There is more than one bean - highlighted error with custom annotation - spring

We created custom spring annotation #ProfileRegex to upgrade simple #Profile functionality
here is a usage example:
public class MySomeConfigClass {
public OurCustomInterface getLocalImplementation() {
return new LocalImplementationOfOurCustomInterface();
public OurCustomInterface getCloudImplementation() {
return new CloudImplementationOfOurCustomInterface();
public void CustomClassTakesOurInterfaceAsArg getSomething(OurCustomInterface ourCustomInterface) {
return new CustomClassTakesOurInterfaceAsArg(ourCustomInterface);
in this example Intellij highlight ourCustomInterface in 3d method as an error with info:
Could not autowire. There is more than one bean of 'OurCustomInterface' type
if I will change that example to simple #Profile it will understand that there is a difference between those 2 beans and not show error, however simple #Profile is not enough for us, as our profiles are more complex then just test, dev, qa, prod and we do require regex to avoid listing all of them like:
#Profile({"profile1", "profile2", "profile3", ***, "profileX"})
So the question is, how to make it treat our #ProfileRegex in the same way as simple #Profile and stop highlighting the error?
I did add #Primary to one of those, and it fixes the error, but our team thinks it is not really good approach, as there are truly no primary or secondary as all really depends on profile condition.
P.S. regardless error in IDEA, code compiles fine and working as needed, I just don't like error highlight in IDEA
any hints? thanks in advance
UPDATE (add an implementation of our #ProfileRegex):
#despadina created a gist based on this article
Just our version supports multiple regex, that's the only difference:
So by just adding #ProfileRegex("^(test|dev)$") at the class or method level should work


Spring Boot: how to configure a set of implementations to inject?

In my Spring Boot app, I have events that should be reported in various ways, depending on the environment.
I defined interface IReporter and several implementations, namely LogReporter, EmailReporter, RpcReporter. Also new implementations may appear in future.
Now I want my events to be reported using a subset of reporters. The subset must be specified in the app configuration as the following (for example):
or something similar.
As a result, I would like the component that handles events (say class EventHandler) to have magically injected List<IReporter> myReporters containing only the necessary implementations.
And, of course, if a new implementation is created, the only thing to update must be the app configuration (not the code of EventHandler).
I'm familiar with injecting all available implementations, only a #Primary implementation, or a specific one picked with #Qualifier. But looks like these do not solve my problem.
class EventHandler {
List<String> requiredImplementation;
List<IReporter> myReporters;
public List<IReporter> getRequiredImplementation() {
.filter(reporter -> requiredImplementation.contains(reporter.getClass().getSimpleName()))
One option I could think if we want framework to autowire only the required beans, we can explore #ConditionalOnExpression.
For instance:
Class LogReporter {
Class EmailReporter {

Spring 5 State Based Bean Injection - possible?

I am trying to find some 'controller' (not #Controller) within Spring 5.0 that is responsible to resolve what instance of an implementation to inject within Spring. I want to provide my own implementation of that controller (or to extend it), so that I can add my own logic for state-based bean resolution.
For example, given some interface Foo, with implementation FooImpl1 and FooImpl2, and some state Baz.
Then, when Baz = 1, I want to step into my own logic to decide to provide FooImpl1 instead of FooImpl2 for the required inject of Foo implementation.
Spring does this today, the logic seems to be:
Given the need to inject class X, find its implementations
If only one of X is found, use that
If more than one X is found, use Primary
If more than one X is found and no Primary, find Qualifier
If more than one X if found and no Primary and no Qualifier, attempt to match X with property or parameter X by name (ie: don't inject Y if the parameter or property is x and not y).
What I want to do is at some point in the logic above, to invoke my own disambiguation/resolution of the required implementation to be injected, based on my own logic and state.
So, before I go and dig into Spring to locate where that logic is implemented, I am hoping to find that it is implemented in some controller/service that I can extend, best still if this is backed by some configuration...
You can implement your own #Configuration that returns a Spring #Bean:
public class Config {
private final Baz baz;
Config(Baz baz) {
this.baz = baz
public Foo getFoo() {
switch (baz) {
case 1:
return new FooImpl1();
return new FooImpl2();
Please also read the paragraph about Full #Configuration vs “lite” #Bean mode?. The last paragraph states that:
In common scenarios, #Bean methods are to be declared within #Configuration classes, ensuring that “full” mode is always used and that cross-method references therefore get redirected to the container’s lifecycle management. This prevents the same #Bean method from accidentally being invoked through a regular Java call, which helps to reduce subtle bugs that can be hard to track down when operating in “lite” mode.
It seems what I am looking for are the interfaces BeanFactory and most likely ConfigurableBeanFactory. There are still some things to work through off-course, but this definitely is the right direction.
For those immediately curious as to what I am talking about ... see

