Unable to create a new module (module already exists) Intellij - gradle

I am trying to create a new module in my project. As soon as I specify the name of the module, Intellij throws "That this module already exists". After I exit the wizard it creates a directory with same module name but doesn't make it a module. I delete the directory and I perform "Invalidate Caches and Restart" but still the error persists.

I had this issue and went to .idea/modules.xml, found the path with the name I wanted, and deleted that line (just did ctrl+f with the name). After deleting that line and saving the file, I was able to create the module with that name.

You can try to perform the following actions:
Close the IDE and manually remove the module.
Remove .idea folder.
Open IDE and reimport the project.
Try adding the module once again according to official guide.
If the problem remains contact JetBrains support and attach a compressed log folder along with the project structure tree.

I had the same problem when I moved the code to a different directory. Detaching the workspaces, removing .idea, invalidating caches and so on did not help then.
For me what helped was this: Go to File -> Settings -> Project: workspace -> Project Structure. There you will see the all the projects you ever opened. And you will also see a button Add Content Root. There you can specify the new location of the (old) project.

It is a caching issue .
So try something on those lines
Invalidate cache and restart worked for me
But in case it doesn't you can try manually deleting .idea files or re-importing the project .

If you are using Gradle and this is a multi-project layout, which is looks like it is, you shouldn't create modules directly in IntelliJ.
Rather, create the directory manually if it doesn't already exists, create a gradle.build[.kts] file in it if needed, and then add an import statement for it in settings.gradle[.kts]. Then just refresh the Gradle configuration in IntelliJ ("Reimport All Gradle Projects").

I've started the project on Linux with root account and then this problem appeared when I've switched to user account.
For me changing the ownership of files in project directory worked.
sudo chown -R your_username:your_user_group project_directory

When this issue happens during import of existing project, then
--close intellij ide
--delete the project in explorer
--clone it again
--open intellij ide
--and try to reimport


VS Code showing me "Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace"

I am using the primary GO extension.
I use VS code a lot, now I'm learning GO lang.
And when I open VS Code every time I'm getting this:
Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace.
While running the code it's giving the right output.
I don't know how to fix this.
Anybody, help me with this error.
It would be better to open in VSCode only one folder with its own go.mod project.
A workspace with multiple go.mod/project should be supported with 1.18
The go command now supports a "Workspace" mode.
If a go.work file is found in the working directory or a parent directory, or one is specified using the -workfile flag, it will put the go command into workspace mode.
In workspace mode, the go.work file will be used to determine the set of main modules used as the roots for module resolution, instead of using the normally-found go.mod file to specify the single main module.
As described in "How to make VScode Go work in a Multi-Module Repo" from Varun Kumar, this used to work:
If you want to work with all the nested modules in a single workspace, there is an opt-in module feature that allows to work with multiple modules without creating workspace folders for each module. Set this in your settings -
"build.experimentalWorkspaceModule": true
But as per september 2022 is deprecated.
See more at gopls documentation "Setting up your workspace".

Move NopCommerce Plugin Project location

Getting error after moving plugin location from root to plugins director. Could you help me to resolve it. I can create new but don't want to create new one.
\Nop.Plugin.Notification.Email.csproj : error : The project file could not be
loaded. Could not find a part of the path 'E:\NopCommerce
Seems like you just moved the plugin into a new directory without changing the solution file.
You have to fix the path inside of the .sln file. Otherwise the solution cannot find the project and thus it cannot be loaded properly.

Error dialog "The file 'exclude' doesn't exist" when creating a new git-backed XCode project [duplicate]

When I create a new project in XCode 6.0.1, I got this error message: The file "exclude" doesn't exist
It seems to only impact the versioning of the files i.e. the generated stub files are not committed into github after the project is created.
What can cause this problem?
For me the issue was caused because I had previously created a project with the same name, and Xcode still had record of that.
To clear it out,
go to Window -> Organizer in the menu bar
Remove all of the repositories highlighted in red
To add your repository (if it's not being tracked for some reason),
Click the + (still in Window -> Organizer from the steps above)
Enter the path of your file
Make sure to change to Git from Subversion (if Xcode has Subversion set as default - it did for me.
I usually get this error if I initialize an Xcode project with a git repository, delete it and try to recreate it with the same name (casing doens't appear to make it sufficiently 'different'). Turns out, "Well I'll just start over" can leave some issues as well.
Hope this helps.
I had this issue as well, and I tracked it down to the .git-template folder included with Thoughtbot's dotfiles. Basically, Xcode expects its template folder to have info/exclude, and Thoughtbot's dotfiles don't. Creating that directory and file fixed the problem, as so (in the Terminal):
cd ~/.git_template
mkdir info
cd info
touch exclude
If you're getting this issue without Thoughtbot's dotfiles, you could probably look at ~/.gitconfig and use whatever templatedir is getting set as instead of ~/.git_template in the first command.

