Chrome extension popup close event - events

I'm trying to save some data when the popup closes, but I can't find a place to add a listener.
There was an earlier post suggesting this in the background page, but it doesn't work:
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function (externalPort) {
externalPort.onDisconnect.addListener(function () {
Not even the onConnect listener is working.
Any ideas on how to get it to work>

I actually took a different approach. Instead of listening for events, I move the state to the background page. So when the popup opens up it reads the state form the background page and the user can continue where he/she left off.


Why Cypress test is not able to trigger a script in a child window?

I have a pop up window containing a script in its head. And this script should be triggered by click on the window button. But after click on this button the script does not run. Could you suggest the reason?
Steps to reproduce:
Click on a button in the main window.
Child window containing a simple form is open.
Move to the child window, fill in the form fields and click on submit button.
Expected result: The click triggers a script located in the child window head. The script process the form and submit it.
Actual result: an error arises: "submitMyForm is not defined" (reference: submitMyForm() is a method containing in the script mentioned above).
So the problem is that the child window form fields can be populated and form button can be clicked but the script bounded to the button by means of the link <a href="javascript:submitMyForm();"> does not work as the function submitMyForm() is not found. Obviously the reason of the test failure is stubbing the child window which is performed to prevent having 2 windows at the same time. After this the child window is opening in the same browser tab as Cypress is not able to work with 2 windows open in the same time. But in this case the script stops working neither from the test nor by performing the click manually.
Here is a code snippet from the Cypress test:
const pop_url = `/dir1/dir2/file.php?id=${sectionId}`; // Here is a new window URL
cy.window().then( win => {
const stub = cy.stub(win, 'open').as('windowopen');
newSurveySectionListObj.AddNewBtnClick(); // Triggers form opening in the new window
cy.get('#windowopen').should('be.called.with', pop_url);
cy.window().then( $win => {
$win.location.href = pop_url
newSurveySectionListObj.typeDropdownSelect('Matrix'); // works fine
newSurveySectionListObj.modalDescriptionFldType('Cypress test string'); // works fine
newSurveySectionListObj.responseTypeDropdownSelect('Checkbox'); // works fine
cy.get('a[href="javascript:submitMyForm();"]').click(); // Does not work despite the button is clicked. An error "submitMyForm is // not defined" arises
You are going beyond what Cypress is capable of/designed for.
I would question why you are using a separate window in your app? You will run afoul of pop-up blockers that will prevent the new window being opened anyway. A percentage of users won't be able to work it out.
There are 2 approaches to this:
Use a modal dialog to achieve this (not great on mobile)
Use another route/page to display your form, return to the prev page when done
These have the advantage that they won't break with pop-up blockers, and your Cypress tests will work, as they are still in the same window.

How do I pause or continue a page animation when going to another tab in the browser?

I don't code so asking for help :-) Hi, I have an issue for a page animation with a couple of interactions. How do I insert a code snippet to tell the browser to either continue or pause the animation, when a user opens/clicks another tab.
Right now, the animation pauses for the first part, but the subsequent interactions keep going. And it's a jumbled mess.
What is the easiest/simple way to do this? Can someone share the full/complete code snippet to accomplish this? I've been searching for hours and can't seem to find the right solution.
I'm using Webflow for the site. Thanks a bunch.
When the user clicks away from a window, certain events are fired off. You can add event handlers to your window object that respond to these events.
You probably want to listen for 'focus' and 'blur' events. JavaScript:
window.addEventListener('blur', function (evt) {
// turn off your animation here
window.addEventListener('focus', function (evt) {
// turn on your animation here
Documentation on window blur event, window focus event, addEventListener().
I have a simple page that reports all window events, it might be useful:

How to show a dialog from another dialog?

