Goland: How to use a custom modfile instead of go.mod? - go

My project consists of multiple go modules which I need to work on simultaneously. This is made easy by using the replace directive in the go.mod file.
Further, in order to prevent this change from getting accidentally checked in, the go tools (starting with version 1.14) offer a -modfile switch which lets me put the replace directive in a go.local.mod file instead. This is super convenient.
Unfortunately, I am unable to get Goland to pick up this go.local.mod instead of go.mod.
I have tried setting the GOMOD environment variable under Preferences -> Go -> Go Modules to point to my go.local.mod file. This did not do what I expected it to (which is to use the go.local.mod file instead of go.mod)
Not surprisingly, this did not work since GOMOD is supposed to be readonly (as pointed out to me in the comments).
For now I can go back to putting the replace directive in the go.mod file and using commit hooks to prevent accidental check-in (and Goland has some tooling to perform this check as well) However, it would be super convenient if Goland can recognize this new -modfile switch that go has added. Figured I would ask to make sure I'm not missing something obvious here.

At the moment, 2020.1.3 stable release, this is not supported. See the related issue for future updates on this.


Go pkg/mod vs pkg/windowsamd_64 on go build

I am beginner in go and facing difficulty in understanding go/pkg folder.As suggested by documentation it contains pkg/mod and pkg/windowsamd_64. pkg/windowsamd_64 for storing compiled files. What happens if I have a file importing some external github modules and do go build on that.
Will it go first to pkg/mod (but modules are compiled in
pkg/windowsamd_64) to search for external modules
Will it go first to pkg/windowsamd_64 (then what will be use of
pkg/mod) to search for modules
Will it go to {gopath}/src and do something from there
pkg/mod is just a folder ,why do we call it cache as it will keep on
filling or better when does it populate?
The go command has two different modes of locating packages: module mode (introduced in Go 1.11) and GOPATH mode (much older). Module mode is the default as of Go 1.16, and if you are new to Go you will probably want to work exclusively in that mode. (There isn't much point to working in GOPATH mode unless you have a large legacy codebase that requires it.)
pkg/mod stores cached source code for use in module mode. The source code for a given version of a module is downloaded automatically when you build a package from that module (for example, as a dependency of some other package).
GOPATH/src stores source code for use in GOPATH mode. You can also choose to work in that directory in module mode, but that's a completely optional/aesthetic choice and shouldn't change the behavior of anything in module mode.
pkg/windows_amd64 stores installed packages in GOPATH mode. However, installed packages aren't very useful anyway because Go has a separate build cache (even in GOPATH mode). So you can mostly ignore pkg/windows_amd64 completely.

how to manage GOPATH for multiple project directories

coming from a java and grails background, (and having written millions of lines of C 30 years ago), I cant see how go can be usable with a fixed gopath on windows.
installing go creates this structure
As you will want to have many go projects it seems they have to be mixed together in the same src/kpg/bin dirs, polluting each other. e.g.
Which hello.go will hello.exe run?
Unless I am missing something fundamental, this seems crazy - all completely separate projects are expected to share the same package and bin dirs. It means you dont know which versions of which packages, and which exe files belong to which project, and there is presumably plenty of scope for conflicts. I would have expected a /src, /pkg and /bin for each separate go app (like java or grails or even C), and go path is completely redundant, it can be relative to the current project root (like in grails).
To make matters works, for work, we have to use a different directry, e.g.
So now we have a total of 6 separate directories where go progams live. It is not feasible to change the path every time you switch to working on a different project. I guess the other option is to add the 6 paths to the GOPATH. Presumably, all 7 go projects write to the same pkg and bin dir, which is going to be a disaster.
Is there a tenable solution to this situation (on windows at least)?
If we need to add a PATH to GOPATH for every project, what should the file structure be under each project?
E.g. uner xxx\go_utility6, which is a stand alone command line go app, what should the structure be? does there need to be a src dir in there somewhere? does this dir need gopath to point to it? does it need its own pkg, or should it use the c:\users\me\pkg dir?
UPDATE: When I posted this Go did not have modules support and we built and used a tool called vg. These days the recommended way to go is to use go modules.
I use vg for that, it takes care of keeping separate GOPATH paths per project and it switches automatically when you cd a project.
Your example "which hello.exe" should be used honestly makes not much sense. Two tools with the same name?
Even if both are, let's say, an api, your devops will be happier with more meaningful names.
The bin folder is used for 3rd party tools you install, you so not have to install your project binaries. Except they are tools, but then the name should be meaningful again.
You can get more information about the project structure here: https://golang.org/doc/code.html
Since go 1.8 supports a vendor folder below project folders, it is possible to break the original structure. (imho vendors were not maintainable before 1.8, yes that was crazy)
You might want to use a tool like direnv, which would support your desire to change GOPATH per project.
It also has some built in function for adding the current path to the GOPATH.
For example GoLang also supports handling multiple GOPATHs and per project GOPATHs. So direnv should also work properly.
In my company we have one go folder right next to our other projects.
Under go/src are our projects. No problem so far, since vendors are in the projects' vendor folders and committed.
The so far best dependency manager I would recommend for go is:
I hope that input helps.
With Go 1.11 Go Modules were introduced. You can use Go Modules to have Go projects outside the GOPATH directory.
Here is an example of how to configure a project using GoModules.

