updated liquibase to 3.8.9 debug log started appearing by default - debugging

As soon as I updated my liquibase jar to 3.8.9 from 3.5.3 I am seeing all the debug logs in my different project logs. How come debug mode is enabled by just upgrading the liquibase jar?
Liquibase 3.8.9 has 3 additional dependencies than tha last version 3.5.3 i.e. slf4-api, jaxb-api and logback-classic. Did anyone else faced similar issue if yes whats the solution to disable the debug mode.

I believe there have been significant logging changes made since 3.5.3, you can update logging to your preference in your liquibase.properties file. Here's a reference:


SpringBoot 2.4.0, no log file written (logging.file.name)

I tried to use logging.file.name=springboot.log to set my log file, but no log file would written. But it's very confusing that springboot.txt works. This following is my settings in application.properties:
# For the following files, I just keep one and comment the others
logging.file.name=springboot.yml # Works
logging.file.name=springboot.xml # Works
logging.file.name=springboot.txt # Works
logging.file.name=springboot.log # Does not work
logging.file.name=logging/springboot.yml # Works
logging.file.name=logging/springboot.log # Does not work
I have just upgraded the dependencies a springboot application that uses multiple profiles and hit a similar issue - for me it works, but fails to work if profiles are involved.
logging.file.name which has been running for at least 6 months now without problems suddenly stopped working after dependency upgrade from 2.3.8 -> 2.4.2.
Thus think looks like a 2.4 issue.
For a temporary fix you could try downgrading - in gradle the following works for me:
id 'com.github.ben-manes.versions' version '0.36.0'
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.3.8.RELEASE'
Having done some further investigation it appears to fail for me because of overrides in the profiles.
So I have two profiles: base and dev which are used together --spring.profiles.active=base,dev
My base sets logging.file.name for the default live. my dev profile overrides this and sets it to ./blah.log.
For me that is not picked up under 2.4.2 and fails, but overrides correctly with 2.3.8.
If you are using multiple profiles this may be the problem.
EDIT: I've raised a big report on Spring Boot on github: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/25058

SonarQube startup Error: log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j2 to the filepath

I resolved this issue, I did it by following the instructions found here:
Elasticsearch installation : Error missing 'server' JVM at ...jvm.dll
I was using SonarQube fine the day before, but today when I tried to start the program I'm getting a error.
I have not changed anything on SonarQube as far as I know, I did made a successful connection with SonarQube to Jenkins. But if I remember correctly, I didn't had to install/change files for SonarQube for this(I just made a project, and generated a user login token for Jenkins). Also, I'm sure I'm using the "vanilla" version of SonarQube.
Download and install Java
Go to
c:/program files/java/jre/bin
and create a folder called "server"
Now go into the
c:/program files/java/jre/bin/client
and copy all data of this folder to
c:/program files/java/jre/bin/Server
updating/reinstalling the target jre (jre-8u181-windows-x64 for sonarqube 6.7.x) resolved this for me
I copied these jar in this route and it worked:
path: sonarqube-6.7/lib
This is a side effect; your have a JRE in your Windows PATH.
You need a JDK in your %PATH% // see previous error log
jvm 1 | Error: missing `server' JVM at `C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_191\bin\server\jvm.dll'.
jvm 1 | Please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.
Used JDK 15, had same issue
Installed OpenJDK 11 instead (https://jdk.java.net/java-se-ri/11)
opened "[path to sonarqube folder]\conf\wrapper.conf"
replaced "wrapper.java.command=java"
with "wrapper.java.command=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin\java.exe"
worked for me.

Using Neo4j 3.1.5 with neo4j-elasticsearch 3.1.4

I am trying to link my Neo4j db with Elasticsearch using the recommended approach on the Neo4j website, with this GitHub repository https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-elasticsearch
I have done all the steps that they say to do, but when I run it in terminal I get this error (everything works normally except that nothing is getting pushed to Elasticsearch):
Failed to load `org.apache.commons.logging.impl.AvalonLogger` from
plugin jar
elasticsearch-3.1.4.jar`: org/apache/avalon/framework/logger/Logger
2017-07-13 20:21:46.911+0000 WARN [o.n.k.i.p.Procedures]
Failed to load `org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger` from
plugin jar
elasticsearch-3.1.4.jar`: org/apache/log4j/Category
2017-07-13 20:21:46.911+0000 WARN [o.n.k.i.p.Procedures]
Failed to
load `org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogKitLogger` from plugin jar
elasticsearch-3.1.4.jar`: org/apache/log/Logger
I am running Neo4j 3.1.5, while this plugin was created for 3.1.4 and I think that may be the issue; however, there is no plugin made for 3.1.5, and I cannot find a way to download the older version of Neo4j.
Looks like old question but still answering for future googlers.
I was facing the same problem with 3.1.x version . For me it's working fine with version 3.2

sonar-java-plugin-2.1.jar related plugins getting downloaded everytime on sonar server restart

We are currently using sonar 4.3.3 release.Here we had uninstalled
sonar-java-plugin-2.1.jar and had moved to sonar-java-plugin-2.5.1.jar
Parallely we had removed the other related plugins also i.e :
Now the problem we are facing is after our quarterly maintenance activity is over and sonar-server restart happens, Sonarqube update-center is downloading the uninstalled old plugins on restart.
List of such plugins:
This is causing the sonarqube auto restart to fail with below-given error
2017.01.29 20:32:43 ERROR [o.s.s.p.PlatformServletContextListener] Fail to start server
org.sonar.updatecenter.common.exception.IncompatiblePluginVersionException: The plugins 'jacoco' and 'java' must have exactly the same version as they belong to the same group.
Please guide if there is any way to disable this behaviour.
Have checked the extensions/downloads/ folder also and no jars were present there.
The jars were present in lib/bundled-plugins folder.Removing from there solved my purpose.

Is SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6 Grails support broken?

I have recently updated my STS from 2.5.2 to 2.6. Since then, each grails project shows an error in the conf/spring/resources.groovy file reading: Description Resource Path Location Type
Internal compiler error: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/codehaus/jdt/groovy/internal/compiler/ast/JDTClassNode, method: initialize signature: ()V) Bad access to protected data at org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.internal.compiler.ast.JDTResolver.createClassNode(JDTResolver.java:461) resources.groovy /GrailsProject/grails-app/conf/spring line 0 Java Problem
The resources.groovy file is as good as empty (in default state), and if I delete it, the error is shown on the DataSource.groovy, so the file itself seems not to be the cause.The used groovy compiler version is 1.7.3.I have made a clean STS 2.6 install, installed the groovy and grails plugins and got the same error.What could be the problem? And is there a solution to this not resulting in downgrading to 2.5.2 again? Thank you
Take a look at your preferences Groovy -> Compiler. Are you by any chance accidentally using Groovy 1.6?
That didn't solve the problem, but as described in http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?p=357361, upgrade to the latest dev build of Groovy-Eclipse as well as Grails Tooling and that should work.
