Number of walks from source to sink with exactly h hops - algorithm

Given an un-directed graph, a starting vertex and ending vertex. Find the number of walks (so a vertex can be visited more than once) from the source to the sink that involve exactly h hops. For example, if the graph is a triangle, the number of such paths with h hops is given by the h-th Jakobstahl number. This can be extended to a fully connected k-node graph, producing the recurrence (and closed form solution) here.
When the graph is an n-sided polygon, the accepted answer here expresses the number of walks as a sum of binomial terms.
I assume there might be an efficient algorithm for finding this number for any given graph? We can assume the graph is provided in adjacency matrix or adjacency list or any other convenient notation.

A solution to this would be to use a modified BFS with two alternating queues and a per-node counter for paths to this node of a certain length:
paths(start, end, n):
q = set(start)
q_next = set()
path_ct = map()
path_ct_next = map()
path_ct[start] = 1
for i in [0, n): # counting loop
for node in q: # queue loop
for a in adjacent(node): # neighbor-loop
path_ct_next[a] += path_ct[node]
q = q_next
q_next = set()
path_ct = path_ct_next
path_ct_next = map()
return path_ct_next[end]
The basic assumption here is that map() produces a dictionary that returns zero, if the entry doesn't yet exist. Otherwise it returns the previously set value. The counting-loop simply takes care of doing exactly as many iterations as hops as required. The queue loop iterates over all nodes that can be reached using exactly i hops. In the neighbor-loop finally all nodes that can be reached in i + 1 hops are found. In this loop the adjacent nodes will be stored into a queue for the next iteration of counting-loop. The number of possible paths to reach such a node is the sum of the number of paths to reach it's predecessors. Once this is done for each node of the current iteration of counting-loop, the queues and tables are swapped/replaced by empty instances and the algorithm can start over.

If you take the adjacency matrix of a graph and raise it to the nth power, the resulting matrix counts the number of paths from each node to each other that uses exactly n edges. That would provide one way of computing the number you want - plus many others you aren’t all that interested in. :-)
Assuming the number of paths is “small” (say, something that fits into a 64-bit integer), you could use exponentiation by squaring to compute the matrix in O(log n) multiplies for a total cost of O(|V|ω log n), where ω is the exponent of the fastest matrix multiplication algorithm. However, if the quantity you’re looking for doesn’t fit into a machine word, then the cost of this approach will depend on how big the answer is as the multiplies will take variable amounts of time. For most graphs and small n this won’t be an issue, but if n is large and there are other parts of the graph that are densely connected this will slow down a bit.
Hope this helps!

You can make an algorithm that keep searching all possible paths , but with a variable that will contain your number of hops
For each possible path , each hop will decrement that variable and when arriving to zero your algorithm goes to trying another path , and if ever a path arrives to the target before making variable reachs zero , this path will be added to the list of your desired paths


Algorithmic Complexity for Max Flow Algorithm

I'm studying computer science/operations research, and right now I am interested in the maximum flow problem. I wrote an algorithm that solves the problem, but am having trouble figuring out the computational complexity. Python-esque pseudo-code is below:
function max_flow(graph,current_node,limit):
if limit <= 0:
return 0
else if node == graph.sink:
return limit
total = 0
for each node connected to current_node:
cap = graph.capacity(current_node,node)
if cap > 0:
next_limit = min(cap, limit - total)
next_max_flow = max_flow(graph,node,next_limit)
total += next_max_flow
graph.capacity(current_node,node) -= next_max_flow
return total
Where graph.capacity(a,b) means the capacity of the arc from a to b. To find the total max flow, one would call the algorithm as max_flow(graph,graph.source,infinity).
I proved to myself that the algorithm is correct (although if that is also wrong, feel free to correct me), and my belief about the complexity is that the algorithm runs in O(|V|2), where |V| is the number of vertices. The reasoning is:
In the worst case, every node is connected to every other node, so it is a complete digraph. This means that at most, each node has |V| - 1 edges. However, due to skew symmetry, if the capacity from a to b is positive, the capacity from b to a must be negative. So, if the source has |V| - 1 positive-capacity edges, then the next-highest node could have at most |V| - 2 positive-capacity edges, since at least one edge must have negative capacity. Because of this, the total number of positive-capacity edges is at most (|V|-1)*(|V|-2) / 2 = O(|V|2).
And that's sort of where I get stuck. Intuitively, it sounds like going through each of |V| nodes a maximum of |V| times, which results in O(|V|2). However, part of me thinks that the actual complexity is O(|V|3), but I can't find any rigorous explanation for either of these. Can someone give me a push in the right direction?
Note: none of this is homework, or a part of any class.
I think this has exponential complexity for acyclic graphs because of the recursive calls. (For cyclic graphs it will never complete so has infinite complexity.)
Suppose we have a start node, 100 nodes arranged in a 10*10 grid, and a sink node.
The start connects to all 10 nodes in column 1 (with capacity 1).
Each node in column x connects to all nodes in column x+1 (with capacity 1).
But no node connects to the sink node.
Then your algorithm will have to try all 10^10 ( = 10,000,000,000) possible routes through the matrix to discover that the maximum flow is equal to 0.