Automatic Extension Update: Unknown Archive type

I have created a new version of my Joomla extension.
Manual upgrade via zip file or the directory works fine.
But the automatic upgrade (which used to work fine before), now gives an error 500 and the following error messages: "Unknown Archive type", "*Update path does not exist" and "Installation unexpectedly terminated: Update path does not exist".
I have no idea why those messages appear.
The update.xml references the correct zip files. Downloading it manually works just fine.
Joomla(/php/apache) has all rights on the folder containing the joomla installation.
After trying the automatic update, the tmp folder contains the downloaded zip archive with the latest extension version, interestingly without the .zip extension. Is the Joomla downloader not correctly naming the file and then failing upon finding that the file doesn't have a .zip extension?`Or what could it be?
Would be very thankful for any ideas...
Edit: My project is hosted on github, and github seems to automatically create a subfolder in the downloaded zip archive, named -.zip.
I'm using a link to the tagged github zip directly in my update.xml
I'm not sure if github always added this folder in the zip file, back when it still worked for me...
Might the Joomla problem have to do with the zip file containng such a folder, and not directly the extension stuff at root level? If so, anybody know if/how I can change github to not create that subfolder?
Right, just had a quick test of this.
I couldn't seem to find out how to automatically zip up a sub folder (there is a way but I need to do some more research/ask questions regarding this), however what you can do is the following:
Create a zip of your Repo
Open the zip, extract the folder you wish to be zipped then zip it
Create a new version and then drag your zip file into the upload box
Publish the release
Here is an example, have a look at the "Creating Releases" sections at the bottom:
Hope this helps
To answer my own question:
Yes, github seems to have recently changed their policy to create a root folder in the zip file, named as the repository the zip file is downloaded for (stupid, if you ask me, since the exact same information is encoded in the zip file name already anyway!).
Edit and Rewrite: It seems that either something changed in Joomla or that if you adhere to a naming convention - namely the root folder in the zip file having the exact extension name (or, I think and have to test, actually the same as the file name, without the version information), then the automatic update will work.
So as in my case, I have a Joomla package; the package is now in a repository pkg_mypkg. The zip file generated by github has the name pkg_mypkg-version.zip (e.g. pkg_myfancyext-1.0.9.zip), and contains a folder named pkg_mypkg. And inside the pkg_mypkg folder is a pkg_mypkg.xml file, the extension manifest. And this actually seems to be the configuration where automatic update works.

How do I use Mogenerator?

I installed Mogenerator. Now what do I do? How do I use it?
The first problem I have is that I have no idea where it was installed to. During the install process, it only let me select the hard drive to install it on, not the directory. The most natural location would be the Applications folder, but it isn't there.
Next, the readme (which I found online) states:
Xmo'd works by noticing when your
*.xcdatamodel is saved. If the model file's Xcode project item comment
contains xmod, an AppleScript is fired
that creates a folder based on your
model's file name and populates it
with derived source code files from
your model. It then adds the new
folder to your project as a Group
Reference and adds all the source
files to your project.
There are several issues with the above statement that aren't clear:
What does "the model file's Xcode project item comment" refer to? How can I make it contain "xmod"?
Is adding this comment and having mogenerator monitor the .xcdatamodel file the only way to use mogenerator? Is there any way I can manually run mogenerator so that it recreates the generated files?
One more caveat to be aware of: You have to already set the Class properties of your entities to something different than NSManagedObject. Otherwise Xmo'd won't do anything.
Note: Xmo'd currently doesn't work with Xcode 4/5, afaik.
What I do is just add a "MOGenerator" target in Xcode:
Go to your project and click on "Add Target..." in the "Targets" section.
Choose "iOS -> Other -> Aggregate"
Go to "Build Phases"
Select from the Menu "Editor -> Add Build Phase -> Add Run Script Build Phase"
Paste your MOGenerator command into the Run Script section, for example:
cd "${PROJECT_DIR}/MyApp"
mogenerator --human-dir Classes --machine-dir MOGenerated --model MyApp.xcdatamodeld/MyApp.xcdatamodel --template-var arc=true
Now you can update your MOGenerator-generated by simply running this target.
mogenerator is a script that is installed into your developer directory as I recall. However it might be installed into the Xcode scripts directory under your ~/Library.
What do you mean by manually triggering the application? You can trigger a build by "touching" the data model. Any save on the data model will trigger the build
In Xcode if you select the model file and hit ⌘I you will get its metadata. Click on the comments tab and add xmod there. mogenerator looks for that comment to know if it should generate files.
You can run mogenerator from the command line as well as have it monitor your files. Type mogenerator --help in the Terminal to see the options.
I searched my hard drive and found the following files:
The application is installed to: /usr/bin/mogenerator.
The /Library/Application Support/mogenerator/ directory contains some .motemplate files.
⌘I doesn't work in Xcode 4 any more. please check out the command line tool. Here is the doc
Studying line 22 of make_installer.command, I found that /Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/Xmod.pbplugin is also installed.
And then, searching mogenerator GitHub Issues for "uninstall," I found official instructions on how to uninstall mogenerator from the creator himself.
using mogenerator:
download mogenerator
run and build the mogenerator project
locate the built file in the product group
copy the built file in to /usr/bin directory
in the terminal copy this code and hit enter:
mogenerator -m /Users/hashem/Desktop/Projects/myApp/myAppModel.xcdatamodel -O /Users/hashem/Desktop/Projects/myApp/managedObjects --template-var arc=true
NOTE: here first I have entered myApp.xcdatamodel file path, and next path is the location of generated files. if the file path contains space character be sure to add \ character before space in the file path. like /desktop/xcode\ projects/myApp/....
