SLURM status string on job completion / exit - bash

How do I get the slurm job status (e.g. COMPLETED, FAILED, TIMEOUT, ...) on job completion (within the submission script)?
I.e. I want to write to separately keep track of jobs which are timed out / failed.
Currently I work with the exit code, however jobs which TIMEOUT also get exit code 0.

For future reference, here is how I finally do it.
To retrieve the jobid at the beginning of the job and write some information (e.g. "${SLURM_JOB_ID} ${PWD}") to a summary file.
Then process this file and use something like sacct -X -n -o State --j ${jid} to get the job status.


bash: stop subshell script marked as failed if one step exits with an error

I am running a script through the SLURM job scheduler on HPC.
I am invoking a subshell script through a master script.
The subshell script contains several steps. One step in the script sometimes fails because of the quality of the data; this step is not required for further steps, but if this step fails, my whole subshell script is marked with "failed" Status in the job scheduler. However, I need this subshell script to have a "completed" Status in the Job scheduler as it is dependency in my master script.
I tried setting up
set +e
in my subshell script right before the optional step, but it doesn't seem to work: I still get an exitCode with errors and FAILED status inthe job scheduler.
In short: I need the subshell script to have Status "completed" in the job scheduler, no matter whether one particular step is finished with errors or not. Will appreciate help with this.
For Slurm jobs submitted with sbatch, the job exit code is taken to be the return code of the submission script itself. The return code of a Bash script is that of the last command in the script.
So if you just end your script with exit 0, Slurm should consider it COMPLETED no matter what.

Snakemake does not recognise job failure due to timeout with error code -11

Does anyone had a problem snakemake recognizing a timed-out job. I submit jobs to a cluster using qsub with a time-out set per rule:
snakemake --jobs 29 -k -p --latency-wait 60 --use-envmodules \
--cluster "qsub -l walltime={resources.walltime},nodes=1:ppn={threads},mem={resources.mem_mb}mb"
If a job fails within a script, the next one in line will be executed. When a job however hits the time-out defined in a rule, the next job in line is not executed, reducing the total number of jobs run in parallel on the cluster over time. A timed-out job raises according to the MOAB scheduler (PBS server) a -11 exit status. As far as I understood any non-zero exit status means failure - or does this only apply to positive integers?!
Thanks in advance for any hint:)
If you don't provide a --cluster-status script, snakemake internally checks job status by touching some hidden files in the submitted job script. When a job times out, snakemake (on the node) doesn't get a chance to report the failure to the main snakemake instance as qsub will kill it.
You can try a cluster profile or just grab a suitable cluster status file (be sure to chmod it as an exe and have qsub report a parsable job id).

How to make sbatch wait until last submitted job is *running* when submitting multiple jobs?

I'm running a numerical model which parameters are in a "parameter.input" file. I use sbatch to submit multiple iterations of the model, with one parameter in the parameter file changing every time. Here is the loop I use:
#!/bin/bash -l
for a in {01..30}
sed -i "s/control_[0-9][0-9]/control_${a}/g" parameter.input
sbatch --time=21-00:00:00
sleep 60
The sed line changes a parameter in the parameter file. The file runs the model.
The problem: depending on the resources available, a job might run immediately or stay pending for a few hours. With my default loop, if 60 seconds is not enough time to find resources for job n to run, the parameter file will be modified while job n is pending, meaning job n will run with the wrong parameters. (and I can't wait for job n to complete before submitting job n+1 because each job takes several days to complete)
How can I force batch to wait to submit job n+1 until job n is running?
I am not sure how to create an until loop that would grab the status of job n and wait until it changes to 'running' before submitting job n+1. I have experimented with a few things, but the server I use also hosts another 150 people's jobs, and I'm afraid too much experimenting might create some issues...
Use the following to grab the last submitted job's ID and its status, and wait until it isn't pending anymore to start the next job:
sentence=$(sbatch --time=21-00:00:00 # get the output from sbatch
stringarray=($sentence) # separate the output in words
jobid=(${stringarray[3]}) # isolate the job ID
sentence="$(squeue -j $jobid)" # read job's slurm status
jobstatus=(${stringarray[12]}) # isolate the status of job number jobid
Check that the job status is 'running' before submitting the next job with:
if [ "$jobstatus" = "R" ];then
# insert here relevant code to run next job
You can insert that last snippet in an until loop that checks the job's status every few seconds.

How can i check the exit code of individual process running in parallel executed by GNU Parallel

I am having an array in linux shell script. Array contains list of commands in bash shell script.
For instance :
args =( "ls","mv /abc/file1 /xyz/file2","hive -e 'select * from something'" )
Now I am executing these commands in array using GNU parallel as bellow
parallel ::: "${args[#]}"
I want to check the status code of individual process when they finish. I am aware that $? will give me the number of process which have failed but I want to know the exit code of individual process. How can I catch the exit codes of individual processes executed in GNU parallel?
Use the --halt 1 option, which makes parallel quit on the halting command, while returning it's exit code. From man parallel:
--halt-on-error val
--halt val
How should GNU parallel terminate if one of more jobs fail?
0 Do not halt if a job fails. Exit status will be the
number of jobs failed. This is the default.
1 Do not start new jobs if a job fails, but complete the
running jobs including cleanup. The exit status will be
the exit status from the last failing job.
2 Kill off all jobs immediately and exit without cleanup.
The exit status will be the exit status from the
failing job.
1-99% If val% of the jobs fail and minimum 3: Do not start
new jobs, but complete the running jobs including
cleanup. The exit status will be the exit status from
the last failing job.
--joblog logfile
Logfile for executed jobs. Save a list of the executed jobs to logfile in the following TAB separated format: sequence number, sshlogin, start time as seconds since epoch, run time in seconds, bytes in files transferred, bytes in files returned, exit status, signal, and command run.

DATASTAGE: how to run more instance jobs in parallel using DSJOB

I have a question.
I want to run more instance of same job in parallel from within a script: I have a loop in which I invoke jobs with dsjob and without option "-wait" and "-jobstatus".
I want that jobs completed before script termination, but I don't know how to verify if job instance terminated.
I though to use wait command but it is not appropriate.
Thanks in advance
First,you should assure job compile option "Allow Multiple Instance" choose.
. /home/dsadm/.bash_profile
INVOCATION=(1 2 3 4 5)
cd $DSHOME/bin
for id in ${INVOCATION[#]}
./dsjob -run -mode NORMAL -wait test demo.$id
project -- test
job -- demo
$id -- invocation id
the two line in shell scipt:guarantee the environment path can work.
Run the jobs like you say without the -wait, and then loop around running dsjob -jobinfo and parse the output for a job status of 1 or 2. When all jobs return this status, they are all finished.
You might find, though, that you check the status of the job before it actually starts running and you might pick up an old status. You might be able to fix this by first resetting the job instance and waiting for a status of "Not running", prior to running the job.
Invoke the jobs in loop without wait or job-status option
after your loop , check the jobs status by dsjob command
Example - dsjob -jobinfo projectname jobname.invocationid
you can code one more loop for this also and use sleep command under that
write yours further logic as per status of the jobs
but its good to create Job Sequence to invoke this multi-instance job simultaneously with the help of different invoaction-ids
create a sequence job if these are in same process
create different sequences or directly create different scripts to trigger these jobs simultaneously with invocation- ids and schedule in same time.
Best option create a standard generalized script where each thing will be getting created or getting value as per input command line parameters
Example - log files on the basis of jobname + invocation-id
then schedule the same script for different parameters or invocations .
