Find text in xpath - xpath

How to access "Testing Field 1" from Label without using contains or adding span tag in Xpath
<label id="138:" for="136:" class="rcmFormFieldLabel">
<span class="requiredField" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">*</span>
Testing Field 1
my xpath
//label[contains(text(),'Testing Field 1')]/ancestor::div[1]//select
but my xpath have contains which i dont want

You can use these XPath-1.0 expressions:
Or this
Result in both cases is
Testing Field 1


How to get descendants with a specific tag name and text in protractor?

I have the following structure (it's just for sample). In protractor, I am getting the top element by id. However, the other elements do not have id's. I need to get the "label" element that contains the text '20'. Is there an easy way in protractor to select the element with a specific tag that contains a specific text from all the descendants of a parent element?
<pc-selector _... id="Number1">
<div ...></div>
<div ...>
<div ...>
<check-box _...>
<div _ngcontent-c25="" ...>
<label _ngcontent-c25="">
<input _ngcontent-c25="" type="checkbox">
<span _ngcontent-c25="" class="m-checkbox__marker"></span>
20 More text to follow</label>
I could't find anythitng, so I have tried with xpath, but protractor complains that my xpath is invalid:
parentElement = element('Number1'));
return parentElement.element(by.xpath(".//label[contains(text(),'20'))]"));
Any ideas?
You have an additional bracket in your [contains(text(),'20'))] which is likely causing you issue but there are multiple other ways this can be achieved using a single XPath or chaining other locators.
The process is that you must find the div with the correct id first and then locate the label that is a child of it.
//Chained CSS
You also may be interested to learn about xpath axes which can allow us to do very dynamic selection.
You can use the direct xpath to access the label.

How to check box in Capybara if there are no name, id or label text?

I am newbie here. Please advise. How to select checkbox in my case?
<ul class="phrases-list" style="">
<input type="checkbox" class="select-phrase">
<span class="prase-title"> Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia </span>
<div class="prase-desc hidden">The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated...</div>
The following doesn't work for me:
When /I check box "([^\"]+)"$/ do |label|
step: And I check box "Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"
If you can change the html, wrap the input and span in a label element
<ul class="phrases-list" style="">
<input type="checkbox" class="select-phrase">
<span class="prase-title"> Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia </span>
<div class="prase-desc hidden">The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated...</div>
which has the added benefit of clicks on the "Dog - Wikipedia ..." text triggering the checkbox too. With that change your step should work as written. If you can't modify the html then things get more difficult.
Something like
find('span', text: label).find(:xpath, './preceding-sibling::input').set(true)
should work, although I'm curious how you're using these checkboxes from JS with nothing tying them to any specific value
Let's assume that you are prevented from changing the HTML. In this case, it would probably be easiest to query for the element via XPath. For example:
# Here's the XPath query
q = "//span[contains(text(), 'Dog - Wikipedia')]/preceding-sibling::input"
# Use the query to find the checkbox. Then, check the checkbox.
page.find(:xpath, q).set(true)
Okay - it's not as bad as it looks! Let's analyze this XPath so we can understand what it's doing:
This first part says "Search the entire HTML document and discover all "span" elements. Of course, there are probably a LOT of "span" elements in the HTML document, so we'll need to restrict this:
//span[contains(text(), 'Dog - Wikipedia')]
Now we're only searching for the "span" elements that contain the text "Dog - Wikipedia". Presumably, this text will uniquely identify the desired "span" element on the page (if not, then just search for more of the text).
At this point, we have the "span" element that is adjacent to the desired "input" element. So, we can query for the "input" element using the "preceding-sibling::" XPath Axis:
//span[contains(text(), 'Dog - Wikipedia')]/preceding-sibling::input

How to write the single xpath when the text is in two lines

How to write the single xpath for this
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 profilesky"> <div class="career_icon">
<span> Boost </span> <br/>
Your Profile </div>
I am able to write by two line using "contains" method.
.//*[contains(text(),'Your Profile')]
But i want in a single line to write the xpath for this.
You can try this way :
.//*[#class='career_icon' and contains(., 'Boost') and contains(., 'Your Profile')]
Above xpath check if there is an element having class attribute equals career_icon and contains both Boost and Your Profile texts in the element body.
Note that text() only checks direct child text node. To check entire text content of an element simply use dot (.).
You can combine several rules just by writing them one after another since they refer to the same element:
.//[contains(text(),'Boost')][contains(text(),'Your Profile')]

XPATH required for an input text field?

i have a text box in my web application,Where i need to give input. I am trying to find the xpath of the text box. the following error is thrown.
Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"
HTML code:
<div class="input">
<input id="firstName" class="long" type="text" maxlength="50" value="" name="firstName
I want the xpath for firstName textbox.
And this for generally targeting a text input (what I was after)
Try this one:
// search on all levels
input for element nodes with the name of "input"
[#id='firstName'] having an attribute (#) with the name of "id" and a value of "firstName"
at least 3 simple ways to get this:
finding by text would always work.

XPath / Selenium can't locate an element using a partial id with contains / start-with

I have the following HTML generated with an AjaxFormLoop.
<div id="phones">
<div class="t-forminjector tapestry-forminjector" id="rowInjector_13b87fdd8b6">
<input id="number_13b87fdd8b6" name="number_13b87fdd8b7" type="text"/>
<a id="removerowlink_13b87fdd8b6" href="#" name="removerowlink_13b87fdd8b6">remove</a>
<div class="t-forminjector tapestry-forminjector" id="rowInjector_13b87fdda70" style="background-image: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 251);">
<input id="number_13b87fdda70" name="number_13b87fdda70" type="text" />
<a id="removerowlink_13b87fdda70" href="#" name="removerowlink_13b87fdda70">remove</a>
I'm trying to access the second input field in child 2 using a partial ID, however I have not been successful in getting this to work.
What I've tried thus far.
String path = "//input[contains(#id,'number_')][2]";
String path = "(//input[contains(#id,'number_')])[2]";
I can't even access input 1 using 1 instead of 2, however if I remove [2] and only use
String path = "//input[contains(#id,'number_')]";
I'm able to access the first field without issue.
If I use the exact id, I'm able to access either field without issue.
I do need to use the id if possible as there is many more fields in each t-forminjector row that are not present in this example.
Implementation with Selenium.
final String path = "(//input[starts-with(#id,'quantity_')])[2]";
new Wait() {
public boolean until() {
return isElementPresent(path);
}.wait("Element should be present", TIMEOUT);
I'm noticing I can't seem to use the following starts-with / contains to locate any element within to dom, however if I use a complete id, it works.
//Partial ID - fails
//Exact ID - works
The generated output you pasted here simply does not contain the string number_ anywhere in it. It does contain Number_ -- note the capital N -- but it's not the first part of the string. Perhaps you meant something like this (which at least selects something):
(//input[contains(#id, 'Number_')])[2]
As Iwburk stated, this was a namespace issue. According to the Selenium API,
while using an xpath expression, I needed to used xpath=xpathExpression changing my query string to:
String path = "xpath=(//input[starts-with(#id,'quantity_')])[2]";
I found a related post here,
Element is found in XPath Checker but not in Selenium
you can't access it because you are not locating the element as to be unique in the page.
use an xpath that makes it unique ,
- you're xpath look ok .
more info here
Besides the selenium syntax problem there's an xpath issue related to markup structure.
xpath 1: //input[starts-with(#id,'number_')][1]
xpath 2: (//input[starts-with(#id,'number_')])[1]
In the sample below xpath 1 will return 2 nodes (incorrect) and xpath 2 will be correct because input nodes are not siblings so surrounding parenthesis are needed to refer to the resulting nodeset
<div id="phones">
<input id="number_1" name="number_1" type="text"/>
<input id="number_2" name="number_2" type="text" />
Result without parenthesis
/ > xpath //input[starts-with(#id,'number_')][1]
Object is a Node Set :
Set contains 2 nodes:
1 ELEMENT input
2 ELEMENT input
In this next sample, parenthesis will not make a difference because nodes are siblings
<div id="other">
<input id="pre_1" type="text"/>
<input id="pre_2" type="text" />
With parenthesis
/ > xpath (//input[starts-with(#id,'pre_')])[1]
Object is a Node Set :
Set contains 1 nodes:
1 ELEMENT input
Without parenthesis
/ > xpath //input[starts-with(#id,'pre_')][1]
Object is a Node Set :
Set contains 1 nodes:
1 ELEMENT input
Testing was done with xmllint shell
xmllint --html --shell test.html
