RuntimeException is not displaying the error message in postman - spring

I am using spring boot restful API every time I try
if(userRepository.findByEmail != null) Throw new RuntimeException("This email already exists");
I don't get the message back I only get the error with an empty message in postman instead I get only inside spring boot command the message I passed in RuntimeException.

They've changed this in Spring 2.3.0, to see the error message through postman you need to add server.error.include-message=always in your properties file (


Spring MVC GET Request Logging

I have a Spring Boot/Spring MVC REST app that has a GET mapping endpoint for ex.
#GetMapping(value = "/person")
public ResponseEntity<Person> getPerson(#RequestParam final String personID)
//service call for a person
return new ResponseEntity.ok(personObj);
I am using PostMan to hit the endpoint and I have the spring boot jar running and something I noticed was that every PUT and POST method is logged but when it came to GET requests, they were not logged. The only time I got a GET in the running spring boot server logs was if I hit the wrong endpoint path for i.e localhost:8080/personn (misspelling) the log would show the URL with the requestparam value appended to the URL like "GET /personn?personID=123 HTTP/1.1" 404 - "-" "PostmanRuntime
It seems like successful GET calls are not logged but unsuccessful GET calls are logged. Is this normal behavior?
If personID was sensitive data then I should probably use POST?
You can set the logging level of the Spring web package to DEBUG in the, something like:
or in recent version of Spring Boot:

Consume SOAP Web services from spring with security header

I'm getting deprecated message for the bean Wss4jSecurityInterceptor. I'm using >spring-boot-starter-ws(1.4.7-RELEASE). spring-ws-security(2.4.4-RELEASE), wss4j (1.6.9).
How to add the username token to consume SOAP services using Spring WebService Template ?
Sorry..Silly error..Need to upgrade to ";"...wss4j2 instead of wss4j.
However still Null pointer exception " Received Fault message for request Exception=null.
Settled. The application message exception object isn't extracted properly from the SoapFaultClientException.. e.getSoapFault().getFaultDetail()

Getting Error message as NULL while invoking a service in one spring boot application from another spring boot application using RestTemplate

AM trying to invoke a spring boot microservice from another application.
Here is my Server code, if any exception occurs
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN)
.body(new com.test.models.ResponseEntity("Tenant details
not found"));
Here is my client code,
ResponseEntity<Object> uploadResponse ="http://TESTAPPLICATION/v1/object",
HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity, Object.class);
Am getting a response as
Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 403 null
If I hit my endpoint from PostMan, am getting proper response message.
But from my client-side application am getting response message as null. Please let me know what is going wrong.
Client Responds with INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. But from my server iam responding 403.

Output is not coming in JSON format when NoHandlerFoundException coming

I am using spring 4.X to develop rest api using annotation configuration. I have added servlet.setThrowExceptionIfNoHandlerFound(true) to send NoHandlerFoundException. Created one GlobalExceptionHandler to handle all exception. My question is if NoHandlerFoundException occurs than output is not coming in JSON Format. Do i need to add anything in my servlet configuration

Force Spring to always report exceptions as JSON

How do I force Spring to always convert uncaught exception to JSON instead of HTML page?
This is what I get when request is made from Chrome's REST client plugin:
timestamp: 1425041457798
status: 404
error: "Not Found"
exception: ""
message: "/rrr does not exist"
path: "/test/rrr"
But this is what I get when I access it from browser or from Jersey API (you see parsed HTML):
Whitelabel Error PageThis application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.Fri Feb 27 13:37:27 CET 2015There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).No message available
I know this can be done somehow by setting the request headers but I want JSON response to be the only variant.
First we need add some exception resolver for exception that trows inside controllers. I prefer extend ResponseEntityExceptionHandler and add own method, but there is a great article on
After that if you still get following page you can override org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ErrorController. There are an example: BasicErrorController. But this works only if you use spring boot application with embedded container. For example, if you will create war file form spring boot project and will deploy under tomcat, you will get standard tomcat error page.
So this mean that ErrorController is not common solution.
In my case i throws exceptions inside filters, that why /error page shown. So solution will be write own filter that converts exceptions to JSON representation. This solution should work for every container/server, and you can get more information about exception.
