Spring Boot 2.3.0 - MongoDB Library does not create indexes automatically - spring-boot

I've provided a sample project to elucidate this problem: https://github.com/nmarquesantos/spring-mongodb-reactive-indexes
According to the spring mongo db documentation (https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/mongodb/docs/current/reference/html/#mapping-usage):
the #Indexed annotation tells the mapping framework to call createIndex(…) on that property of your document, making searches faster. Automatic index creation is only done for types annotated with #Document.
In my Player class, we can observe the both the #Document and #Indexed annotation:
public class Player {
private String id;
private String playerName;
#Indexed(name = "player_nickname_index", unique = true)
private String nickname;
public Player(String playerName, String nickname) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.playerName = playerName;
this.nickname = nickname;
public String getPlayerName() {
return playerName;
public void setPlayerName(String playerName) {
this.playerName = playerName;
public String getNickname() {
return nickname;
public void setNickname(String nickname) {
this.nickname = nickname;
And in my application class, i'm inserting oneelement to check the database is populated successfully:
public void seedData() {
var player = new Player("Cristiano Ronaldo", "CR7");
If I check MongoDb after running my application, I can see the collection and the element created successfully.
The unique index for nickname is not created. I can only see an index created for the #Id attribute. Am I missing anything? Did I mis-interpret the documentation?

The Spring Data MongoDB version come with Spring Boot 2.3.0.RELEASE is 3.0.0.RELEASE. Since Spring Data MongoDB 3.0, the auto-index creation is disabled by default.
To enable auto-index creation, set spring.data.mongodb.auto-index-creation = true or if you have custom Mongo configuration, override the method autoIndexCreation
public class CustomMongoConfig extends AbstractMongoClientConfiguration {
public boolean autoIndexCreation() {
return true;
// your other configuration

I've faced this problem when upgrading the spring boot version to 2.3.x and overriding this method on the config class solved it (what #yejianfengblue said above)
public boolean autoIndexCreation() {
return true;


Spring boot 1.5.8 with jakson 2.10.0 object mapping issue

i have upgraded jakson api on spring boot 1.5.8 from jakson 2.8.0 to 2.10.0, since then mapping of object is behaving different.
when i am passing request body on springboot controller having propertyname cityCode
sample json
when adding jsonproperty mapping works fine
private String cityCode;
but when i don't add #JsonProperty annotation
it looks for CityCode instead.
since json passed on request is
it assing
please let me know if there is any property which i need to add on spring boot
because in most of my scenario i don't want to add #JsonProperty annotation to class fields
I enable log.level to trace i saw some message related to jackson
POJOPropertyBuilder - Unable to instantiate jackson 2.6 object. Using higher version of jackson.
Adding Sample Model Class
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
#ApiModel(value = "CityRequest")
public class CityRequest implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String cityCode;
private String cityName;
private String area;
private List<String> areas;
public String getCityCode() {
return cityCode;
public void setCityCode(String cityCode) {
this.cityCode = cityCode;
public String getCityName() {
return cityName;
public void setCityName(String cityName) {
this.cityName = cityName;
public String getArea() {
return area;
public void setArea(String area) {
this.area = area;
public List<String> getAreas() {
return areas;
public void setAreas(List<String> areas) {
this.areas = areas;
public String toString() {
return "CityRequest{" +
"cityCode='" + cityCode + '\'' +
", cityName='" + cityName + '\'' +
", area='" + area + '\'' +
", areas=" + areas +
on the controller method is being passed as
#ApiParam(value = "This field specifies the list of requests", required = true)
#Valid #RequestBody(required = true) CityRequest cityRequest
I haven't tried but maybe you can try changing the naming strategy to lowerCamelCase:
public class City {
private String cityCode;
You might want to give this a try as an app property to configure Jackson globally.
I have used one java api on spring-boot application where object mapper naming strategy is being set to upper_camel_case.
since that class imported on App.java(#SpringBootApplication) upper_camel_case strategy being applied globally.
to fix this globally imposed upper_camel_case strategy i have override the object mapper configuration on App.java and removed
objectMapper.setPropertyNamingStrategy(new UpperCamelCaseStrategy());
now i am able to use default naming strategy on application.

