IBM ODM Dependant XOM classes - websphere

HI I have two questions to ask :-
I have a XOM class like this -
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
public class PO {
private int quantity;
private double price;
private double totalAmount;
public PO() {
#CustomProperty(name = "dataio.default", value = "true")
public PO(#BusinessName("price") double price, #BusinessName("quantity") int quantity, #BusinessName("totalAmount") int totalAmount) {
this.price = price;
this.quantity = quantity;
this.totalAmount = totalAmount;
public int getPOQuantity() {
return quantity;
public void setPOQuantity(int quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
public double getPOPrice() {
return price;
public void setPOPrice(double price) {
this.price = price;
public double getPOTotalAmount() {
return totalAmount;
public void setPOTotalAmount(double totalAmount) {
this.totalAmount = totalAmount;
When I deploy this and run the TEST using the "OPENAPI-JSON" REST option , by default I get this input JSON (attached in this message) :-
I dont understant why does the extra "quantity", "price" and "totalAMount" comes ?? In my XOM I have defined "getPOQuanitity", "getPOTotalAMount","getPOPrice" right? So only "poquantity", "poprice", "pototalAmount" should come right? How is this OPENAPI-JSON getting formed? If anyone can help me clarifying this , it will be useful for our testing also.
) I have some Print statements in my Rule. When I run this RestAPI Test where can I find the COnsole Print statements? I dont see them in my Server logs.

maybe you can try removing this part of the class:
public PO(#BusinessName("price") double price, #BusinessName("quantity") int quantity, #BusinessName("totalAmount") int totalAmount) {
this.price = price;
this.quantity = quantity;
this.totalAmount = totalAmount;


Spring Boot Rest

i am practicing with spring boot for work with restful applications
I have set a #RestController and #Entity like this
#RequestMapping(value = "/api")
public class RestControllerCar {
private CarRepository carRepository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/cars")
public Iterable<Car> getCars() {
return carRepository.findAll();
public class Car {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String brand, model, color, registerNumber;
private Integer year, price;
#JsonIgnoreProperties({"hibernateLazyInitializer", "handler"})
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "cars")
private Set<Owner> owners;
public Car() {
public Car(String brand, String model, String color, String registerNumber, Integer year, Integer price) {
this.brand = brand;
this.model = model;
this.color = color;
this.registerNumber = registerNumber;
this.year = year;
this.price = price;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getBrand() {
return brand;
public void setBrand(String brand) {
this.brand = brand;
public String getModel() {
return model;
public void setModel(String model) {
this.model = model;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(String color) {
this.color = color;
public String getRegisterNumber() {
return registerNumber;
public void setRegisterNumber(String registerNumber) {
this.registerNumber = registerNumber;
public Integer getYear() {
return year;
public void setYear(Integer year) {
this.year = year;
public Integer getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(Integer price) {
this.price = price;
public Set<Owner> getOwner() {
return owners;
public void setOwner(Set<Owner> owners) {
this.owners = owners;
when i use postman to http://localhost:8080/cardatabase/api/cars i get a list of Cars
but even if i go to http://localhost:8081/cardatabase/cars, with _embedded on the top
it`s normal?
Is your repository annotated #RestRepository? The _embedded make me think to the kind of output given by a #RestRepository for an array.
#RestRepository auto create all endpoint. As #M.Deinum pointed out, with the data rest starter, if ou remove it , you only have your controller, and not the one generated by #RestRepository.
Two main choices here:
You dont annotate the Repository. Just an interface which implement JpaRepository<YourEntity, TypeOfYourID> and use your controllers
You use only the auto created controllers by #RestRepository.
Or, you can install swagger2 on your project, so, accessing the docs on your browser, you will see all available endpoints, and it may be more clear for you.
With swagger you will also see what is the return type of the endpoint, the parameters etc..
Swagger is really easy to install in a project and to use. (dependencies, one annotation and it's good.. for basic usage).

