Can we return an array of `AccountID` in NEAR? - nearprotocol

Suppose I have a struct
pub struct Test {
pub participant: Set<AccountId>
And I created a new account and inserted to participant using the insert function, I can get len of participant using len() method.
How can I get the address?
pub fn get_address(&self) -> Vec<AccountId> {
self.participient.contains() // can't get data

You can do


How to get the AccountId of the contract instantiated in the contract in Substrate ink

I want to instantiate another contract inside a contract and get the AccountId of that contract.
Can anyone tell me how to do that?
Instantiate SampleContract2 in the add_contract function of SampleContract1.
I want to get the AccountId of the instantiated SampleContract2, manage it in a list, and use the AccountId later to be able to access SmapleContract2.
In the future, I would like to increase the types of contracts, so I would like to use AccountId, which can be used for general purposes, instead of the SmapleContract2 type for the list.
Why does "sample_contract_2.env().account_id()" return the address of SampleContract1?
-- snip --
pub struct SampleContract1 {
account_id_list:Mapping<u128, AccountId>
-- snip --
impl SampleContract1 {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
account_id_list: Mapping::default(),
pub fn add_contract(&mut self ) -> Result<()> {
let sample_contract_2 = SampleContract2::new();
let contract_address = sample_contract_2.env().account_id(); <- ###### Address of SampleContract1 is obtained.
self.token_list.insert(&self.next_id, &contract_address );
self.next_id = self.next_id + 1;
Thank you.

Compile error in Substrate smart contract 'the trait bound ink_storage::Vec<...>: WrapperTypeEncode is not satisfied'

I'm a newbie on Substrate and blockchain development. Currently, I'm writing a smart contract using Substrate with ink!. I've defined a custom type (struct Person in the code) and created the vector of this type in the contract's storage.
I then create contract's functions for working with that vector data. But the code fails to compile. There are errors with get_person_list() function. The first one is 'the trait bound ink_storage::Vec<Person>: WrapperTypeEncode is not satisfied'.
However, if I remove this function, the code can be compiled successfully. How can I solve this compile error? thanks.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use ink_lang as ink;
mod test {
use ink_prelude::string::String;
use ink_storage::collections::Vec;
use ink_storage::traits::{
use scale::{Encode, Decode};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Encode, Decode, SpreadLayout, PackedLayout)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))]
pub struct Person {
name: String,
age: u32,
pub struct Test {
person_list: Vec<Person>,
impl Test {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { person_list: Vec::new() }
pub fn add_person(&mut self, name: String, age: u32) {
self.person_list.push(Person { name, age });
pub fn get_person(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Person> {
pub fn person_list_count(&self) -> u32 {
self.person_list.len() as u32
pub fn get_person_list(&self) -> Vec<Person> {
I think it will work if you use use ink_prelude::vec::Vec; instead of use ink_storage::collections::Vec;.

In NearProtocol, how to migrate contract state

Assume there's a contract written in near-sdk-rs, deployed, has state defined as:
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct NFT {
pub tokens: UnorderedMap<TokenId, Token>,
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Token {
pub owner: AccountId
Now there're some usage of this contract, as a result some records of tokens stored on chain.
Then I'd like to update this contract by adding a field to Token:
pub struct Token {
pub owner: AccountId
pub name: String // For existing ones, this will be set to ""
How to do this with existing state kept (similar of doing a database migration)?
You can also see how some of the examples we've created use versioning.
See BerryClub:
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct AccountVersionAvocado {
pub account_id: AccountId,
pub account_index: AccountIndex,
pub balance: u128,
pub num_pixels: u32,
pub claim_timestamp: u64,
impl From<AccountVersionAvocado> for Account {
fn from(account: AccountVersionAvocado) -> Self {
Self {
account_id: account.account_id,
account_index: account.account_index,
balances: vec![account.balance, 0],
num_pixels: account.num_pixels,
claim_timestamp: account.claim_timestamp,
farming_preference: Berry::Avocado,
There are others but will have to come back to this once I find them
So far I can only suggest to deploy a temporary contract with old Token struct kept as is, and NewToken implement NewToken::from_token, and a change method:
impl Token {
pub fn migrate(&mut self) {
After you migrate the state, you can deploy a contract with the NewToken instead of Token.

