SVN, new file commit failed using VPN - windows

My company just installed a VPN. It works, we can access our intranet SVN server but it is impossible to commit a new file. Here is the error :
> svn commit -m "Sandbox test" .
Adding test.txt
Transmitting file data .svn: E120105: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E120105: Error running context: The server sent an improper HTTP response
It occurs only when we commit a new file.
These following operations works well:
modify a file and commit
delete a file and commit
delete a directory and commit
add a directory and commit
show log
show repo-browser
We tested on several computer or user, connecting from home or from mobile network. Results are the same.
And all works fine without VPN (from company intranet).
We use TortoiseSVN v1.12.2 (i.e. Subversion v1.12.2) on Windows 10 and I just updated to TortoiseSVN v1.14.0 to test (no difference).
On the server side, SVN version is 1.8.19.
I read some post from people who had this kind of problem with SVN client v1.8 and resolve it with SVN client v1.9. Is it possible that the SVN server v1.8 has the same problem and we should upgrade it ?


Issues getting Git working with VSCode and files on web host

Until now I have always used FileZilla for transferring my local files to my host for changing a site Im working on. I want to change that and learn how to git gud! So basically the ideal situation would be to be able to work in VSCode on a directory which is mirrored from my web host and from there be able to make changes locally and then commit and change files on my web host when I want to - this has to be possible right?
I have been able to use Git Bash to connect to my host and files using ssh. I have created both an init --bare and init since Im not sure which one to use, but I do have the .git folder created there. I can also using the Bash and the command git status see all the files waiting for to be committed (?).
As I understand I have to initialize the repository, then commit them to "track" these files and have them visible in VSCode to work with, is this right?
But when I try to git commit following error message is displayed.
Waiting for your editor to close the file... code --wait: code: command not found.
This points to that the relative pathing to vscode and/or git is not working, but it is. When I start-up the bash I can use for example code --help and git config --global -e to launch a window of VSCode. So my git config --global core.editor "code --wait" is probably working as it should.
Although AFTER I have connected to my web host using ssh, neither of these command work anymore. Why is this?
And also, am Im on the right way right now in thinking on how to make this "connection" between VSCode, git and my web host (
Im thinking that I have to create a local repository in the folder where I today have a duplicate of my web host-files and a remote repository at the actual web host and then make some kind of connection between them two and VSCode. Im not quite sure how yet.
Thanks in advance
I think you might be a little confused with what Git is and how you should be using it for what you want to do. Let's clear some stuff up.
Simply put, Git is a version control system for tracking changes to files over time. You create or edit your files, git add them to a "staging area" and then git commit them with a commit message. If you edit the files after committing them, then git can detect changes to the files and you can add and commit them again, or discard them depending on what you want. However the most important part to understand is that these changes are local at this point. If you want to share them with anyone (or have another system pull them down), then you will need to establish a remote repository.
This is what Github/GitLab are for. Log in/create an account on either site (gitLab provides free private repos) and create a repository named appropriately. Then once you have created a remote repo, follow the instructions to add it as a "remote" to your local repo, then git push your changes up to that remote one. Now, on your server, you will git clone the remote repo and that will pull down your changes. From then on, if you push new changes to the remote repo, you can pull the changes down to the server by doing git pull. This is a very basic and barebones approach to deploying code on the server and there are more sophisticated ways of doing it but I will keep it simple in this answer.
Git is completely separate from VSCode (although VSCode has some git integration and plugins). I would not recommend changing the core.editor to VSCode. What that setting controls is the editor that is used to author commit messages. Loading up VSCode takes too long for that...I recommend that you stick with the default Vim or use nano. Or, in most cases, specify a message when committing: git commit -m "added foobar".
So, the git repo that is on your server (the one that you init'd with --bare) is junk and should be instead created by git cloneing from a remote repo. Hopefully this makes sense!

