Version Information
Forms [64 Bit] Version
I have installed Forms Builder only on my machine. I follow the proper configuration steps to configure the forms.
Full installation of WebLogic on a separate server.
When I am trying to run a module through the form developer's debug push button it shows the below message
"Frm-42431 Unable to Initialize Debugger"
I made the change in formsweb.cfg allow_debug=true, and also debugger.jar is included in class path in default.env.
Help is also not working. When I try to open the help system. The below message is open.
FRM-18105: Failed to start the help system.
Please help me find out the solution for this problem.
You need to make sure your local environment variable(FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH) is the same as what is in the registry editor(check under KEY_OracleHome1). If not the same or you don't find it in the local environment variables just do this:
Open Registry Editor -> computer -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES -> Software -> Oracle -> KEY_OracleHome1
Look for FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH right-click -> modify -> Copy all under value data
Paste it into the notepad and look for ORACLE HOME under FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH do the same copy all under value data textbox that the path of your files.
Then go back to your note pad replace all '%ORACLE_HOME%' with the path you copied on oracle home.
It should look like this after replacing all :
Then go to environments variable under system variable click new then variable name add FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH on value add all text you copied on note pad after replace.
Close and Open forms again it should work now.
We have a laravel app (Version 5.5*) deployed in WIndows Server 2012 R2. But our development stack is LEMP. Same codebase works fine in development STACK but fails in WINDOWS SERVER.
In our App, there is a REPORT DOWNLOAD queueable job which reads data from database table and generates an excel file using box/spout package(version 2.7) depending on user input date range (daily,weekly,monthly, etc) .
When running the queue:work command from cmd as administrator,
$writer->openToFile(‘path/to/file’) throws an error : failed to open stream : no such file or directory.
See this image for code snippet throwing error
Solutions I tried:
Setting right permissions(full control Read & write) for Storage folder of my project (For Users, IIS_IUSRS,IUSR)
Setting right permissions(full control Read & write) for C:windows\Temp folder (For Users, IIS_IUSRS,IUSR)
Created symlink for storage folder inside public
OS: windows server 2012 r2
PHP: 7.2*
Laravel: 5.5.*
box/Spout package: 2.7.*
You can follow the following procedure:
Go to IIS Manager
Select your desired project (For example: listed under Sites
Go to Security tab and you'll see the users listed with their permissions on the folder.
Now, click Edit button to go to a new window and click Add. In the text box,type IIS AppPool\MyApplicationPoolName.In our example it should be IIS AppPool\
Click Check Name and you'll see the test change with underline.
Click Ok. Add the appropriate permission(Modify,read,write) to the newly created user.
That's it!!!
Thanks to all for responding.
I have an application I would like to move to Test. I have navigated to Export (going through the Application Builder -> App -> Export).
I choose Runtime Only. All others are defaults.
Instead of asking where to save the f100.sql file I get "wwv_flow.accept.html" in the dialog box.
If I save this and open it the error seems to be:
ERR-7620 Could not determine workspace for application ().
I am connecting over a VPN into the database. Would this have any effect on things?
Is there a general cause for this behaviour? I have exported this application before into a Build environment.
ETA - Even if I choose Build and Runtime option I get the same.
When importing an application through command-line or SQL Developer, you should meet two terms:
You need to have a workspace set in the testing environment (say TEST_WS), and get connected to it
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = TEST_WS;
You need to run this snippet to adjust the different workspace name:
also, when exporting the application you can alter "Owner Override" to the schema name in the destination pdb
I'm following along with the Contoso University and I'm running into the HP Computer Platform issue mentioned in this SO question about the scaffolding creation error saying deps.json does not exists in a certain folder.
I'm running Windows 7 Professional and using Visual Studio 2017 Community.
I have changed my Environment Variable, Platform, from BPC to nothing by using set Platform= in command prompt.
