I am trying to add a date dropdown option in Quicksight but unable to select the date option while creating a parameter. need your help here
Go to Parameters. Start a new parameter and then choose the Date/Time type
I would like to add current date (or latest reload time) in AWS QuickSight dashboard's title/description, is there a way to add the formula to text bar?
It could be added to the description by creating a date parameter and assigning a dynamic default which gives today's date. Then you can add the parameter as follows <<$ParameterName>> to the description and it should show its value which would be today's date.
A dashboard's title is only set when the dashboard is created so you cannot change that (unless you publish a new dashboard daily)
It can be done using calculated fields. basically create calculated filed which will give you same current date for all your rows and you can use that field in insight visual by customizing narrative.
I have a dashboard and I want to show when the dataset was created. I have a column in my dataset and I was trying to use QS Parameters or Calculated Field, but no luck. I can create a static parameter and output that value in a title of visualization, however I can't dynamically select max(my_last_date_filed) from the dataset.
Any ideas?
I used Insight type, where I defined variable as following: Maximum.timeValue.formattedValue, which solved my problem
Is there a way to set the Parameter Values in the Cache Refresh Plan window to use the previous Sunday? The field is a Date/Time field and will not let me enter code such as =DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -7,DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1-Weekday(today),Today)). It is looking for date format. Thanks in advance
I'm unaware of any parameter caching options. However, you should be able to get a default value to work. Perhaps the expression below will work.
=DateAdd(dd,1- DatePart(dw, CDate(Today())), CDate(Today()))
If you still can't get it to work, another option would be to add a data set that spits out the value. You could use something like:
I am working on an entity view that displays billing records with associated date. This date field needs to be displayed as "Month - Year". Unfortunately, I am not able to find a way to format this date field outside of modifying the entity and even then, I only have the option for date only or date and time.
I have noticed that I can select the field and click on Change Properties. There I have "Web Resource" and Function Name. I have tried creating a web resource with a function that returns some data. Set everything up, saved and published. This function is not even found in dev tools. Only examples that I have for it are dealing with using this method for icons:https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/view-customization-with-javascript-in-dynamics-365/
In another example the suggestion is to use calculated fields, but this would cause me to lose date sorting and filtering on the form.
That view-based JavaScript seems to be to choose an icon. I'm not sure it would allow you to reformat actual data in the view. And if you're looking for assistance with trying to do that, you'd probably get more help if you posted the code.
Besides the JavaScript approach, you might want to think about creating a separate text field to hold the "Month - Year" value. Then you could use a workflow, plugin, or JavaScript to populate it when the datetime field changes.
One of the free workflow tool packages (Jason Lattimer's, Aiden Kaskela's, or Andrew Butenko's) probably has the ability to parse the date so you can format the month and year, and store the string in the separate field. This would be a no-code option.
Alternatively, you could write a plugin to reformat the datetime values and register it on the RetrieveMultiple message of the entity.
I'd probably go with a separate field and an off-the-shelf workflow utility to populate it.
There are several ways:
1. Setting->Administration->System Setting->Format->Customize,
2. http://prntscr.com/ph42nc,
3. or use on load with js to change date format more on this subject here: How to change date format in JavaScript
I have prompt for Fiscal Month in my Webi Report. I want to custom sort it so that the month starts with April, May, June , etc.
How is this possible?
I tried many ways like adding LOVs and managing to sort the values at prompt, etc. But in BO 4.1, How we should do is,
1.Click on Parameters and List of Values.
In Edit SQL write the query with order by so that we get the order. for eg. select distinct fiscal_month,fiscal_month_number from calender_table order by fiscal_month_number.
Validate the query.
In Properties tab, check for hiding fiscal_month_number and give a appropriate name for fiscal_month column.
Now in Business Layer, select the dimension we created for fiscal_month, in Advanced Tab, add the List of Value that is created.