ORA-02019:connection description for remote database not found - left join in a view - oracle

I have 3 tables:
table1: id, person_code
table2: id, address, person_code_foreing(same with that one from table 1), admission_date_1
table3: id, id_table2, admission_date_2, something
(the tables are fictive)
I'm trying to make a view who takes infos from this 3 tables using left join, i'm doing like this because in the first table i have some record who don't have the person_code in the others tables but I want also this info to be returned by the view:
SELECT t1.name, t2.adress, t3.something
from schema.table1#ambient1 t1
left join schema.table2#ambient1 t2
on t1.person_code = t2.person_code_foreing
left join schema.table3#ambient1 t3
on t3.id_table2 = t2.id
and t1.admission_date_1=t2.admission_date_2;
This view needs to be created in another ambient (ambient2).
I tried using a subquery, there I need also a left join to use, and this thing is very confusing because I don't get it, the subquery and the left join are the big no-no?! Or just de left-join?!
Has this happened to anyone?
How did you risolved it?
Thanks a lot.

ORA-2019 indicates that your database link (#ambient1) does not exist, or is not visible to the current user. You can confirm by checking the ALL_DB_LINKS view, which should list all links to which the user has access:
select owner, db_link from all_db_links;
Also keep in mind that Oracle will perform the joins in the database making the call, not the remote database, so you will almost certainly have to pull the entire contents of all three tables over the network to be written into TEMP for the join and then thrown away, every time you run a query. You will also lose the benefit of any indexes on the data and most likely wind up with full table scans on the temp tables within your local database.
I don't know if this is an option for you, but from a performance perspective and given that it isn't joining with anything in the local database, it would make much more sense to create the view in the remote database and just query that through the database link. That way all of the joins are performed efficiently where the data lives, only the result set is pushed over the network, and your client database SQL becomes much simpler.

I managed to make it work, but apparently ambient2 doesn't like my "left-join", and i used only a subquery and the operator (+), this is how it worked:
SELECT t1.name, all.adress, all.something
from schema.table1#ambient1 t1,(select * from
schema.table3#ambient1 t3, schema.table2#ambient1 t2
where t3.id_table2 = t2.id(+)
and (t1.admission_date_1=t2.admission_date_2 or t1.admission_date is null))
where t1.person_code = t2.person_code_foreing(+);
I tried to test if a query in ambient2 using a right-join works (with 2 tables created there) and it does. I thought there is a problem with that ambient..
For me, there is no sense why in my case this kind of join retrieves that error.
The versions are different?! I don't know, and I don't find any official documentation about that.
Maybe some of you guys have any clue..
There is a mistery for me :))


PowerBI Power Query Oracle Join tables

I have Googled for a long time, but guessing that I struggle to find the right way to ask Google for my questions. I guess my question is pretty easy to solve, just as I need to know how ;)
I just started using PowerBI, and have established a connection to a Oracle database.
My challenge is:
I need to create some kind of "join" towards multiple tables, so I get the data I need.
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
And the user might have 100 emails, so there could be multiple rows here.
How do I do this? I've tried with "merge"/join I think, but maybe in the wrong way, as I get sh*t load of rows in return, more than I should.
I hope I'm clear, if not, please let me know and I will try to be more clear
I don't use PowerBi, but - from what you said - it looks like you didn't properly join all tables and there's - somewhere - cross join which results in too many rows to be returned.
If you'd write query yourself (I presume PowerBI lets you do that in a GUI), it would be something like this:
select a.first_name,
from table1 a join table2 b on b.table1_id = a.table1_id --> this
join table3 c on c.table2_id = b.table2_id --> this
I marked joins you should be having.

Query in DB2 vs Oracle

There is a query having multiple inner joins. It involves two views, of which one view is based on four tables, and total there are four tables(including two views).
The same query with the same amount of data in the source tables runs in both, Oracle and DB2. In DB2, surprisingly, it takes 2 minutes to load 3 million records. While in Oracle, it is taking two hours. Same indexes are on all source tables in both the environments. Is the behavior of views (when used in joins) different in both environments (Oracle vs DB2)?
a dummy query I am sharing :-
SUM(otl.column4) column4,
SUM(otl.column5) column5,
(Case when SUM(otl.column5) = 0 then 0
else round(CAST(SUM(otl.column4) AS DECIMAL(19,2)) /abs(CAST(SUM(otl.column4) AS DECIMAL(18,2))),4)
end) taxl_unrlz_cgl_pct
view_a adf
INNER JOIN table_b hr on hr.hh_ref_id = adf.hh_ref_id
AND hr.col_typ_cd = 'FIRM'
AND hr.col_end_dt = TO_DATE('1/1/2900','MM/DD/YYYY')
INNER JOIN dw.table_c ar on ar.colb_id = adf.colb_id
AND ar.col_cd = '#'
AND ar.col_num BETWEEN 10000000 AND 89999999
AND ar.col_dt IS NULL
INNER JOIN table_d dd on dd.col_id = adf.col_id
INNER JOIN view2 otl ON otl.cola_id = ar.cola_id
GROUP BY adf.column1, adf.column2, dd.column3;
Technically, both DB2 and Oracle will try to rewrite the query in most efficient way possible using the base query that you have coded. But one of the common (but not frequent) issues that I have seen when using multi-table view is DBMS not being able to rewrite the query using underlying tables. So depending on complexity of the view itself and sometime the additional joins, DBMS may not be able to rewrite the query to use the underlying tables properly and hence resulting in not being able to use the indexes on the underlying tables used in the view. When this happens, the view itself acts like a materialized table (work table) and query goes for table scan on the materialized table.
There is no consistent pattern on when such issue can happen. So you will need to check on a case by case basis.
Since you are mentioning about 2 hrs vs 2 minutes, in most probability that might be the case. So you will need to check the access path on both Oracle and DB2. But you will also need to make sure that stats are updated and access path is based on latest stats on DBMS. Else it won't be apples to apples compare.