Spring boot : configuration inheritance

I have
package com.parent.spring;
public abstract class ParentConfig {
public String bParent() {
return "parent bean";
package com.child.spring;
public class ChildConfig extends ParentConfig {
public String bChild() {
return "child bean";
and here's how I am starting my spring boot app
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.child.spring","com.parent.spring" })
public class MyMain {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {, args);
I want to load beans from child config first and the from parent config. However, opposite is happening. Don't want to use depends on option as this is just an example, in reality I have lot of beans in child and parent config. Also, I have bunch of other configuration classes in parent package so I don't want to remove that from component scan. Any nicer solution on this ?
I want to load beans from child config first and the from parent
You want to explain to the framework how to do its work ?
Spring Configurations and more generally Spring beans are loaded and added in the context in a order that Spring considers the right to satisfy all dependencies requirements.
Besides, configuration inheritance is not documented as a way to achieve such a thing.
Specifying explicitly the order for specific beans is possible but it should be the exception and not the norm while you seem want to do that exception the norm.
Could you please explain more your use case so that we could provide you the best solution we can :) ?
In general its a wrong approach to treat #Configuration files as regular java classes and use all the power of java as a language for the code in this files. You mention inheritance, how about complicated if-conditions, loops, recursion, anyone? :) My point is that you don't really want to end up with complicated code in configuration and to debug it.
Now regarding the inheritance itself. This is not a good idea, because given the fact that its not a regular java class combined with the understanding of how exactly spring uses these configuration files, you'll understand that configuration gives nothing to you here.
Think about configurations as a place where you state which beans should be loaded. Spring will take care of the rest. I do understand that you have some use case in mind, but it simply doesn't fit Spring approach.
As for your statement:
I want to load beans from child config first and the from parent config.
Could you please explain why do you need this?
When spring loads it scans all the configurations first but doesn't create beans (not yet). Instead it "translates" the information found in these #Configuration classes to a "metadata" (this is called "Bean Definitions" in terms of spring). All the bean definitions from all the configurations....
Only after that Spring starts beans instantiation (it also knows by this time what bean should be created first, for example if you have something like):
class A {
private B b;
public A(B b) {this.b = b;}
class B {
Then its obvious that Spring should create Bean "B" first.

How to use #Autowired correctly in spring boot standalone app

I've learned a lot recently about Spring and one thing i think i might be misunderstanding is the #Autowired annotation, especially when using it in constructors. You see, the app i'm developing is a service so basically EVERYTHING is initialized within a constructor. The only actual user-driven events that happen are buttons that restart certain modules of the service. This is my main method :
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = new SpringApplicationBuilder(MDHIS_Service.class)
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(() ->
MDHIS_Service frame = ctx.getBean(MDHIS_Service.class);
frame.setSize(1024, 768);
This is the constructor of my main class, where basically everything happens. I have omitted the calls to the methods initializing each module to shorten it :
public MDHIS_Service(GlobalParamService globalParamService, LogEntryService logentryService, InterfaceService interfaceService,
ConnectionService connectionService, OutboundMessageService outboundMessageService, OutboundMessageHistoryService outboundMessageHistoryService,
InboundMessageService inboundMessageService, FacilityService facilityService, ModuleStatusService moduleStatusService,
SequenceService sequenceService)
this.globalParamService = globalParamService;
this.logEntryService = logentryService;
this.interfaceService = interfaceService;
this.connectionService = connectionService;
this.outboundMessageService = outboundMessageService;
this.outboundMessageHistoryService = outboundMessageHistoryService;
this.inboundMessageService = inboundMessageService;
this.facilityService = facilityService;
this.moduleStatusService = moduleStatusService;
this.sequenceService = sequenceService;
My main class has a private final global variable for each service. Each module is a separate thread and i'm finding myself having to pass those variables to the constructor of each module which in term stores them into it own private final variables. The way i'm doing things right now #Autowired is pretty much useless since i'm having to pass the instance around. Is there a way to better use #Autowired? This service is used as the backend for a large web app and i find myself making much better use of the annotation in there. I did a lot of research on this topic and i did try the #PostContruct annotation but all i ever got was null services.
Any help would be appreciated.
I figured out my problem, and it was a pretty dumb one. First off, i had not annotated my main class with #Component so Spring never bothered to inject the dependencies in it. Secondly, I did not realize that a method annotated with #PostContruct would run by itself after the constructor runs WITHOUT NEEDING TO EXPLICITELY BE CALLED!
I moved all my initialization code to an init method annotated with #PostConstruct and annotated my main class with #Component, everything is working now!
You typicall don't have to use a constructor + #Autorwired, you can directly use autowired on fields and spring would fill the dependencies for you:
public class MDHIS_Service {
private GlobalParamService globalParamService;
What is important to understand is that for spring to work, you must let it create the objects for you, and not calling the constructors explicitely. It would then fill the dependencies as needed. This is done by declaring the service as a component (for example with the #Component annotation) and never create the service yourself but getting them from dependency injection.
The first object you start with has to have been created by spring and returned by the application context.
What you gain in exchange is that you don't have to forwared everything explicitely. A sub-sub-sub service quite distant from the root of the application can depend on anything it has visibility without you having to forward the reference all the way.
I would advise to take a look a the spring reference documentation, it quite detailled and complete:
Edit: I'll try to clarify a bit with an example... What do the init code of the various service actually does ?
Maybe it set the dependencies. Then just autowire them:
MySubService {
#Autowired MySubSubService mySubSubService;
Maybe it does some more thing than setting fields so you can add on top an init method that do it and this init method can eventually call the other services.
MySubService {
#Autowired MySubSubService mySubSubService;
public void init() {
//Init code that may use mySubSubService.
You don't have to declare a constructor and forward dependencies yourself, sprint does it for you.
The only case where you'd have problem is if finally you need some parameters that are not dependency to the init method. But even in that case you could do it from you main code. That's actually what you did with the main service calling the various setters rather than messing with the constructor to set theses values.