Read multiple properties file in one go using Spring Boot?

I went through the link: How to pass a Map<String, String> with application.properties and other related links multiple times, but still its not working.
I'm using Spring Boot and Spring REST example. Link Question: How to by default execute the latest version of endpoint in Spring Boot REST?.
I've created mapping something like this and simply read the mapping
get.customers={GET: '/app-data/customers', VERSION: 'v1'}
post.customers={POST: '/app-data/customers', VERSION: 'v1'}
get.customers.custId={GET: '/app-data/customers/{custId}', VERSION: 'v2'}
private String resolveLastVersion() {
// read from configuration or something
return "2";
public class PriorityProcessor {
private final Map<String, String> priorityMap = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, String> getPriority() {
return priorityMap;
I suggest the following implementation:
public class ConfigurationProps {
private List<Mapping> mapping;
public List<Mapping> getMapping() {
return mapping;
public void setMapping(List<Mapping> mapping) {
this.mapping = mapping;
Class Mapping will denote the information about the single mapping:
public class Mapping {
private String method;
private String url;
private String version;
public Mapping(String method, String url, String version) {
this.method = method;
this.url = url;
this.version = version;
public Mapping() {
// getters setters here
On the Configuration or spring boot application class (the one with main method):
In the properties file put:
In Filter (I assume you followed my suggestion from the linked question):
public class LatestVersionFilter implements Filter {
private List<Mapping> mappings;
public LatestVersionFilter(ConfigurationProps props) {
this.mappings = props.getMapping();

Spring Boot Yaml configuration: list of typed properties

I'm following the 24.8.3 Merging Complex Types section of Spring Boot's 24. Externalized Configuration documentation.
I have this config.yaml file:
- name: my name
description: my description
- name: another name
description: another description
The Properties file looks like this:
#YamlPropertySource(value = { "classpath:/config.yaml" })
public class AcmeProperties {
private final List<MyPojo> list = new ArrayList<>();
public List<MyPojo> getList() {
return this.list;
The MyPojo class:
public class MyPojo {
private String name;
private String description;
public MyPojo(String name, String description) {
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
The test, which fails, looks like this:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { AcmeProperties.class })
public class AcmePropertiesTest {
private AcmeProperties properties;
public void getOpScoringClusters() {
Assert.assertEquals(2, properties.getList().size()); // FAIL!
Spring Boot version 1.5.6.
Basically I want to have a list of typed properties. What am I doing wrong?
Several comments have highlighted multiple issues with the code presented.
Firstly, the fields inside a configuration properties can't be final as spring uses the setter to set the value.
Secondly, #YamlPropertySource is not something provided by spring so won't do anything in this context.
Thirdly, even if you did use the spring PropertySource annotation, unfortunately you can't use it with yaml files.
YAML files cannot be loaded by using the #PropertySource annotation.
I've created a sample project that uses the code you presented and has been modified so that it passes the unit test. It's using spring boot 2.x instead of 1.x but the only significant difference should be the annotations used in the test class.

CodecConfigurationException when saving ZonedDateTime to MongoDB with Spring Boot >= 2.0.1.RELEASE