Xcode: Require workspace instead or project?

I can't count how many times I've opened a Xcode project instead of a workspace and spent a half hour trying to figure out what I've done wrong because none of the dependancies can be found.
Is there a way to detect this and generate a helpful error message in my compiler prefix?
I could try importing one of the headers that isn't always available, but I'd prefer something more direct and obvious if possible. (Mostly because if I rely on a particular header, that only really checks one package. It also imports the header so I don't need to #import it from my other code.)
You might use a pre-action Build phase script in your scheme to check the build path and take some action if it's wrong. In your workspace, you can specify a custom build path for workspace-wide stuff. If the path doesn't match, you know your target is being built from project only. (It's unfortunate that Apple doesn't provide an environment variable for the workspace and that even workspace-level schemes give the target's project as the project path.) But this is fiddly and seems gross. You ought to feel dirty even considering it, and guilty at having caused me to write it. What would your mother think?
Another (better, IMO) approach is to Manage Schemes when opened as Workspace and change the Container for all schemes to your workspace vs. project-level. This ensures there are no schemes available to build if the project itself is opened. You'll see "No Scheme" and any attempt to build, run, whatever, will give you an error beep.

gentoo: how delete all config files on unmerging package (from its ebuild)

I am making my own personal package to have collection of usefull programs and configs. Main idea is to emerge this package and have system prepared for my prefferencies. Mainly it works (it simply depends on all my favourite programs), but I have two problems here:
how to install USE flags, UNMASK and such before affected programs are installed?
how to uninstall it (emerge --unmerge does NOT delete files in /etc, so even after uninstalling the package the USE flags (and others) are still kept - my intent is to REMOVE them, so next rebuild of world would NOT use them anymore - yes it means a lot of programs would lose some functionalities like support for some languages, support for some other programs and so on, it is desired result)
My solutions so far are:
The package have some files in /etc/portage/package.*
1.1. I emerge that package with --nodeps (so the config files are installed)
1.2. I emerge it again without that flag (so dependencies are installed
with right configuration))
I create (and install) script to parse /var/db/packages for my package CONTENTS and delete all /etc/portage/something files "manually" and I have to rum this script before unmerging the package
Is there better way to do it ?
You just doing/understanding it wrong! (sorry :)
First of all, instead of a metapackage (an empty ebuild that have only runtime dependencies) there is other ways:
use sets to describe your preferred packages. Manage your USE flags in a usual way (including per package USE if needed).
medium complexity solution is to write a metapackage ebuild (your current case) -- but, you can't mask/unmask USE flags anyway…
if you already have your overlay (obviously) -- defining your own profile would solve everything! Here you can manage everything just like you want: mask/unmask any USE flags, define what is system predefined package means for you, & etc…
Unfortunately, I don't use Gentoo portage (and emerge) and have no idea if it's possible to have multiple additive profiles. I have my own profiles here and it works perfectly with Paludis.
Second, never remove any configuration files (config-protected) after uninstall! There is no packages that do that, and there is a bunch of reasons for that… The main one is that user may have them modified and don't want to loose his changes. Moreover, personally I prefer to have all configs that I've ever touched to be in a dedicated VCS repo -- it wouldn't be nice, if someone, except me, would remove smth…
Imagine a real life example: user wants to reinstall some package and he has a bunch of configuration files, he spent some time to carefully edit them. Trivial way is to uninstall and then install again -- Oops! He lost his configs!
Moreover, from ebuild's POV, you have pkg_prerm and pkg_postrm functions, but both of them are called even at upgrade time (i.e. when unmerge followed by immediate merge phase). You have to be really careful to distinct that use cases… And what is more scare, having any "hardcoded" (and unique) rules in any package, you don't have any influence on them…
So, please, never remove any config protected files, let the user to take care of them (he is the boss, not a package manager)…
Update: If you really want to be able to remove some config-protected files, setting up your own profile looks even more better idea. You can set CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK to enforce unprotect files and/or directories. In that way you don't need to modify any ebuilds and/or write an ugly cleanup code.

