Is there a good way to exit a DFS procedure? - algorithm

I've learned that a recursive depth-first search procedure searches a whole tree by its depth, tracing through all possible choices.
However, I want to modify the function such that I can call a "total exit" in the middle, which will completely stop the recursion. Is there an efficient way to do this?

There are 3 ways to do this.
Return a value saying you are done, and check for it after every call.
Throw an exception and catch it at the top level.
Switch from recursion to a stack and then break the loop.
The third is the most efficient but takes the most work. The first is the clearest. The second is simple and works..but tends to make code more complicated and is inefficient in many languages.

A common DFS works like this:
mark[u] = true
for each v connected to u:
if(!mark[v]) DFS(v)
You can try something like this:
static bool STOP = false;
if(STOP) return;
mark[u] = true
for each v connected to u:
if(!mark[v]) DFS(v)
placing a static bool in the beginning of the DFS should guarantee that nothing important will be done from now on with the stacked recursive calls of the DFS once you set STOP to true. Unfortunately it won't just ignore the function calls stacked, but they will finish immediatly.

Billy's accepted answer presents a false trichotomy. There are more than three (3) ways to do this. Coroutines are perfectly suited for this because they are pausable, resumable, and cancellable -
def dfs(t):
if not t:
return # <- stop
yield from dfs(t.left) # <- delegate control to left branch
yield t.value # <- yield a value and pause
yield from dfs(t.right) # <- delegate control to right branch
The caller has control over coroutines execution -
def search(t, query):
for val in dfs(t):
if val == query:
return val # <- return stops dfs as soon as query is matched
return None # <- otherwise return None if dfs is exhausted
Languages that support coroutines typically have a handful of other generic functions that makes them useful in a wide variety of ways
persistent iterators
Another option similar to coroutines is streams, or persistent iterators. See this Q&A for a concrete example.


recursion in sorted double linked list insertion

I'm new to the data structures and recursion concept. I'm struggling to understand why and who he was able to use the recursion in this concept. I found this code in the forums for this and I couldn't really understand the concept of this. For simple case of 2 1 3 4, if any one can explain the iteration steps, it will be greatly appreciated on my behalf.
Here is the link for hacker rank:
Node SortedInsert(Node head,int data) {
Node n = new Node(); = data;
if (head == null) {
return n;
else if (data <= { = head;
head.prev = n;
return n;
else {
Node rest = SortedInsert(, data); = rest;
rest.prev = head;
return head;
Recursion means a function calls itself. It is used as a simple way to save state information for algorithms that require saving of multiple states, usually a large number of states, and retrieving them in reverse order. (There are alternative techniques that are more professional and less prone to memory issues, such as using a Stack object to save program state).
This example is poor but typical of intro to recursion. Yes, you can iterate through a linked list using recursion but there is absolutely no reason to. A loop would be more appropriate. This is purely for demonstrating how recursion works. So, to answer your question "Why?" it is simply so you can learn the concept and use it later in other algorithms that it actually makes sense.
Recursion is useful when instead of a linked list you have a tree, where each node points to multiple other nodes. In that case, you need to save your state (which node you are on, and which subnode you called last) so that you can traversing one of the linked nodes, then return and go to the next node.
You also asked "how". When a function calls itself, all of its variables are saved (on the program stack) and new ones are created for the next iteration of itself. Then, when that call returns, it goes back to where it was called from and the previous set of variables are loaded. This is very different from a "jump" or a loop of some kind, where the same copies of the variables are used each time. By using recursion, there is a new copy of every local variable each time it is called. This is true even of the "data" variable in the example, which never changes (hence, one inefficiency).

How can I handle System.StackOverflowException?