Calculate value at maximum distance from set of values

What I'm trying to achieve is continuously add more values to a set and keep them as far apart from each other as possible. I'm sure there must be several algorithms out there to solve this problem, but I'm probably just not searching with the right terms. If someone could point me to a solution (doesn't need to be a particularly efficient one) that would be great.
Effectively, given an set of values S, within a range Min-Max, I need to calculate a new value V, within the same range, such that the sum of distances between V and all values in S gets maximized.
It's easy to show that possible candidates for V are either an already existing value of S or the minimum/maximum. Proof: Let S_1, S_2, ..., S_n be the sorted sequence of S, including min and max. If you choose S_i < V < S_{i+1}, then the sum sum of distances can be achieved with either V = S_i or V = S_{i+1}, depending on the number of points on the left and the right.
This observation yields an O(n^2) algorithm that just checks every potential candidate in S. It can be improved to O(n) by computing prefix sums upfront to compute the sum of distances in O(1) per element.
In general, since each element contributes two linear cost functions to the domain of possible values, this problem can be solved in O(log n) per query. You just need a data structure that can maintain a list of linear function segments and returns the point with maximum sum. A balanced binary search tree with some clever augmentation and lazy updates can solve this. Whether this is necessary or not of course depends on the number of elements and the number of queries you expect to perform.
I don't think there is a silver bullet solution to your problem, but this is how I would go about solving it generally. First, you need to define a function sumDistance() which takes in a new value V along with all the values in the current set, and outputs the sum of the distances between V and each value in the set.
Next, you can iterate over the domain d of sumDistance(), where Min <= d <= Max, and keep track of the sums for each value V in the domain. When you encounter a new largest sum, then record it. The V value which gave you the largest sum is the value you retain and add to your set.
This algorithm can be repeated for each new value you wish to add. Note that because this is essentially a one dimensional optimization problem, the running time should not be too bad so your first attempt might be good enough.
Assuming the distance d(a,b) = |a-b| then one of min and max will always yield a maximum.
Let's assume you have V that is not at an end point. You then have n1 values that are lower and n2 values that are higher. The total distance at the minimum will be at least (n1 - n2) * (max - V) bigger and the total distance at the maximum will be at least (n2 - n1) * (V - min) bigger.
Since at least one of n1 - n2 and n2 - n1 must be non-negative, a maximum can always be found at one of the end points.

