Installing pip on Mac OSX password issue - macos

I am learning Python and trying to install PIP. However, I keep reaching a password issue in the terminal. There seems to be a key symbol and does not allow me to type in my computer password. I'd appreciate any help.
The python password issue

In a terminal when inputting your password it does not echo. Double check your typing as well.
If you really cannot get sudo to work, then boot the system into single user mode (COMMAND+S) and repeat your command.


Silent/Automated Homebrew Install

I am trying to get homebrew installed remotely on a machine without a terminal open and without ssh access to the machine. Our company uses a Directory-as-a-Service which allows us to remotely push shell scripts to our computers which is great, but it requires the scripts to have no interactivity.
Is there a way to automate the installer and remove the “Press enter to continue” prompt in the install process?
Zach S
The env variable CI seems to silence this prompt:
export CI=1

Python and OpenSSH

I feel like there is something fundamental I'm missing here, and because of that googling the error has been very difficult.
I've set up an SSH connection to my home computer using the instructions I found here:
I'm able to access ipython interactively by entering ipython but the prompt is not behaving at all like I expect. Please see the following interaction:
The session isn't immediately responsive and seems to be running the commands in some type of batch mode, and still not all of them. I don't receive any output until I exit the program. Running python and not ipython behaves similarly. I'm hoping to have a somewhat more standard interactive python experience, and have no idea how to go about debugging this.
Information on my system:
OS - Windows 10, both machines
SSH - OpenSSH set up through link above
Python - 2.7.11, Anaconda install 2.5.0
Remote access application - Putty
Thanks for any help-

Enthought canopy won't install

I'm having some trouble installing Canopy on my Mac OS X (running 10.9.5) under my primary username. I get to the point where it asks for the location for the Canopy Environment Directory, but when I hit Continue, it crashes. I have been able to install it on the same computer, using my secondary username, but switching between the two usernames is less than ideal. Would love any suggestions. I already tried removing admin status from the secondary username to see if that changed anything, but it did not.
Thanks to anyone who has suggestions!
Any chance that this is relevant?
I actually had the same problem on my Mac. For me, I resolved it by changing the ownership of my home directory:
Open Terminal
Type in the following commands (hit enter after every line):
cd ~
cd ..
sudo chown <your_username> <your_directory>
replace <your_username> with your username, and <your_directory> with the directory in which all your personal files are stored
The last command may ask for a password. If it does, enter your password and hit Enter.

Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. OSX

I use GIT Tower to push to a remote repository and also use Terminal to connect to a few amazon AWS instances using key files from my Mac (OSX Mavericks)
For some reason, I've started receiving this error:
Agent admitted failure to sign using the key
I've tried running
I;ve tried resetting the permissions of the file, removed my known_hosts file, everything. Can't get my head round it, I haven't a clue why this has just started, but its very frustrating.
ANY feedback or help would be received with gratitude.
Such kinds of errors may occur due to the incompatibility of OpenSSH. After generating the keys on your home directory, you can fix this error by simply loading your generated keys into your SSH agent with the following command:
>$ ssh-add
Hope this helps.
the culprit is Tower v1.5.3. Had the same behaviour today on my Macs. Downgrading to Tower v1.5.2 helps. If the identity were added with v1.5.3 clear the identities in the SSH Agent (ssh-add -D) before connecting with Tower v1.5.2 again.
Note: You can use Tower v1.5.3, but then your SSH Key must have a passphrase to get this version of Tower to work.
This is a general problem with the Mac OS update 10.9.2 (see here for a general discussion, outside of Tower: Git push keep getting permission denied after mac 10.9.2 update)
As said before, running "ssh-add -D" on your command line, possibly combined with a restart of your Mac OS should solve the issue.
Tower 1.5.4 is out, with the correct bugfix:
Simplify SSH Public Key management after Apple's security update in Mac OS 10.9.2
The way I got around this was to remove all identities. I ran the command
ssh-add -D
The prompt then returns: All identities removed.
I then logged in to my server via SSH and the message disappeared.

Have to use sudo while using node command in osx

I just installed node.js in osx, finding that I have to use sudo before executing any node command, which causes big inconvenience. I think the problem is that my current system account does't have the permission to execute node command, which I guess could be resolved by authorisation. Yet, I don't know how to do it. Anyone knowing how to authorise? Thanks in advance!