Tortoise SVN attempt to write a readonly database windows

Currently getting an error when trying to commit code via Tortoise SVN.
Transmitting file data ..done
Committing transaction... Committed revision 2827.
Warning: post commit FS processing had error:
sqlite[S8]: attempt to write a readonly database
There are no locks which I can see, Any recommendations to solutions will be great.
The error in your particular case happens on the server side. There is a problem with the post-commit hook script. Contact the server or repository admin.
Check the permissions to the working copy. If the error is produced by a server side hook script, contact the server administrator.
I guess that the complete error message that you receive looks like in this example:
svn: E155004: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E155004: Failed to lock working copy 'C:\Users\usr\myproject'.
svn: E200031: sqlite[S8]: attempt to write a readonly database
svn: E200042: Additional errors:
svn: E200031: sqlite[S8]: attempt to write a readonly database
This issue should be caused by insufficient permissions to .svn directory and .svn/wc.db file in particular (e.g. C:\Users\usr\myproject\.svn\wc.db). You should double-check that the user account that runs svn commit has permissions to write to C:\Users\usr\myproject\ directory and its contents.
You can also workaround this issue by checking out a fresh working copy to a new location where you have the required permissions.
I got this error when logged in to Linux as the wrong user. Once I did a "sudo su -" to log in as the user profile that had svn permissions, I was able to work away OK.

Error creating git repos using Xcode/OS X Server

I recently installed OS X Server on a seperate machine and attempting to host some git repos. When I try to create a new project & remote repo with Xcode I get an error -
Could not connect to the remote repository because the server was unreachable.
If I attempt to configure it again after the project has been created I get this error -
Cannot create hosted Git repositories at path because path already exists: /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/HostedRepositories/SampleProject
Looking at the server - I can see the repos were actually created, but for some reason I can't connect/push to them. I have tried this on the machine running the server and another one on the same network with the same results. Is something not configured correctly or any way to get at a more detailed error?
Fixed it by going into the Xcode service repository settings and enabling SSH access.

GIT fatal: unable to write new index file

My Company (Web Development) has decided to use Git. All repositories: employee (local repo) and remote repositories (bare repo) are stored on the central development server (OS X 10.9.1, Mac mini middle 2011). Developer connect to the development server from their iMacs over local network (OS X 10.7.5, 10.8.1 and so on, only Macs) and write the source code there. A Git client on Mac called Sourcetree should do the whole work. But after a few commits or some other git operations I get sooner or later following message:
fatal: unable to write new index file
After the message GIT can track the changes in the project, but I can't save anything to git. Even by using terminal or anotrher GIT-GUIs (I have tried Coda, GitHub) I get the same error message.
If the git client and the repository are stored on the same mac, everything works fine (tried on the development server and two iMacs). The problem occurs only if the git client has to connect to the repository over local network (AFP).
If I start the Git client on the development server and save some changes to the „damaged“ repository, everything works again. Also over local network. But if i work then in the repository on the development server with my local git client from my iMac over local network, I get sooner or later (mostly after a few adds or commits) the same error message.
I connect or login on server allways as the same user. Also Git client connects as the same user.
I suspect, that the reason is AFP.
I have enouth free space on the central development server. And have enouth file permissions, at least initially. These topics were not helpful for me:
GIT: "fatal: unable to write new_index file" while commit
git problem : fatal: Unable to write new index file
Does Git generally choke on mounted drives? Or just Git GUI's?
What could I do?
We've run into the same issue repeatedly, especially as we try to use XCode 6. I'm currently changing over my connect to our server to WebDAV (connecting to our server via Finder > Go (menubar) > Connect to Server... > https://localnetworkIP/userfolder/).
This is working for us (so far).
UPDATE: After a few days, I noticed a new issue using WebDAV: files would disappear from view in the Finder causing XCode/Git to think that the file had been deleted. Looking at the server showed that the files were still there.
I then changed my connection type to SMB. This has worked well for me: Git no longer encounters file permission errors, and Finder (OSX 10.10 Yosemite) doesn't "loose" files.

XCode, svn, ssh worked before Time Machine restore - now not so much

OK, so not so much about programming as about svn, ssh and XCode..
My SSD died, so I popped in a hard drive and restored everything from Time Machine . Machine works well except for SVN. It can't find the repo.
Url is svn+ssh://andersprivat#localhost/Library/Subversion/Repository/WriteAssist
The repo seems to be there (at/Library/Subversion/Repository/WriteAssist). XCode asks for the password, but then fails.
When using svn from the cmdline I get this:
Admins-MacBook-Pro:Classes andersprivat$ svn commit -m "Test" PredictorSettingsModel.m
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.
svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly
The ssh daemon is not enabled by default on a Mac, so when restoring a user to a fresh installation you need to enable it. SYstem settings -> Sharing, enable Remote login. You may want to restrict it to your personal user just in case.