I was able to reproduce my problem with a minimal modification of the official Spring Boot guide for Accessing Data with MongoDB, see https://github.com/thokrae/spring-data-mongo-zoneddatetime.
After adding a java.time.ZonedDateTime field to the Customer class, running the example code from the guide fails with a CodecConfigurationException:
public String lastName;
public ZonedDateTime created;
public Customer() {
Caused by: org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException`: Can't find a codec for class java.time.ZonedDateTime.
at org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecCache.getOrThrow(CodecCache.java:46) ~[bson-3.6.4.jar:na]
at org.bson.codecs.configuration.ProvidersCodecRegistry.get(ProvidersCodecRegistry.java:63) ~[bson-3.6.4.jar:na]
at org.bson.codecs.configuration.ChildCodecRegistry.get(ChildCodecRegistry.java:51) ~[bson-3.6.4.jar:na]
This can be solved by changing the Spring Boot version from 2.0.5.RELEASE to 2.0.1.RELEASE in the pom.xml:
Now the exception is gone and the Customer objects including the ZonedDateTime fields are written to MongoDB.
I filed a bug (DATAMONGO-2106) with the spring-data-mongodb project but would understand if changing this behaviour is not wanted nor has a high priority.
What is the best workaround? When duckduckgoing for the exception message I find several approaches like registering a custom codec, a custom converter or using Jackson JSR 310. I would prefer to not add custom code to my project to handle a class from the java.time package.
Persisting date time types with time zones was never supported by Spring Data MongoDB, as stated by Oliver Drotbohm himself in DATAMONGO-2106.
These are the known workarounds:
Use a date time type without a time zone, e.g. java.time.Instant. (It is generally advisable to only use UTC in the backend, but I had to extend an existing code base which was following a different approach.)
Write a custom converter and register it by extending AbstractMongoConfiguration. See the branch converter in my test repository for a running example.
public class ZonedDateTimeToDocumentConverter implements Converter<ZonedDateTime, Document> {
static final String DATE_TIME = "dateTime";
static final String ZONE = "zone";
public Document convert(#Nullable ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime) {
if (zonedDateTime == null) return null;
Document document = new Document();
document.put(DATE_TIME, Date.from(zonedDateTime.toInstant()));
document.put(ZONE, zonedDateTime.getZone().getId());
document.put("offset", zonedDateTime.getOffset().toString());
return document;
public class DocumentToZonedDateTimeConverter implements Converter<Document, ZonedDateTime> {
public ZonedDateTime convert(#Nullable Document document) {
if (document == null) return null;
Date dateTime = document.getDate(DATE_TIME);
String zoneId = document.getString(ZONE);
ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of(zoneId);
return ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(dateTime.toInstant(), zone);
public class MongoConfiguration extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
private String database;
private String host;
private int port;
public MongoClient mongoClient() {
return new MongoClient(host, port);
protected String getDatabaseName() {
return database;
public CustomConversions customConversions() {
return new MongoCustomConversions(asList(
new ZonedDateTimeToDocumentConverter(),
new DocumentToZonedDateTimeConverter()
Write a custom codec. At least in theory. My codec test branch is unable to unmarshal the data when using Spring Boot 2.0.5 while working fine with Spring Boot 2.0.1.
public class ZonedDateTimeCodec implements Codec<ZonedDateTime> {
public static final String DATE_TIME = "dateTime";
public static final String ZONE = "zone";
public void encode(final BsonWriter writer, final ZonedDateTime value, final EncoderContext encoderContext) {
writer.writeDateTime(DATE_TIME, value.toInstant().getEpochSecond() * 1_000);
writer.writeString(ZONE, value.getZone().getId());
public ZonedDateTime decode(final BsonReader reader, final DecoderContext decoderContext) {
long epochSecond = reader.readDateTime(DATE_TIME);
String zoneId = reader.readString(ZONE);
return ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochSecond(epochSecond / 1_000), ZoneId.of(zoneId));
public Class<ZonedDateTime> getEncoderClass() {
return ZonedDateTime.class;
public class MongoConfiguration extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
private String database;
private String host;
private int port;
public MongoClient mongoClient() {
return new MongoClient(host + ":" + port, createOptions());
private MongoClientOptions createOptions() {
CodecProvider pojoCodecProvider = PojoCodecProvider.builder()
CodecRegistry registry = CodecRegistries.fromRegistries(
return MongoClientOptions.builder()
private CodecRegistry createCustomCodecRegistry() {
return CodecRegistries.fromCodecs(
new ZonedDateTimeCodec()
protected String getDatabaseName() {
return database;