Performance problem when query a many-to-one relation by jpa

I use spring-boot-data-jpa-2.0 to get data from db. A table has many-to-one relation, and the query speed is too slow, 1000 lines data with foreign key will cost 15s, but by native sql it will cost only 0.07s. I search the issue and found that it is because 1+n problem.
Some solution that says use 'join fetch' in hql can solve. When I use the 'join fetch' in hql, query speed not change.
The system designed as a pure rest service, with spring boot framework.
contract entity
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.Table;
#Table(name = "MA_CONTRACTINFO_B")
public class MaContractinfoB implements {
// Fields
private String contractcd;
private MaDepartmentB maDepartmentB;
private Double contractid;
private String contractnm;
private String partya;
private String deputycontract;
private String prjtype;
private Double fundt;
private String bustype;
private String contractstatus;
private Double contractyear;
private String fundratio;
private LocalDateTime signdate;
private String prj;
private LocalDateTime loaddate;
private String udep;
private Double fundaccont;
private Double receipt;
private Double fundacctot;
private Double receiptot;
private String loc;
private String riskasscd;
private String rm;
private String pm;
private Double fundaccrec;
private String adminleader;
private String techleader;
private String leader;
private String progress;
private String cashadmin;
private String timetask;
private String contracttp;
// Constructors
/** default constructor */
public MaContractinfoB() {
/** minimal constructor */
public MaContractinfoB(String contractcd) {
this.contractcd = contractcd;
/** full constructor */
public MaContractinfoB(String contractcd, MaDepartmentB maDepartmentB, Double contractid, String contractnm,
String partya, String deputycontract, String prjtype, Double fundt, String bustype, String contractstatus,
Double contractyear, String fundratio, LocalDateTime signdate, String prj, LocalDateTime loaddate,
String udep, Double fundaccont, Double receipt, Double fundacctot, Double receiptot, String loc,
String riskasscd, String rm, String pm, Double fundaccrec, String adminleader, String techleader,
String leader, String progress, String cashadmin, String timetask, String contracttp) {
this.contractcd = contractcd;
this.maDepartmentB = maDepartmentB;
this.contractid = contractid;
this.contractnm = contractnm;
this.partya = partya;
this.deputycontract = deputycontract;
this.prjtype = prjtype;
this.fundt = fundt;
this.bustype = bustype;
this.contractstatus = contractstatus;
this.contractyear = contractyear;
this.fundratio = fundratio;
this.signdate = signdate;
this.prj = prj;
this.loaddate = loaddate;
this.udep = udep;
this.fundaccont = fundaccont;
this.receipt = receipt;
this.fundacctot = fundacctot;
this.receiptot = receiptot;
this.loc = loc;
this.riskasscd = riskasscd;
this.rm = rm; = pm;
this.fundaccrec = fundaccrec;
this.adminleader = adminleader;
this.techleader = techleader;
this.leader = leader;
this.progress = progress;
this.cashadmin = cashadmin;
this.timetask = timetask;
this.contracttp = contracttp;
// Property accessors
#Column(name = "CONTRACTCD", unique = true, nullable = false)
public String getContractcd() {
return this.contractcd;
public void setContractcd(String contractcd) {
this.contractcd = contractcd;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "DEPID")
public MaDepartmentB getMaDepartmentB() {
return this.maDepartmentB;
public void setMaDepartmentB(MaDepartmentB maDepartmentB) {
this.maDepartmentB = maDepartmentB;
#Column(name = "CONTRACTID", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getContractid() {
return this.contractid;
public void setContractid(Double contractid) {
this.contractid = contractid;
#Column(name = "CONTRACTNM")
public String getContractnm() {
return this.contractnm;
public void setContractnm(String contractnm) {
this.contractnm = contractnm;
#Column(name = "PARTYA")
public String getPartya() {
return this.partya;
public void setPartya(String partya) {
this.partya = partya;
#Column(name = "DEPUTYCONTRACT")
public String getDeputycontract() {
return this.deputycontract;
public void setDeputycontract(String deputycontract) {
this.deputycontract = deputycontract;
#Column(name = "PRJTYPE")
public String getPrjtype() {
return this.prjtype;
public void setPrjtype(String prjtype) {
this.prjtype = prjtype;
#Column(name = "FUNDT", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getFundt() {
return this.fundt;
public void setFundt(Double fundt) {
this.fundt = fundt;
#Column(name = "BUSTYPE")
public String getBustype() {
return this.bustype;
public void setBustype(String bustype) {
this.bustype = bustype;
#Column(name = "CONTRACTSTATUS")
public String getContractstatus() {
return this.contractstatus;
public void setContractstatus(String contractstatus) {
this.contractstatus = contractstatus;
#Column(name = "CONTRACTYEAR", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getContractyear() {
