cannot find package "" - go

The page Protocol Buffer Basics: Go says 2 things:
1) Download the package and follow instructions in README
2) Run go install
Following the Download Protocol Buffers points to the release page which has tar and zip files for lots of languages (C++, C#, ...) but not Go. The file protobuf-all-3.12.3.tar.gz has many languages, but not Go. The README says for Go, head off to Go support for Protocol Buffers which says that it has been superseded by module There aren't any installation instructions by the time I've got there, just more general stuff pointing to even more pages. So I tried step (2)
go install
and got
can't load package: package cannot find package "" in any of ...
I have 9 tabs open on my browser pointing to various Golang Protocol Buffer pages, and I still haven't managed to get going. I've downloaded protoc and got it working ok for Java and Python, but installing Go has got me beat so far. Is there a page that tells me what to do, in a simple way? Once upon a time using the Github repository it was easy, but that was long ago...
Thanks, Jan

go get -u
first before go install seems to have solved it.

Make sure you have a go.mod:
go mod init

Have you tried installing the binary with the below command:
go install
If you are looking for a specific version, try:
go install
Note: Make sure you set the GOBIN before you run the above commands

Download protoc binary for required OS: => protobuf => releases
Add protoc to $PATH
Install protoc-gen-go to $GOBIN:
user ~ % go install
go: finding latest
go: downloading v1.23.0
go: extracting v1.23.0
go: finding v1.23.0
Note: to specific version add #v + version
Note: Go Automatically install protoc-gen-go binary to $GOBIN, if $GOBIN did not set, it's equals $GOPATH/bin.

see this.
you need go version 1.16 or higher. check that.

As pointed out in #jeremyko's comment, you will need Go 1.16 or higher. I personally installed Go from the APT repository, which often has outdated packages. It installed 1.13, so I had problems with installing OpenSnitch.
You can download the latest version from here.


How To Download Client-Go V12.0.0 via Go Get Cmd Tool

when I execute below cmd:
go get
it tells me: "go: invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so module path must match major version ("")"
ok, then I changed the cmd to this:
go get
then again, it still tells me the same error: go: invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so module path must match major version ("")
one interesting thing puzzles me that if I add require v12.0.0+incompatible to go.mod and then execute go mod tidy, then client-go v12.0.0 will be downloaded correctly.
My question is: how can I download this specific version of client-go via go get??
Go Version: v1.18
I used the go install command to download client-go
Here are two examples to install the latest or specific version.
go install
go install
See client-go installation section for more help,
client-go install
how can I download this specific version of client-go via go get
Not at all.
go get is for adding dependencies to your project.
To download source code in a certain version from the internet use git clone and git checkout.

Can 'go install' be made to work for executables with different names from the git repo?

Go has a nice feature where you can go install <x> and it will download, build and install a binary.
For example, on my local windows PC, go install will find the latest release for goreleaser, download, build and install it to my local binaries path.
I am working on a project where we would like to enable go install, but encounter a problem if the github repo name does not match the executable name. The GitHub CLI itself runs into the exact same problem:
go install
go: downloading v1.14.0
go: module found (v1.14.0), but does not contain package
Is there a way to resolve this?
Update: I worked out that I could directly reference the package via it's sub directory. In my particular instance this works: go install
This is a bit unpleasant, but works correctly. It doesn't work for the github CLI because their go.mod has a replace directive in it :-(
Question: Can this be made nicer? Is there a way to put some sort of alias or configuration file so that go install can be used instead of go install ?
Can this be made nicer? Is there a way to put some sort of alias or configuration file so that go install can be used instead of go install ?
No. Dead simple.

Difficulty installing go buffalo using go mod on windows

I am very new to golang. I am trying to work with the gomod. Trying to explore the go buffalo framework. But finding a bit of difficulty in installing that.
What I have done:
I saw that go get is nomore supported for buffalo and so switched to go modules.
Created a module by go mod init
Fetched go get -v (on the same directory where I have go.mod file)
Fetched go get -v (on the same directory where I have go.mod file)
go install
I was expecting a buffalo.exe inside %GOPATH%/bin so that I can add it to my path but didn't find one.
My question is what's wrong? Is the exe not installed or it's somewhere else because of go mod. Any help will be highly appreciated.
I am using windows 10. I am not willing to install package managers as scoop or choco to install buffalo. Thanks for your patience :)
Also tried setting set GO111MODULE=on but of no use.
My bad, I should have used go install instead of go install is a library; the corresponding binary is (aptly-named)
The go install command you ran should have warned you about that, but didn't because go install used to also be used to cache compiled libraries (it no longer does that in module mode).
I've filed to add a diagnostic.

Unknown subcommand "mod" error while running go mod init

I have installed the go language in my ubuntu using sudo apt install golang-go.
It was successfully installed. When i run go version I am getting go version go1.10.4 linux/amd64
but when i tried running go mod init projectName I am getting the following error go: unknown subcommand "mod"
Do I need to install mod package or am i missing something? I have implemented the solution given by christophe in this forum but it didn't work for me.
Preliminary module support was added in Go 1.11, so Go 1.10 knows no mod subcommand.
You need to install a newer, preferably the newest 1.14 version of Go. Get it from the official downloads page. Go 1.10 is not even supported anymore (doesn't receive security patches).
The prepared packages of OSes usually lag behind new releases. I'd advise to always get Go from the official page.
Because preliminary support for go-modules came in version 1.11 and 1.12.
More here
I suggest that you install using the linux build directly from golang

How to install "gotests" command?

I need to use the test driven development in Go using "gotests" command.
gotests -all *
This is not working. I did go get -u /
and go install. But there is no binary created in $GOPATH/bin.
since there is NO main package, Use this command
$ go get
this itself download all dependencies for the current package, and creates bin file, after downloading this package. see in $GOPATH/bin there will be a bin file named gotests
for more see HERE
The following worked for me with go v1.19.1
go install
Using go get to install things has been disabled since 1.18. See Deprecation of 'go get' for installing executables
go install
