Oracle partitioning recommendations - oracle

Due to being locked down by Corona, I don't have easy access to my more knowledgeable colleagues, so I'm hoping for a few possible recommendations here.
We do quarterly and yearly "freezes" of a number of statistical entities with a large number (1-200) of columns. Everyone then uses these "frozen" versions as a common basis for all statistical releases in Denmark. Currently, we simply create a new table for each version.
There's a demand to test if we can consolidate these several hundred tables to 26 entity-based tables to make programming against them easier, while not harming performance too much.
A "freeze" is approximately 1 million rows and consists of: Year + Period + Type + Version.
For example:
2018_21_P_V1 = Preliminary Data for 2018 first quarter version 1
2019_41_F_V2 = Final Data for 2019 yearly version 2
I am simply not very experienced in the world of partitions. My initial thought was to partition on Year + Period and Subpartiton on Type + Version, but I am no longer sure this is the right approach, nor do I have a clear picture of which partitioning type would solve the problem best.
I am hoping someone can recommend an approach as it would help me tremendously and save me a lot of time "brute force" testing a lot of different combinations.

Based on your current situation which you explained I highly recommend that "USE THE PARTITIONING". No doubt.
It's highly effective and easy to use. You can read Oracle documentation about partitioning or search on the web for that to understand how to start.
In general, when you partition a table, Oracle looks at each partition as a separate table so don't worry about the speed of fetching data.
The most important step is to choose the best field(s) to establish your partitions based on. I used the date format (20190506) in number or int data type for my daily basis. Or (201907) for a monthly basis. You should design and test it.
The next is to decide about the sub-partitions. In some cases, you don't really need one. It depends on your data structure and your expectations from the data. What do you want to do with the data? Which fields are more important? (used in where clause, ...)
Then make some index(es) for each partition. Very important.
Another important point is that using partitions may have some changes in the way you code in pl/sql. For example, you can not use 2 or more partitions in a single query at the same time. You should select and fetch data from different partitions one by one.
And don't worry about 1 million records. I used partitioning for tables way larger than this and it works fine.


Business Intelligence Datasource Performance - Large Table

I use Tableau and have a table with 140 fields. Due to the size/width of the table, the performance is poor. I would like to remove fields to increase reading speed, but my user base is so large, that at least one person uses each of the fields, while 90% use the same ~20 fields.
What is the best solution to this issue? (Tableau is our BI tool, BigQuery is our database)
What I have done thus far:
In Tableau, it isn't clear how to user dynamic data sources that change based on the field selected. Ideally, I would like to have smaller views OR denormalized tables. As the users makes their selections in Tableau, the underlying data sources updates to the table or view with that field.
I have tried a simple version of a large view, but that performed worse than my large table, and read significantly more data (remember, I am BigQuery, so I care very much about bytes read due to costs)
Suggestion 1: Extract your data.
Especially when it comes to datasources which are pay per query byte, (Big Query, Athena, Etc) extracts make a great deal of sense. Depending how 'fresh' the data must be for the users. (Of course all users will say 'live is the only way to go', but dig into this a little and see what it might actually be.) Refreshes can be scheduled for as little as 15 minutes. The real power of refreshes comes in the form of 'incremental refreshes' whereby only new records are added (along an index of int or date.) This is a great way to reduce costs - if your BigQuery database is partitioned - (which it should be.) Since Tableau Extracts are contained within .hyper files, a structure of Tableau's own design/control, they are extremely fast and optimized perfectly for use in Tableau.
Suggestion 2: Create 3 Data Sources (or more.) Certify these datasources after validating that they provide correct information. Provide users with with clear descriptions.
Original Large Dataset.
Subset of ~20 fields for the 90%.
Remainder of fields for the 10%
Extract of 1
Extract of 2
Extract of 3
Importantly, if field names match in each datasource (ie: not changed manually ever) then it should be easy for a user to 'scale up' to larger datasets as needed. This means that they could generally always start out with a small subset of data to begin their exploration, and then use the 'replace datasource' feature to switch to a different datasource while keeping their same views. (This wouldn't work as well if at all for scaling down, though.)

Why is Solr so much faster than Postgres?

I recently switched from Postgres to Solr and saw a ~50x speed up in our queries. The queries we run involve multiple ranges, and our data is vehicle listings. For example: "Find all vehicles with mileage < 50,000, $5,000 < price < $10,000, make=Mazda..."
I created indices on all the relevant columns in Postgres, so it should be a pretty fair comparison. Looking at the query plan in Postgres though it was still just using a single index and then scanning (I assume because it couldn't make use of all the different indices).
As I understand it, Postgres and Solr use vaguely similar data structures (B-trees), and they both cache data in-memory. So I'm wondering where such a large performance difference comes from.
What differences in architecture would explain this?
First, Solr doesn't use B-trees. A Lucene (the underlying library used by Solr) index is made of a read-only segments. For each segment, Lucene maintains a term dictionary, which consists of the list of terms that appear in the segment, lexicographically sorted. Looking up a term in this term dictionary is made using a binary search, so the cost of a single-term lookup is O(log(t)) where t is the number of terms. On the contrary, using the index of a standard RDBMS costs O(log(d)) where d is the number of documents. When many documents share the same value for some field, this can be a big win.
Moreover, Lucene committer Uwe Schindler added support for very performant numeric range queries a few years ago. For every value of a numeric field, Lucene stores several values with different precisions. This allows Lucene to run range queries very efficiently. Since your use-case seems to leverage numeric range queries a lot, this may explain why Solr is so much faster. (For more information, read the javadocs which are very interesting and give links to relevant research papers.)
But Solr can only do this because it doesn't have all the constraints that a RDBMS has. For example, Solr is very bad at updating a single document at a time (it prefers batch updates).
You didn't really say much about what you did to tune your PostgreSQL instance or your queries. It's not unusual to see a 50x speed up on a PostgreSQL query through tuning and/or restating your query in a format which optimizes better.
Just this week there was a report at work which someone had written using Java and multiple queries in a way which, based on how far it had gotten in four hours, was going to take roughly a month to complete. (It needed to hit five different tables, each with hundreds of millions of rows.) I rewrote it using several CTEs and a window function so that it ran in less than ten minutes and generated the desired results straight out of the query. That's a 4400x speed up.
Perhaps the best answer to your question has nothing to do with the technical details of how searches can be performed in each product, but more to do with ease of use for your particular use case. Clearly you were able to find the fast way to search with Solr with less trouble than PostgreSQL, and it may not come down to anything more than that.
I am including a short example of how text searches for multiple criteria might be done in PostgreSQL, and how a few little tweaks can make a large performance difference. To keep it quick and simple I'm just running War and Peace in text form into a test database, with each "document" being a single text line. Similar techniques can be used for arbitrary fields using the hstore type or JSON columns, if the data must be loosely defined. Where there are separate columns with their own indexes, the benefits to using indexes tend to be much bigger.
-- Create the table.
-- In reality, I would probably make tsv NOT NULL,
-- but I'm keeping the example simple...
CREATE TABLE war_and_peace
lineno serial PRIMARY KEY,
linetext text NOT NULL,
tsv tsvector
-- Load from downloaded data into database.
COPY war_and_peace (linetext)
FROM '/home/kgrittn/Downloads/war-and-peace.txt';
-- "Digest" data to lexemes.
UPDATE war_and_peace
SET tsv = to_tsvector('english', linetext);
-- Index the lexemes using GiST.
-- To use GIN just replace "gist" below with "gin".
CREATE INDEX war_and_peace_tsv
ON war_and_peace
USING gist (tsv);
-- Make sure the database has statistics.
VACUUM ANALYZE war_and_peace;
Once set up for indexing, I show a few searches with row counts and timings with both types of indexes:
-- Find lines with "gentlemen".
SELECT * FROM war_and_peace
WHERE tsv ## to_tsquery('english', 'gentlemen');
84 rows, gist: 2.006 ms, gin: 0.194 ms
-- Find lines with "ladies".
SELECT * FROM war_and_peace
WHERE tsv ## to_tsquery('english', 'ladies');
184 rows, gist: 3.549 ms, gin: 0.328 ms
-- Find lines with "ladies" and "gentlemen".
SELECT * FROM war_and_peace
WHERE tsv ## to_tsquery('english', 'ladies & gentlemen');
1 row, gist: 0.971 ms, gin: 0.104 ms
Now, since the GIN index was about 10 times faster than the GiST index you might wonder why anyone would use GiST for indexing text data. The answer is that GiST is generally faster to maintain. So if your text data is highly volatile the GiST index might win on overall load, while the GIN index would win if you are only interested in search time or for a read-mostly workload.
Without the index the above queries take anywhere from 17.943 ms to 23.397 ms since they must scan the entire table and check for a match on each row.
The GIN indexed search for rows with both "ladies" and "gentlemen" is over 172 times faster than a table scan in exactly the same database. Obviously the benefits of indexing would be more dramatic with bigger documents than were used for this test.
The setup is, of course, a one-time thing. With a trigger to maintain the tsv column, any changes made would instantly be searchable without redoing any of the setup.
With a slow PostgreSQL query, if you show the table structure (including indexes), the problem query, and the output from running EXPLAIN ANALYZE of your query, someone can almost always spot the problem and suggest how to get it to run faster.
UPDATE (Dec 9 '16)
I didn't mention what I used to get the prior timings, but based on the date it probably would have been the 9.2 major release. I just happened across this old thread and tried it again on the same hardware using version 9.6.1, to see whether any of the intervening performance tuning helps this example. The queries for only one argument only increased in performance by about 2%, but searching for lines with both "ladies" and "gentlemen" about doubled in speed to 0.053 ms (i.e., 53 microseconds) when using the GIN (inverted) index.
Solr is designed primarily for searching data, not for storage. This enables it to discard much of the functionality required from an RDMS. So it (or rather lucene) concentrates on purely indexing data.
As you've no doubt discovered, Solr enables the ability to both search and retrieve data from it's index. It's the latter (optional) capability that leads to the natural question... "Can I use Solr as a database?"
The answer is a qualified yes, and I refer you to the following:
Using Solr search index as a database - is this "wrong"?
For the guardian solr is the new database
My personal opinion is that Solr is best thought of as a searchable cache between my application and the data mastered in my database. That way I get the best of both worlds.
This biggest difference is that a Lucene/Solr index is like a single-table database without any support for relational queries (JOINs). Remember that an index is usually only there to support search and not to be the primary source of the data. So your database may be in "third normal form" but the index will be completely be de-normalized and contain mostly just the data needed to be searched.
Another possible reason is generally databases suffer from internal fragmentation, they need to perform too much semi-random I/O tasks on huge requests.
What that means is, for example, considering the index architecture of a databases, the query leads to the indexes which in turn lead to the data. If the data to recover is widely spread, the result will take long and that seems to be what happens in databases.
Please read this and this.
Solr (Lucene) creates an inverted index which is where retrieving data gets quite faster. I read that PostgreSQL also has similar facility but not sure if you had used that.
The performance differences that you observed can also be accounted to "what is being searched for ?", "what are the user queries ?"

Calculating results in a scalable way based on transaction data in web app?

Possible duplicate:
Database design: Calculating the Account Balance
I work with a web app which stores transaction data (e.g. like "amount x on date y", but more complicated) and provides calculation results based on details of all relevant transactions[1]. We are investing a lot of time into ensuring that these calculations perform efficiently, as they are an interactive part of the application: i.e. a user clicks a button and waits to see the result. We are confident, that for the current levels of data, we can optimise the database fetching and calculation to complete in an acceptable amount of time. However, I am concerned that the time taken will still grow linearly as the number of transactions grow[2]. I'd like to be able to say that we could handle an order of magnitude more transactions without excessive performance degradation.
I am looking for effective techniques, technologies, patterns or algorithms which can improve the scalability of calculations based on transaction data.
There are however, real and significant constraints for any suggestion:
We currently have to support two highly incompatible database implementations, MySQL and Oracle. Thus, for example, using database specific stored procedures have roughly twice the maintenance cost.
The actual transactions are more complex than the example transaction given, and the business logic involved in the calculation is complicated, and regularly changing. Thus having the calculations stored directly in SQL are not something we can easily maintain.
Any of the transactions previously saved can be modified at any time (e.g. the date of a transaction can be moved a year forward or back) and calculations are expected to be updated instantly. This has a knock-on effect for caching strategies.
Users can query across a large space, in several dimensions. To explain, consider being able to calculate a result as it would stand at any given date, for any particular transaction type, where transactions are filtered by several arbitrary conditions. This makes it difficult to pre-calculate the results a user would want to see.
One instance of our application is hosted on a client's corporate network, on their hardware. Thus we can't easily throw money at the problem in terms of CPUs and memory (even if those are actually the bottleneck).
I realise this is very open ended and general, however...
Are there any suggestions for achieving a scalable solution?
[1] Where 'relevant' can be: the date queried for; the type of transaction; the type of user; formula selection; etc.
[2] Admittedly, this is an improvement over the previous performance, where an ORM's n+1 problems saw time taken grow either exponentially, or at least a much steeper gradient.
I have worked against similar requirements, and have some suggestions. Alot of this depends on what is possible with your data. It is difficult to make every case imaginable quick, but you can optimize for the common cases and have enough hardware grunt available for the others.
We create summaries on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. For us, most of the transactions happen in the current day. Old transactions can also change. We keep a batch and under this the individual transaction records. Each batch has a status to indicate if the transaction summary (in table batch_summary) can be used. If an old transaction in a summarised batch changes, as part of this transaction the batch is flagged to indicate that the summary is not to be trusted. A background job will re-calculate the summary later.
Our software then uses the summary when possible and falls back to the individual transactions where there is no summary.
We played around with Oracle's materialized views, but ended up rolling our own summary process.
Limit the Requirements
Your requirements sound very wide. There can be a temptation to put all the query fields on a web page and let the users choose any combination of fields and output results. This makes it very difficult to optimize. I would suggest digging deeper into what they actually need to do, or have done in the past. It may not make sense to query on very unselective dimensions.
In our application for certain queries it is to limit the date range to not more than 1 month. We have in aligned some features to the date-based summaries. e.g. you can get results for the whole of Jan 2011, but not 5-20 Jan 2011.
Provide User Interface Feedback for Slow Operations
On occasions we have found it difficult to optimize some things to be shorter than a few minutes. We shirt a job off to a background server rather than have a very slow loading web page. The user can fire off a request and go about their business while we get the answer.
I would suggest using Materialized Views. Materialized Views allow you to store a View as you would a table. Thus all of the complex queries you need to have done are pre-calculated before the user queries them.
The tricky part is of course updating the Materialized View when the tables it is based on change. There's a nice article about it here: Update materialized view when urderlying tables change.
Materialized Views are not (yet) available without plugins in MySQL and are horribly complicated to implement otherwise. However, since you have Oracle I would suggest checking out the link above for how to add a Materialized View in Oracle.

Mixing column and row oriented databases?

I am currently trying to improve the performance of a web application. The goal of the application is to provide (real time) analytics. We have a database model that is similiar to a star schema, few fact tables and many dimensional tables. The database is running with Mysql and MyIsam engine.
The Fact table size can easily go into the upper millions and some dimension tables can also reach the millions.
Now the point is, select queries can get awfully slow if the dimension tables get joined on the fact tables and also aggretations are done. First thing that comes in mind when hearing this is, why not precalculate the data? This is not possible because the users are allowed to use several freely customizable filters.
So what I need is an all-in-one system suitable for every purpose ;) Sadly it wasn't invented yet. So I came to the idea to combine 2 existing systems. Mixing a row oriented and a column oriented database (e.g. like infinidb or infobright). Keeping the mysql MyIsam solution (for fast inserts and row based queries) and add a column oriented database (for fast aggregation operations on few columns) to it and fill it periodically (nightly) via cronjob. Problem would be when the current data (it must be real time) is queried, therefore I maybe would need to get data from both databases which can complicate things.
First tests with infinidb showed really good performance on aggregation of a few columns, so I really think this could help me speed up the application.
So the question is, is this a good idea? Has somebody maybe already done this? Maybe there is are better ways to do it.
I have no experience in column oriented databases yet and I'm also not sure how the schema of it should look like. First tests showed good performance on the same star schema like structure but also in a big table like structure.
I hope this question fits on SO.
Greenplum, which is a proprietary (but mostly free-as-in-beer) extension to PostgreSQL, supports both column-oriented and row-oriented tables with high customizable compression. Further, you can mix settings within the same table if you expect that some parts will experience heavy transactional load while others won't. E.g., you could have the most recent year be row-oriented and uncompressed, the prior year column-oriented and quicklz-compresed, and all historical years column-oriented and bz2-compressed.
Greenplum is free for use on individual servers, but if you need to scale out with its MPP features (which are its primary selling point) it does cost significant amounts of money, as they're targeting large enterprise customers.
(Disclaimer: I've dealt with Greenplum professionally, but only in the context of evaluating their software for purchase.)
As for the issue of how to set up the schema, it's hard to say much without knowing the particulars of your data, but in general having compressed column-oriented tables should make all of your intuitions about schema design go out the window.
In particular, normalization is almost never worth the effort, and you can sometimes get big gains in performance by denormalizing to borderline-comical levels of redundancy. If the data never hits disk in an uncompressed state, you might just not care that you're repeating each customer's name 40,000 times. Infobright's compression algorithms are designed specifically for this sort of application, and it's not uncommon at all to end up with 40-to-1 ratios between the logical and physical sizes of your tables.

Asking for opinions : One sequence for all tables

Here's another one I've been thinking about lately.
We have concluded in earlier discussions : 'natural primary keys are bad, artificial primary keys are good.'
Working with Hibernate earlier I have seen that Hibernate default creates one sequence for all tables. At first I was puzzled by this, why would you do this. But later I saw the advantage that it makes linking parents and children fool proof. Because no tables have the same primary key value, accidentally linking a parent with a table that is not a child gives no results.
Does anyone see any downsides to this approach. I only see one : you cannot have more than 999999999999999999999999999 records in your database.
There could be performance issues with all code getting values from a single sequence - see this Ask Tom thread.
Depending on how sequences are implemented in the database, always hitting the same sequence can be better or worse. When only a few or only one thread request new values, there will be no locking issues. But a bad implementation could cause congestion.
Another problem is rolling back transactions: Sequences don't get rolled back (because someone else might have requested a higher value already), so you can have large gaps which will eat your number space much more quickly than you might expect. OTOH, it will take some time to eat 2 or 4 billion IDs (if you "only" use 32 bit (signed) ints), so it's rarely an issue in practice.
Lastly, you can't easily reset the sequence if you have to. But if you need to have a restarting sequence (say, number of records since midnight), you can tell Hibernate to create/use a second sequence.
A major advantage is that you can uniquely identify objects anywhere in the DB just by the ID. That means you can severely cut down the log information you write in the production system and still find something if you only have the ID.
I prefer having one sequence per table. This comes from one general observation: Some tables ("master tables") have a relatively small row count and have to be kept "forever". For example, the customer table in an ERP.
In other tables ("transaction tables"), many rows are generated perpetually, but after some time, those rows can be archived (or simply deleted). The most extreme example is a tracing table used for debugging purposes; it might grow by hundreds of rows per second, but each row is obsolete after a few days.
Small IDs in the master tables make it easier when working directly on the database, e.g. for debugging purposes.
select * from orders where customerid=415
select * from orders where customerid=89461836571
But this is only a minor issue. The bigger issue is cycling. If you use one sequence for all tables, you simply cannot let it restart. With one sequence per table, you can restart the sequences for the transaction tables when you have archived or deleted the old data. Master tables hardly ever have that problem, since they grow much slower.
I see little value in having only one sequence for all tables. The arguments told so far do not convince me.
There are a couple of disadvantages of using a single sequence:-
reduced concurrency. Handing out the next sequence value involves synchronisation. In practice, I do not think this is likely to be a big problem
Oracle has special code when maintaining btree indexes to detect monotonically increasing values and balance the tree approriately
The CBO might have a better time estimating range queries on the index (if you ever did this) if most values were filled in
An advantage might be that you can determine the order of inserts amongst different tables.
Certainly there are pros and cons to the one-sequence versus one-sequence-per-table approach. Personally I find the ability to assign a truly unique identifier to a row, making each id column a uuid, to be enough of a benefit to outweigh any disadvantages. As Aaron D. succinctly writes:
you can uniquely identify objects anywhere in the DB just by the ID
And, for most applications, due to the way Hibernate3 batches IMPORT statements, this will not be a performance bottleneck unless massive amounts of records are vying for the same db resource (SELECT hibernate_sequence.nextval FROM dual).
Also, this sequence mapping is not supported in the latest release (1.2) of Grails. Though it was supported in Grails 1.1 (!). It now requires subclassing one of the Hibernate dialect classes as a workaround.
For those using Grails/GORM, have a look at this JIRA entry:
Oracle Sequence mappings ignored
