Unable to Get DHCP Lease - dhcps: send_offer>>udp_sendto result ffffffff - esp32

When connecting to an ESP32 in softAP mode from an ESP32 client, the client connects and disconnects just fine for a while. Eventually, the AP will show the following error:
dhcps: send_offer>>udp_sendto result ffffffff
The client connects but doesn't get a lease. If I try to connect from another device, like my
iPhone, it doesn't get a lease either. If I set the client as static, it works just fine even after the server stops responding to DHCP request. Stopping and starting the DHCP server doesn't fix it.
I'm using AsyncTCP (me-no-dev Oct 17, 2019 version) on the server. I'm using the 1.12.2 Espressif 32 board library in PlatformIO. (Didn't work with 1.12.1 either)
Any idea why I'm unable to obtain a lease? Rebooting the AP does fix the issue so it doesn't appear to be an issue with the client.

I ran out of heap space. In AsyncTCP you have to explicitly free and delete the point.


Server in Windows doesn't respond to Websockets connection - NBSTAT <00>

I have a (Spring Boot) server, and a client trying to establish a Websockets connection to the server.
I've run and tested the server on a Linux machine (Ubuntu 20.04), it works fine.
It also ran fine on my Windows (Windows 10 Home) machine up until a few days ago. Now it is acting strange.
I checked the network traffic between client and server in wireshark, both in Linux and Windows.
Here is the linux capture:
And this is the windows capture:
The blacked out IPs are the client's. Both the linux and windows servers are running in the same network, so the problem would not be in a router configuration.
In both cases, the client makes the same request to /location/websocket, but in Linux the server responds successfully in less than 1 second, while in Windows it responds about 13 seconds later, and immediately follows the response by closing the websocket connection.
What looks strange to me are the NBSTAT name queries. I tried several times and there are always three queries between the arrival of the client request, and the closing of the websocket connection.
So maybe the windows machine needs to do a name query to respond successfully? Is this normal? What does the <00>...<00> string in the name query mean? I checked the network traffic while keeping the server up but not connecting to the client, and I didn't see any activity on port 137, so it definitely only happens when the client tries to contact the windows machine. What can I do about this? How can I get the server responding to websocket connections again?

gRPC stopped working with APO on Windows 11

I have a Windows application (APP) and Audio Processing Object (APO) loaded by AudioDG.exe that communicate via gRPC:
APP part that is written in C# creates server via Grpc.Core.
APO part creates client via grpc++.
Server is on (I can see it's up and listening with netstat -ano).
I can confirm that APO is loaded into audio device graph by inspecting it with process explorer.
Everything worked like a charm on Windows 8 and 10, but on 11 it cannot communicate at all - I get either Error Code 14, Unavailable, failed to connect to all addresses or 4, Deadline Exceeded.
After enabling debug traces, I now see "socket is null" description for "connect failed" error:
I0207 16:20:59.916447 0 ..\..\..\src\core\ext\filters\client_channel\subchannel.cc:950: subchannel 000001D8B9B01E20 {address=ipv4:, args=grpc.client_channel_factory=0x1d8bb660460, grpc.default_authority=, grpc.internal.subchannel_pool=0x1d8b8c291b0, grpc.primary_user_agent=grpc-csharp/2.43.0 (.NET Framework 4.8.4470.0; CLR 4.0.30319.42000; net45; x64), grpc.resource_quota=0x1d8b8c28d90, grpc.server_uri=dns:///}: connect failed: {"created":"#1644240059.916000000","description":"socket is null","file":"..\..\..\src\core\lib\iomgr\tcp_client_windows.cc","file_line":112}
What I've tried so far:
Updating both parts to the latest grpc versions.
Using "no proxy", "Http2UnencryptedSupport" and other env variables.
Using "localhost" or "" instead of "".
Updating connection to use self signed SSL certificates (root CA, server cert + key, client cert + key).
Adding inbound / outbound rules for my port, and then disabling firewall completely.
Creating server on APO side and trying to connect with the client in APP.
Everything works (both insecure and SSL creds) if I create both client and server in C# part, but as soon as it's APP-APO communication it feels blocked or sandboxed.
What has been changed in Windows 11 that can "block" gRPC?
Thanks in advance!
In your input you write:
Server is at
Further looking at the logs, you can see that:
The server is located at
Based on the question posed and the amount of data provided, I would check which port the server is really using and which port the client is looking for a connection on.
The easiest way to do this is to use the built-in Resource Monitor application. On the Network tab, in the TCP Connections list, you can find the application and the port it uses.
You can also use the PowerShell command
Test-NetConnection -Port 10000 -InformationLevel "Detailed"
Test-NetConnection -Port 20000 -InformationLevel "Detailed"
At least this is the first thing I would check based on what you described.
Regarding your question about the changes in Windows 11, I do not think that this is something that's causing problems for you. However, Windows 11 has additional security features compared to Windows 10, try disabling the security features completely as a test. Perhaps this will help solve the problem.
As for ASP.NET Core 6.0 itself (if I understood the version correctly), then there is a possibility that the server part, working not in the sandbox of the programming environment, still does not accept the client certificate. At the program level, you can try to fix this by adding the following exception to the code:
// This switch must be set before creating the GrpcChannel/HttpClient.
"System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
// The port number(5000) must match the port of the gRPC server.
var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://localhost:5000");
var client = new Greet.GreeterClient(channel);
More troubleshooting issues with ASP.NET Core 6.0 Microsoft described in detail here.
I hope it was useful and at least one of the solutions I suggested will help solve your problem. In any case, if I had more information, I think I could help you more accurately.

