Experiencing intermittent issues hitting repo.spring.io endpoint - spring

Starting today around 12:00 CST I started seeing intermittent issues trying to pull maven artifacts from https://repo.spring.io. It presents itself as 403 forbidden but when hitting the URL from the browser you can see a 404 error. Refreshing returns the expected results followed by another 404 on the next refresh.
I do see an occasional redirects to jfrog.com with a 403 forbidden error. Are there any known maintenance activities happening or is this perhaps a known issue that is being worked. I've talked to developers from other companies experiencing the same issue so it is not isolated to me only.

I've been experiencing this same erratic behavior as well -- 404s followed by success; or the index page for an artifact shows the file listing, but will get 404 half the time when trying to download the file from the link presented. A new version of Spring Boot was released today though, so maybe that's related: https://spring.io/blog/2020/06/29/spring-boot-2-4-0-m1-is-now-available

The issues appears to be fixed now. I assume it was just an intermittent technical issue that was addressed by the Spring team.


Why is my meteor app getting these errors on firefox but not other browsers?

The web app that I am building in meteor works in chrome and I.E.(Other than a UI bug in I.E.) but it starts acting strange in Firefox. When I run it on my localhost and on the deployment to meteor.com, I don't get any errors in the console in the browsers' developer tools.
When I run it in Firefox, things start acting weird. On Mac OSX, if I run the app on my localhost and open it in FF it is just fine. However, when I open up the app that deployed to meteor.com via meteor deploy [my-app-url].com, I get the following errors but I can still use everything in my app:
Error 1:
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly;
instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create
Error 2:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource
at https://ddp--3071-[my-app-url].com/sockjs/info?cb=v9pygo9mzn.
(Reason: CORS request failed).
While right now I am not able to figure out what is causing the first error, I am mostly worried about the second error.
When I open up the app from it's deployment in FF on Windows 8, I get the first error once, and then I get the second error repeatedly and the app never loads(it just stays on my loading template from the iron router). My deployed app runs just fine on Chrome and I.E.
I don't send any kind of request to another server in my app, so I am not sure why I am getting a CORS request error. I have not set up SSL or began to make a certificate yet, so I am not sure if this could be causing this kind of error in FF as I got another exception on my login page in FF on my localhost saying that I shouldn't have password elements when I'm not using https.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Sorry that I provide any code, as I don't know what code I would post to solve this problem since I don't actually request anything from another server in code that I have written.
Thanks in advance for any responses!
If anyone is interested, it seems as if my combination of the aldeed:collectio2 package and one of my other packages was the cause of my problems. I removed this package and my issues went away.

Firebug throws up permission issue in Wordpress / timely calendar

The Calendar on http://www.cpwacademy.org.uk/booking keeps hanging when trying to change months/tags/ etcetera. Strangely it does not hang when you are logged into wordpress.
Running firebug (when logged out of WP) it throws up the following error message when trying to go to the next month:
"NetworkError: 403 Forbidden - http://www.cpwacademy.org.uk/booking/action~month/exact_date~1417440328/?request_type=json&ai1ec_doing_ajax=true"
Clearly there is a permission error, however i can not find a solution (even changing permissions on server did not work)
To reiterate, all works fine when logged in to WP and the above eror only occurs when logged out, ie like every visitor.
Hope this solution is an easy one and i am just overlooking the obvious.
Thanks in advance!
Solution Found!
Was using Ithemes security plugin:
By unticking
* Suspicious Query Strings
* Filter out non-english characters from the query string.
In the plugins settings page
Everything started working again!

Ajax getting 412 (Precondition Failed) sometimes

I am writing a website with Struts and Tomcat as the server.
On a page there's an ajax post request using jQuery (not cross-domain). The returned value is plain html.
The problem is, I sometimes (not always, not even frequent) get 412 (Precondition Failed) error. What could be the cause of this unstable error?
I'm posting an answer because I've just had this issue today. It's obviously an update to Mod Security in my case.
I was sending data to the server via AJAX and some Javascript which was part of this message caused the 412. It turned out to be the word HTML (I was passing element.innerHTML within the code)
ModSecurity treats that as a potential threat by the looks of it. For a quick fix I replaced all HTML strings with H%T%M%L and reversed the process on the server and it's now running.
You've probably long-since solved this but posting in case it's useful for anyone else.
Just today i was facing the same problem "412 Precondition Failed".
It is a Codeigntier app that uploads audio and Image files.
Till now a lot of files uploaded through the Ajax File uploader. But today i file was not uploading and through chrome Inspect > Network i found that error 412 Precondition Failed.
I re-uploaded the file so many file by changing my ajax script multiple times.
Suddenly some special character caught my attention. I renamed the file and tried to re-upload. Trust me it worked.
I don't have proper explanation but it works for me.

YouTube iframe API official example gives errors

As of 2013-04-16 WEST, the official getting started example of the YouTube iframe API results in error messages when run in Chrome 25 on WinXP/SP3:
I am accessing the example hosted on a web server, i.e. not via the local file system.
Am I doing something wrong? Is the example / the API broken? Can you reproduce the issue?
This error message has been around for quite a while -- as this Google Group post explains, it's due to an unresolved (4-year unresolved!) bug in WebKit:
It shouldn't affect anything -- it certainly hasn't for our projects, and in visiting the demo URL you posted, it looks like it isn't affecting the API functionality there (i.e. in that demo, the video still stops after 6 seconds per what the code states). There was an SO question a while back that thought it might be affecting analytics:
youtube "Unable to post message to..." causing video analytics to not be tracked
But it was never confirmed as being relevant.
It will be interesting to see if Chrome's move to the new Blink fork of WebKit leads to the bug itself being resolved.

Upgrade from spring 3.0.4 to 3.2.2 causes 405 get not supported for stylesheet

If I build my application with spring 3.0.4, the stylesheet is downloaded no problem.
If I build it with 3.2.2.release, however, I get a 405 error saying GET is not supported when it tries to get the stylesheet.
No other changes have been made.
I am deploying to Glassfish
Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this?
Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this?
Potentially many things. (My guess would be that some request is being redirected to the wrong place by SpringSecurity.)
But rather than guessing, you would be better off gathering some concrete evidence of what is happening:
In the web browser, figure out exactly what the pattern of requests and responses is. For instance, if there is a redirect happening, find out what it is redirecting too.
On the server side, enable debug logging for your application, the Spring stack, and if necessary Glassfish. This should provide you with more clues as to what is happening.