Spring autowiring based on service availability

I have a need of conditionally creating one of three possible implementations of a service depending upon the environment detected by a Spring application at runtime. If Service A is available, then I want to create a concrete implementation class that uses Service A as a dependency. If Service A is not available, then I want to create an implementation using Service B as a dependency. And so-on.
Classes which depend on the implementation will Autowire the Interface and not care what the underlying Service was that got selected for the particular environment.
My first stab at this was to implement multiple #Bean methods which either return a bean or null, depending on whether the Service is available, and to then have a separate #Configuration class which #Autowire(required=false) the two possible services, conditionally creating the implementation depending on which of the #Autowired fields was not-null.
The problem here is that when required=false, Spring doesn't appear to care whether it waits around for candidates to be constructed; that is to say, the class which tries to pick the implementation might be constructed before one or both of the required=false Beans gets constructed, thus ensuring that one or both might always be null, regardless of whether it may manage to initialize correctly.
It kind of feels like I'm going against the grain at this point, so I'm looking for advice on the "right" way to do this sort of thing, where a whole set of beans might get switched out based on the availability of some outside service or environment.
Profiles don't look like the right answer, because I won't know until after my Service beans try to initialize which implementation I want to choose; I certainly won't know it at the time I create the context.
#Order doesn't achieve the goal either. Nor does #Conditional and testing on the existence of the bean (because it still might not be constructed yet). Same problem with FactoryBean- it does no good to check for the existence of beans that might not have been constructed at the time the FactoryBean is asked to create an instance.
What I really need to do is create a Bean based on the availability of other beans, but only AFTER those beans have at least had a chance to try to initialize.
Spring Profiles is your friend. You can set the current profile by way of environmental variable, command-line argument, and other methods. You can annotate a Spring-managed component so that it's created for a certain profile.
Spring Profiles from the Spring Documentation
Well in this case it turned out to be a tangential mistake that influenced the whole wrong behavior.
To give some background, my first, naive (but workable) approach looked like this:
private RLocalCachedMap<String, History> redisHistoryMap;
private IMap<String, History> hazelcastHistoryMap;
// RequestHistory is an interface
public RequestHistory requestHistory() {
if (redisHistoryMap != null) {
return new RedisClusteredHistory(redisHistoryMap);
} else if (hazelcastHistoryMap != null) {
return new HazelcastClusteredHistory(hazelcastHistoryMap);
} else {
return new LocalRequestHistory(); // dumb hashmap
In other #Configuration classes, if the beans that get #Autowired here aren't available (due to missing configuration, exceptions during initialization, etc), the #Bean methods that create them return null.
The observed behavior was that this #Bean method was getting called after the RLocalCachedMap<> #Bean method got called, but before Spring attempted to create the IMap<> by calling its #Bean method. I had incorrectly thought that this had something to do with required=false but in fact that had nothing to do with it.
What actually happened was I accidentally used the same constant for both #Bean names (and consequently #Qualifiers), so presumably Spring couldn't tell the difference when it was calculating its dependency graph for this #Configuration class... because the two #Autowired beans appeared to be the same thing (because they had the same name).
(There's a secondary reason for using #Qualifier in this case, which I won't go into here, but suffice it to say it's possible to have many maps of the same type.)
Once I qualified the names better, the code did exactly what I wanted it to, albeit in a way that's somewhat inelegant/ugly.
At some point I'll go back and see if it looks more elegant / less ugly and works just as well to use #Conditional and #Primary instead of the if/else foulness.
The lesson here is that if you explicitly name beans, make absolutely sure your names are unique across your application, even if you plan to swap things around like this.
