags hash, but the modification had to be done at compile time since the value was dependent on a value stored in an input json. My first attempt was to do this:
tags = node['attribute']['tags']
tags['new_key'] = json_value
However, this resulted in a spec error that indicated I should use node.default, or the equivalent attribute assignment function. So I tried that:
tags = node['attribute']['tags']
node.normal['attribute']['tags']['new_key'] = json_value
While I did not have a spec error, the new key/value was not sticking.
At this point I reached my "throw stuff at a wall" phase and used the hash.merge function, which I used to think was functionally identical to hash['new_key'] for a single key/value pair addition:
tags = node['attribute']['tags']
tags.merge({ 'new_key' => 'json_value' })
This ultimately worked, but I do not understand why. What functional difference is there between the two methods that causes one to be seen as a modification of the original chef attribute, but not the other?
The issue is you can't use node['foo'] like that. That accesses the merged view of all attribute levels. If you then want to set things, it wouldn't know where to put them. So you need to lead off by tell it where to put the data:
tags = node.normal['attribute']['tags']
tags['new_key'] = json_value
Or just:
node.normal['attribute']['tags']['new_key'] = json_value
Beware of setting things at the normal level though, it is not reset at the start of each run which is probably what you want here, but it does mean that even if you remove the recipe code doing the set, the value will still be in place on any node that already ran it. If you want to actually remove things, you have to do it explicitly.

TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'pygame.Surface' objects

I am currently teaching myself game programming, and I've started nice and easy with pygame. I went through a tutorial that showed me how to build a simple game, and now that I am finished with it, I am in the process of trying to reorganize the code in a manner that makes sense to me, and also to edit it and add to it.
Part of what I tried to change is that instead of loading one '.png' file for a character, I load a list of them that will be iterated through in a 'move()' function I designed to make the characters look like they are moving. However I keep running into an error and I don't know why. Near the beginning of my code (all I've done is imported necessary modules and initialized pygame and some necessary variables) I tried to do the following code:
badguyimgs = ['badguy.png', 'badguy2.png', 'badguy3.png', 'badguy4.png']
for img in badguyimgs:
badguyimgs.append(pygame.image.load("resources/images/" + img))
I keep getting the following error:
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'pygame.Surface' objects
So far I have tried to initialize a new variable (resource = "resources/images/" + img) and place that at the beginning of the "for" loop and then insert that into the pygame.image.load(). I've also tried using os.path.join("resource/images/" + img). I've tried using the full path name ("c:\\Users\\ . . . \\resources\\images\\" +img). But any time I try to concatenate the pathname with the file name in the list, I get the above error code. I tried looking in the pygame documentation, but didn't see anything that helped in this situation. I've tried googling the error, but get nothing in reference to this. (a lot of issues with people tring to concatenate int types to strings though. . . ) I would appreciate any help anyone could give in pointing out why I am experiencing this, and what could fix it. Thanks.
It looks like what you're doing is appending the pygame.surface object (that you loaded from a png file) to the list while you're iterating through it. You are loading the images successfully. However after your function adds the first image and removes the string, your list looks like this:
badguyimgs = ['badguy2.png', 'badguy3.png', 'badguy4.png', pygame.image]
You are still iterating through the list, so your function starts trying to concatenate the string and the pygame.surface object. I would recommend creating an empty list, and add your loaded images to that list without adding or removing anything from the original. Hope this helped!
Here's an example to go with PlatypusVenom's explanation:
file_names = ['badguy.png', 'badguy2.png', 'badguy3.png', 'badguy4.png']
images = []
for file_name in file_names:
images.append(pygame.image.load("resources/images/" + file_name))
Now the pygame.Surface objects are in images, and the variable names for the lists are less confusing. Another option is to use a list comprehension:
images = [pygame.image.load("resources/images/" + file_name) for file_name in \
("badguy.png", "badguy2.png", "badguy3.png", "badguy4.png")]
This is similar to what you were going for in the code posted. The list of strings will be removed from memory, leaving only pygame.Surface objects in the images list.

why does sorting a table in Lua doesn't work

I have a piece of Lua code that generate an error and I don't understand how to solve it.
local last_num = 0
local channelTable={}
for num in channels.each_number() do -- channels.each_number() returns 1.number in each call
channelTable[last_num] =num;
last_num = last_num +1;
based on lua documentation I can use the function sort to sort the saved numbers in channelTable. the error that I get is:
attempt to index global 'table'
Any idea how can I solve this, or should implement bubble sort?
thanks for any hint!
Either you haven't loaded the table library or you have overwritten it by accident.
The error message seems truncated: it should say why indexing failed.
The error you are seeing indicates that the table library is not available. It's unlikely that this core library isn't part of your Lua environment, so it's likely you have assigned something to table elsewhere in your code.
I think the issue may be that you are expecting channels.each_number() to be called in each iteration of the loop. If I'm not mistaken, I think it only gets called the first time the program goes through the loop. Whatever you use in thefor..in loop needs to be a table, I believe. So I guess the problem is that your table isn't being generated as you want it to. Try doing this:
print('number of items in channelTable = ' .. #channelTable)
If it comes out to 0, then what I said is probably the problem.