Oracle 11 joining with view has high cost

I'm having some difficulty with joining a view to another table. This is on an Oracle RAC system running 11.2
I'll try and give as much detail as possible without going into specific table structures as my company would not like that.
You all know how this works. "Hey, can you write some really ugly software to implement our crazy ideas?"
The idea of what they wanted me to do was to make a view where the end user wouldn't know if they were going after the new table or the old table so one of the tables is a parameter table that will return "ON" or "OFF" and is used in the case statements.
There are some not too difficult but nested case statements in the select clause
I have a view:
create view my_view as
select t1.a as a, t1.b as b, t1.c as c,
sum(case when t2.a = 'xx' then case when t3.a then ... ,
case when t2.a = 'xx' then case when t3.a then ... ,
from table1 t1
join table t2 on (t1.a = t2.a etc...)
full outer join t3 on (t1.a = t3.a etc...)
full outer join t4 on (t1.a = t4.a etc...)
group by t1.a, t1.b, t2.c, and all the ugly case statements...
Now, when I run the query
select * from my_view where a='xxx' and b='yyy' and c='zzz'
the query runs great and the cost is 10.
However, when I join this view with another table everything falls apart.
select * from my_table mt join my_view mv on (mt.a = mv.a and mt.b=mv.b and mt.c=mv.c) where ..."
everything falls apart with a cost though the roof.
What I think is happening is the predicates are not getting pushed to the view. As such, the view is now doing full tables scans and joining everything to everything and then finally removing all the rows.
Every hint, tweak, or anything I've done doesn't appear to help.
When looking at the plan it looks like it has the predicates.
But this happens after everything is joined.
Sorry if this is cryptic but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Since you have the view with a "GROUP BY", predicates could not be pushed to the inner query
Also, you have the group by functions in a case statement, which could also make it worse for the optimizer
Oracle introduces enhancements to Optimizer every version/release/patch. It is hard to say what is supported in the version you're running. However, you can try:
See if removing the case from the GROUP BY function will make any difference
Otherwise, you have to take the GROUP BY and GROUP BY functions from the view to the outer most query
After many keyboard indentations on my forehead I may have tricked Oracle into pushing the predicates. I don't know exactly why this works but simplifying things may have helped.
I changed all my ON clauses to USING clauses and in this way the column names now match the columns from which I'm joining to. On some other predicates that were constants I added in a where clause to the view.
The end result is I can now join this view with another table and the cost is reasonable and the plan shows that the predicates are being pushed.
Thank you to everybody who looked at this problem.

Replacing NOT IN with NOT EXISTS and an OUTER JOIN in Oracle Database 12c

I understand that the performance of our queries is improved when we use EXISTS and NOT EXISTS in the place of IN and NOT IN, however, is performance improved further when we replace NOT IN with an OUTER JOIN as opposed to NOT EXISTS?
For example, the following query selects all models from a PRODUCT table that are not in another table called PC. For the record, no model values in the PRODUCT or PC tables are null:
select model
from product
where not exists(
select *
from pc
where product.model = pc.model);
The following OUTER JOIN will display the same results:
select product.model
from product left join pc
on pc.model = product.model
where pc.model is null;
Seeing as these both return the same values, which option should we use to better improve the performance of our queries?
The query plan will tell you. It will depend on the data and tables. In the case of OUTER JOIN and NOT EXISTS they are the same.
However to your opening sentence, NOT IN and NOT EXISTS are not the same if NULL is accepted on model. In this case you say model cannot be null so you might find they all have the same plan anyway. However when making this assumption, the database must be told there cannot be nulls (using NOT NULL) as opposed to there simply not being any. If you don't it will make different plans for each query which may result in different performance depending on your actual data. This is generally true and particularly true for ORACLE which does not index NULLs.

using multiple left outer joins pl/sql

So I have three tables I am trying to pull data from with the following query:
select tats.machine_interval_id as machine_interval_id,
tats.interval_type as interval_type,
tats.interval_category as interval_category,
ops.opstatemnemonic as operational_state,
nptc.categorytype as idle_category,
tats.interval_duration as interval_duration
from temp_agg_time_summary tats
left outer join operationalstates ops on ops.opstateid=tats.operationalstatenumeric
left outer join nptcategories nptc on nptc.categoryid=tats.categorytypenumeric
The problem I'm having is that whenever there is a value that is not null from the nptcategories table, it double the record which in turns throws off any calculations I have later in my packages. I believe the problem has to do with having more than one left outer join in the query. My question may see fairly simple, but I'm new to PL/SQL so bear with me.
What I want to know is how can I use multiple left outer joins in a query with out having this problem occur? What would be a better way to structure this query?
Okay so I found the offending line of code it is below:
left outer join nptcategories nptc on nptc.categoryid=tats.categorytypenumeric
Also when using distinct, it removes all of the duplicate records, but will using this cause any problems I am unaware of? Should I focus more on figuring out why the join above does not work properly, or is the distinct good enough?
Okay, so after taking Wolf's suggestion, i went in and ran the following line of code
select categorytype, count(*)
from nptcategories
group by categorytype
having count(*) > 1;
After running this, i found that somehow there were duplicates of records in this table so, this was fixed by removing the duplicates and setting the table to have unique ids. This was done by using the following script on the DB:
alter table nptcategories add constraint nptcatidunq unique(categoryid)
