Technical difference between Spring Boot with JOOQ and Spring Data JPA - spring

When would you use Spring Data JPA over Spring Boot with JOOQ and vice versa?
I know that Spring Data JPA can be used for completing basic CRUD queries, but not really for complex join queries while using JOOQ makes it easier?
EDIT: Can you use both Spring data jpa with jooq?

There is no easy answer to your question. I have given a couple of talks on that topic. Sometimes there are good reasons to have both in a project.
Edit: IMHO Abstraction over the database in regards of dialects and datatypes is not the main point here!! jOOQ does a pretty good job to generate SQL for a given target dialect - and so does JPA / Hibernate. I would even say that jOOQ goes an extra mile to emulate functions for databases that don't have all the bells and whistles like Postgres or Oracle.
The question here is "Do I want to be able to express a query myself with everything SQL has to offer or am I happy with what JPA can express?"
Here's an example to run both together. I have a Spring Data JPA provided repository here with a custom extension (interface and implementation are necessary). I let the Spring context inject both the JPA EntityManager as well as the jOOQ context. I then use jOOQ to create queries and run them through JPA.
Why? Because expressing the query in question is not possible with JPA ("Give me the thing I listened the most" which is not the one having the highest number of count, but could be several).
The reason I run the query through JPA is simple: A downstream use case might require me to pass JPA entities to it. jOOQ can of course run this query itself and you could work on records or map the stuff anyway u like. But as you specifically asked about maybe using both technologies, I thought this is a good example:
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import org.jooq.DSLContext;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.Record;
import org.jooq.SelectQuery;
import org.jooq.conf.ParamType;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;
import static ac.simons.bootiful_databases.db.tables.Genres.GENRES;
import static ac.simons.bootiful_databases.db.tables.Plays.PLAYS;
import static ac.simons.bootiful_databases.db.tables.Tracks.TRACKS;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.count;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.rank;
import static;
public interface GenreRepository extends
CrudRepository<GenreEntity, Integer>, GenreRepositoryExt {
List<GenreEntity> findAllByOrderByName();
interface GenreRepositoryExt {
List<GenreWithPlaycount> findAllWithPlaycount();
List<GenreEntity> findWithHighestPlaycount();
class GenreRepositoryImpl implements GenreRepositoryExt {
private final EntityManager entityManager;
private final DSLContext create;
public GenreRepositoryImpl(EntityManager entityManager, DSLContext create) {
this.entityManager = entityManager;
this.create = create;
public List<GenreWithPlaycount> findAllWithPlaycount() {
final Field<Integer> cnt = count().as("cnt");
return this.create
.select(GENRES.GENRE, cnt)
public List<GenreEntity> findWithHighestPlaycount() {
select id, genre
from (
select, g.genre, rank() over (order by count(*) desc) rnk
from plays p
join tracks t on p.track_id =
join genres g on t.genre_id =
group by, g.genre
) src
where src.rnk = 1;
final SelectQuery<Record> sqlGenerator =
// Retrieve sql with named parameter
final String sql = sqlGenerator.getSQL(ParamType.NAMED);
// and create actual hibernate query
final Query query = this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql, GenreEntity.class);
// fill in parameter
sqlGenerator.getParams().forEach((n, v) -> query.setParameter(n, v.getValue()));
// execute query
return query.getResultList();
I spoke about this a couple of times. There is no silver bullet in those tech, sometimes it's a very thin judgement:
The full talk is here:
As well as the recorded version of it:
The full working example is here

IMHO if you want a performing and maintainable application which uses a database at its core, you don't want to abstract away the fact that you are using a database. JOOQ gives you full control because you can read and write the actual query in your code but with type safety.
JPA embraces the OO model and this simply does not match the way a database works in all cases, which could result in unexpected queries such as N+1 because you put the wrong annotation on a field. If you are not paying enough attention this will lead to performance issues when scaling your application. JPA Criteria helps a bit but it still way harder to write and read.
As a result, with JPA you are first writing your query in SQL and then use half a day to translate it to Criteria. After years of working with both frameworks I would use JOOQ even for simple a CRUD application (because there is no such thing as a simple CRUD application :-)).
Edit: I don't think that you can mix JPA with JOOQ, question is, why would you want to? They are both using a different approach so just choose one. It's difficult enough to learn the intricacies of one framework.

Spring Data JPA gives you the following:
An ORM layer, allowing you to treat database tables as if they were Java objects. It allows you to write code that is largely database-agnostic (you can use MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc) and that avoids much of the error-prone code that you get when writing bare SQL.
The Unit of Work pattern. One reason why you see so many articles on C# explaining what a unit of work is, and practically none for Java, is because of JPA. Java has had this for 15 years; C#, well, you never know.
Domain-driven design repositories. DDD is an approach to object-oriented software that does away with the anaemic domain model you so often see in database-driven applications, with entity object only having data and accessor methods (anaemic model), and all business logic in service classes. There's more to it, but this is the most important bit that pertains to Spring Data JPA.
Integration into the Spring ecosystem, with inversion of control, dependency injection, etc.
jOOQ, on the other hand, is a database mapping library that implements the active record pattern. It takes an SQL-centric approach to database operations, and uses a domain-specific language for that purpose.
As happens so often, there is no one correct or superior choice. Spring Data JPA works very well if you don't care about your database. If you're happy not to do any complicated queries, then Spring Data JPA will be enough. However, once you need to do joins between tables, you notice that a Spring Data JPA repository really isn't a very good match for certain operations.
As #michael-simons mentioned, combining the two can sometimes be the best solution.

Here's an official explanation when JOOQ fits:
Just because you're using jOOQ doesn't mean you have to use it for everything!
When introducing jOOQ into an existing application that uses JPA, the
common question is always: "Should we replace JPA by jOOQ?" and "How
do we proceed doing that?"
Beware that jOOQ is not a replacement for JPA. Think of jOOQ as a
complement. JPA (and ORMs in general) try to solve the object graph
persistence problem. In short, this problem is about
Loading an entity graph into client memory from a database
Manipulating that graph in the client Storing the modification back to
the database As the above graph gets more complex, a lot of tricky
questions arise like:
What's the optimal order of SQL DML operations for loading and storing
entities? How can we batch the commands more efficiently? How can we
keep the transaction footprint as low as possible without compromising
on ACID? How can we implement optimistic locking? jOOQ only has some
of the answers. While jOOQ does offer updatable records that help
running simple CRUD, a batch API, optimistic locking capabilities,
jOOQ mainly focuses on executing actual SQL statements.
SQL is the preferred language of database interaction, when any of the
following are given:
You run reports and analytics on large data sets directly in the
database You import / export data using ETL You run complex business
logic as SQL queries Whenever SQL is a good fit, jOOQ is a good fit.
Whenever you're operating and persisting the object graph, JPA is a
good fit.
And sometimes, it's best to combine both

Spring Data JPA does support #Query idiom with the ability to run native queries (by setting nativeQuery flag) where we can write & see the query (simple & complex, with joins or otherwise) right there with the repository & reuse them easily.
Given the above,
When would you use Spring Data JPA over Spring Boot with JOOQ and vice versa?
I would simply use Spring Data JPA unless i am not using the Spring ecosystem itself. Other reason might be that i prefer the fluent style..
I know that Spring Data JPA can be used for completing basic CRUD queries, but not really for complex join queries
As i noted above, Spring Data JPA does provide the ability to use complex and/or join queries. In addition via the custom repository mechanism (example already in #Michael Simons post above that uses JOOQ) provides even more flexibility. So its a full fledged solution by itself.
Can you use both Spring data jpa with jooq?
Already answered wonderfully by #Michael Simons above.


Spring Boot Rest API + JPA

I have a CRUD based application, which uses Spring Boot REST Services and JPA. For JPA we have POJO objects mapped to RBMS - PostgreSQL.
Some of my pages require data to be fetched using joins of multiple POJO objects. I just wanted to know what is a good architectural practice to do the same. Following are some of the options i have been informed of, but not sure what are the pros and cons of each especially for a large data volume application.
Use Transient Variables in POJOs and use JPA joins
Use additional Spring View Objects to combine POJOs
Write native/HQL to join tables/POJOs
Any insight would be helpful. If any more details required from me, would be glad to provide.
I think it's better to go with Entity Mappings.
This will enable you to easily fetch the parent and its nested entities using either JPA methods or using hibernate.
You can also specify the fetch type to actually control the behaviour of this fetch.
In case, you are looking for any complex joins or fetch patterns, Entity Graphs and HQL will be very useful.

Looking for a way to improve performance on retrieving a large number of records in spring data jpa

I have an inherited code in where it retrieves a list of person object from a relational database via spring data jpa framework.
There is an interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person,UUID> in the application. I noticed that findAll method from its parent interface pulls data however due to a large number of records, it takes a quite a while to load it.
I am trying to somehow optimize its poor performance but I don't have much clue at this point. Beside I am new to spring data jpa and have very basic understanding of it.
Is there any good recommendation you could provide for this matter? I greatly appreciate it.
I realized later that the Person entity has multiple #OneToMany relationships with other entities. I noticed lazy loading was turned off. Once I enabled lazy loading #OneToMany(fetchtype.lazy), I noticed a huge delta in its performance.
Use pagination with Pageable.
Look at it:

How should I define non-entity repositories with Spring Data MongoDB?

On my domain I have the usual entities (User, Company, etc) and also "entities" that doesn't change, I mean they are fixed values but stored on data base. My backend is Mongo so I make use of MongoRepository. I'm also using Spring Data Rest.
Let's say I have defined Sector as entity, which is nothing more than a String wrapped on a Java object.
So this is how I define the repository.
public interface SectorRepo extends MongoRepository<Sector,String>{
The thing is that this seems to be inappropriate, as I should not define an object that only wraps an string and treat it as an entity, it isn't. The only purpose for Sector collection is to be loaded on a combo box, nothing more.
The problem gets serious when you have more and more of these non-entities objects.
How I should approach this situation so I can still use MongoRepository + Spring Data Rest?
This is similar to couple of other questions. Please see my answers for both. Hope it helps
Spring Data MongoDB eliminate POJO's
Storing a JSON schema in mongodb with spring

Spring Data : relationships between 2 different data sources

In a Spring Boot Application project, I have 2 data sources:
a MySQL database (aka "db1")
a MongoDB database (aka "db2")
I'm using Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB, and it's working great... one at a time.
Saying db1 handles "Players", and db2 handles "Teams" (with a list of players' ID). Is it possible to make the relationship between those 2 heterogeneous entities working? (i.e. #ManyToOne, #Transactional, Lazy/Eager, etc.)
For example, I want to be able to write:
List<Player> fooPlayers = teamDao.findOneById(foo).getPlayers();
EDIT: If possible, I'd like to find a solution working with any spring data project
Unfortunately your conundrum has no solution in spring data.
what may be a possibility is that you create an interface (DAO) class of your own. That DAO class would have implementations to to query both of your DBs. A very crude and short example would be
your DAO
yourFind (id)
this would find in db2 and return a relevant list of objects
get the player from the above retrieved list and query db1
i hope this points you in the right direction

Spring SimpleJdbcInsert vs JdbcTemplate

I have a requirement where I have to insert a row into the Database and get the Key (Identity) back. I thought of using SimpleJdbcInsert for this. I am passing the Object of JdbcTemplate to my SimpleJdbcInsert and executing method executeAndReturnKey().
The same can be done using update() method of JdbcTemplate by setting PreparedStatement instead of Parameters Map.
I just want to know if JdbcTemplate is better in terms of performance and should I be using it over SimpleJdbcInsert? If so then what is the reason for it's superior performance?
Note: I'm not inserting a Batch of Records but a single record only.
SimpleJdbcInsert vs JdbcTemplate
JdbcTemplate is the classic Spring JDBC approach and the most popular. This "lowest level" approach and all others use a JdbcTemplate under the covers.
Note :all others use a JdbcTemplate under the covers
SimpleJdbcInsert optimize database metadata to limit the amount of necessary configuration. This approach simplifies coding so that you only need to provide the name of the table or procedure and provide a map of parameters matching the column names. This only works if the database provides adequate metadata. If the database doesn’t provide this metadata, you will have to provide explicit configuration of the parameters.
If you are going to use A SimpleJdbcInsert,then also the actual insert is being handled using JdbcTemplate. So definitely in terms of performance SimpleJdbcInsert can not be better that JdbcTemplate.
So performance wise you can not be beneficial using SimpleJdbcInsert.
But perform insert operations in to multiple tables by using SimpleJdbcInsert is having definitely better capability then JdbcTemplate class.There may be some situation in which you want to insert data in lot of tables and you may like to do less coding.In these situations, using of SimpleJdbcInsert can be a very good option.See this example to understand that.
