Tangle file when exporting - elisp

I want to call org-babel-tangle every time an export is executed.
I've tried (without success) just add the new command to org-latex-pdf-process or using an export filter (org-export-filter-final-output-functions).
first attempt:
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-final-output-functions 'org-babel-tangle)
second attempt:
(add-to-list 'org-latex-pdf-process 'org-babel-tangle)
It seems that org-babel-tangle cannot be used as it is, maybe it is returning something that is not expected by add-to-list. However, my limited knowledge of elisp does not allow me to identify what is wrong.
Thanks for your attention

You can add it (or actually a small wrapper function around it) to org-export-before-processing-hook. I have not tested this but it should work:
(add-to-list 'org-export-before-processing-hook (lambda (be) (org-babel-tangle)))
The functions called by this hook are passed a single argument, the backend, but we ignore it in this case.


Wrong type argument: sequencep, #<buffer *scratch*> when trying to evaluate a function in the scratch buffer

My emacs stops working when I try to evaluate a piece of lisp code in the scratch buffer (with eval-last-sexp) or the minibuffer, with the above error. I cannot recover from this, I have to kill the emacs process.
The function is:
(defun add-to-list (val list-of-numbers)
(mapcar #'(lambda (num) (+ val num))
I have tried on a fresh spacemacs installation to exclude that there is something wrong with my configuration file but I get the same problem.
This seems like a well formed function and the function name displays in the minibuffer after evaluation, so it seems to be evaluated fine. But then the above error occurs.
Can somebody explain based on this information?
add-to-list is a Emacs build-in function. Maybe the redefinition is here the source of your problem?
What happens if you choose another function name?

How to redefine a standard function within a scope in Racket?

I would like to redefine a standard Racket function, namely display, within a lexical scope, as in this example:
(with-custom-display (display "hello"))
This should work even when the code within the scope of with-custom-display is from a different library or even racket/* packages.
Is this possible? If so, how to do it?
If not possible in general, at least for the case of display and other write functions... could I somehow transform every output by parameterizing on current-output-port then redirecting the transformed output to the original port?
While its not possible1 to globally replace arbitrary functions in Racket, you absolutely CAN change the standard out port that a Racket program uses (and by extension, functions like display). In fact, this is exactly what the readline collection in racket does, except for input ports rather than output ports.
Basically, all you need to do is parameterize current-output-port globally to be your special port. Since you want to ultimately write out to the original output port (but with colors), you can also grab the original output port before changing it to the new one. Your resulting code would look something like this:
#lang racket/base ;; init.rkt
(define orig-port (current-output-port))
(define new-output-port
.... uses orig-port ....)
(current-output-port new-ouput-port)
(replacing .... uses orig-port .... with the implementation of your new colored output port)
And now, any file that requires "init.rkt" will get color in its default output port.
(Note though that if you have multiple files that do this same sort of thing, you have to be careful to make sure that they don't happen in an unsafe order.)
You can also make your with-custom-display form as a simple language extension by doing:
#lang racket ;; custom-disp.rkt
(provide with-custom-display)
(require syntax/parse/define)
(define orig-port (current-output-port))
(define new-output-port
.... uses orig-port ....)
(define-simple-macro (with-custom-display body ...)
(parameterize ([current-output-port new-output-port])
body ...))
This is the general idea of how DrRacket is able to print output to a DrRacket specific repl, rather than your consoles stdout.
1Normally anyway, there are usually ways to break things if you really want to. But that's almost always a bad idea. ;)

How do I get a list of functions defined in an emacs-lisp file

Is it possible to get a list of functions defined in an emacs-lisp file? I found this sort of related answer: How do I get a list of Emacs lisp non-interactive functions?, but it involves a map over all of the atoms defined, not just what is in a file.
If the file in question has already been loaded, then you can modify the code in the question you link to filter out the symbols defined in other files:
(let ((funclist ()))
(lambda (x)
(when (and (fboundp x) ; does x name a function?
(let ((f (symbol-file x)))
(and f (string= (file-name-base f) "my-file.el"))))
(push x funclist))))
If the file has not been loaded, you would have to scan it with scan-sexps and find defun forms.
You might, however, prefer to use etags or imenu instead of scanning the file yourself.
Maybe a faster way is to look for the file in load-history, which will then give you the list of variables and functions defined therein.
Not sure if your asking for a non interactive approach.
With M-x occur ENT (defun.* ENT you get a buffer with more or less all function-definitions found in (current-buffer).
The quick&dirty way: extract all defuns via regex. It works instantly on a buffer with 5000 lines.
(-map 'cadr (s-match-strings-all "defun \\(.*?\\) " (buffer-string)))
This returns a list of function names that are defined via defun in the current open buffer. buffer-string returns content of a current buffer in a string, -map and s-match-string-all are taken from dash and s third party libraries (their GitHub pages explain how to install them), cadr returns a 2nd element of a list.
-map is analogous to Emacs built-in mapcar, it applies a function to each element of a list and returns a new list, s-match-string-all returns all possible regex matches in a string, parentheses in a regex denote a group (read more how to form Emacs regular expressions from EmacsWiki).
If you run it in eval-expression (Alt+:), it will just throw it into echo area, but that's not what you need. So below are variations that work with custom buffer or file. with-current-buffer allows to temporarily switch a buffer, while some code does actions inside it, f-read is a file reading function form another third-party library f.
(defun list-defined-functions (buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(-map 'cadr (s-match-strings-all "defun \\(.*?\\) "
(defun list-defined-functions-in-file (file)
(-map 'cadr (s-match-strings-all "defun \\(.*?\\) "
(f-read file))))
Read Emacs Lisp manual and try to come up with whatever is useful for you.

Changing the current input port in racket

How can I change the input port in racket?
That is, suppose I create a new input port:
(define my-port (open-input-string "this is a test"))
How can I make it so that (current-input-port) returns my-port now?
To add to Chris' answer; the current input port is what's known as a "parameter", which is very approximately a dynamically scoped setting/variable. In general, it's cleaner and more conservative to set the current input port only temporarily, using 'parameterize'. Like this:
(parameterize ([current-input-port my-port])
... do some stuff ...
Evaluating this code will cause the input-port to be set for your body code and any code that it calls, but won't "bleed over" into code that's evaluated outside; it will also undo the change on an exceptional or continuation-based exit.
(current-input-port my-port)
Don't do this at the racket REPL! This will cause all subsequent REPL input to come from that source. (It's okay to run inside DrRacket, however, even in the DrRacket REPL.)

How do you find the name of the current running funciton: current-function, this-function, current-defun, this-defun

I am trying to dynamically find the name of the current function (this-function) running i.e.
(defun my-func ()
(remove-hook 'some-hook this-function)
I haven't tested this, but why not write a macro to encapsulate what you want? Something like the following, maybe?
(defmacro one-shot-hook (name hook &rest body)
`(defun ,name ()
(remove-hook ',hook ',name)
Then, for example
'(one-shot-hook test c-mode-hook
(message "Yay!")))
(defun test nil
(remove-hook (quote c-mode-hook) (quote test))
(message "Yay!"))
(when I've reformatted it).
This removes the problem of needing to know the name of the function you're in, which would need nasty macrology anyway (I'm not sure whether it's possible).
One more thing, I'd probably suggest just having a flag variable set to nil initially which your code tests to decide whether to run. Then you don't have to mess around adding and removing hooks all the time: the result will probably be much easier to customise and understand for anyone else using your code.