Type mismatch error while reading lotus notes document in vb6

Am trying to read the lotus notes document using VB6.I can able to read the values of the but suddenly type mismatch error is throwed.When i reintialise the vb6 variable it works but stops after certain point.
ex; address field in lotus notes
private function ImsField(pValue)
end function
Like this I am reading the remaining fields but at certain point the runtime error "13" type mismatch error throwed.
I have to manually reintialize by
set doc=view.getdocumentbykey(doclist)
The type mismatch error occurs for a certain field. The issue should be a data type incompatibility. Try to figure out which field causes the error.
Use GetItemValue() instead of short notation for accessing fields and don't use ImsField():
The type mismatch is occurring because you are encountering a case where pValue is not an array. That will occur when you attempt to reference a NotesItem that does not exist. I.e., doc.MissingItem.
You should not use the shorthand notation doc.itemName. It is convenient, but it leads to sloppy coding. You should use getItemValue as everyone else is suggesting, and also you should check to see if the NotesItem exists. I.e.,
if doc.hasItem("myItem") then
end if
Notes and Domino are schema-less. There are no data integrity checks other than what you write yourself. You may think that the item always has to be there, but the truth is that there is nothing that will ever guarantee that, so it is always up to you to write your code so that it doesn't assume anything.
BTW: There are other checks that you might want to perform besides just whether or not the field exists. You might want to check the field's type as well, but to do that requires going one more level up the object chain and using getFirstItem instead of getItemValue, which I'm not going to get into here. And the reason, once again, is that Notes and Domino are schema-less. You might think that a given item must always be a text list, but all it takes is someone writing sloppy code in an one-time fix-it agent and you could end up having a document in which that item is numeric!
Checking your fields is actually a good reason (sometimes) to encapsulate your field access in a function, much like the way you have attempted to do. The reason I added "sometimes" above is that your code's behavior for a missing field isn't necessarily always going to be the same, but for cases where you just want to return a default value when the field doesn't exist you can use something like this:
lsaddress ImsField("address","")
private function ImsField(fieldName,defaultValue)
if doc.hasItem(fieldName) then
end if
end function
Type mismatch comes,
When you try to set values from one kind of datatype variable to different datatype of another variable.
dim x as String
Dim z as variant
z= Split("Test:XXX",":")
The above will through the error what you mentioned.
So check the below code...
lsaddress = ImsField(doc.address)
What is the datatype of lsaddress?
What is the return type of ImsField(doc.address)?
If the above function parameter is a string, then you should pass the parameter like (doc.address(0))

Pass data from workspace to a function

I created a GUI and used uiimport to import a dataset into matlab workspace, I would like to pass this imported data to another function in matlab...How do I pass this imported dataset into another function....I tried doing diz...but it couldnt pick diz....it doesnt pick the data on the matlab workspace....any ideas??
[file_input, pathname] = uigetfile( ...
{'*.txt', 'Text (*.txt)'; ...
'*.xls', 'Excel (*.xls)'; ...
'*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ...
'Select files');
M = dlmread(file_input);
X = freed(M);
I think that you need to assign the result of this statement:
to a variable, like this
dataset = uiimport(file_input);
and then pass that to your next function:
M = dlmread(dataset);
This is a very basic feature of Matlab, which suggests to me that you would find it valuable to read some of the on-line help and some of the documentation for Matlab. When you've done that you'll probably find neater and quicker ways of doing this.
EDIT: Well, #Tim, if all else fails RTFM. So I did, and my previous answer is incorrect. What you need to pass to dlmread is the name of the file to read. So, you either use uiimport or dlmread to read the file, but not both. Which one you use depends on what you are trying to do and on the format of the input file. So, go RTFM and I'll do the same. If you are still having trouble, update your question and provide details of the contents of the file.
In your script you have three ways to read the file. Choose one on them depending on your file format. But first I would combine file name with the path:
file_input = fullfile(pathname,file_input);
I wouldn't use UIIMPORT in a script, since user can change way to read the data, and variable name depends on file name and user.
With DLMREAD you can only read numerical data from the file. You can also skip some number of rows or columns with
M = dlmread(file_input,'\t',1,1);
skipping the first row and one column on the left.
Or you can define a range in kind of Excel style. See the DLMREAD documentation for more details.
The filename you pass to DLMREAD must be a string. Don't pass a file handle or any data. You will get "Filename must be a string", if it's not a string. Easy.
FREAD reads data from a binary file. See the documentation if you really have to do it.
There are many other functions to read the data from file. If you still have problems, show us an example of your file format, so we can suggest the best way to read it.
