how to stop consuming messages from kafka when error occurred and restart consuming again after some time in spring boot - spring-boot

This is the first time i am using Kafka. i have a spring boot application and i am consuming messages from kafka topics and storing messages in DB. I have a requirement to handle DB fail over, if DB is down that message should not be committed and suspend consuming messages for some time and after some time listener can start consuming messages again. what is the better approach to do this.
i am using spring-kafka:2.2.8.RELEASE which is internally using kafka 2.0.1

Configure a ContainerStoppingErrorHandler and throw an exception from your listener.
You can restart the container later when you have detected that your DB is back online.
public class So62125817Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
TaskScheduler scheduler() {
return new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
public NewTopic topic() {
class Listener {
private final TaskScheduler scheduler;
private final KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry registry;
public Listener(TaskScheduler scheduler, KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry registry,
AbstractKafkaListenerContainerFactory<?, ?, ?> factory) {
this.scheduler = scheduler;
this.registry = registry;
factory.setErrorHandler(new ContainerStoppingErrorHandler());
#KafkaListener(id = "", topics = "so62125817")
public void listen(String in) {
// run this code if you want to stop the container and restart it in 60 seconds
this.scheduler.schedule(() -> {
}, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 60_000));
throw new RuntimeException("test restart");

There are two approaches which I can think of doing this:
First Approach: Let the auto-commit option for consuming messages be true. The configuration for this is By default, this would be true, so you do not need to change anything. Whenever your DB operation fails, you can put the messages on a different topic say a topic named failed_events. When you do this, you can have the same application (Which populates the DB) running say once at a daily level to consume the message from failed_events topic and populate the DB again. This way you can keep track of how many times the DB write gets failed. One small thing to note is what if during this run also the DB is down, then what do you do. You can decide what to do in this case. Probably discard the message if it is Ok to do so, or do a certain number of retries.
Second approach: If it is very deterministic to know that for how long the DB would be down. And if the time period is very small, then it is better to do a sleep operation in the case of DB write failure. Say the application sleeps for 10 minutes before it retries again. You will not have to create a separate topic in this case.
The advantage of this approach is that you don't have to run a separate instance of the same application to fetch from a different topic. You could do all of them in one single application. Maintaining this becomes relatively easier.
The disadvantage of this approach is that if the DB is down for a very long period, say 1 day, Then you will end up losing the message.


Spring AMQP: Stopping a SimpleConsumer from DirectMessageListenerContainer

I have a use case where I am dynamically registering and removing a queue to and from a container based on some predicate. I am using a DirectMessageListenerContainer based on the advice given in the documentation as per my needs.
Those dynamic queues are temporary ones that should get deleted if they have no messages and are not in use. Right now I have a Scheduler running periodically which deregisters the queue from the container if the predicate is true.
For me, the problem is even after removing the queue from the container the consumer bound to the queue is not getting released/stopped and thus the queue is not getting eligible for delete(due to the in-use policy by the consumer).
Is there a way to release or stop a consumer without restarting the container?
When you remove a queue, its consumer(s) are canceled.
This works as expected:
public class So72540658Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
DirectMessageListenerContainer container(ConnectionFactory cf) {
DirectMessageListenerContainer dmlc = new DirectMessageListenerContainer(cf);
dmlc.setQueueNames("foo", "bar");
dmlc.setMessageListener(msg -> {});
return dmlc;
ApplicationRunner runner(DirectMessageListenerContainer container) {
return args -> {
System.out.println("Hit enter to remove bar");;
Hit enter; then:
Perhaps your consumer thread is stuck someplace? Try taking a thread dump. If you can't figure it out; post an MCRE somplace.