How can I save string value on Substrate

I want to save "String" Value on Substrate
At First, I use "Vec" But It's not recognized by Polkadot JS
I use "Bytes",So I get the below error
How can I solve this problem?
Please help me.
Is it correct to use "Bytes" as a way to store strings?
If correct, how can I fix the error below?
If not, what is correct to use?
Please let me know if you have sample code
mod mock;
mod tests;
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default, Encode, Decode, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
pub struct TestData<BlockNumber,Bytes> {
pub name: Bytes,
pub address: Bytes,
pub type TestDataOf<T> = TestData<primitives::Bytes>;
// This pallet's storage items.
decl_storage! {
// It is important to update your storage name so that your pallet's
// storage items are isolated from other pallets.
// ---------------------------------vvvvvvvvvvvvvv
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as TemplateModule {
pub TestDatas: map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId => Option<TestDataOf<T>>;
decl_module! {
/// The module declaration.
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
// Initializing errors
// this includes information about your errors in the node's metadata.
// it is needed only if you are using errors in your pallet
type Error = Error<T>;
// Initializing events
// this is needed only if you are using events in your pallet
fn deposit_event() = default;
/// regist public data
#[weight = 10_000]
pub fn register_test_data(origin, name:Bytes, address:Bytes) -> dispatch::DispatchResult {
let registerer = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let test_data = TestDataOf::<T> {
<TestDatas<T>>::insert(&registerer, test_data);
Error is...
the trait `_::_parity_scale_codec::Encode` is not implemented for `TestData<substrate_primitives::Bytes>`
the trait `_::_parity_scale_codec::Decode` is not implemented for `TestData<substrate_primitives::Bytes>`
the trait `_::_parity_scale_codec::WrapperTypeEncode` is not implemented for `substrate_primitives::Bytes`
You should use a Vec<u8> to store arbitrary bytes in runtime storage like a string.
When accessing a Vec<u8> that is a string in Polkadot JS, you should use the type Text, which automatically handles parsing and converting this type to regular UTF-8 text.
pub struct TestData {
pub name: Vec<u8>,
pub address: Vec<u8>,
Polkadot JS Type Definition:
TestData: {
name: 'Text',
address: 'Text'
Let me know if this helps or if you have further issues.

String attribute set in init method always returns empty string

I have the following struct with impl:
#[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug)]
pub struct MyStruct {
owner: String
#[near_bindgen(init => new)]
impl MyStruct {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
owner: "bob".to_string()
fn get_owner(&self) -> String {
return self.owner;
Then I deploy the contract using near deploy my_contract --masterAccount myAccount
If I call get_owner using near-shell: near call my_contract get_owner --accountId=myAccount It always returns "" instead of the expected "bob".
It seems like the new method might not get called on deployment.
Initializer doesn't automatically get called on deploy. deploy just deploys the code and doesn't call anything on the contract. We should probably add a new method to shell, that does deploy_and_call. But for now just call new manually.
The reason why we don't initialize automatically is that initializer might take additional arguments. You can pass an owner to new method. Here is an example how to use initializer with custom arguments and as well as how to make sure a contract can't be called without initialization:
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct FunToken {
/// AccountID -> Account details.
pub accounts: Map<AccountId, Account>,
/// Total supply of the all token.
pub total_supply: Balance,
impl Default for FunToken {
fn default() -> Self {
env::panic(b"Not initialized");
#[near_bindgen(init => new)]
impl FunToken {
pub fn new(owner_id: AccountId, total_supply: Balance) -> Self {
let mut ft = Self { accounts: Map::new(b"a".to_vec()), total_supply };
let mut account = ft.get_account(&owner_id);
account.balance = total_supply;
ft.accounts.insert(&owner_id, &account);
From here:
Basically it panics during Default call, so non initialized contract can't be called.
Initializer functions are usually used when you need to parametrize the initialization of the contract. If there are no parameters then just implement Default trait:
impl Default for MyStruct {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
owner: "bob".to_string()