This error appears sometimes only when I call a recursive function of which one of the parameters is a number: rand()%10. Just like in the code down below:
private: System::Void AIrandomMove(int randomMove,String ^s)
if (randomMove == 1)
if ( Move(1) ) // move number 1 had already been done
AIrandomMove(rand()%10,s); // here it appears the System.StackOverflowException
//do move number 1
//same goes for ==2 || ==3 || ... || ==10
How can I handle this?
A proper recursive algorithm works under two assumptions:
you have a base case which terminate the recursion (so the function doesn't call itself)
you have a recursive case which invokes the function itself with different arguments so that there is some progression involved
This translates in something like:
void recursive(inArgs) {
if (condition)
It's clear that if condition is the expression true then this code never terminates (hence it will eventually raise a stack overflow).
In your situation condition is evaluated through a random value comparison. Now, assume condition is rand()%2 == 0. So basically each time it is evaluated you have 50% chance of being true and 50% of being false.
This doesn't guarantee that the recursion will terminate, as a path with n true evaluation exists (and it probability can be calculated). That's the problem with your design.
If many moves have been already made (or maybe all of them) then recursion won't end.
You don't need recursion at all in your case, since you could store the available moves in a set and remove them once they are not available anymore (possibly shuffling the set to then choose one randomly). Or even a simpler solution would be something like:
int choosenMove = rand()%10;
while (Move(choosenMove)) {
choosenMove = rand()%10;
// do move choosenMove
But this doesn't guarantee termination neither if you don't make sure that a state in which no moves are available can't happen.

Recursion transformation without stack frames code repetitions

I have the following pseudo-code:
function X(data, limit, level = 0)
result = [];
foreach (Y(data, level) as entity) {
if (level < limit) {
result = result + X(entity, limit, level + 1);
} else {
//trivial recursion case:
result = result + Z(entity);
return result;
which I need to turn into a plain (e.g. without recursive calls). So far I'm out of ideas regarding how to do that elegantly. Following this answer I see that I must construct the entire stack frames which are basically the code repetitions (i.e. I will place same code again and again with different return addresses).
Or I tried stuff like these suggestions - where there is a phrase
Find a recursive call that’s not a tail call.
Identify what work is being done between that call and its return statement.
But I do not understand how can the "work" be identified in the case when it is happening from within internal loop.
So, my problem is that all examples above are providing cases when the "work can be easily identified" because there are no control instructions from within the function. I understand the concept behind recursion on a compilation level, but what I want to avoid is code repetition. So,
My question: how to approach transformation of the pseudo-code above which does not mean code repetitions for simulating stack frames?
It looks like an algorithm to descend a nested data structure (lists of lists) and flatten it out into a single list. It would have been good to have a simple description like that in the question.
To do that, you need to keep track of multiple indices / iterators / cursors, one at each level that you've descended through. A recursive implementation does that by using the call stack. A non-recursive implementation will need a manually-implemented stack data structure where you can push/pop stuff.
Since you don't have to save context (registers) and a return address on the call stack, just the actual iterator (e.g. array index), this can be a lot more space efficient.
When you're looping over the result of Y and need to call X or Z, push the current state onto the stack. Branch back to the beginning of the foreach, and call Y on the new entity. When you get to the end of a loop, pop the old state if there is any, and pick up in the middle of that loop.

Problem with Ruby recursive lambda call

I have the following code that correctly traverses all the nodes in a graph like so:
seen = {}
dfs = lambda do |node|
return if seen[node]
seen[node] = true
$edges[node].each {|n| n}
end 0
However, I would like to write it this way, which I understand is correct:
$edges[node].each &dfs
However, when I do this it appears that dfs is only being called on the first element of the list of nodes in $edge[node]. What gives?
Surprisingly enough, your problem is not in the recursion! It actually is because of the shared seen collection among all calls in $nodes[node].each &dfs.
Let's go through the operation: the call to $nodes[node].first should not have any problems, because we know the snippet works for any one node. There is a problem however: seen is not reset, and you are already going to the next node! You already saw all the nodes, so when you try even one on the next cycle, it will immediately return out of the proc because of the condition. The same will happen for every other call as you loop through $nodes. It only seems that the calls to the rest of the nodes never happened!
To solve your problem, isolate seen to the scope of each call of dfs, which we can still do in functional programming:
dfs = lambda do |node|
seen = []
sub_dfs = lambda do |sub_node|
return if seen.include? sub_node
seen << sub_node
$edges[sub_node].each &sub_dfs
end node
$edges[some_node].each &dfs
Now seen is safely isolated in each call to dfs.
Another way to make recursive lambdas:
fac = lambda{|n, &context| ? 1 : n * eval("{n-1}) {}",context.binding)}
But have to be called with empty block though{} = 2{} = 6{} = 24
binding is used to evaluate the code outside of lambda scope

