AEM 6.2 Local Setup Core Bundle Issue - maven

And I have installed AEM 6.2 my local setup Then Created a new project using maven archetype. When I try to edit the site content of my page It gives This error.
Then I found the issue was not installed com.adobe.cq.core.wcm.components.core bundle in AEM.
When I open the bundle it shows description as A set of standardized components for AEM 6.3+ that can be used to speed up development of websites. And it contains a couple of issues.
Then I try to start that bundle It didn't work. I need to know what should be the issue with setup

Newer maven archetypes support the latest versions. If you do not have a requirement for core components and really want to use the maven archetype for AEM 6.2, then you can try to generate your project in batch mode using archetypeVersion as 11 and set the aemVersion to 6.2.0


Which version of AEM supports .cfg.json config files?

So, tells us that the currently recommended way to configure OSGi components is to use .cfg.json files. However, it notes that those are only supported “[…] since Installer Configuration Factory 1.2.0”.
So now I’d like to know:
How do I figure out which version of “Installer Configuration Factory” my AEM uses?
Which version of AEM comes preinstalled with Installer Configuration Factory ≥ 1.2.0?
If I’m on an older version of AEM, how do I upgrade Installer Configuration Factory?
I couldn’t find definite answers on any of these. But Adobe does sometimes also recommend using .cfg.json config files but only in articles about AaaCS. Is this only supported on AaaCS?
Sorry for my snarky tone but the lack of reliable, concise documentation is infuriating…
How do I figure out which version of “Installer Configuration Factory” my AEM uses?
goto /system/console/bundles
search for Apache Sling Installer Configuration Admin Support
This gives you the bundle you are looking for
The number as marked in screenshot is the version used by your AEM.
Which version of AEM comes preinstalled with Installer Configuration Factory ≥ 1.2.0?
I am on AEM 6.5.6 and the screenshot above is from the same instance. It exports out 1.1.2. The only version above this is 6.5.7, not sure if it has been upgraded to 1.2.0 as you need
If I’m on an older version of AEM, how do I upgrade Installer Configuration Factory?
You can build the bundle or download the already available one and install. However if there is any hard dependency on the existing version, your instance may corrupt. In order to avoid that, you may need to evaluate what all bundles are dependent on the existing version of configuration bundle and see if you can upgrade them all.
Short cut is to create a vanilla instance and deploy the configuration bundle exporting 1.2.0 version of configuration and test if instance comes up and number of active bundles is same and the ones before you upgraded configurations bundle.

Building and deploying kettle with maven

i am using spring boot 2.0.3 as a restful api to call kettle. I have kettle in my maven build with core and engine, but It fails running my transform with plugin not found For Add XML Column, and I’m sure others. I can’t find a maven repo with the plugins Built for maven dependency.
i am using 8.1 but can revert to 7 easily.
i need to deploy it all as a maven build for security and process reasons.
Checkout from github proper version of kettle, build it and install to local repository.
I don't remember exactly, i built kettle long time ago, but i think kettle consists of several modules.
You are missing on of them.

How to build Liferay 7 WSRP module?

I am trying to build Liferay 7 wsrp module from Liferay GitHub repository.
I couldn't build entire Liferay source, is it possible to build this wsrp module only ?
If anybody has a jar file working on Liferay 7 CE ga2 or ga3, please share.
Important Edit:
You don't actually need to rely on the Liferay Portal jars for most modules. The reason this one failed as it did was that simply running gradlew deploy in modules/apps/wsrp will automatically include all subprojects, which includes wsrp-test. The "-test" modules rely on the com.liferay.portal.test-integration artifact.
However, if you add the option -Dbuild.profile=portal to your command, the Gradle wrapper liferay-portal will only include modules that contain the .lfrbuild-portal marker file, which all of the wsrp modules have except for wsrp-test.
Original Post:
Liferay has a Maven repository that hosts their public artifacts.
Their portal artifacts can be found here:
However, if you're building a module from the source in their Git repo, the latest release/snapshot on the Maven repo might be out of date. Snapshots are updated fairly frequently, but this is still a possibility. The safest thing to do is to just compile the portal from source.

Run Acceleo from Windows command line using Maven

We are using Eclipse Indigo, Acceleo 3.1.3, Maven 3.0.3.
We have a large Acceleo code generation project in Eclipse that we run successfully.
We need to now run that same project via command line from a Maven project so that the code generation step can be run unattended via a job.
Can anyone share the steps on how to configure this keeping in view the versions we have? If anyone has a sample, that'll be great.
We have already tried available information on the web, but the steps there are for different versions and don't work for us.,,
and other sites.
Thanks for your help.

Grails not downloading latest plugin version from local repo

My setup:
I'm using Grails 2.3.8
I have several private plugins I publish to my local Nexus repository manually via "grails publish-plugin"
I have several Grails applications that use these plugins
Distributed development team
My goal:
Able to deploy new versions of my private plugins and have my Grails apps automatically use those latest versions without having to modify their BuildConfig.groovy files
I know about inline/inplace plugin definitions and that is not what I want
Possible solutions:
As I understand it there might be at least two ways of achieving my goal:
Deploy snapshot versions of my plugins and have my Grails apps use those snapshot versions (e.g., version = "0.1-SNAPSHOT")
Configure my Grails apps's BuildConfig.groovy to use "latest.release" or Maven version ranges. Examples:
compile 'com.mycompany:some-plugin:latest.version'
compile 'com.mycompany:some-plugin:[0.1,)'
The problem:
The two methods above sort of work.
They both result in the latest version of my plugin to be downloaded, at least initially. However, if I publish a new version of the plugin (be it snapshot or release), re-running "grails run-app" on my Grails applications do not attempt to download/install the newer versions which are available.
I feel like the maven-metadata-*.xml files in my M2_HOME local repo are limiting the versions which are known to exist (even though Nexus has newer versions available).
When I define my Nexus repo using mavenRepo(), do I need to pass in some parameters to tell Grails to always check for new versions on the remote repo and not rely on the local repo?
Graeme's suggestion here does not seem to help either: Dependencies and lastest.release
Any help would be great. :-)
Have you configured the updatePolicy for the repository? See
Section "Aether and SNAPSHOT dependencies". Example:
mavenRepo "http://myrepo", {
updatePolicy "interval:1"
I'm using 2.3.7 and seemed to experience a similar problem. Using a SNAPSHOT plugin should be what you want during development. One workaround solution I used was to delete the SNAPSHOT release from Artifactory and then after building a new SNAPSHOT the plugin change was recognized. I am guessing you are using the Maven build which is now the default you could try switching to the ivy build and see if that helps. A JIRA should be created if you are able to recreate this. I believe this is an issue and I do not recall this when working with an older version (2.1.5) and using the ivy build.
