unable to import products in magento 2 - magento

The first time I am hosting my Magento 2 version(2.3.4) website, I am facing here while uploading the product!
the error is :
Invalid value in Website column (website does not exist?) in a row(s): 1
and this is my CSV file
I have downloaded this sample file from the import section only
my upload file
I have tried many solutions on the internet
what is the problem here, What I suppose to give value for 'product_websites' ?

instead of sample file , please create one product from backend and export that product and use that sample file !
this fix my problem


oracle apex CSV upload no data found error

I have an apex application which will upload .CSV file
I have 2 users both having same db access rights
One user able to upload .CSV file where second user is getting no data found error.
I m trying with same data .CSV file.
Any thoughts ?
-M Kani
Resolution: removing users uploaded file from www_flow_file_objects$
Issue: user uploaded csv files with incorrect data's. this caused the issue. So removed those csv file data and it worked
Example incorrect data: REF# etc.

How to upload extension on magento connect?

I have created a extension and want to upload on magento connect but when I upload it on magento connect it gives me following error:-
Unable to save version. Filename is not valid. Expected filename without ext...
I checked my extension which is working great on all versions.
Please help me to sort out this error.
Try next:
Log in to Magento Admin panel
From the Admin panel, select System > Magento Connect > Package Extensions.
On Package Info section, add extension name in Name field, for example my_stackoverflow
Fill all other fields, use this guide: http://info.magento.com/rs/magentocommerce/images/packagingmagentoconnectextensions6%200.pdf
When extension will be packed, go to /path/to/magento/var/connect/ folder and you'll see my_stackoverflow-1.0.0.tgz file. This file should be upload on Magento connect site.
I got the solution.Actually package name should be same as your extension key name.In my case extension key at magento connect was "test_data" and package name in package.xml file was "Test_Data". I just change the package name and extension uploaded successfully.

Magento : Internal Server Error on import more products by csv file.

I am getting internal server error on import more products by csv file.
I have a custom magento module which is use for import associated product of grouped product which is basically use for create grouped product with it's associated products. associated product import by csv option. I have simple products csv file which have 359 records. when i created groped product and import this csv file, my custom module script run and after some minute display error message on screen.
in this case groped product save with 229 simple product successfully.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
I checked same process in local system but i it working great and import all simple product successfully.
what could be the issue ? can anyone help ?
Is server configuration problem ?
You can check the system log to see whats the problem, you can locate this file under var/log/system.log
Also you can add this code snipped to follow the error on the system.log, this piece of code will add new information to your system.log so you can follow the problem and fix it.
in /lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php file
$xml = simplexml_load_string($string, $this->_elementClass);
add after:
if(!$xml){ Mage::log($string); }
Please note that you are going to change a core file, once you have fixed the problem you can rollback.
Error 500 can be caused by so many factors, following this way, you will be abble to catch your real problem.

The file name you submitted already exists on the server

Most of the time I upload an image I get an error which says "The file name you submitted already exists on the server". I am using codeigniter version 2.1.0.
Please help regarding how can I fix this.
Please enable encrypt_name, find more here
$config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
By this line you are telling codeigniter to create (pseudo) random filname for your file therefore your file is going to be unique (in name matter).
Furthermore you can create such a system that uploads files in folders, consider following folder structure:

Magento 1.5.1: "Image does not exist" while importing products

I’ve always use this method to import products with images:
- putting all the images to import in “/media/import”;
- add “/image_name.jpg” to image column in the csv file to import;
Since magento 1.5.1 this method stop working.
I always get “Image Does not exist!”.
Do anybody know how to solve this?
Hard to tell what is happening there but I would check relevant code with xdebug to verify that image path which is used is correct, directory permissions are good, etc