Neo4J - Finding the widest path on very large graphs

I have created a very large directional weighted graph, and I'm trying to find the widest path between two points.
each edge has a count property
Here is a small portion of the graph:
I have found this example and modified the query, so the path collecting would be directional like so:
MATCH p = (v1:Vertex {name:'ENTRY'})-[:TRAVELED*]->(v2:Vertex {name:'EXIT'})
WITH p, EXTRACT(c IN RELATIONSHIPS(p) | c.count) AS counts
UNWIND(counts) AS b
WITH p, MIN(b) AS count
RETURN NODES(p) AS `Widest Path`, count
This query seems to require an enormous amount of memory, and fails even on partial data.
Update: for classification, the query is running until running out of memory.
I've found this link, that combines the use of spark and neo4j. Unfortunately Mazerunner for Neo4j, does not support "widest path" algorithm out of the box. What would be the right approach to run the "widest path" query on a very large graph?
The reason your algorithm is taking a long time to run is because (a) you have a big graph, (b) your memory parameters probably need tweaking (see comments) and (c) you're enumerating every possible path between ENTRY and EXIT. Depending on what your graph is structured like, this could be a huge number of paths.
Note that if you're looking for the broadest path, then broadest is the largest/smallest weight on an edge. This means that you're probably computing and re-computing many paths you can ignore.
Wikipedia has good information on this algorithm you should consider. In particular:
It is possible to find maximum-capacity paths and minimax paths with a
single source and single destination very efficiently even in models
of computation that allow only comparisons of the input graph's edge
weights and not arithmetic on them.[12][18] The algorithm maintains a
set S of edges that are known to contain the bottleneck edge of the
optimal path; initially, S is just the set of all m edges of the
graph. At each iteration of the algorithm, it splits S into an ordered
sequence of subsets S1, S2, ... of approximately equal size; the
number of subsets in this partition is chosen in such a way that all
of the split points between subsets can be found by repeated
median-finding in time O(m). The algorithm then reweights each edge of
the graph by the index of the subset containing the edge, and uses the
modified Dijkstra algorithm on the reweighted graph; based on the
results of this computation, it can determine in linear time which of
the subsets contains the bottleneck edge weight. It then replaces S by
the subset Si that it has determined to contain the bottleneck weight,
and starts the next iteration with this new set S. The number of
subsets into which S can be split increases exponentially with each
step, so the number of iterations is proportional to the iterated
logarithm function, O(logn), and the total time is O(m logn).[18] In
a model of computation where each edge weight is a machine integer,
the use of repeated bisection in this algorithm can be replaced by a
list-splitting technique of Han & Thorup (2002), allowing S to be
split into O(√m) smaller sets Si in a single step and leading to a
linear overall time bound.
You should consider implementing this approach with cypher rather than your current "enumerate all paths" approach, as the "enumerate all paths" approach has you re-checking the same edge counts for as many paths as there are that involve that particular edge.
There's not ready-made software that will just do this for you, I'd recommend taking that paragraph (and checking its citations for further information) and then implementing that. I think performance wise you can do much better than your current query.
Some thoughts.
Your query (and the original example query) can be simplified. This may or may not be sufficient to prevent your memory issue.
For each matched path, there is no need to: (a) create a collection of counts, (b) UNWIND it into rows, and then (c) perform a MIN aggregation. The same result could be obtained by using the REDUCE function instead:
MATCH p = (v1:Vertex {name:'ENTRY'})-[:TRAVELED*]->(v2:Vertex {name:'EXIT'})
WITH p, REDUCE(m = 2147483647, c IN RELATIONSHIPS(p) | CASE WHEN c.count < m THEN c.count ELSE m END) AS count
RETURN NODES(p) AS `Widest Path`, count
(I assume that the count property value is an int. 2147483647 is the max int value.)
You should create an index (or, perhaps more appropriately, a uniqueness constraint) on the name property of the Vertex label. For example:
CREATE INDEX ON :Vertex(name)
This enhanced version of the above query might solve your memory problem:
MERGE (t:Temp) SET t.count = 0, t.widest_path = NULL
OPTIONAL MATCH p = (v1:Vertex {name:'ENTRY'})-[:TRAVELED*]->(v2:Vertex {name:'EXIT'})
WITH t, p, REDUCE(m = 2147483647, c IN RELATIONSHIPS(p) | CASE WHEN c.count < m THEN c.count ELSE m END) AS count
WHERE count > t.count
SET t.count = count, t.widest_path = NODES(p)
WITH t, t.count AS count, t.widest_path AS `Widest Path`
RETURN `Widest Path`, count;
It creates (and ultimately deletes) a temporary :Temp node to keep track of the currently "winning" count and (the corresponding path nodes). (You must make sure that the label Temp is not otherwise used.)
The WITH clause starting with COLLECT(DISTINCT t) uses aggregation of distinct :Temp nodes (of which there is only 1) to ensure that Cypher only keeps a single reference to the :Temp node, no matter how many paths satisfy the WHERE clause. Also, that WITH clause does NOT include p, so that Cypher does not accumulate paths that we do not care about. It is this clause that might be the most important in helping to avoid your memory issues.
I have not tried this out.