return this.contractyear;
public void setContractyear(Double contractyear) {
this.contractyear = contractyear;
#Column(name = "FUNDRATIO")
public String getFundratio() {
return this.fundratio;
public void setFundratio(String fundratio) {
this.fundratio = fundratio;
#Column(name = "SIGNDATE", length = 11)
public LocalDateTime getSigndate() {
return this.signdate;
public void setSigndate(LocalDateTime signdate) {
this.signdate = signdate;
#Column(name = "PRJ")
public String getPrj() {
return this.prj;
public void setPrj(String prj) {
this.prj = prj;
#Column(name = "LOADDATE", length = 11)
public LocalDateTime getLoaddate() {
return this.loaddate;
public void setLoaddate(LocalDateTime loaddate) {
this.loaddate = loaddate;
#Column(name = "UDEP")
public String getUdep() {
return this.udep;
public void setUdep(String udep) {
this.udep = udep;
#Column(name = "FUNDACCONT", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getFundaccont() {
return this.fundaccont;
public void setFundaccont(Double fundaccont) {
this.fundaccont = fundaccont;
#Column(name = "RECEIPT", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getReceipt() {
return this.receipt;
public void setReceipt(Double receipt) {
this.receipt = receipt;
#Column(name = "FUNDACCTOT", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getFundacctot() {
return this.fundacctot;
public void setFundacctot(Double fundacctot) {
this.fundacctot = fundacctot;
#Column(name = "RECEIPTOT", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getReceiptot() {
return this.receiptot;
public void setReceiptot(Double receiptot) {
this.receiptot = receiptot;
#Column(name = "LOC")
public String getLoc() {
return this.loc;
public void setLoc(String loc) {
this.loc = loc;
#Column(name = "RISKASSCD")
public String getRiskasscd() {
return this.riskasscd;
public void setRiskasscd(String riskasscd) {
this.riskasscd = riskasscd;
#Column(name = "RM")
public String getRm() {
return this.rm;
public void setRm(String rm) {
this.rm = rm;
#Column(name = "PM")
public String getPm() {
public void setPm(String pm) { = pm;
#Column(name = "FUNDACCREC", precision = 38, scale = 8)
public Double getFundaccrec() {
return this.fundaccrec;
public void setFundaccrec(Double fundaccrec) {
this.fundaccrec = fundaccrec;
#Column(name = "ADMINLEADER")
public String getAdminleader() {
return this.adminleader;
public void setAdminleader(String adminleader) {
this.adminleader = adminleader;
#Column(name = "TECHLEADER")
public String getTechleader() {
return this.techleader;
public void setTechleader(String techleader) {
this.techleader = techleader;
#Column(name = "LEADER", length = 20)
public String getLeader() {
return this.leader;
public void setLeader(String leader) {
this.leader = leader;
#Column(name = "PROGRESS", length = 1000)
public String getProgress() {
return this.progress;
public void setProgress(String progress) {
this.progress = progress;
#Column(name = "CASHADMIN", length = 20)
public String getCashadmin() {
return this.cashadmin;
public void setCashadmin(String cashadmin) {
this.cashadmin = cashadmin;
#Column(name = "TIMETASK", length = 2000)
public String getTimetask() {
return this.timetask;
public void setTimetask(String timetask) {
this.timetask = timetask;
#Column(name = "CONTRACTTP", length = 50)
public String getContracttp() {
return this.contracttp;
public void setContracttp(String contracttp) {
this.contracttp = contracttp;
* toString
* #return String
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(getClass().getName()).append("#").append(Integer.toHexString(hashCode())).append(" [");
buffer.append("contractcd").append("='").append(getContractcd()).append("' ");
buffer.append("maDepartmentB").append("='").append(getMaDepartmentB()).append("' ");
buffer.append("contractid").append("='").append(getContractid()).append("' ");
buffer.append("contractnm").append("='").append(getContractnm()).append("' ");
buffer.append("partya").append("='").append(getPartya()).append("' ");
buffer.append("deputycontract").append("='").append(getDeputycontract()).append("' ");
buffer.append("prjtype").append("='").append(getPrjtype()).append("' ");
buffer.append("fundt").append("='").append(getFundt()).append("' ");
buffer.append("bustype").append("='").append(getBustype()).append("' ");
buffer.append("contractstatus").append("='").append(getContractstatus()).append("' ");
buffer.append("contractyear").append("='").append(getContractyear()).append("' ");
buffer.append("fundratio").append("='").append(getFundratio()).append("' ");
buffer.append("signdate").append("='").append(getSigndate()).append("' ");
buffer.append("prj").append("='").append(getPrj()).append("' ");
buffer.append("loaddate").append("='").append(getLoaddate()).append("' ");
buffer.append("udep").append("='").append(getUdep()).append("' ");
buffer.append("fundaccont").append("='").append(getFundaccont()).append("' ");
buffer.append("receipt").append("='").append(getReceipt()).append("' ");
buffer.append("fundacctot").append("='").append(getFundacctot()).append("' ");
