Run Magento 1.9.4 using PHP 7.4 - magento

I know that magento 1.9.4 will support for php7.2. Php7.2 security support will end by this year nov 2020(
For considering security aspect, planning to run magento 1.9.4 using php 7.4.
can we run magento 1.9.4 using php 7.4?
Please let me know (magento expert*).

Magento 1.9.x is actually compatible with PHP 7.4 if you've applied the patches that enable PHP 7.2 compatibility. I've tested it with one of the sites I host, all official patches have been applied and its running perfectly with PHP 7.4.6
Here's a preview:


I can't install Jetstream: [InvalidArgumentException]Package laravel/jetstream

I can't install Jetstream to my Laravel project. When I use the command composer require laravel / jetstream, it will generate the following error:
The laravel / jetstream package has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version, PHP
extensions and
Composer version
My PHP version is 7.2.24, and my Composer version is 2.0.8.
Laravel Jetstream requires PHP version to be minimum 7.3 so you need to upgrade your PHP version to a minimum of 7.3. It would be better if you upgrade it to PHP 7.4 at least. As PHP 7.3 is now EOL - meaning no active support for PHP 7.3, only security fixes for one more year.
Laravel Jetstream also requires ext-json to be enabled for PHP. So depending upon your PHP version i.e. 7.3.x or 7.4.x or 8.x you need to install ext-json as well - php7.3-json or php7.4-json or php8.0-json
I was having the exact same problem I just upgraded the version of my PHP 7.3 or above and you should also have laravel version 8 to use jetstream. So for upgrading the PHP version in xampp you can refer to this question.
Upgrading PHP in XAMPP for Windows?

How to install mpdf v8 with composer (currently it only installs v6)

I am on ubuntu 12.04 and trying to install the latest release (v8) of mPDF using the following command:
composer require mpdf/mpdf
However, only v6 gets installed.
Is there any easy way to install version 7 or 8 of mPDF - or is it quite a long process?
After running composer require mpdf/mpdf:^8.0
it looks like the PHP version on the server is 5.3.0.
Although none of the domains on the server use this (I use plesk to force all domains to use 7.1).
The PHP version on the server was a lot older than used by plesk.
As composer was looking at the older version, we could download a more recent version of mpdf.

Installing APC on Centos PHP7

I am trying to get the modules installed for an old Symfony site.
I tried
sudo yum install php-pecl-apc
No package php-pecl-apc available.
I can't apt-get s it is not installed. How can I get this module installed
php-pecl-apc is not available for centos7, so you need to install php73-php-pecl-apcu.
Note- not available in official centos repo, so you have to use Remi repo.
APC is a dead project, no stable version was released for any version of PHP > 5.3.
For opcode cache, the opcache extension exists for PHP 5.x and is now part of PHP 7.x
For user data cache, the APCu extension version 4 exists for PHP 5.x and provides a new API, and a compatibility layer to emulate APC
For PHP 7.x, APCU version 5 only provides the new API, but the apcu_bc extension provides the compatibility layer.
How do you install PHP 7 on your CentOS box ? Good package providers have these extensions available (php-pecl-apcu and php-pecl-apcu-bc).
P.S. "remi" repository is a possible provider for PHP and its extensions, follow the wizard instuctions.

1 clickinstall has installed magento 1.8 but the latest version is 2.1

I have purchased hosting and now have to build website in magento but my 1 clickinstall has installed magento 1.8 but the latest version is 2.1 what version should i install ? and how to manually install the magento 2.1 on my own?
First you need to check php and mysql versions in your hosting server. If your server has:
php version >= 5.5.x, where x is 22 or greater and mysl version >= 5.6
only then you can install magento version 2.1, otherwise you will have to upgrade hosting.
To install magento 2.x manually, there are 3 options:
using composer (for this you will need ssh access)
using git checkout
using browser wizard (which is just like you used to do with magento 1.x installations)
Please follow for more information.

Laravel 5.0 php artisan tinker throwing an error on homestead with php7

I'm using Laravel 5.0 and homestead 0.4.0 wich is shipped with php 7,
so when I use php artisan tinker I get this error:
How can I fix this or should I downgrade my php version and if so wouldn't be any conflict with composer or any other tool in my homestead or laravel?
It seems that one of the libraries your application is using - PhpParser - is not compatible with PHP7. It defines a class called String which is a reserved keyword in version 7.
You need to either downgrade to PHP5 or check if it's possible to upgrade your dependencies so that used PhpParser library is compatible with PHP7. Version 2.x of PhpParser should be compatible.
If you're including the package directly in your composer.json try to upgrade version there.
If not, you can see which of your dependencies requires PhpParser by calling
composer depends nikic/php-parser
See if you are able to upgrade versions of packages it lists.
I solved my problem by installing an older version of homestead v0.3.3 wich is shipped with php 5.6 so here is all you need to download it:
$vagrant box add laravel/homestead --box-version 0.3.3
and then download an older version of Homestead installer from git, I'm using v2.1.8 it works fine:
