How to setup Maven to enable JSF2 resources versioning? - maven

I have read the following essay:
Resources (library) in JSF 2.0
It's about versioning of web resources for JSF2 project.
May I know how could I do when my project is Maven-based? What need to be setup or added in the Maven setting?
Thanks a lot.

Effectively your question is a combination of three existing questions in Stackoverflow.
One is already superfluous since you already know how JSF versioning works, you just (unfortunately) referred an external site and not the existing question but from this question you need to 'remember' the format of the version number that needs to be used.
The second part should also not have been to difficult to come up with. JSF is a runtime framework and has no build/deploy time features. But you already use maven, so what is needed to build time copy(move?) the resources to a new location. The source folder can differ, it can be an additional resources folder e.g. src/main/myresources, that you don't treat as a resources (since it would end up in the classes folder then by default) or it can be a folder inside the webcontent and then you need to move (copy/delete). This is all for you to find out.
The third part is that the destination folder needs the version in the right format
Since this differs from the project version format, you need to search/replace this
which includes the project version in the right format. There are features for this as well in maven.
So you see, it all boils down to breaking a problem down into manageable parts...


What'll change about maven extensions according to this line in apache doc?

I found this note in the Maven's documentation:
You can add elements to this classloader by extensions. These are loaded into the same place as ${maven.home}/lib and hence are available to the Maven core and all plugins for the current project and subsequent projects (in future, we plan to remove it from subsequent projects).
I couldn't understand what they mean by "subsequent projects" here. As far as I understand, extensions are enhancements to lifecycle phases of Maven and are not project specific. So it makes sense to work for all the Maven projects.
Question: Can anyone explain what this statement means "in future, we plan to remove it from subsequent projects"
First an extensions can be extensions of a life cycle but not need to. You can implement an extensions also as an EventSpy for example.
This documentation is related to the Core Classloader which is available within such extensions and makes it also possible to enhance it via an extensions. This classloader contains those files from ${maven.home}/lib which is not a good idea and not necessary. It would be better having only the Maven Plugin API there and it's instances which are currently used and not more...
There existing some extensions like Wagon which are using to make a transport in special cases possible which could be project specific.
Starting with Maven 3.3.1 the core extensions mechanism has been improved to make loading project specific extensions more simpler which means they are located into ${maven.projectBasedir}/.mvn/extensions.xml file and also being loading from an repository. Before 3.3.1 you need to do that manually via mvn -Dmaven.ext.class.path=extension.jar.

Maven plugin to test i18n properties

does anybody know a maven plugin that tests all my language properties files? I want to test that every language in my project contains all keys.
Use cases:
Figure out if so. added a key to the default file and forgot to add to any of the other language files.
Figure out if so. dropped a key in one of the files and forgot to drop it in all the other files.
It is not that difficult to write my own small maven plugin, but I would prefer an already existing one. Haven't found one so far.
Or: How do you test your files? Manually / automated / not at all?
You should give a try to the i18n-maven-plugin. In the build (process-resources phase), all your Java classes, JSP will be parsed to find all the i18n keys in your project (according to your pom).
The plugin will add all the i18n keys that are missing in all you bundles. There is also a strict mode that remove all the i18n keys that are no longer found in your application from your bundles so you can be sure that 100% of the keys are both used in your app and translated in every language.
For a working, real-life example, feel free to check out this application:
svn checkout
mvn clean process-resources -Di18n.verbose
Funny - I gave my project the same name a couple of years ago.
This plugin serves me well on numerous projects. It turns around the concept of properties files 180 degrees. You maintain a well structured XMl file with your translations and the plugin will create all properties files for you during build time. No need for validation at his point. It can also create a Java class which holds all translation keys - thus enabling you to compile-check your translation calls.
Believe me - this takes away the pain of translating from a technical point of view. :)

Exclude Reading/Replacing specific files in Maven Build

We are using maven for building the project. It's legacy and huge one.
We newly added few .keystore files to it's resources folder.
The problem is, once the build is done, the .keystore files are getting tampered [may be maven is trying to replace/search for some placeholders]. Since it's legacy one, the project structure is so much messed up and we don't have separate distributions or no other choice but to go with plain build.
What I want is, tell maven to copy these sort of files without touching them and keeping the build as usual like before.
Between, there's no explicit is mentioned in pom.xml, tried to doing with that as per this but it's messing up the project build.
I don't want to tamper the build, since it's legacy and huge one. We are using Ant plugin
Just switch off filtering for the respective <resource/> or add an <exclude/> for it.
After going through lot of sources, Found the solution
Thanks :)

Should I use POM first or MANIFEST first when developing OSGi application with Maven?