buffer.append("receiptot").append("='").append(getReceiptot()).append("' ");
buffer.append("loc").append("='").append(getLoc()).append("' ");
buffer.append("riskasscd").append("='").append(getRiskasscd()).append("' ");
buffer.append("rm").append("='").append(getRm()).append("' ");
buffer.append("pm").append("='").append(getPm()).append("' ");
buffer.append("fundaccrec").append("='").append(getFundaccrec()).append("' ");
buffer.append("adminleader").append("='").append(getAdminleader()).append("' ");
buffer.append("techleader").append("='").append(getTechleader()).append("' ");
buffer.append("leader").append("='").append(getLeader()).append("' ");
buffer.append("progress").append("='").append(getProgress()).append("' ");
buffer.append("cashadmin").append("='").append(getCashadmin()).append("' ");
buffer.append("timetask").append("='").append(getTimetask()).append("' ");
buffer.append("contracttp").append("='").append(getContracttp()).append("' ");
return buffer.toString();
department entity
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.Table;
#Table(name = "MA_DEPARTMENT_B")
public class MaDepartmentB implements {
// Fields
private Long id;
private String name;
private String leader;
private Set<MaContractinfoB> maContractinfoBs = new HashSet<MaContractinfoB>(0);
private Set<MaContraimB> maContraimBs = new HashSet<MaContraimB>(0);
// Constructors
/** default constructor */
public MaDepartmentB() {
/** minimal constructor */
public MaDepartmentB(Long id) { = id;
/** full constructor */
public MaDepartmentB(Long id, String name, String leader, Set<MaContractinfoB> maContractinfoBs,
Set<MaContraimB> maContraimBs) { = id; = name;
this.leader = leader;
this.maContractinfoBs = maContractinfoBs;
this.maContraimBs = maContraimBs;
// Property accessors
#Column(name = "ID", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 10, scale = 0)
public Long getId() {
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
#Column(name = "NAME")
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) { = name;
#Column(name = "LEADER")
public String getLeader() {
return this.leader;
public void setLeader(String leader) {
this.leader = leader;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "maDepartmentB")
public Set<MaContractinfoB> getMaContractinfoBs() {
return this.maContractinfoBs;
public void setMaContractinfoBs(Set<MaContractinfoB> maContractinfoBs) {
this.maContractinfoBs = maContractinfoBs;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "maDepartmentB")
public Set<MaContraimB> getMaContraimBs() {
return this.maContraimBs;
public void setMaContraimBs(Set<MaContraimB> maContraimBs) {
this.maContraimBs = maContraimBs;
* toString
* #return String
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(getClass().getName()).append("#").append(Integer.toHexString(hashCode())).append(" [");
buffer.append("id").append("='").append(getId()).append("' ");
buffer.append("name").append("='").append(getName()).append("' ");
buffer.append("leader").append("='").append(getLeader()).append("' ");
buffer.append("maContractinfoBs").append("='").append(getMaContractinfoBs()).append("' ");
buffer.append("maContraimBs").append("='").append(getMaContraimBs()).append("' ");
return buffer.toString();
public interface MaContractinfoBRepository extends JpaRepository<MaContractinfoB, Long> {
#Query("from MaContractinfoB c join fetch c.maDepartmentB")
List<MaContractinfoB> findAll();
#Query("select contractnm from MaContractinfoB")
List<String> findAllName();
// #Query("from MaContractinfoB c join fetch c.maDepartmentB")
// List test();
In MaContractinfoBRepository, When I use findAllName function, it will immediately return 1000 contract names in 0.05s. When I use findAll, it will cost 15s to get 1000 data with department entity, even I add join fetch. But if I get it by native sql in db tool such as navicat, it will cost only 0.07s.
Is any keypoint I missed? How to query the MaContractinfoB table not so slowly?
This is happening because internally with 'fetch' command also hibernate is lazy loading all the rows of Department entity for each Contract id whenever you call the findAll() method. So if there are n rows in Department for 1 Contract and in total there are m Contracts then the total number of calls to the database would be 'm * n'.
One way around this is by using DTO projections. Data Transfer Objects is an easy way to define all the required columns in one query and hit the database for once.
I have found this article useful which shows multiple ways of writing DTO projections.
One of the mentioned way is: Using JPQL you can use a constructor expression to define a constructor call with the keyword new followed by the fully classified class name of your DTO and a list of constructor parameters in curly braces.
Something like this:
TypedQuery<ContractWithDepartmentDetails> q = em.createQuery(
"SELECT new com.practice.model.ContractWithDepartmentDetails(,, FROM contract c JOIN c.department d",

