What is the default password for connecting to tarantool cartridge application - tarantool

I have a default application on tarantool cartridge (cluster).
I want to connect to the cluster's router. I use the command:
tarantoolctl connect admin:_password_#localhost:3301
Where can I find the default password?

In cartridge it is called cluster_cookie. You may find the default one here.
If you've created your project using cartridge-cli tool it would depend on your project name:
cluster_cookie = '${project_name_lower}-cluster-cookie'
And you can manipulate its value from cartridge-cli config
Also, there is an example for ansible-cartridge role config.


Need to connect to mongodb database present in a server

I am working in an organization and I am supposed to connect to a mongodb database in one of the servers. As of now I have robomongo installed in my local machine and with that I can open the database and do operations like make collections and stuff.
I don't have mongodb installed in my local machine
But now I am trying to do it through spring , so do I need to install mongodb in my local machine??
Note: the database has credentials like username and password
No, you don't need to install MongoDB locally. The programming framework (in your case, Spring) will include a suitable driver which is capable of connecting to the MongoDB server.

Cloud Foundry is not picking up Oracle Backing Service

I currently have my database credentials saved as ENV Variables. But I want to change that so the database will be a backing service.
Env Variables
SPRING_DATASOURCE_driverClassName: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
//sample url to mask mine
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:#//spring.guru.csi0i9rgj9ws.us-east-1.rds.a‌​mazonaws.com:1521/OR‌​C
SPRING_DATASOURCE_initialize: false
Script above works and have database connection when running on cloud foundry.
_ _ - _ _ - _ _
Here is the script I input in my command prompt, where I create a service and bound it to my application
cf cups OracleTest -p 'username, password, url'
Example Link1
Example Link2
Once I fill out all the credentials, bind my application to the service, and restage my application. I do not receive any database connection.
My Attempt on CF
//for uri I also tried
--Do I need some java configuartions along with this?
I did a quick search. I couldn't find an example where you can set the drivername in the CUPS service. You may try removing it from the CUPS definition.
Here is another way of setting the CUPs service - Pivotal Cloud foundry Access Service from Java App
Give it a try
I removed the unnecessary parameters and used the follow
cf cups OracleDB -p '{"jdbcUrl":"jdbc:oracle:thin:[username]/[password]#//[host]:[port]/[service]"}'
So instead of adding each attribute one by one. I found out that it can accept one of the following.
The connector will check for:
uri or uris using the scheme oracle
jdbcUrl field in credentials using the scheme oracle
oracleUri, oracleuri, oracleUrl, or oracleurl fields in credentials
I choose jdbc and added credentials in the url.

Accessing cassandra without hardcoded username password

I have an existing Datastax Cassandra setup that is working. We just added authentication to the system and now we can log in with our AD accounts. This is very nice and certainly works. However applications need to use a hard-coded username/password in order to connect.
In SQL Server we were able to setup a user to run the service as and then it would connect and work through AD. However in Cassandra it is not the same.
If I don't want to include usernames and especially passwords in my app.config files what are my options?
You can use authentication via LDAP with DSE (Datastax Enterprise), so the authentication stage is done with LDAP instead of the internal authentication in DSE which you're using at the moment. Note that my comments here apply to DSE5.0 onwards but you can use LDAP auth with earlier versions of DSE from 4.6 onwards.
The documentation (link below) covers this. The basic steps are as follows:
Configure your authenticator in the cassandra.yaml to use the DSE authenticator
authenticator: com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseAuthenticator
Create an internal role in cassandra to map to the LDAP group(s) in your LDAP server using the CREATE ROLE command
Ensure all the users you need to use map to the relevant LDAP group (part of your LDAP config)
Configure your dse.yaml to have the correct settings for your LDAP server
Restart the DSE process for the settings to take effect
The following documentation gives some good examples and background information:
Note: when configuring the dse.yaml note the comment in the docs regarding user_search_filter:
When using Active Directory set the filter to (sAMAccountName={0})

Configuring Impala with LDAP

I'm using CDH 4.5. I installed Impala manually (without Cloudera Manager). I've configured LDAP with Impala (using the instructions at http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera-content/cloudera-docs/Impala/latest/Installing-and-Using-Impala/ciiu_ldap.html).
I've added ldap_uri to the /etc/default/impala file. But how do I configure the ldap bind username?
With the current configuration, if I start impala shell, I am able to login using the ldap bind username. But how do I login using actual users from AD? I need to configure the ldap bind username and / or ldap password so that impala automatically connects using the bind username and when I start the impala shell, I can connect using actual user names.
Apparently we don't have to use the ldap bind name. I'm able to log in with user name as "someone#abc.com" where someone is the user name in AD and abc.com is the AD search base.

Websphere CWWIM6004E

I am trying to start an application in Websphere 8, and keep on getting the following error.
From the message, it means we are missing the bindPassword, but we never have to define in WAS 6.1
Currently we are using Standalone LDAP registry. Does anyone have any idea where I should start looking to fix this error?
UserManagemen E com.ibm.ws.wim.management.UserManagementProcess handleNo
tification CWWIM6004E Initialization of the dynamic reload manager failed.
com.ibm.websphere.wim.exception.MissingInitPropertyException: CWWIM0004E The initialization property 'bindPassword' is missing from the configuration.
at com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.ldap.LdapConnection.initializeEnvironmentProperties(LdapConnection.java:194
at com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.ldap.LdapConnection.initializeServers(LdapConnection.java:1904)
at com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.ldap.LdapConnection.initialize(LdapConnection.java:1832)
at com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.ldap.LdapAdapter.initialize(LdapAdapter.java:235)
at com.ibm.ws.wim.RepositoryManager.initialize(RepositoryManager.java:610)
at com.ibm.ws.wim.RepositoryManager.<init>(RepositoryManager.java:131)
In regards to ".... never have to define in WAS 6.1"
The requirement for a LDAP bind password is enforced by the LDAP server, this is not a WAS requirement
If in fact you didn't define it in WAS v6.1, the LDAP server in use for WAS V6.1 didn't require it.
Based on the error, you've either changed LDAP servers or the LDAP server configuration has changed (or both)
As mentioned in the other post, you can troubleshoot this using a tool like ldapsearch
The technote at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21470063 discusses obtaining "must gather" and troubleshooting these types of issues (refer to the "collecting data manually" section)
You must check your ldap connection to the ldap server
User IBM WebSphere Console, Security settings, LDAP and take note about the LDAP connection settings.
Use a tool like ldapsearch in order to check the connection via shell command line.
It is possible that these bind password is not correct.
If you are using un Novell eDirectory Server you must take special attention in the bind user creation ( field password )
