Debugging javascript web page running on windows application - debugging

Do we have any way to debug javascript pages integrated into a windows application?
Currently, we have F12 IEChooser by Microsoft, but that is outdated. It's not so comfortable for debugging. Breakpoints don't work often.
I know we have EdgeHTML, I've tried installing this, But I didn't find a way to debug javascript code running in windows application. We have something called script attacher, that's how we used F12 to debug the same.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There's a neatly written blog post on this. Looks like this is what you asked for.


Profiling Webworkers in Firefox

I am trying to profile a Javascript app with Firefox Quantum. The part that I am most interested in runs inside webworkers. I am not sure if I am doing everything correctly, but I cannot find a way to get any useful data with the built in profiler. All I can see is this:
Is there a hidden feature that can help me look inside the webworker?
For anyone else finding this in the future: is able to profile Web Workers.
You need to open the Resources drop-down and choose Thread: DOM Worker.
After further looking into this I came to the conclusion that Firefox does not support runtime analysis for web workers at the moment. I will have stick with Chrome for profiling our app.

Best practices to manage Debug and Release versions of an application using Nativescript?

I am developing a Nativescript application which makes numerous server calls for various services. The test and production URLs for these calls are different and while switching back and forth between the Debug and Release version I might miss or mess something up (by accidentally using a production URL for debug app). I wanted to know if there are any best practices regarding this aspect of App publishing? I couldn't find any specific answer regarding my question on the internet and the closest thing I found were these article for ReactNative apps:
If someone can guide me on this specific to Nativescript application, I would really appreciate it.
You can try use this
when you are trying to debug build it will do filename.debug.extension
or when production then from filename.production.extension to filename.extension so inside code, you can require or link to filename.extension

Debugging AngularJS web app in Firefox extensions

I have created a Firefox extension that loads an iframe. That iframe loads a web application built using AngularJS. Is there anyway to inspect what is going on? The application loads but I have 2 input boxes that I am unable to type in.
I've developed the extension in both XUL and using the Add-On SDK and both of them don't allow me to interact with the input box. I've further noticed that when I remove the ng-model attributes, interaction works. It seems like data binding is an issue.
Any ideas?
Without seeing the code, it's hard to say what's going wrong. If I were running into this problem (and I've run into similar ones), I generally fall back to editing the Angular source, and adding dump (or console.log) statements to try and trace what's going on. It's pretty terrible, but it usually gets the job done.
Good luck!
This question is kinda old by now, but as a reference for people coming here from a web search:
you might want to look at this SO question that lists some things that can go wrong with AngularJS inside XUL extensions, together with some solutions.

How to debug firefox plugin?

I'm writing plugin for firefox and I need a way to debug it. Plugin written in javascript.
So is there is a elegant way how I can debug it?
Update 2014: There's a builtin Firefox debugger
The Mozilla Developer Center has plenty of useful information on this topic (as well as many others).
I would recommend Setting up an extension development environment as a good place to start.
You can use Firebug or Venkman's Javascript Debugger.
Chromebug is a useful tool which allows JavaScript debugging and inspecting XUL elements. You can take a look at a few screenshots here.

Any suggestions for effectively testing AJAX enabled web pages using MSVS Tester Edition Tools?

It seems like MS really left a massive gaping hole in their automated testing tools in Visual Studio for web pages with AJAX components and I have been hard pressed to find any commentary or third party add-ons that remedy the problem. Anyone have any advice on automating web tests in MSVS for AJAX pages?
I eventually gave up trying, and just stuck with WATIR
I don't know if this will help, but you can try this:
EDIT:Sorry I reread your Q and realized you meant specific to VS. I don't know if you are familiar with Script#, but I had read some talk a little while back that someone was building a testing framework to use with that, and Script# can be used with MSAjax. Might be worth some investigation.
