Stuck in Processing Update for over a month - google-play

We try to get an update into the play store for over a month now (34 days). But we‘re basically stuck in „processing update“.
We tried to contact the Google Play Console support, they can‘t help us, they keep telling us „it takes time“. We also tried to contact them via Twitter, their they either said „it takes time“ and once „you were rejected, check the email for details“.
We never got an email, so we have no clue what‘s going on, we asked them to send the email again, no response.
Is there any way to get in touch with the review team to get this sorted, we‘re getting mad with this problem.

So basically nothing really helped here besides waiting, after 36 days both updates got approved. End of story.
Unless you know someone at the review team you won't have any luck.


Google play Console: Property incorrect_psl_declaration.TITLE not found

I just pushed my new updates on play store and all over sudden am getting this error, I have tried to research online for answers but I get non, any help what this error means and how to fix it?
Any help and guidance on how to fix this is highly appreciated
I'm glad to see others have been impacted and it was not just me!
It seems to be a bug with the Google review system. Best thing to do is contact them via the link to their form in the footer of the email you received.
Update 2:
I did not take any action and passed the review process today.
Update 1:
I received the reply I have screenshot below, which does not help much. I asked what the notification was about and he did not address the issue at all, so now I don't know what to do. However he did confirm that my app was currently in the review queue, so maybe we just need to wait. Maybe the email notification with errors can be ignored. I will wait a few days to see if my app passes review without taking any further action.
I've just updated my Data Safety forms adding Device or other identifiers because my app request Ad Id, BSSID etc.
I've faced the same issue, and the solution is :
You need to check if you're using third-party libraries (in my case, IronSource and AdMob) that collect the user data.
If you're using IronSource you need to fill the Data Safety from here :
After you fill the Data Safety, hit the save button and wait for the review to complete.

Ms Teams cant call member that actually existed

I'm sorry, here I've no clue about what happen. So, there is no workaround or something that I'v try.
My ms teaams in my company seems have problem when working hours. Such as:
Missing folder in sharepoint or onedrive
Cant call member that already listed.
Calenders ocasionally blank.
PS : No probs in internet connection.
I'm just regular member of Ms Teams, buat really confussing. Theres no clear confirmation from IT depart.
Can anybody help to explain what happen? As I know Ms Teams using cloud. Or Ms Teams using personal "server" may be? So when it's busy some problem happen.
Thanks very much for any responses.
sample if I call out of work hour
can't call name nadhira.

Error: 5080 : Form transaction registration failed - tried previous answers

I have searched the answers to similar questions asked about this SagePay error, and checked that the fixes don't appear to apply to my problem.
I am using a correct 2-letter country code for BillingCountry and DeliveryCountry.
I am POSTing VPSProtocol, TxType and Vendor as well as the Crypt value.
I have re-checked that I am using the correct encryption key from the MySagePay test portal.
Now I was using http://localhost:8084/app/success and http://localhost:8084/app/failure for my success and failure URLs, since I thought that although these are (obviously) not visible externally, it shouldn't matter since SagePay is re-directing at the end of its part of the transaction. (Is this assumption correct, or do these URLs need to be externally accessible?) Some of the answers have thrown doubt on this, so I changed them to an external website I own, and I still get the same error.
Another line of thought is that the client I am developing for has already gone live, and there seem to be hints that once you have gone live, you no longer have access to the test server (Is this true?)
Is there anything else I should be checking? (Additional info: I'm using the SagePay api (sagepay-api- and related libraries) to validate the form contents and encrypt them.
I used the integration from
I had this error (5080) and spoke to SagePay support and they guided me to the MySagePay portal where you can view Invalid transactions to be able to troubleshoot this error easily!
Hope this helps someone.
Chris Rickards
I had exact same problem and I tried everything that you described as well, one day after I found that the problem was in "VendorEMail" field, it had 2 email addresses separated by ;, once I removed second and left only one email everything worked.

Cannot re-create app due to error "This Firebase URL is not available"

I decided to try out Firebase hosting and wanted to start fresh so I deleted my one and only app, but when I tried to create a new app with the same name I was unable to due to the error:
"This Firebase URL is not available"
I can only guess this is because of caching of app names/URLs? Hopefully it will become available (unless someone else beats me to it) after some timeout? Any info from others who have experience with this issue or otherwise know the answer is appreciated!
Not sure whether this is the right place to ask although Firebase suggest coming to SO because they apparently monitor Firebase-related questions closely according to their website.
Once you delete a Firebase URL, it is permanently unavailable. It cannot be recovered.
During confirmation, you should see a message like this, which explains in detail:
This stems from a number of abuse vectors that are possible by misappropriating a project id that the prior owner believes is deleted and could still have apps/releases in the wild attached to the defunct backend. Since compliance requires that we purge all data related to the project, including information about ownership, there's not even a way to restore one you personally deleted.

NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore error: com.xxxxx.xxxxx has no valid entitlement

Set up MKStorekit, also have Share kit, my store is not in the root view controller. I have security and storekit frameworks added and connected correctly, and am getting the following error:
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore error: com.xxxx.xxxx has no valid entitlement
Someone else had this error and was told to wait a few hours. Well, I set up my products in iTunes Connect (they all say waiting for review) 3 weeks ago. The bank account information is correct because I've deposited money into the bank account to make sure, and I've been careful to follow all the instructions.
My app has nothing to do with iCloud, and therefore iCloud is not enabled.
I've been struggling getting IAP hooked up for 3 weeks now, and am about to give up on xcode programming forever lol... plllllllllease someone help me :/
there's a bunch of iCloud stuff in the MKStoreManger.m file, just commented it out and it fixed the error. Still no store, but it doesn't appear to be due to this