JPA - Get values from fields in other entities in a Controller class

I have two entities: Room and Service. I also have a method in Logic class that i want to use in ServiceController class. Other classes are irrelevant.
room.getBeds() always returns 0, default int value.
Room entity:
public class Room {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int room_id;
private int beds;
private int number;
public Room() {
public Room(int beds, int number) {
this.beds = beds;
this.number = number;
public int getRoom_id() {
return room_id;
public void setRoom_id(int room_id) {
this.room_id = room_id;
public int getBeds() {
return beds;
public void setBeds(int beds) {
this.beds = beds;
public int getNumber() {
return number;
public void setNumber(int number) {
this.number = number;
Service entity:
public class Service {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int service_id;
#JsonFormat(pattern = "dd/MM/yyyy", timezone = "Europe/Berlin")
private Date arrival_at;
#JsonFormat(pattern = "dd/MM/yyyy", timezone = "Europe/Berlin")
private Date departure_at;
private int meals;
private int guest_id;
private double price;
public int getService_id() {
return service_id;
public void setService_id(int service_id) {
this.service_id = service_id;
public Date getArrival_at() {
return arrival_at;
public void setArrival_at(Date arrival_at) {
this.arrival_at = arrival_at;
public Date getDeparture_at() {
return departure_at;
public void setDeparture_at(Date departure_at) {
this.departure_at = departure_at;
public int getMeals() {
return meals;
public void setMeals(int meals) {
this.meals = meals;
public int getGuest_id() {
return guest_id;
public void setGuest_id(int guest_id) {
this.guest_id = guest_id;
public double getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(double price) {
this.price = price;
Service controller:
public class ServiceController {
ServiceRepository serviceRepository;
private Logic logic = new Logic();
private Room room = new Room();
public int createService(#RequestBody Service service) {
service.setPrice(logic.calculatePrice(service.getArrival_at(), service.getDeparture_at(), room.getBeds(), service.getMeals()));
How to get the correct value from room.getBeds() getter?
Lerius you are just making a new object of Room Entity and are not populating any values from your Database to that object
that is the reason why it is taking room.getBeds(); as 0(i.e default value for int)
Try Populating DB values to your object after that you will be able to get the value of getBeds();

