Unable to establish Connection on the proceeding request - jmeter

I have been running my JMeter script with the following setup
Users: 100
Loop Controller: 5
I used Loop Controller on the http request where transactions are needed to iterate.
My question is, there is a particular request which is searching where after 5 successful search the proceeding searches displayed “Customer API. Unable to establish connection”
Please see image below:
1 First Image displays lower load time while second image displays higher load time

It looks like you discovered a bottleneck in your application or at least it is not properly configured for high loads. Almost a minute response time for transfering 600 kilobytes is not something I would expect from a well-behaved application.
The error message you're getting is very specific so I would recommend checking your application logs as the very first step. The remaining steps would be inspecting application and middleware configuration and ensuring that it's properly set up for high performance and it has enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, Network, Disk, etc.


What difference does it make if I add think time to my virtual users as opposed to letting them execute requests in a loop as fast as they can?

I have a requirement to test that a Public Website can serve a defined peak number of 400 page loads per second.
From what I read online, when testing web pages performance, virtual users (threads) should be configured to pause and "think" on each page they visit, in order to simulate the behavior of a real live user before sending a new page load request.
I must use some remote load generator machines to generate this necessary load, and I have a limit on how many virtual users I can use per each load generator. This means that if I make each virtual user pause and "think" for x seconds on each page, that user will not generate a lot of load compared to how much it would if it was executing as fast as it could with no configured think time - and this would cause me to need more users and implicitly need more load generator machines to achieve my desired "page loads per second" and this would be more costly in the end.
If my only request is to prove that a server can serve 400 page loads per second, I would like to know what difference does it really make if I add think times (and therefore use more virtual users) or not.
Why is generally "think time" considered as something which should be added when testing web pages performance ?
Virtual user which is "idle" (doing nothing) has minimal resources footprint (mainly thread stack size) so I don't think you will need to have more machines
Well-behaved load test must represent real life usage of the application with 100% accuracy, if you're testing a website each JMeter thread (virtual user) must mimic a real user using a real browser with all related features like
handling embedded resources (image, scripts, styles, fonts, sounds, etc.)
using caching properly
getting and sending back cookies
sending appropriate headers
processing AJAX requests like browser does
the most straightforward example of the difference between 400 users without think times and 4000 users with think times will be that 4000 users will open 4000 connections and keep them open and 400 users will open only 400 connections.

Tomcat unexpected maximum response time for a request when load testing is done using jmeter

I have a spring boot application which has a post endpoint which takes the request and send it to another service and get the response back and save it to mongo database and returned the response back to user. The application is deployed on embedded tomcat of spring boot. I am using jmeter to see the max response time, throughput etc.
When i ran a test from jmeter with 500 threads for 10 minutes, i got maximum time as around 3500ms.
When i repeat the test from jmeter the maximum time gets reduced to 900ms.
Again, if i run the test after a long time, the maximum again goes upto 3500ms.
I am not able to get any information regarding this behavior of tomcat.
Could you please help me with understanding this behavior of tomcat?
What do you mean by "unexpected"? Lower response time when you repeat the test can be explained by either your application implementation, like when you start load test against the application which is just deployed it's performance might not be optimal and when you repeat the test the cache is "warmed up" so you're getting better performance.
Another explanation could be JIT optimization as JVM is analyzing the pattern of your application usage and does inner improvements of the bytecode to better serve the given load pattern.
Third possible explanation is MongoDB caching, if 500 users are sending the same responses it might be the case the database stores the result sets in memory and when you repeat the test it doesn't actually access the storage but returns the results directly from the memory which is fast and cheap. Consider properly parameterizing your JMeter test so each thread (virtual user) would use its own credentials and perform different query than the other thread(s), but keep in mind that the test needs to be repeatable so don't use unique data each time, it's better to have sufficient set of pre-defined test data

Why is JMeter Result is different to User Experience Result?

