OpenRefine Preferences - settings

I'm trying to look for an OpenRefine preferences key-list but I don't seem able to find any.
I already tried googling for "openrefine preference keys" (and similar combinations). I tried looking at the project wiki and docs on github and on the official page to no avail.
I'm particularly interested into setting OpenRefine client being opened by default to a specific browser (Chrome) rather than using system default one (Firefox), but I'd like to be able to browse all recognised preference keys in order to be able to "customize" OpenRefine as needed/liked.
Thanks in advance!

You can find a list of supported preferences in OpenRefine's documentation:


Is it possible to have 'inlay hints' in Sublimetext (currently build 4143)?

I'm writing something in TypeScript (Deno) using VSCode and love the inlay hints. I would like to try using SublimeText again, but I don't want to lose the inlay hints.
It's possible in IntelliJ, VSCode. Is it not possible in ST?
I followed the link that I pasted, followed the link where it says that something is standardised. Installed several packages, but no luck yet
As rwols said in the link you posted, inlay hints can now be enabled in the main LSP settings. Select Preferences → Package Settings → LSP → Settings and scroll down the left side a little ways to find
"show_inlay_hints": false,
Copy this over to the right side (the User settings), change false to true, save the file, and you should be all set. You may need to either restart your LSP servers or Sublime itself in order for it to be fully activated.

In Sublime Text, can I generate a list of the effective settings?

In Sublime Text, I'm sometimes wasting time hunting down why a particular keyboard binding isn't working or what's the effective or final value for a specific setting. How do I see what Sublime Text has calculated for each setting? Can I get a list of all calculated settings and/or keybindings?
I've tried searching for "effective settings", "calculated settings", "final settings", and I'm finding nothing. Maybe I'm just using the wrong words?
For now, I've just made rather large user settings and user keybinding files that we're all sharing. That's good enough for now, but I'd like an extra tool in my arsenal for troubleshooting inconsistent settings, especially effective keybindings which vary significantly depending on what extensions are installed. We're not all working on the same projects, so we don't all have identical environments, and unfortunately, these user preference files seem to override project preferences, which I wish had higher priority.
Am I just going about this the wrong way? Please enlighten me.
At least for key mapping conflicts there is a plugin called FindKeyConflicts. The command FindKeyConflicts: All Key Maps To Buffer shows a list of all key bindings and there are several commands to check which keys conflicts.

Disable Sublime Text Minimap for a specific syntax

I'm trying to find a way to disable Sublime Text 3's minimap for a single syntax (Markdown) only and I'm not having much luck.
I've found a lot of references to adding "show_minimap": false, to your preferences both here and elsewhere but it doesn't seem to do anything regardless of whether I put it in Markdown.sublime-settings or Preferences.sublime-settings (I am restarting Sublime Text after changing the setting just to be safe).
The View/Hide Minimap menu item works globally but I can't set it for a specific syntax.
In most of the threads I've found I see some people saying that the setting doesn't work for them with other people saying it does but none of them seem to have an answer why and how you might fix it.
Has the syntax for that setting changed or has it simply been removed? I don't see it mentioned in the unofficial documentation.
If it does (still) exist is it something you can apply to a specific syntax or does it have to be a global setting?
I've tried both "hide_minimap": true and "show_minimap": false (alone and in combination) with ST2 2.0.2 and ST3 Build 3056 on XP, and nothing seems to work. I don't know the versions/platforms the answerers/commenters on your linked questions were using, but it seems that either the behavior was somehow removed recently, or it's platform-specific (maybe a little of both). I went back through the changelogs for ST2, ST3 Public Beta, and the ST3 dev builds and found a number of references to the minimap, but nothing to indicate that the functionality you're looking for had been removed intentionally.
We don't know if it makes a difference to the developer, but the community maintains an issue tracker on GitHub for things like this. Feel free to submit a new issue, with as much information as possible about what you've tried and the platform(s) and version(s) used, and we'll see where it goes.
If you're the plugin-writing type, there theoretically is a way around this, though. You could write an event listener that checks the scope of any newly-opened files, and if it matches text.html.markdown (or whichever type(s) of file for which you'd like to have the minimap hidden), it could execute the toggle_minimap command, which is what is fired when you select View -> Hide Minimap.
I'm working on that plugin, but it's not coming along very quickly. I'll report back if I can get it to work.
In OS X, Sublime text 3 try:
In Windows perhaps:

Textmate Tab browsing

Something that I have always wanted in TextMate was a different way to open files.
For instance, when I open a file in TextMate, I would love the active tab to default in position 1. Then when I open another tab, that tab should take over position 1, and the rest will shuffle down the list.
Are there any plugins for TextMate that provide this type of functionality?
I don't believe such a plugin exists.
There are two plugins providing supercharged alternatives to the project drawer:
They don't provide the feature you want but you could try to get in touch with their authors to see if they can add it or point you in the right direction.
The ProjectPlus project has been pretty much dead for years (there are unanswered pull requests from january/february 2011) but there seems to be some action on MissingDrawer.
If you know Objective C you may be able to hack something from their sources.
Whatever the outcome it may work for the "click on a file in the drawer" way of opening a file but not for other ways.
Did you look at TextMate's .plist? I've heard there are some hidden gems there.

Behavior and Preference Differences in Xcode 4 vs Xcode 3

I just upgraded to Xcode 4 (from 3.2.4) and while there are a lot of behavior/preference changes I need to get used to, I'd like to get a couple issues handled sooner rather than later.
Can I exclude the delimiters when balancing delimiters? In v3.x, you could balance delimiters and the selection would exclude the enclosing braces. Is that possible with v4?
Is there an equivalent to the advanced find/search available in v3? Used to ctrl-click on a symbol and select search in project which opened a new search window. You could also define different search sets to use when searching. I can't find any similar behavior in v4.
Finally, does anyone know if the Apple developer forums are available to users who have only registered as a developer (but not joined)?
Under the Help menu in Xcode 4 there is an option for Xcode User Guide which covers what you can do with Xcode 4. I have been through it and it seems pretty light so far so it may not have what you need, but it is a good place to start.
I also did a search in Help and quickly found that you can change this setting with a checkbox in Preferences under Text Editing. I've included a screenshot with the option highlighted below.