What does the beam size represent in the beam search algorithm?

I have a question about the beam search algorithm.
Let's say that n = 2 (the number of nodes we are going to expand from every node). So, at the beginning, we only have the root, with 2 nodes that we expand from it. Now, from those two nodes, we expand two more. So, at the moment, we have 4 leafs. We will continue like this till we find the answer.
Is this how beam search works? Does it expand only n = 2 of every node, or it keeps 2 leaf nodes at all the times?
I used to think that n = 2 means that we should have 2 active nodes at most from each node, not two for the whole tree.
In the "standard" beam search algorithm, at every step, the total number of the nodes you currently "know about" is limited - and NOT the number of nodes you will follow from each node.
Concretely, if n = 2, it means that the "beam" will be of size at most 2, at all times. So, initially, you start from one node, then you discover all nodes that are reachable from it, but discard all of them but two, and finish step 1 with 2 nodes. At step 2, you have two nodes, and you will expand both, and discard all nodes again, except exactly 2 nodes (total, not from each!). In the next steps, similarly, you will keep 2 nodes after each step.
Choosing which node to keep is usually done by some heuristic function that evaluates which node is closest to the target.
Note that the beam search algorithm is not complete (i.e., it may not find a solution if one exists) nor optimal (i.e. it may not find the best solution). The best way to see this is witnessing that when n = 1, it basically reduces to best-first-search.
In beam search, instead of choosing the best token to generate at each timestep, we keep k possible tokens at each step. This fixed-size memory footprint k is called the beam width, on the metaphor of a flashlight beam that can be parameterized to be wider or narrower.
Thus at the first step of decoding, we compute a softmax over the entire vocabulary, assigning a probability to each word. We then select the k-best options from this softmax output. These initial k outputs are the search frontier and these k initial words are called hypotheses. A hypothesis is an output sequence, a translation-so- far, together with its probability.
At subsequent steps, each of the k best hypotheses is extended incrementally by being passed to distinct decoders, which each generate a softmax over the entire vocabulary to extend the hypothesis to every possible next token. Each of these k∗V hypotheses is scored by P(yi|x,y<i): the product of the probability of current word choice multiplied by the probability of the path that led to it. We then prune the k∗V hypotheses down to the k best hypotheses, so there are never more than k hypotheses at the frontier of the search, and never more than k decoders.
The beam size(or beam width) is the k aforementioned.