I am newbie to MFC. I have a native C++ MFC app. I want to show a dialog from main dialog. In the main dialog I am having three button (Back, Next, Cancel) respectively.
On the Next button click event I am calling DoModal to show another dialog by hiding the main dialog as follows,
void CFirstPage::OnBnNextButton()
CSecondPage secondDlg;
void CSecondPage::OnBnBackBtnClicked()
CFirstPage FirstPage;
After executing this code snippet, the main dialog got hidden and even the application icon also disappears from the taskbar and again appears when the other dialog pops up.
(Basically I am having the same icon for both the dialogs, the icon should not get disappeared and appear again. It has to remain same without appearing and disappearing .)
How can show the icon in the taskbar without any flickering effect?
During traversing from back to next in middle I clicked cancel and the Cancel event is handled as follows,
void CFirstPage::OnCancel()
CDialog::EndDialog(TRUE);//For closing the dialog.
void CSecondPage::OnCancel()
CDialog::EndDialog(TRUE);//For closing the dialog.
Steps1:Click Next in the main dialog
Step2: Click Cancel in the second page
Now the application closes. But still instance is active in the "TaskManager". As per my understanding no instance should be alive once windows is closed ?
I suspect as the first dialog is only hidden not ended that instance is still existing in the TaskManager. Is this understanding correct?
How can I resolve this issue?
Can anyone kindly help me to resolve this issue.
As said by Iinspectable property sheets are best suited for your your problem statement.A very good example on how to use CPropertysheets can be found in codeproject
CProperty sheet example
Probably your main windows is still hidden after you end dialog with second page. Ending dialog of CSecondPage does not close application only closes active CSecondPage dialog.
Also OnCancel/OnOK does not need to be overriden if you just EndDialog with it. There is default behaviour implemented in OnCancel, which will close the dialog.
After secondPage.DoModal() show your main dialog again, or close it if that is the behaviour you want to achieve.
FirstPage isn't the original first dialog now, so you should store the first dialog object by yourself. You can do that like this:
void CFirstPage::OnBnNextButton()
CSecondPage secondDlg;
secondDlg.setFirstDialog(this); //customer function to store first dialig object
void CSecondPage::OnBnBackBtnClicked()
::ShowWindow(m_firstDialog->GetSafeHwnd(), SW_SHOW);

is there a way to open a popup box in the center of the screen when somebody click the close button on browser?

i want to show a % discount box on the center of the browser when somebody clicks the close button of the browser window . I have tried the
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
function formSubmit() {
window.unbeforeunload = null;
function but it opens the browsers own dialogue box, how can i customize it? or better, how can i open my own box? so that i can change the position and style of it.
Any help will be greatly appreciated,
Thank you,
The onbeforeunload event is the only event that fires (besides the onunload event, but don't use this) before the window leaves the page. The onbeforeunload event is special because it is the only event that will automatically be fired off once the user tries to leave the page, but has the option of staying on the page if the user clicks cancel.
So, to directly answer your question, if the user closes the window, hits the back button, or navigates to a new URL, you will have to use the onbeforeunload event. You can add text inside of the pop-up, but some of the default text will always stay there. You just have to return a string.
Now, if the user were to click on a link that is a part of your application or tries to log out, you can anchor an event to that, which could make a window pop up that has the "% discount box". The reason you can't anchor an event to the back button, external URL, or the close window button is that they don't belong to your application. So once they click one of those, the browser goes off on its way with nothing you can do, except for the onbeforeunload event.

iScroll is firing multiple clicks on an LI element

I've implemented iScroll into a web page, intended for a smartphone. I haven't tried this yet in an emulator so I don't know if this is just a PC problem.
The scroller contains a UL. Each LI is marked with an onclick event handler:
function showItemDetails() ...
When I implemented this prior to using iScroll, if I click ONCE on a LI I get one call to my click handler (which opens another view window). After using iScroll I have two bad behaviors.
When scrolling around, sometimes iScroll thinks that I want to click on something. That is, iScroll is working something like an "onmouseup" event.
When clicking on an event, whether intentionally or not, iScroll is generating 10, 20 and even 30 events (or event threads) for that one place that a single event is intentioned for. I traced it, and all of the events are coming from the same LI item. This occurs just as badly if I change the click handler to a double-click handler (dblclick()).
In the immediate, I'm reduced to putting in a gatekeeper, a flag saying "I'm already busy with an event, go away". I could also change the interface to have the user click (select) an LI and then click on a separate button to see the details.
But I'm concerned about what iScroll is doing.
Any ideas? Need to see code? I can't put on the whole app (a thousand lines long, after comments), but I can show decent snips. But I'm hoping that this is an "oh, yeah" moment and someone tells me a known story.
