When I was figuring out how my terminal (Cygwin 64bit on Windows 10 laptop) works, I found a ._.bash_profile file (emphasis on the extra ._). That was after I tried the command ls -a on the home directory.
Terminal displaying all of the files and folders in my home directory.
When I typed nano ._.bash_profile into the terminal, I got what I think is just garbled text:
Click here for the text of the ._.bash_profile
So my question is what on earth is ._.bash_profile?
Can you open the file with an IDE like Visual Studio Code?
It looks like a file with some sort of Mac Os file
I really like coding in bash, but there used to be many limitations of bash functionality in Windows. Though now there are many benefits to the bash windows users now rather than how it was pre windows 10. However, with all of the improvements, there is one thing that I feel leaves to be desired for me. The default behavior of the double-click of .sh files never really was able to do anything in windows, the .sh file extension isn't even available in the "choose default apps by file type" section of the settings. I had a desire to be able to change the default action for .sh files but neglected it and shook it off for a while, but this link finally gave me hope.
Before Ubuntu terminal and the addition of Windows subsystem for Linux, there was really no way to access bash terminal on Windows without a VM. Now with the addition of Windows Terminal which combines Microsoft Azure Terminal, Command Prompt, Powershell, and Ubuntu, it is really awesome for people like me, but despite the new awesome additions to windows allowing further integration of Linux terminal into Windows, even being able to edit the C: drive with Ubuntu.
I am sure there is a way to allow double-click of .sh files to open in windows terminal Ubuntu, but I don't know how. This question helped me on my journey to figure out how to do it and helped me make the default .bat file behavior change to Windows terminal, but I still have come to an enpass where I truly believe that it is not possible. So here is where I go when I have given up, the magical land of Stack Overflow :)
So far I have looked into the "Choose default apps by file extension" section of settings and could not find .sh in there nor could I find it in any of the default apps sections of normal settings.
After I couldn't find anything about .sh in settings, I looked into the registry and looked for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and looked for sh or anything bash file related in HCR alone, HCR\*\shell, HCR\*\shellx, and HCR\*\Openwithlist and could not find anything.
I then tried to do ftype, but I could not find how to use ftype with .sh. I tried doing ftype .sh="C:\Users\asian\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe" -p "Ubuntu" "%1" %* but i got the error "File type '.sh' not found or no open command associated with it."
I Also tried just clicking the .sh file so it brings up the "How do you want to open this file" menu and went to Windows Terminal but it opened the bash file in powershell with the error [error 0x800700c1 when launching `C:\Users\asian\Desktop\test.sh']
These where everything I could think of and none of it was working. Help and pointers are appreciated. Thank you!
I suggest you install the Git for Windows package, as it comes with a light-weight bash environment. This is likely to be able to be in the list of available apps when right-click -> Properties on a .sh or .bash file and say Open With and click the Change button next to Open With.
Other options are Cygwin or WSL for a 95% pure Linux environment on Windows.
I'm using a windows 8 and have cygwin installed. However, when I navigate to the folder it's contained in, the only subfolders are usr and var, and neither contains something that looks like a terminal. How can I open a cygwin terminal?
You should use mintty executable for this. In case of a default install path it is located here: c:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe
Cygwin installation puts a shortcut to the start menu, but perhaps this feature was broken in win8.
I checked this shortcut on my computer, and it contains this command as a "Target":
C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
You should create a shortcut like this. Replace the given path, if your cygwin is located anywhere else. -i command line argument is not necessary. For further info check the manual page of mintty, which is located here.
You can run
c:\program files\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
inside the Windows CMD.
When you install cygwin, it normally installs a ".bat" file at the top of the directory-tree containing cygwin, which can run a command-window. For example:
#echo off
chdir C:\cygwin64\bin
bash --login -i
The exact location of the cygwin tree is relevant to the script, of course, and details change occasionally. But the bash executable, starting in cygwin's bin-directory is enough to start a window.
Outside cygwin, you will not see things such as mounted directories and symbolic links. So (from the Windows file explorer) it may look incomplete.
I am trying to access git bash, but nothing happens (black screen). I used git bash many times during September and October, but when I tried today it did this. What can I do to solve this?
Have you had Cygwin installed? I was having this exact issue, then I found out I still had a "etc" and "bin" directories in my user folder on Windows. After removing these (As I didn't want Cygwin) GitBash worked for me again :)
Perhaps as a temporary solution you could navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin using the windows cmd line and execute git.exe. For me Im able to perform gitbash functions, just not with the lovely unix like syntax and interface.
Also if you include gitbash to be written to your PATH during install, the win cmd line still works.
To edit files from terminal I use subl (for sublime text) in order to edit the file;
example: If i need to edit app.js file I use subl app.js
Is there any way I can set up webstorm to open from the terminal ?
Try in terminal 'wstorm' and 'webstorm'
If the commands don't work you can run in WebStorm: "Tools" -> "Create Command Line Launcher..."