We are currently conducting performance tests on both web apps that we have, one is running within a private network and the other is accessible for all. For both apps, a single page-load of the landing page or initial page only takes between 2-3 seconds on a user POV, but when we use blaze and JMeter, the results are between 15-20 seconds. Am I missing something? The 15-20 seconds result came from the Loadtime/Sample Time in JMeter and in Elapsed column if extracted to .csv. Please help as I'm stuck.
We have tried conducting tests on multiple PCs within the office premises along with a PC remotely accessed on another site and we still get the same results. The number of thread and ramp-up period is both set to 1 to imitate a single user only.
Where a delta exists, it is certain to mean that two different items are being timed. It would help to understand on your front end are you timing to a standard metric, such as w3c domComplete, time to interactive, first contentful paint, some other location, and then compare where this comes into play on the drilldown on the performance tab of chrome. Odds are that there is a lot occuring that is not visible that is being captured by Jmeter.
You might also look for other threads on here on how jmeter operates as compared to a "real browser" There are differences which could come into play affecting your page comparisons, particularly if you have dozens/hundreds of elements that need to be downloaded to complete your page. Also, pay attention to third party components where you do not have permission to test their servers.
I can think of 2 possible causees:
Clear your browser history, especially browser cache. It might be the case you're getting HTTP Status 304 for all requests in browser because responses are being returned from the browser cache and no actual requests are being made while JMeter always uses "clean" session.
Pay attention to Connect Time and Latency metrics as it might be the case the server response time is low but the time for network packets to travel back and forth is very high.
Connect Time. JMeter measures the time it took to establish the connection, including SSL handshake. Note that connect time is not automatically subtracted from latency. In case of connection error, the metric will be equal to the time it took to face the error, for example in case of Timeout, it should be equal to connection timeout.
Latency. JMeter measures the latency from just before sending the request to just after the first response has been received. Thus the time includes all the processing needed to assemble the request as well as assembling the first part of the response, which in general will be longer than one byte. Protocol analysers (such as Wireshark) measure the time when bytes are actually sent/received over the interface. The JMeter time should be closer to that which is experienced by a browser or other application client.
So basically "Elapsed time = Connect Time + Latency + Server Processing Time"
In general given:
the same machine
clean browser session
and JMeter configured to behave like a real browser
you should get similar or equal timings for the same page

no response from the host :snmpwalk

I have implemented AgentX using mib2c.create-dataset.conf ( with cache enabled)
In my snmd.conf :: agentXTimeout 15
In testtable.h file I have changed cache value as below...
#define testTABLE_TIMEOUT 60
According to my understanding It loads data every 60 second.
Now my issue is if the data in data table is exceeds some amount it takes some amount of time to load it.
As in between If I fired SNMPWALK it gives me “no response from the host” If I use SNMPWALK for whole table and in between testTABLE_TIMEOUT occurs it stops in between and shows following error (no response from the host).
Please tell me how to solve it ? In my table large amount of data is present and changing frequently.
I read some where:
(when the agent receives a request for something in this table and the cache is older than the defined timeout (12s > 10s), then it does re-load the data. This is the expected behaviour.
However the agent does not automatically release the local cache (i.e. call the 'free' routine) as soon as the timeout has expired.
Instead this is handled by a regular "garbage collection" run (once a minute), which will free any stale caches.
In the meantime, a request that tries to use that cache will spot that it's expired, and reload the data.)
Is there any connection between these two ?? I can’t get this... How to resolve my problem ???
Unfortunately, if your data set is very large and it takes a long time to load then you simply need to suffer the slow load and slow response. You can try and load the data on a regular basis using snmp_alarm or something so it's immediately available when a request comes in, but that doesn't really solve the problem either since the request could still come right after the alarm is triggered and the agent will still take a long time to respond.
So... the best thing to do is optimize your load routine as much as possible, and possibly simply increase the timeout that the manager uses. For snmpwalk, for example, you might add -t 30 to the command line arguments and I bet everything will suddenly work just fine.

does testing a website through JMeter actually overload the main server

I am using to test my web server https://buyandbrag.in .
I have tested it for 100 users. But the main server is not showing like it is crowded or not.
I want to know whether it is really pressuring the main server(a cloud server I am using).Or just use the client resourse where the tool is installed.
Yes as mentioned you should be monitoring both servers to see how they handle the load. The simplest way to do this is with TOP (if your server OS is *NIX) also you should be watching the network activity i.e. Bandwidth, connection status (time wait, close wait and so on).
Also if your using apache keep an eye on the logs you should see the requests being logged there
Good luck with the tests
I want to know "how many users my website can handele ?",when I tested with 50 threads ,the cpu usage of my server increased but not the connections log(It showed just 2 connections).also the bandwidth usage is not that much
Firstly what connections are you referring to? Apache, DB etc?
Secondly if you want to see how many users your current setup can hand you need to create a profile or traffic model of what an average user will do on your site.
For example:
Say 90% of the time they will search for something
5% of the time they will purchase x
5% of the time they login.
Once you have your "Traffic Model" defined, implement it in jMeter then start increasing your load in increments i.e. running your load test for 10mins with x users, after 10mins increment that number and so on until you find your breaking point.
If you graph your responses you should see two main things:
1) The optimum response time / number of users before the service degrades
2) The tipping point i.e. at what point you start returning 503's etc
Now you'll have enough data to scale your site or to start making performance improvements from a code point of view.