Still I get an error when I try to Right Click on the Controllers folder > Add > New Scaffolding Item... > MVC Controller with views, Using Entity Framework > Fill out the form by picking a Model class and Data context class > Add >
There was an error running the selected code generator:
'The specified deps.json [C:\...\bin\BPC\Debug\netcoreapp1.1\ContosoUniversity.deps.json] does not exists'
I have tried cleaning cleaning the solution, restarting Visual Studio 2017, and rebooting my computer to no avail.
Not sure what else I should do to prevent this error. Any suggestions? I feel like copying the files into the BPC folder is a workaround, but not the best solution.
Edit 1
I noticed that the Environment Variable, Platform, got reset to BPC, so I deleted it and rebooted again. Didn't come back.
Now when I try to create the scaffold I get this error:
There was an error running the selected code generator:
'Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: connectionString
Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication.Execute(String[] args)
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.CodeGenCommand.Execute(String[] args)'
Edit 2
Setting the Platform variable back to BCP manually brings back the original error.
Copying and pasting all files from ...\ContosoUniversity\bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.1\ to ...\ContosoUniversity\bin\BCP\Debug\netcoreapp1.1\ gets me past that error, but the error from Edit 1 comes back.
Seems I have two separate problems.
Turns out I made a typo in appsettings.json
I had "ConnectionString" instead of "ConnectionStrings" with an 's'
That was causing my Value cannot be null. Parameter name: connectionString error
So, to solve my original problem, follow these steps for Windows 7. (10 shouldn't be much different):
Windows key > Right click on Computer > Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables... > Under System variables find Platform > Highlight Platform > Delete > OK
make sure .json file exists in path specified. and let me know about that what you find.
Setting up TYPO3 on Windows using an Apache server poses some problems I've noticed. Solutions are sporadic and/or incomplete in many instances.
There are the requirements, not being able to connect to the backend, openssl not working and a few more.
So, how to setup TYPO3 on a Windows machine for development?
This answer was made with:
Windows 8.1
Ampps (Apache/MySQL)
Setting up Typo3 on a Windows machine using a local server
Apache & MySQL
Make sure you have a local server with Apache and MySQL, such as WAMP, XAMPP, Ampps or another.
Settings this up we'll call the "project" we're going to start: typotest
Create a folder in the "www" or "wwwroot" of your Apache server called "typotest"
Create a virtual domain for your project, in Ampps go to localhost/ampps/index.php?act=ampps_domainmanage (Make sure the server is up and running first!), called "typotest". This will make your project accessible through http:// typotest/ (remove space)
On your machine, go to `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\` and open the "hosts" file in the folder with administrator. Add a record at the bottom: ` typotest`. Save it and make sure it's there.
Open the Apache `httpd.conf` file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\apache\conf
Make sure the following lines are **not** commented in the file (remove `#`)
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
At the bottom of the file, add the following code
<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
ThreadStackSize 8388608
Save the file
Open the `php.ini` file in `C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\php` and make sure the following lines aren't commented (remove ';')
//edit these lines to be the same
post_max_size = 32M
max_execution_time = 240
We're done with Apache.
Go to here, or if the link is still active, straight here. Download the most recent 32-bit release of OpenSSL for Windows. I used 2 installations, not sure which one was the correct one.
Visual C++ 2008 Redistrubutable 1.7MB installer (Description: Having problems with error messages when trying to run OpenSSL? This will likely fix the problem. Only works with Windows 2000 and later. Although there is a "newer version" of this installer, this is the correct version to install.)
Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1j (Description: Installs Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1j (Recommended for software developers by the creators of OpenSSL). Note that this is a default build of OpenSSL and is subject to local and state laws. More information can be found in the legal agreement of the installation.)
That should take care of having OpenSSL installed on your Windows machine.
Additional software
By default, Typo3 cannot handle images out of the box. For it to be able to handle these you need to install GraphicMagick and a setting needs to be modified. The setting we'll get to later during the configuration of Typo3 itself.
The software you'll need is this, download the latest version of GraphicMagick. Get the version that's right for your system (and preferably corresponds to your server). You have the choice between 32/64bit, obviously, but also Q8 and Q16, these correspond to image quality (higher is better).