Note: The solution works only for Linux / MacOS
Update January 2016 using Webstorm 11.0.3 on mac os x
There was no option as described in the accepted answer.
Instead, just use the already installed command line binary wstorm designed for this purpose. Location shown below:
If you actually wish to open webstorm and have it load the contents of the current working directory for example, then place a . after the command:
wstorm .
Noted, others had made similar comments in this answers section, and wished to clarify the situation.
In Webstorm 2020.1.2 you need to do it via JetBrains ToolBox Settings. To do that go to JetBrain Toolbox, click on the settings cog, open Shell Scripts and type the path: /usr/local/bin click apply. Go to your terminal, from your project folder type webstorm . Hope this helps.
As suggested by Ali Faris(comment below), if you have an error like this Shell Scripts failed: /usr/local/bin/webstorm (Permission denied): inside of the logs
Jetbrains Toobox -> settings -> show log files -> toolbox.log (for me in: ~/Library/Logs/JetBrains/Toolbox).
Change /usr/local/bin to another folder name of your choice with the correct access rights, e.g - I chose this name: ~/.jetbrains-launchers.
You can check if script is created by Jetbrains: ls ~/.jetbrains-launchers (you should see a script for each of the jetbrains applications you use).
Add this to your path if needed for example if you use zsh add this at the bottom of your .zshrc export PATH="$HOME/.jetbrains-launchers:$PATH"
Open a new terminal window and this should work.
Basically jetbrains will create script like this (in this case for webstorm cat ~/.jetbrains-launchers/webstorm):
#Generated by JetBrains Toolbox 1.22.10970 at 2022-01-08T12:57:24.803251
declare -a ideargs=()
declare -- wait=""
for o in "$#"; do
if [[ "$o" = "--wait" || "$o" = "-w" ]]; then
if [[ "$o" =~ " " ]]; then
open -na "/Users/[YOUR-USER]/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/WebStorm/ch-0/213.6461.79/WebStorm.app/Contents/MacOS/webstorm" $wait --args "${ideargs[#]}"
I also downloaded WebStorm and wanted to use a similar shortcut to open files directly from the terminal.
I was surprised to find I already had a shortcut in my command line tools for webstorm:
subl is to Sublime as wstorm is to Webstorm.
Otherwise, as anstarovoyt has kindly pointed out, you can simply create your own shortcut via "Tools" > "Create Command Line Launcher"
Another way to do that:
open -a /Applications/WebStorm.app #Open last project
open -a /Applications/WebStorm.app Desktop #Open particular folder
open -a /Applications/WebStorm.app Desktop myscript.js #Open particular file
You can add alias to your config file:
#Edit your config:
vim ~/.bashrc
#add line:
alias ws='open -a /Applications/WebStorm.app'
#Read your config file:
source ~/.bashrc
Now you can use it:
ws . myscript.js
I know this is an older thread, but trying to achieve this using Windows was kind of a pain and I wasn't able to find anything specifically designed for my purposes. I created a Bash function that you can add as an alias (for Git Bash on Windows) that works similar to the command line functions in Visual Studio Code.
Here's the link to the Gist.
If you change the integrated terminal in WebStorm to Git Bash (instructions included in the Gist), you can perform the following actions:
Create a new file in the current working directory and open it in the editor:
wstorm foo.js
Create a new file in an existing relative path and open it in the editor:
wstorm foo/bar.js
This also works with subdirectories that don't exist:
wstorm this/path/doesnt/exist/file.js
If you're working in a Git Bash terminal (not in WebStorm) and want to open WebStorm up in the current directory, you can open it similar to Visual Studio Code:
wstorm .
Note: This needs to be done in a directory with a .idea folder.
As of 2019-03-09, WebStorm 2018.3.4 on Mac does not have Tools > "Create Command Line Launcher...". However, this works:
WebStorm Preferences > Keymap > Main Menu > Tools > Create Command-line Launcher...
Right-click "Create Command-line Launcher..." > Add Keyboard Shortcut
Assign a keyboard shortcut
Close Preferences
Type the keyboard shortcut to open "Create Launcher Script"
Click Ok to run the script
You can now launch WebStorm from the terminal with webstorm and can choose a directory to open
After setting up WebStorm to create the cli launcher you actually want to run
wstorm . &
to run the IntelliJ on the background otherwise IntelliJ closes if you happen to close the terminal you have launched the app from.
In WebStorm IDE, click DOUBLE CLICK ON SHIFT and type Create Command Line Launcher then click OK from luncher script promote .
cd project_folder_path using terminal and type webstorm ./ .
that is not for Windows OS
In Ubuntu terminal type:
Note: please see your WebStorm build version, code mine is 129.664
In the terminal, while being in the given project folder:
webstorm .
I know that this is a pretty old thread, but I recently came across this problem on Windows (I'm using the JetBrains Toolbox).
With the following steps all new and existing applications that have been installed with the Toolbox will be added to your path!