Sonar gives NullPointerException not right

I am having java code:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Student student = new Student(1,"test");
private static void printId(Student obj) {
System.out.println("Id: " + obj.getId());
public class Student {
private int id;
private String name;
public Student(int id, String name) { = id; = name;
public int getId(){
return id;
At line System.out.println... sonar is showing that obj can be null but I had already checked for null value.
Is there any way to get rid of this issue?
You could use explicit null test.
The rule itself does not recognize usage of Objects.isNull as null check. Objects.isNull(Object obj) returns result of null==obj expresion so it can be safely replaced.
However you could contact SonarSource and propose rule change.

Spring Data Neo4j - findAll() doesn't return sorted results

I'm trying to use findAll() of the GraphRepository using PageRequest with sorting properties, but for some reson my data is not returned in a sorted way. Here is my code:
public class Playground {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(DefaultApplicationConfig.class);
SocialRescueManager manager = (SocialRescueManager)context.getBean("socialRescueManager");
manager.Civilians.deleteAll(); Civilian("B", "lastName1", Nationality.USA, EyeColor.BLUE, HairColor.BLOND, 180, new DateTime(1984, 1 , 9, 0, 0))); Civilian("C", "lastName2", Nationality.USA, EyeColor.GREEN, HairColor.BLACK, 170, new DateTime(1985, 6 , 9, 0, 0))); Civilian("A", "lastName3", Nationality.USA, EyeColor.BLUE, HairColor.BLOND, 175, new DateTime(1990, 10 , 23, 0, 0)));
Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(0, 5, Direction.DESC, "firstName");
Page<Civilian> results = manager.Civilians.findAll(pageable);
for(Iterator<Civilian> i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Civilian civilian =;
My Civilian class looks like this:
public class Civilian extends Profile {
#GraphProperty(propertyType = Long.class)
DateTime dateOfBirth;
public Civilian() {
public Civilian(String firstName, String lastName, Nationality nationality, EyeColor eyeColor, HairColor hairColor, int height, DateTime dateOfBirth) {
super(firstName, lastName, nationality, eyeColor, hairColor, height);
public DateTime getDateOfBirth() {
return dateOfBirth;
public void setDateOfBirth(DateTime dateOfBirth) {
this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
The Civilian class extends the Profile class, which looks like this:
public abstract class Profile extends AbstractEntity {
#Indexed(indexType = IndexType.FULLTEXT, indexName = "firstName")
String firstName;
#Indexed(indexType = IndexType.FULLTEXT, indexName = "lastName")
String lastName;
EyeColor eyeColor;
HairColor hairColor;
Nationality nationality;
int height;
public Profile() {
public Profile(String firstName, String lastName, Nationality nationality, EyeColor eyeColor, HairColor hairColor, int height) {
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public EyeColor getEyeColor() {
return eyeColor;
public void setEyeColor(EyeColor eyeColor) {
this.eyeColor = eyeColor;
public HairColor getHairColor() {
return hairColor;
public void setHairColor(HairColor hairColor) {
this.hairColor = hairColor;
public Nationality getNationality() {
return nationality;
public void setNationality(Nationality nationality) {
this.nationality = nationality;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public void setHeight(int height) {
this.height = height;
So, the results of my Main() method are as follows:
But as you can see, i set my PageRequest object to sort the results by the "firstName" property, in DESC order, so i would expect to get C printed first, then B, and last A.
What am i doing wrong?
The javadoc of CRUDRepository.findAll(Pageable) states:
NOTE: the sorting is not yet implemented
You'll have to contribute a fix, or you might as well consider using a cypher query with sorting enabled. E.g.
START n=node:firstName('firstName:abc')
ORDER BY n.firstName DESC