Destination (port) unreachable freeswitch xlite

ok so i have two machine on my LAN, one running Ubuntu 16.04 and the other Windows 10.
I installed and configured Freeswitch on the Linux one and installed X-Lite on the Windows one. What i'm trying to do is to register a SIP client using X-Lite on the Freeswitch server.
However each time i get the error message problem at server (SIP error 408)
The Wireshark entry on both machines gives this message
I configured the windows firewall to allow incoming connection on port 5060 and 5080 as freeswitch uses them, but still the same error!
can anyone help me?

Tizen WebSockets: can access Internet WebSocket server but cannot acces LAN WebSocket server

last week I started to develop apps for a Samsung Smartwatch with the Tizen SDK 2.4.0. My sample web application connects to a remote Websocket server (a simple echo server) and sends some random requests and prints the received messages (Server is http://www.websocket.org/echo.html). This works fine on an emulated devices as well as on the real Gear S2 Smartwatch (Example was taken from https://developer.tizen.org/zh-hans/development/tutorials/web-application/w3chtml5supplementary-features/communication/websocket?langredirect=1)
But as soon as I start a Websocket server in my home LAN I run into problems. The server is launched via a simple Python example I found on Github (https://github.com/dpallot/simple-websocket-server). The emulator device from the SDK connects to this server without any problems using the local IPv4. But the real device, which is logged in to the same WiFi access point, doesn't.
Note that the connection between my PC and my watch device works fine, since the SDK flashes the developed apps via WiFi to the device.
In my config.xml all connections are allowed
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"></access>
and the privilege for "Internet" is available.
The logs show that the watch tries to open a connection, but is then stuck. No error message is printed - the watch just does not go beyond the initial creation of the websocket.
Do you have any hints or thoughts about how I could debug this issue?
Thanks in advance!
I found the solution - my virus scanner has an integrated software firewall that blocked incoming connections...
Try with higher ports maybe ? I got WS working fine on SamsungZ1 on Tizen:2.3:Mobile
Maybe I could try your code on Tizen:2.4:Mobile too ?

Subversion unbearably slow on Windows 7

My company is currently using TortoiseSVN 1.6.16 32-bit on Windows XP to connect via HTTPS to a VisualSVN-Server 2.1.19 running on a Windows Server 2003 residing in the same network (no proxy). We use a self-signed certificate and Kerberos authentication using windows credentials (I suppose this is a VisualSVN-specific feature). In this setup, everything works dandy.
When my company decided to move on to Windows 7, we tried TortoiseSVN 1.7.6 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit which resulted in the following problem:
Any operation involving the server (repo-browser, checkout, update, checkin, ...) is unbearably slow e.g.
opening the repo-browser (10 projects): 15 min
update on a fresh checkout of 50 files: 1 min
checkin of a single empty file: 30 sec
Tortoise shows alternatively normal transmission speeds and 0 byte/s. Many small files seem to be slower than a few big ones.
The slow connection results in various failures when using neon as http-lib (serf is still slow, but operation finishes successfully without errors)
EasySVN, SmartSVN and the SVN command line client that comes with TortoiseSVN show the same behaviour. Same with TortoiseSVN 1.6.16 64-bit.
Changing the server protocol to HTTP (no SSL) does not improve the situation
On the other hand
TortoiseSVN 1.7.6 32-bit on Windows XP works fine with our server
Access via browser/WebDAV works well even under Windows 7
Server side logs do not show errors or even warnings
I found several posts which also complained about slow behaviour on Windows 7, but they didn't fit my bill because they were local operations or were restricted to TortoiseSVN.
As there is no indication that there is a general problem with Subversion on Windows 7, I suspect that it could be our OS' networking parameters or protocol versions. Are there any parameters which are known to influence Subversion's performance?
I have to admit I am not familiar with how exactly Subversion (or rather neon/serf) relies on the OS and on which parts. Any information on that would be greatly appreciated.
Are there any parameters in the subversion 'servers' file which I should test? How would you consider my chances that Wireshark'ing the connection will help me?
Similar experiences, opinions, hints, help and straws are welcome.
Wireshark shows sporadic gaps of ca. 5 sec in the TCP stream apparently caused by VisualSVN Server.
https: the server acknowledges the client hello then waits for 5 secs before sending its server hello
https: the server acknowledges the client key and than takes 5 secs before supplying its encrypted handshake data
https: even outside the handshake, server sometimes sends an ACK (on TCP level) and then waits for 5 sec before sending something back to the client (the data is encrypted so it's hard to tell whether the break occurs at some point of interest)
http: at both server side transmissions during the NTLM authentication
http: before server sending a FIN flag
A typical fail with Windows 7 against an older server is IPv6 networking.
If your machine does not have an SVN server listening on an IPv6 address Windows 7 might still try to do a TCP6 connect first (you can see it in Process Explorer if you look at the open sockets of the TortoiseSVN process while trying an operation), this has a timeout of a few seconds and then retries with IPv4.
Simple solutions are either upgrade your server to an IPv6 capable one or disable IPv6 for the Windows 7 clients.
Another thing you could verify (the answer above didn't work for us) is the Internet Explorer settings especially if you have IE9. We found that by disabling the option Automatically detect settings in the Internet Options -> Connection tab -> LAN settings, SVN started working normally again.
The issue was never properly cleared up. Most probably, the company internal network path between the client and the server was somehow at fault. The matter became obsolete when we moved the SVN server to another machine. The very same setup of server and clients works fine now, even with Windows 7.
I had the same symptom of a very slow repository browse, slow updates, slow everything.
My SVN server has two Ethernet cards, so it has two Ethernet IP addresses. The SVN server was only listening on one of the IP addresses. So a name resolution via WINS or NetBIOS could resolve to the 'wrong' IP address.
TortoiseSVN would retry, eventually the name resolution would find the 'correct' IP address, and things would work.
