I'm looking for a well documentated implementation of the XMLA protocole (proposed by Microsoft for OLAP engines). I'm looking for the server side implementation.
I found this JAVA library: olap4j, it's not maintained. And it uses servelet. I couldn't reuse it. If any one knows how to use it without the servelet part, tell me.
I'm open to suggestions: java, scala, .net, ...
I found this project in Python olapy which implements client & server sides of the xmla protocol. I'm inspired from it to build my own xmla library in Scala.
I am going to teach myself some Java EE and making a simple web portal where people can generate their own invoices(pdf lib is needed). Not asking about any code but can you give advice (examples) which technologies I can make use of through the process? I have decided to use "Spring MVC" as the framework + java/Kotlin as a compiler. Some database + server + email+ some micro services?, are needed but which can it be? Thank you!
If you are trying to implement microservices, i prefer spring boot which has embedded tomcat with additional services, and for database you can use open source mysql
if you are also planning for UI stuff and new to it prefer basic Html,css and Bootstrap
If I am there here are my choices. All these choices are based on my past 4 complete end to end web application project experience.
Spring Boot
Using spring boot create micro services. As it has in built tomcat it will be easy to deploy any environment, either local laptop or on premise server or cloud server.
JPA with Hibernate
If you are looking for free you can choose MYSQL. As it has strong community support
almost all the issues you are going to face would have been asked and answered already under stack overflow or somewhere else in the internet. Another think is as you chose JPA you can switch to any database easily.
As of now the simplest and one of the fastest ui framework. Also it has strong user support. You can find answer to almost all questions you will have on internet.
Apart from all, you can extend any of these technologies. Happy Coding!!!
You may want to consider using Jaspersoft for generating your pdf files:
There may undoubtedly be other solutions out there, but this is the one I'm most used to.
Upon writing a DB-API interface, and a basic SQLAlchemy dialect for our database, I was assigned to pick up Java, and write a JDBC driver as well. I gather it'll be Level 4, with sockets against the database and such.
I know Zero Java. I intended to pick up Kotlin at some point, so I was wondering whether it'd be feasible to create a JDBC driver in Kotlin.
For example, as far as I know, Kotlin can use Java libraries. Not sure of the other way around - would any Java application be able to use a Kotlin JDBC driver, if written properly? What would be "properly" in this case? Other considerations to be noted?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
I also considered Jython, but I'm less inclined as I suspect it'll be less fitting, though not really sure on this one as well.
You can absolutely do this. JDBC driver vendors need to implement certain Java interfaces in package java.sql which is totally feasible with Kotlin as much as with Java. Just do it :)
You can get started with Driver
We have a Spring 4.0-based web application running in Tomcat 8 (alternatively we have a start-up script for Undertow). Spring MVC is handling requests. I am looking for a way to defer some of request handling code to Clojure library, with minimal changes to legacy Java code.
For instance, requests with URLs ending with .java would be handled by legacy Java, and requests ending with .clj would be handled by Clojure. For now, i see three options:
Include Clojure library jar in Java project's dependencies and use clojure.java.api to invoke Clojure code from Java.
Use some sort of RPC/RMI or message queues, e.g. Redis and Carmine's message queue processing capabilities. This way, Clojure would live in a separate JVM.
Use some sort of reverse proxy to perform URL routing.
Are above approaches actually feasible? What else would you suggest?
I've done a similar thing but on a DropWizard application rather than a Spring application. I went with approach #1.
I followed the example here - https://stackoverflow.com/a/2187427/827617
to create the library. That way you don't need to use clojure.java.api, your Clojure library compiles down into a jar that you can include in your Spring application and call directly from Java (the functions that you expose are static methods on a class).
I googled but couldn't find any answer.
I am planning to use GWT. I want to know if I can use spring in my GWT code to use the dependency injection framework? I am not talking about GWT gui interaction with backend spring app.
The reason I am asking is the GWT code gets compiled to JavaScript and this is what gets executed in browser. If I am using spring code in that, then would it work or for that matter any other library like log4j, etc.?
Or the GUI code have to be pure GWT API only?
For example,
public class MyTable {
private Button myButton;
public MyTable(Button aMyButton) {
myButton = aMyButton;
Guice is supported on GWT using GIN. For Spring-like DI with GWT, check out GWT Toolbox or Rocket GWT.
I believe GIN is a more natural choice for GWT. Not because it's also made by Google, but because using XML for GWT configuration makes absolutely no sense. Everything gets statically compiled into JavaScript so there is no need for externalized configuration. Keep your refactoring tools happy; go for GIN.
To answer your other question, you will not find many SE frameworks that work on GWT. First and foremost, it has no support for reflection or bytecode manipulation (everything is JavaScript), which immediately rules out a lot of frameworks. Log4j, on the other hand, doesn't make sense because there is no file system accessible on the client side, but there are libraries available that do things differently.
The Spring libraries for GWT mentioned above are basically a rewrite of the Spring for GWT. They do not share any code with Spring simply because they can't. Those frameworks work by generating code ("factories") that wire up your components as if you were doing DI manually.
This is also how GIN works, it generates Java factories for your classes, and GWT compiles it into optimized JavaScript (meaning little performance overhead). GIN does use Guice behind the scenes though, to validate configuration at compile time and to inspect modules.
No, you won't be able to do that. The DI logic applies at runtime on the server side, and the GWT code is entirely client-side.
I thought it would be simpler to just create a Spring Controller that invoked the doPost method of the GWT RemoteServlet. A sample is provided here. I know this is a little round about. But this shields you from changes to the GWT implementation if any.. Hope it helps.
I wonder if Guice (the Google DI framework) is supported by GWT?
This might be an alternative.
You can implement a Servlet Service in the server side that retrive objects from a Spring ApplicationContext, rendering to JSon Objects (I did it with http://json-lib.sourceforge.net/apidocs/net/sf/json/JSONSerializer.html) by example.
Then you can have a Singleton Facade Service that make the request from the GWT-client side to our Servlet Service.
In this way you can get a runtime depency injection in the GWT-client side .
Spring ME is capable of helping you out here. Although I partly agree with some of the previous responses, it's nice to have the same programming (and plumbing) paradigm across your client and server code.
Is there a way to call an EJB that is served through WebSphere (iiop://host:port/ejbName) from a vanilla JRE (like Sun). A lot of people have been telling me that this type of architecture relies in a homogenous environment. Thoughts?
Yes, this is possible. You have to create something called a thin client. It has limitations on JNDI lookups due to not being part of the container environment, so fully qualified names have to be used.
Just search for "thin client ibm ejb" on google. Unfortunately, I don't have the link to the appropriate libraries (for WAS 6) here, they are at work.
Although it’s possible, I wouldn’t recommend it because you’re asking for troubles using RMI-IIOP in a heterogeneous environment.
My approach would be to expose the EJB as a web service and consume at the client.