There are two main approaches when developing an OSGi application with Maven: POM-first and MANIFEST first.
I'm looking for an answer that is in a form of a table that shows pros and cons of each method.
To be more specific, I would also like to know how it relates to:
Maturity of toolset
Vendor independence
Development ease (which includes finding people who can do the development on the tooling)
Avoiding ClassNotFound
Avoiding manual work
At present this is what I can come up with
POM-First Pros (using maven-bundle-plugin)
Leverages existing Maven skills, repositories and tooling.
Likely easier to find people who know how to manage pom.xml rather than MANIFEST.MF along with pom.xml
Most of the information in MANIFEST.MF can be obtained from the pom.xml itself.
Can work with other IDEs not just Eclipse based ones.
Less invasive, just add the single plugin and change the packaging type to "bundle"
POM-First Cons
ClassNotFoundException more likely to occur at runtime. However, this can be mitigated using pax-exam (although it is very complicated to set up).
Still need to understand how the MANIFEST is setup to make sure the instructions configuration element is set correctly.
MANIFEST-first Pros (using tycho-maven-plugin)
Seems to be the recommended approach, or at least talked about as the recommended approach, but I can't really see why it has significant benefit. (Hence why this question was asked).
Good for developing Eclipse plugins and integrates well with PDE
Provides tooling for testing thus allowing ClassNotFoundException to appear during JUnit testing rather than runtime.
MANIFEST-first Cons
Seems to only work well on Eclipse based IDEs. You don't have to use Eclipse, but without the PDE would you want to?
Violates DRY principles since I have to do put keep the names and versions from the POM and MANIFEST.MF in sync.
Need to name things in a specific fashion
You cannot mix, meaning existing Maven multi-project installations cannot just tack on OSGi support
A lot more configuration compared to maven-bundle-plugin is needed to get less warnings:
Have to make test cases a separate project. It won't run when built in src/test/java.
Seems that it will only test classes that are exposed, in other words those in ".internal." is not testable.
If I were asked for a recommendation for an enterprise that is using Maven already and want to move to OSGi then it would be POM first
If I were asked for a recommendation for someone who is doing Eclipse plugin development, then it is Manifest first -- with tycho
I think you should choose by use case. For server side OSGi projects I favour the pom first style. It nicely matches the maven builds and is much less error prone than Manifest first.
In fact bnd which is behind the maven bundle plugin gets the Manifest right for most cases without any additional config. The trick is to use some naming rules. For example if you name internal package impl or internal the will not be exported. Using this style you can not use the Eclipse plugin perspective (at least without bndtools which I do not like) but I did not yet miss this perspective. I am a developer in the Apache Karaf, CXF and Camel projects where we use this style and it works great. Especially for CXF and Camel it is great that we can support OSGi and non OSGi deployments with the same build and tools.
For Eclipse RCP applications Manifest first is the way to go as you need the plugin perspective and the Eclipse IDE tools. If you want to combine that with maven then tycho is probably the way to go.
MANIFEST first does not lock you to Eclipse (although I'd be surprised if more than a tiny minority would use anything else). The MANIFEST is the file that counts, and needs to be added to a jar, regardless how you do that.
On the other hand, POM first completely locks you to Maven, you lose the advantage that an OSGi bundle is a regular jar you can make any way you want.
I've tried both, I really prefer MANIFEST first. The MANIFEST file is a really important file, I prefer to craft that file over crafting a file that produces that file. If something weird happens, (and it will at some point) the MANIFEST file is the first to check, it's just easier if it's your own file. Besides, you will have to be familiar with it anyway.
So, if Maven is your alpha and omega, POM first will suit you best, but you'll still need to have in-depth understanding of the MANIFEST file.

Maven copy resources in multi module project

My need is pretty basic but I could not find any clean answer to it: I simply need to be able to distribute a resource in a multi-module project.
Let us consider for example the LICENSE file, which I hereby assume to be the same for all modules. I prefer not to manually copy it into each and every module because the file could change over time. I also prefer not to statically link to resources (even if using relative paths) outside the project folder, because the modular structure can possibly change too.
Is there any plugin that can be used to robustly guarantee that each module is given the required file? It would be equally acceptable for such copy to be obtained by exploiting the POM of the parent project or directly performed by the super project in the modular hierarchy.
you could use the assembly and the dependency plugins.. did you stumble over that link?
it describes that option ..its from 2008, but maven is around for quite some time.. so I guess its more or less up to date
edit regarding comment
Another option is the maven-remote-resources-plugin.
For a more detailed example see:
Since their intro speaks actually for itself, I quote (
This plugin is used to retrieve JARs of resources from remote repositories, process those resources, and incorporate them into JARs you build with Maven. A very common use-case is the need to package certain resources in a consistent way across your organization: at Apache it is required that every JAR produced contains a copy of the Apache license and a notice file that references all used software in a given project.