Partition a set into k groups with minimum number of moves

You have a set of n objects for which integer positions are given. A group of objects is a set of objects at the same position (not necessarily all the objects at that position: there might be multiple groups at a single position). The objects can be moved to the left or right, and the goal is to move these objects so as to form k groups, and to do so with the minimum distance moved.
For example:
With initial positions at [4,4,7], and k = 3: the minimum cost is 0.
[4,4,7] and k = 2: minimum cost is 0
[1,2,5,7] and k = 2: minimum cost is 1 + 2 = 3
I've been trying to use a greedy approach (by calculating which move would be shortest) but that wouldn't work because every move involves two elements which could be moved either way. I haven't been able to formulate a dynamic programming approach as yet but I'm working on it.
This problem is a one-dimensional instance of the k-medians problem, which can be stated as follows. Given a set of points x_1...x_n, partition these points into k sets S_1...S_k and choose k locations y_1...y_k in a way that minimizes the sum over all x_i of |x_i - y_f(i)|, where y_f(i) is the location corresponding of the set to which x_i is assigned.
Due to the fact that the median is the population minimizer for absolute distance (i.e. L_1 norm), it follows that each location y_j will be the median of the elements x in the corresponding set S_j (hence the name k-medians). Since you are looking at integer values, there is the technicality that if S_j contains an even number of elements, the median might not be an integer, but in such cases choosing either the next integer above or below the median will give the same sum of absolute distances.
The standard heuristic for solving k-medians (and the related and more common k-means problem) is iterative, but this is not guaranteed to produce an optimal or even good solution. Solving the k-medians problem for general metric spaces is NP-hard, and finding efficient approximations for k-medians is an open research problem. Googling "k-medians approximation", for example, will lead to a bunch of papers giving approximation schemes.
In one dimension things become easier, and you can use a dynamic programming approach. A DP solution to the related one-dimensional k-means problem is described in this paper, and the source code in R is available here. See the paper for details, but the idea is essentially the same as what #SajalJain proposed, and can easily be adapted to solve the k-medians problem rather than k-means. For j<=k and m<=n let D(j,m) denote the cost of an optimal j-medians solution to x_1...x_m, where the x_i are assumed to be in sorted order. We have the recurrence
D(j,m) = min (D(j-1,q) + Cost(x_{q+1},...,x_m)
where q ranges from j-1 to m-1 and Cost is equal to the sum of absolute distances from the median. With a naive O(n) implementation of Cost, this would yield an O(n^3k) DP solution to the whole problem. However, this can be improved to O(n^2k) due to the fact that the Cost can be updated in constant time rather than computed from scratch every time, using the fact that, for a sorted sequence:
Cost(x_1,...,x_h) = Cost(x_2,...,x_h) + median(x_1...x_h)-x_1 if h is odd
Cost(x_1,...,x_h) = Cost(x_2,...,x_h) + median(x_2...x_h)-x_1 if h is even
See the writeup for more details. Except for the fact that the update of the Cost function is different, the implementation will be the same for k-medians as for k-means.
as I understand, the problems is:
we have n points on a line.
we want to place k position on the line. I call them destinations.
move each of n points to one of the k destinations so the sum of distances is minimum. I call this sum, total cost.
destinations can overlap.
An obvious fact is that for each point we should look for the nearest destinations on the left and the nearest destinations on the right and choose the nearest.
Another important fact is all destinations should be on the points. because we can move them on the line to right or to left to reach a point without increasing total distance.
By these facts consider following DP solution:
DP[i][j] means the minimum total cost needed for the first i point, when we can use only j destinations, and have to put a destination on the i-th point.
to calculate DP[i][j] fix the destination before the i-th point (we have i choice), and for each choice (for example k-th point) calculate the distance needed for points between the i-th point and the new point added (k-th point). add this with DP[k][j - 1] and find the minimum for all k.
the calculation of initial states (e.g. j = 1) and final answer is left as an exercise!
Task 0 - sort the position of the objects in non-decreasing order
Let us define 'center' as the position of the object where it is shifted to.
Now we have two observations;
For N positions the 'center' would be the position which is nearest to the mean of these N positions. Example, let 1,3,6,10 be the positions. Then mean = 5. Nearest position is 6. Hence the center for these elements is 6. This gives us the position with minimum cost of moving when all elements need to be grouped into 1 group.
Let N positions be grouped into K groups "optimally". When N+1 th object is added, then it will disturb only the K th group, i.e, first K-1 groups will remain unchanged.
From these observations, we build a dynamic programming approach.
Let Cost[i][k] and Center[i][k] be two 2D arrays.
Cost[i][k] = minimum cost when first 'i' objects are partitioned into 'k' groups
Center[i][k] stores the center of the 'i-th' object when Cost[i][k] is computed.
Let {L} be the elements from i-L,i-L+1,..i-1 which have the same center.
(Center[i-L][k] = Center[i-L+1][k] = ... = Center[i-1][k]) These are the only objects that need to be considered in the computation for i-th element (from observation 2)
Cost[i][k] will be
min(Cost[i-1][k-1] , Cost[i-L-1][k-1] + computecost(i-L, i-L+1, ... ,i))
Update Center[i-L ... i][k]
computecost() can be found trivially by finding the center (from observation 1)
Time Complexity:
Sorting O(NlogN)
Total Cost Computation Matrix = Total elements * Computecost = O(NK * N)
Total = O(NlogN + N*NK) = O(N*NK)
Let's look at k=1.
For k=1 and n odd, all points should move to the center point. For k=1 and n even, all points should move to either of the center points or any spot between them. By 'center' I mean in terms of number of points to either side, i.e. the median.
You can see this because if you select a target spot, x, with more points to its right than it's left, then a new target 1 to the right of x would result in a cost reduction (unless there is exactly one more point to the right than the left and the target spot is a point, in which case n is even and the target is on/between the two center points).
If your points are already sorted, this is an O(1) operation. If not, I believe it's O(n) (via an order statistic algorithm).
Once you've found the spot that all points are moving to, it's O(n) to find the cost.
Thus regardless of whether the points are sorted or not, this is O(n).