An efficient technique to replace an occurence in a sequence with mutable or immutable state

I am searching for an efficient a technique to find a sequence of Op occurences in a Seq[Op]. Once an occurence is found, I want to replace the occurence with a defined replacement and run the same search again until the list stops changing.
I have three types of Op case classes. Pop() extends Op, Push() extends Op and Nop() extends Op. I want to replace the occurence of Push(), Pop() with Nop(). Basically the code could look like seq.replace(Push() ~ Pop() ~> Nop()).
Now that I call seq.replace(...) I will have to search in the sequence for an occurence of Push(), Pop(). So far so good. I find the occurence. But now I will have to splice the occurence form the list and insert the replacement.
Now there are two options. My list could be mutable or immutable. If I use an immutable list I am scared regarding performance because those sequences are usually 500+ elements in size. If I replace a lot of occurences like A ~ B ~ C ~> D ~ E I will create a lot of new objects If I am not mistaken. However I could also use a mutable sequence like ListBuffer[Op].
Basically from a linked-list background I would just do some pointer-bending and after a total of four operations I am done with the replacement without creating new objects. That is why I am now concerned about performance. Especially since this is a performance-critical operation for me.
How would you implement the replace() method in a Scala fashion and what kind of data structure would you use keeping in mind that this is a performance-critical operation?
I am happy with answers that point me in the right direction or pseudo code. No need to write a full replace method.
Thank you.
Ok, some considerations to be made. First, recall that, on lists, tail does not create objects, and prepending (::) only creates one object for each prepended element. That's pretty much as good as you can get, generally speaking.
One way of doing this would be this:
def myReplace(input: List[Op], pattern: List[Op], replacement: List[Op]) = {
// This function should be part of an KMP algorithm instead, for performance
def compare(pattern: List[Op], list: List[Op]): Boolean = (pattern, list) match {
case (x :: xs, y :: ys) if x == y => compare(xs, ys)
case (Nil, Nil) => true
case _ => false
var processed: List[Op] = Nil
var unprocessed: List[Op] = input
val patternLength = pattern.length
val reversedReplacement = replacement.reverse
// Do this until we finish processing the whole sequence
while (unprocessed.nonEmpty) {
// This inside algorithm would be better if replaced by KMP
// Quickly process non-matching sequences
while (unprocessed.nonEmpty && unprocessed.head != pattern.head) {
processed ::= unprocessed.head
unprocessed = unprocessed.tail
if (unprocessed.nonEmpty) {
if (compare(pattern, unprocessed)) {
processed :::= reversedReplacement
unprocessed = unprocessed drop patternLength
} else {
processed ::= unprocessed.head
unprocessed = unprocessed.tail
You may gain speed by using KMP, particularly if the pattern searched for is long.
Now, what is the problem with this algorithm? The problem is that it won't test if the replaced pattern causes a match before that position. For instance, if I replace ACB with C, and I have an input AACBB, then the result of this algorithm will be ACB instead of C.
To avoid this problem, you should create a backtrack. First, you check at which position in your pattern the replacement may happen:
val positionOfReplacement = pattern.indexOfSlice(replacement)
Then, you modify the replacement part of the algorithm this:
if (compare(pattern, unprocessed)) {
if (positionOfReplacement > 0) {
unprocessed :::= replacement
unprocessed :::= processed take positionOfReplacement
processed = processed drop positionOfReplacement
} else {
processed :::= reversedReplacement
unprocessed = unprocessed drop patternLength
} else {
This will backtrack enough to solve the problem.
This algorithm won't deal efficiently, however, with multiply patterns at the same time, which I guess is where you are going. For that, you'll probably need some adaptation of KMP, to do it efficiently, or, otherwise, use a DFA to control possible matchings. It gets even worse if you want to match both AB and ABC.
In practice, the full blow problem is equivalent to regex match & replace, where the replace is a function of the match. Which means, of course, you may want to start looking into regex algorithms.
I was forgetting to complete my reasoning. If that technique doesn't work for some reason, then my advice is going with an immutable tree-based vector. Tree-based vectors enable replacement of partial sequences with low amount of copying.
And if that doesn't do, then the solution is doubly linked lists. And pick one from a library with slice replacement -- otherwise you may end up spending way too much time debugging a known but tricky algorithm.