Spring Batch Parallel processing with JMS

I implemented a spring batch project that reads from a weblogic Jms queue (Custom Item Reader not message driven), then pass the Jms message data to an item writer (chunk = 1) where i call some APIs and write in DataBase.
However, i am trying to implement parallel Jms processing, reading in parallel Jms messages and passing them to the writer without waiting for the previous processes to complete.
I’ve used a DefaultMessageListenerContainer in a previous project and it offers a parallel consuming of jms messages, but in this project i have to use the spring batch framework.
I tried using the easiest solution (multi-threaded step) but it
didn’t work , JmsException : "invalid blocking receive when another
receive is in progress" which means probably that my reader is
I thought about using remote partitioning but then i have to read all
messages and put the data into step execution contexts before calling
the slave steps, which isn't really efficient if dealing with a large
number of messages.
I looked a little bit into remote chunking, i understand that it passes data via queue channels, but i can't seem to find the utility in reading from a Jms and putting messages in a local queue for slave workers.
How can I approach this?
My code:
Step step1() {
return steps.get("step1").<Message, DetectionIncoherenceLiqJmsOut>chunk(1)
Job job(#Qualifier("step1") Step step1) {
return jobs.get("job").start(step1).build();
Jms Code :
public void initQueueConnection() throws NamingException, JMSException {
Hashtable<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, env.getProperty(WebLogicConstant.JNDI_FACTORY));
properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, env.getProperty(WebLogicConstant.JMS_WEBLOGIC_URL_RECEIVE));
InitialContext vInitialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
QueueConnectionFactory vQueueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) vInitialContext
vQueueConnection = vQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection();
vQueueSession = vQueueConnection.createQueueSession(false, 0);
Queue vQueue = (Queue) vInitialContext.lookup(env.getProperty(WebLogicConstant.JMS_QUEUE_RECEIVE));
consumer = vQueueSession.createConsumer(vQueue, "JMSCorrelationID IS NOT NULL");
public Message receiveMessages() throws NamingException, JMSException {
return consumer.receive(20000);
Item reader :
public Message read() throws Exception {
return jmsServiceReceiver.receiveMessages();
Thanks ! i'll appreciate the help :)
There's a BatchMessageListenerContainer in the spring-batch-infrastructure-tests sub project.
Message listener container adapted for intercepting the message reception with advice provided through configuration.
To enable batching of messages in a single transaction, use the TransactionInterceptor and the RepeatOperationsInterceptor in the advice chain (with or without a transaction manager set in the base class). Instead of receiving a single message and processing it, the container will then use a RepeatOperations to receive multiple messages in the same thread. Use with a RepeatOperations and a transaction interceptor. If the transaction interceptor uses XA then use an XA connection factory, or else the TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy to synchronize the JMS session with the ongoing transaction (opening up the possibility of duplicate messages after a failure). In the latter case you will not need to provide a transaction manager in the base class - it only gets on the way and prevents the JMS session from synchronizing with the database transaction.
Perhaps you could adapt it for your use case.
I was able to do so with a multithreaded step :
// Jobs et Steps
Step stepDetectionIncoherencesLiq(#Autowired StepBuilderFactory steps) {
int threadSize = Integer.parseInt(env.getProperty(PropertyConstant.THREAD_POOL_SIZE));
return steps.get("stepDetectionIncoherencesLiq").<Message, DetectionIncoherenceLiqJmsOut>chunk(1)
And a jmsItemReader with jmsTemplate instead of creating session and connections explicitly, it manages connections so i dont have the jms exception anymore:( JmsException : "invalid blocking receive when another receive is in progress" )
public JmsItemReader<Message> reader() {
JmsItemReader<Message> itemReader = new JmsItemReader<>();
return itemReader;

Consumer restart when I reset Spring Boot app

I have a Kafka topic with data, called "topic01"
I want to create a consumer that every time I start my Spring Boot 2 application, start reading that topic from the beginning.
I have the following code, that if I add something new to the topic if it reaches me, but when starting the first time, it won't read me from the beginning of the topic.
#KafkaListener(topics = "topic01")
public void listenTopic01(ConsumerRecord<String, MiDTO> consumerRecord) throws Exception {"KafkaHandler");;;
What configuration should I add, so that this #KafkaListener reads the topic from the beginning, every time I restart my application.
Either use a unique (random) group-id each time, or have your listener class implement ConsumerSeekAware and add
public void onPartitionsAssigned(Consumer<?, ?> consumer, Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
#KafkaListener(topics = "topic01",
groupId = "#{T(java.util.UUID).randomUUID().toString()}")