Spring Data Rest Repository with abstract class / inheritance

I can't get Spring Data Rest with class inheritance working.
I'd like to have a single JSON Endpoint which handles all my concrete classes.
public interface AbstractFooRepo extends KeyValueRepository<AbstractFoo, String> {}
Abstract class:
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MyFoo.class, name = "MY_FOO")
public abstract class AbstractFoo {
#Id public String id;
public String type;
Concrete class:
public class MyFoo extends AbstractFoo { }
Now when calling POST /abstractFoos with {"type":"MY_FOO"}, it tells me: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: PersistentEntity must not be null!.
This seems to happen, because Spring doesn't know about MyFoo.
Is there some way to tell Spring Data REST about MyFoo without creating a Repository and a REST Endpoint for it?
(I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data REST 2.6.0)
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data Release Ingalls.
KeyValueRepository doesn't work with inheritance. It uses the class name of every saved object to find the corresponding key-value-store. E.g. save(new Foo()) will place the saved object within the Foo collection. And abstractFoosRepo.findAll() will look within the AbstractFoo collection and won't find any Foo object.
Here's the working code using MongoRepository:
Default Spring Boot Application Starter.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
I've tested include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY and include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY. Both seem to work fine!
It's even possible to register the Jackson SubTypes with a custom JacksonModule.
IMPORTANT: #RestResource(path="abstractFoos") is highly recommended. Else the _links.self links will point to /foos and /bars instead of /abstractFoos.
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY, property = "type")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Foo.class, name = "MY_FOO"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Bar.class, name = "MY_Bar")
public abstract class AbstractFoo {
#Id public String id;
public abstract String getType();
Nothing special here
public interface AbstractFooRepo extends MongoRepository<AbstractFoo, String> { }
Foo.java & Bar.java
public class Foo extends AbstractFoo {
public String getType() {
return "MY_FOO";
public class Bar extends AbstractFoo {
public String getType() {
return "MY_BAR";
Without this part, the output of the objects would be separated in two arrays under _embedded.foos and _embedded.bars.
The supports method ensures that for all classes which extend AbstractFoo, the objects will be placed within _embedded.abstractFoos.
public class FooRelProvider extends EvoInflectorRelProvider {
public String getCollectionResourceRelFor(final Class<?> type) {
return super.getCollectionResourceRelFor(AbstractFoo.class);
public String getItemResourceRelFor(final Class<?> type) {
return super.getItemResourceRelFor(AbstractFoo.class);
public boolean supports(final Class<?> delimiter) {
return AbstractFoo.class.isAssignableFrom(delimiter);
Added #Persistent to Foo.java and Bar.java. (Adding it to AbstractFoo.java doesn't work). Without this annotation I got NullPointerExceptions when trying to use JSR 303 Validation Annotations within inherited classes.
Example code to reproduce the error:
public class A {
#Id public String id;
#Valid public B b;
// #JsonTypeInfo + #JsonSubTypes
public static abstract class B {
#NotNull public String s;
// #Persistent <- Needed!
public static class B1 extends B { }
Please see the discussion in this resolved jira task for details of what is currently supported in spring-data-rest regarding JsonTypeInfo. And this jira task on what is still missing.
To summarize - only #JsonTypeInfo with include=JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY is working for serialization and deserialization currently.
Also, you need spring-data-rest 2.5.3 (Hopper SR3) or later to get this limited support.
Please see my sample application - https://github.com/mduesterhoeft/spring-data-rest-entity-inheritance/tree/fixed-hopper-sr3-snapshot
With include=JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY the type information is extracted from a regular property. An example helps getting the point of this way of adding type information:
The abstract class:
#Entity #Inheritance(strategy= SINGLE_TABLE)
#Type(name="DECIMAL", value=DecimalValue.class),
#Type(name="STRING", value=StringValue.class)})
public abstract class Value {
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
private Long id;
public abstract String getType();
And the subclass:
#Entity #DiscriminatorValue("D")
#Getter #Setter
public class DecimalValue extends Value {
#Column(name = "DECIMAL_VALUE")
private BigDecimal value;
public String getType() {
return "DECIMAL";