Follow these steps to achieve this:
Because of permissions, we need to create a new directory in your user. I named it .path, so that I can also store any other application there in the future. So this will be C:\Users\<PC_USER>\.path\.
The the Toolbox click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
Then click on Enable Shell Scripts and/or Generate Shell Scripts.
In the input field that is located under the switch paste your path folder. (C:\Users\<PC_USER>\.path\)
Open your Edit the system environment variables program that can be found in Windows search or the control panel.
Click on the Environment Variables... button that is located in the right corner, a new window should pop up.
In the new window select the variable that says Path in the Variable column from the top list and then click on the edit button that is situated under the top list. Another new window should pop-up.
Click on new and paste your path there. (C:\Users\<PC_USER>\.path\)
Click on Ok in Edit environment variable > Environment Variables > System Properties.
Go to C:\Users\<PC_USER>\.path\ and all your toolbox installed applications should be there.
Restart your CLI and it should work.
The wstorm command didn't work in my Git bash, so I added the following function to my .bash_profile instead:
wstorm() {
/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/JetBrains/WebStorm\ 2016.2.2/bin/WebStorm.exe $PWD/$1
A short solution relevant to the year 2021 for Linux users.
Just execute the comand:
sudo ln -s /<your path to Webstorm directory>/bin/webstorm.sh /usr/local/bin/webstorm
Since /usr/local/bin should be in the PATH environment variable by default, you should be able to run the webstorm command from anywhere in the shell.
More details Webstorm docs
I am running Windows 10 and whipped up a batch file (ws.bat) that implements this with optional command line argument for path to load).
:: place this batch file in your path and set to your WS EXE
:: ref: https://www.robvanderwoude.com/battech_defined.php
:: author: bob#bobchesley.net
#echo off
set target=%1
if defined target (goto passedarg) else (goto noarg)
echo Starting WebStorm with '%target%'
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2018.3.2\bin\webstorm.exe" %target%
echo Starting WebStorm with 'Current Dir'
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2018.3.2\bin\webstorm.exe" .
Pretty simple but it works.
webstorm . doesn't work on Windows. Try this for the current folder:
webstorm $pwd
$pwd is the current folder's path
Previously I had gVim running and working; however, my hard drive crashed so everythin'g got erased. Anyways, I am trying to run gVim to open files "-bash: gVim: command not found. I installed X11 and MacVim and did everything that i did before but it just wont open my file. When i open my file with vim it works, but i would prefer gVim.
Any suggestions on how to get givm to work??
I'm not sure you know what you are doing.
MacVim has nothing to do with X11 at all so… are you trying to run GVim — the GTK front end of Vim — under X11 (to mimic a Linux desktop, maybe) or do you simply want to run some GUI Vim (GVim or MacVim, whatever).
If you really want GVim, you can install it (and its dependencies) from source but, judging by your question I don't think you should take that path.
If you only want a GUI Vim, the MacVim download comes with a mvim script that you can put anywhere in your $PATH. $ mvim filename will work just like $ gvim filename on Linux.
You can even rename that script to gvim if you absolutely need a gvim command.
You can install MacVim either from this site:
or for example from the macports project, with port install MacVim (you must install first macports (see www.macports.org)
with macvim you will get the mvim terminal command, what is an small shell script.
TL;DR: gvim is aliased from the MacVim application's bin folder and you can add that bin directory to your $PATH variable to enable access to gvim from the terminal.
I recently downloaded the latest MacVim.dmg file from https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/releases, opened it, in the window that pops up, dragged the MacVim icon to the Applications icon, then closed that window and ejected the MacVim.dmg installer from the finder.
From a finder window I navigated to the /Applications folder, I right-clicked on MacVim.app and selected "Show Package Contents". Then I opened Contents/bin and there found a set of symlinks from mvim and gvim to vim.
I opened a terminal, and changed directory to the home directory by typing cd ~ . From the home directory, I typed ls -al to list all files even the hidden ones which start with a dot, and verify there was a .bash_profile file. (If you don't have this file, see if you have any other other profile files, or search the web to determine which to use or add, so that you can set the following additions to your $PATH variable and have them persist after you log out and back in.)
From the home directory, I used my favorite editor to edit the .bash_profile file, and added the following line to add MacVim's bin file to the $PATH variable:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin
I saved and exited the .bash_profile file, then loaded my change with source .bash_profile. Now when I type in the terminal which gvim it lists that location, and I can run gvim from the terminal to open a file.
I’m a hard-core gvim user (i.e., I prefer gvim to vi, vim, mvim, and other text editors that are available on Mac). I’ve searched online for “How to install gvim on Mac?”, and have found many answers. The one answer that works best for me is as follows. Assuming you have brew available, on a terminal, type:
brew install macvim
You may be asked to fix some errors. Just follow the onscreen instructions, which may include running commands: brew unlink vim, brew unlink macvim, etc.
Once your macvim has been installed, type the following command:
brew link macvim
If this is successful, then gvim should have been installed, and you can verify this by typing:
which gvim
You should see:
as the screen output.