Spring handling RabbitMQ messages concurrently

I am fairly new to message-handling with Spring, so bear with me.
I would like my RabbitMQ message-handler to handle messages concurrently in several threads.
public class ConsumerService {
#RabbitListener(queues = {"q"})
public void messageHandler(#Payload M msg) {
#Import({MessageConverterConfiguration.class, ConsumerService.class})
public class ConsumerConfiguration {
private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public List<Declarable> declarations() {
return Arrays.asList(
new DirectExchange("e", true, false),
new Queue("q", true, false, false),
new Binding("q", Binding.DestinationType.QUEUE, "e", "q", null)
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory(MessageConverter contentTypeConverter, SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
In my small test there are 4 messages on queue "q". I get to process them all. That is fine. But I get to process them one by one. If I set a breakpoint in "ConsumerService.messageHandler" (essentially delaying the completion of handling a message) I would like to end up having 4 threads in that breakpoint. But I never have more than one thread. As soon as I let it run to complete handling of a message, the next message gets to be handled. What do I need to do to handle the messages concurrently?
There are two ways of achieving this
Either use a threadpool to handle messae processing at your consumer.
Or, create multiple consumer.
I saw you are using concurrentConsumers property to automatically handling of creating multiple consumers by Spring AMQP. Try setting the PrefetchCount to 1 and set MaxConcurrentConsumers also.
Most probably you already have four messages in queues and as default value of Prefetch Count is large only one consumer is consuming all the messages present on queue.
Sorry, I forgot to write that I got it working. Essentially what I have now is:
I do believe with concurrentConsumers alone it will actually eventually (under enough load) handle messages in parallel. Problem was that I had only 4 messages in my little test, and it will never bother to activate more than one consumer(-thread) for that. Setting consecutiveActiveTrigger to 1 helps here. Guess prefetchCount also has something to say. Anyway, case closed.

JMS Persistent delivery mode

I am learning JMS and came across this statement:
The PERSISTENT delivery mode, the default, instructs the JMS provider
to take extra care to ensure that a message is not lost in transit in
case of a JMS provider failure. A message sent with this delivery mode
is logged to stable storage when it is sent.
If JMS Provider failure occurs then how the JMS Provider can ensure that a message is not lost?
What does it mean that:
"A message sent with this delivery mode is logged to stable storage when it is sent."
Please help me in understanding the JMS concept here.
It means the message with PERSISTENT delivery mode is not lost when a messaging provider goes down for any reason and comes up again. The messaging provider saves messages with PERSISTENT delivery mode to disk and when the message provides restarts, the message is read from the disk and brought into memory.
Hope this is clear.
You can do a simple test to understand the concept. Refer the tutorial here on how to create producer and consumer.
You will see producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT);
Change it to producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT);
Now create two classes. One which calls only Producers and one only consumer.
public class AppOnlyProduce {
public static void thread(Runnable runnable, boolean daemon) {
Thread brokerThread = new Thread(runnable);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
thread(new HelloWorldProducer(), false);
thread(new HelloWorldProducer(), false);
public class AppOnlyConsumer {
public static void thread(Runnable runnable, boolean daemon) {
Thread brokerThread = new Thread(runnable);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
thread(new HelloWorldConsumer(), false);
thread(new HelloWorldConsumer(), false);
First run AppOnlyProduce. It will create two messages. Now run AppOnlyConsumer it will read two messages.
Now change back the line to producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT);
Again run AppOnlyProduce. It will create two messages. Now run AppOnlyConsumer You will see that it waits for sometime for message and they say Received: null
In first case mode was persistent. So though Java program ended messages were persisted and made available when JMS started (this time by consumer)
In second case mode was not persistent. So messages vanished as soon as program ended.