To setup Windows to have globally usable variables we need to add them to the system settings. I again used two methods and it might be a question of either/or.
Go to "System" (Windows key + Pause/Break key) (Control Panel/System)
Select on the left: "Advanced system settings"
Go to tab: "advanced"
Hit button: "Environment variables..."
Click "New..." to add a new variable
Name this new variable: "OPENSSL_CONF"
Remember, I used Ampps, so the Variable Value for me is: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\apache\conf\openssl.cnf` -> Press "OK"
Scroll down in the variables list and select variable: "Path"
Click "Edit..."
Behind the existing variable add: `;C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\apache\bin` (including the semicolon at the front!!!)
Save it
Reboot Windows at this time
Open PHPMyAdmin and create a new database named "typotest". Also create a user for this database with the same name and password. (This is for convenience's sake of this setup, these 3 are ideally different and this practice should never happen on a production environment!)
Typo3 Installation
Download Typo3, I've used v6.2.6. Extract it to the earlier created folder in the "www" or "wwwroot" folder of your local server. Next:
Create a file in the "/www/typotest" or "/wwwroot/typotest" called "FIRST_INSTALL", no extension for this file.
Now start the installation by going to `typotest/typo3/install` in a browser.
Follow the 5 steps of the installation, entering values created above where necessary
**Stop** before you log into the backend!
Open the file `/www/typotest/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php` in an editor
Search for the following variables and edit to settings below:
'loginSecurityLevel' => 'normal'
'devIPmask' => '*'
'displayErrors' => 2
Now refresh the login page and login.
In the left menu go to "Install" and select the "Unlock the Install Tool" button
Enter password and continue
Go to "All configuration"
Select "Toggle all" below
Search for "rsa"
Where it says: "[BE][loginSecurityLevel] = rsa" change "rsa" to "normal" in the inputfield below.
Modify [FE][activateContentAdapter] = 1 //This enables the viewing of images [source](
Modify [GFX][im_path] to the path of your GraphicMagick installation (e.g.: C:\Program Files\GraphicsMagick\ )
Modify [GFX][im_path_lzw] to the path of your GraphicMagick installation (e.g.: C:\Program Files\GraphicsMagick\ )
Modify [GFX][im_version_5] to "gm" (short for GraphicMagick)
Choose "Write configuration" at the bottom of the page. This saves this setting from becoming reset to default "rsa" for BackEnd ([BE]) login. (Make sure to change this back when going to production!)
This might not help everyone out there but it's all the stuff I had to change to get Typo3 to work and it might help a few future souls that have the same or similar troubles.
I am getting this error while installing oracle 11g enterprise edition on windows 7 professional 64 bit. I checked the registry as some people have mention but the correct thing is already there. If try starting the service from Services.msc it says the service wss not found also
I ran into this same issue and this solved it:
When you get the error pop-up, leave it opened, open regedit and modify the ImagePath in the following key to point to the proper location:
The proper location may be something like this:
All credit to:
The oracle download was split into two parts.
If you tried to install with only one part it will show many bugs and after installation oracle won't work.
Download two parts of oracle from the official site and extract in same place. The files will merge automatically into the same folder.
Now install the oracle. If you already installed the oracle once. It should taken some path like below.
In my system it took "E:\app\INDP\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1..."
If you are installing second time installation will take path, "E:\app\INDP\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2..."
Now the above erorr will come because of registry.
So, now yo need to edit the registry value like below.
ctrl+R will bring the run window. Type regedit and press ok
Then Under Computer, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM ->ControlSet001-> Services -> OracleMTSRecoveryService.
Double click on ImagePath. It will prompt a window with old path or with wrong path under value data.
Now, you need to edit it with your curent path like below.
E:\app\INDP\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\bin\omtsreco.exe OracleMTSRecoveryService
Now press "retry" button of the window, which shown that error. Now, it will work like charm.