Whats a good best practice with Go workspaces?

I'm just getting into learning Go, and reading through existing code to learn "how others are doing it". In doing so, the use of a go "workspace", especially as it relates to a project's dependencies, seems to be all over the place.
What (or is there) a common best practice around using a single or multiple Go workspaces (i.e. definitions of $GOPATH) while working on various Go projects? Should I be expecting to have a single Go workspace that's sort of like a central repository of code for all my projects, or explicitly break it up and set up $GOPATH as I go to work on each of these projects (kind of like a python virtualenv)?
I think it's easier to have one $GOPATH per project, that way you can have different versions of the same package for different projects, and update the packages as needed.
With a central repository, it's difficult to update a package as you might break an unrelated project when doing so (if the package update has breaking changes or new bugs).
I used to use multiple GOPATHs -- dozens, in fact. Switching between projects and maintaining the dependencies was a lot harder, because pulling in a useful update in one workspace required that I do it in the others, and sometimes I'd forget, and scratch my head, wondering why that dependency works in one project but not another. Fiasco.
I now have just one GOPATH and I actually put all my dev projects - Go or not - within it. With one central workspace, I can still keep each project in its own git repository (src/<whatever>) and use git branching to manage dependencies when necessary (in practice, very seldom).
My recommendation: use just one workspace, or maybe two (like if you need to keep, for example, work and personal code more separate, though the recommended package path naming convention should do that for you).
If you just set GOPATH to $HOME/go or similar and start working, everything works out of the box and is really easy.
If you make lots of GOPATHs with lots of bin dirs for lots of projects with lots of common dependencies in various states of freshness you are, as should be quite obvious, making things harder on yourself. That's just more work.
If you find that, on occasion, you need to isolate some things, then you can make a separate GOPATH to handle that situation.
But in general, if you find yourself doing more work, it's often because you're choosing to make things harder.
I've got what must be approaching 100 projects I've accumulated in the last four years of go. I almost always work in GOPATH, which is $HOME/go on my computers.
Using one GOPATH across all of your projects is very handy, but I find this to only be the case for my own personal projects.
I use a separate GOPATH for each production system I maintain because I use git submodules in each GOPATH's directory tree in order to freeze dependencies.
So, something like:
- src
- github.com
+ dependency-one
+ dependency-two
- my-org
- my-project
* main.go
+ package-one
+ package-two
- pkg
- bin
By setting GOPATH to ~/code/my-project, then it uses the dependency-one and dependency-two git submodules within that project instead of using global dependencies.
Try envirius (universal virtual environments manager). It allows to compile any version of go and create any number of environments based on it. $GOPATH/$GOROOT are depend on each particular environment.
Moreover, it allows to create environments with mixed languages (for example, python & go in one environment).
At my company I created Virtualgo to make managing multiple GOPATHs super easy. A couple of advantages over handling it manually are:
Automatic switching to the correct GOPATH when you cd to a project.
It integrates well with vendoring tools
It also sets the new GOBIN in your path, so you can use the executables installed there.
It still has your original GOPATH as a backup. If a package is not found in the project specific workspace it will search the main GOPATH.
One workspace + godep is best as for me.
I follow KISS - one GOPATH, two go paths:
export GOPATH=$HOME/go:$HOME/development/go
That way third party stuff goes in a central place (package install uses the first path entry by default), and I can flexibly move my projects elsewhere, at the second path entry.
You might want to try the direnv package.
Just use GoSwitch. Saves a heck of a lot of time and sanity.
Add the script to the root of each of your projects and source it.
It will make that project dir your gopath and also add/removes the exact bin folder of that project to path.
