formal description of TM that on input x computes the next word in the lexicographic order - computation-theory

For Σ = {0, 1}, give a formal description of a TM M that on input x computes the next word in Σ∗ according to the lexicographic order.
For example, on input 11, M halts with 000 on its tape

We will design a single-tape deterministic Turing machine to compute the next word in lexicographic order given a word w on the tape. Here is our strategy:
scan to the end of input and see if the least significant bit is equal to 0. If so, increment it, and be done.
otherwise, scan left until you see a 0, in which case you increment it and then halt. keep looking until you reach the front of the tape.
if you got here, your input is of the form 11...1 and you need to replace all 1s but the first with 0s and then add an extra 0 on the end. To accomplish this, scan right until you find the first blank, replacing all 1s you see with 0s; then, replace exactly one blank with a 0, then halt.
Here are the transitions and states:
state tape state' tape' direction comment
q0 blank halt-acc 0 same assume 0 for empty tape
q0 0,1 q1 0,1 right scan right
q1 blank q2 blank left go to LSB
q1 0,1 q0 0,1 right scan to end of input
q2 blank q3 1 right input is 11...1
q2 0 halt-acc 1 same found the least significant 0
q2 1 q2 1 left keep looking
q3 blank halt-acc 0 same ran out of tape, add one 0
q3 0 halt-rej 0 same this transition cannot happen
q3 1 q3 0 right replace all but 1st 1 with 0


Unite segments algorithm

We have a list of correct segments [a;b] (a <= b).
Need to get a new list with united segments if they are crossed. For example: [1;3], [2;4], [7;8] => [1;4], [7;8].
I have an idea: first of we make list of borders and for each border we know is it left or right, then we sort it ASC by border value and then by left or rith(left borders go first) . The idea is to go through this list and:
1) As left border we take the first we meet
2) Right border will be determined like the following:
We have a counter = 0 and when we meet left border then ++counter, when it's right so --counter and when counter == 0 then we take current border as right.
And so on until end of list
What do you think about this algo? Maybe other ideas?
Yes, your idea is in general right. More algorithmic description:
Make an array with pairs for all segment ends (a or b; aux = +1 for a, -1 for b)
Sort array by coordinate
(using aux as secondary key in case of tie: put -1 before +1 if touched segments should not unite and vice versa in other case)
Make Count = 0
Run through array, adding aux to Count
Value of Count in every moment corresponds to the number of opened segments
When Count becomes non-zero, open output segment
When Count becomes zero, close output segment
(1, 5), (2,6)
(1; 1), (2; 1), (5;-1), (6;-1)
0 1 2 1 0
^ ^
start end

Maximum xor of a range of numbers

I am grappling with this problem Codeforces 276D. Initially I used a brute force approach which obviously failed for large inputs(It started when inputs were 10000000000 20000000000). In the tutorials Fcdkbear(turtor for the contest) talks about a dp solution where a state is d[p][fl1][fr1][fl2][fr2].
Further in tutorial
We need to know, which bits we can place into binary representation of number а in p-th position. We can place 0 if the following condition is true: p-th bit of L is equal to 0, or p-th bit of L is equal to 1 and variable fl1 shows that current value of a is strictly greater then L. Similarly, we can place 1 if the following condition is true: p-th bit of R is equal to 1, or p-th bit of R is equal to 0 and variable fr1 shows that current value of a is strictly less then R. Similarly, we can obtain, which bits we can place into binary representation of number b in p-th position.
This is going over my head as when ith bit of L is 0 then how come we can place a zero in a's ith bit. If L and R both are in same bucket(2^i'th boundary like 16 and 24) we will eventually place a 0 at 4th whereas we can place a 1 if a = 20 because i-th bit of R is 0 and a > R. I am wondering what is the use of checking if a > L or not.
In essence I do not get the logic of
What states are
How do we recur
I know that might be an overkill but could someone explain it in descriptive manner as editorial is too short to explain anything.
I have already looked in here but suggested solution is different from one given in editorial. Also I know this can be solved with binary search but I am concerned with DP solution only
If I got the problem right: Start to compare the bits of l and r from left (MSB) to right(LSB). As long as these bits are equal there is no freedom of choice, the same bits must appear in a and b. the first bit differing must be 1 in r and 0 in l. they must appear also in a (0) and b(1). from here you can maximise the XOR result. simply use zeros for b an ones for a. that gives a+1==b and the xor result is a+b which is always 2^n-1.
I'm not following the logic as written above but the basic idea is to look bit by bit.
If L and R have different values in the same bit position then we have already found candidates that would maximize the xor'd value of that position (0 xor 1 = 1 xor 0 = 1). The other case to consider is whether the span of R-L is greater than the position value of that bit. If so then there must be two different values of A and B falling between L and R where that bit position has opposite values (as well as being able to generate any combinations of values in the lower bits.)

Understanding a five-dimensional DP with bitshifts and XORs?

I was looking over the solution to this problem here, and I didn't quite understand how the dynamic programming (DP) worked.
A summary of the problem is as follows: You are given a 9x9 grid of either ones or zeroes, arranged in nine 3x3 subgrids as follows:
000 000 000
001 000 100
000 000 000
000 110 000
000 111 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
000 000 000
You need to find the minimum number of changes needed so that each of the nine rows, columns, and 3x3 subgrids contain an even number of 1's. Here, a change is defined as toggling a given element from 1 to 0 or vice-versa.
The solution involves dynamic programming, and each state consists of the minimum number of moves such that all rows up to the current row being look at have even parity (even number of ones).
However, I do not understand the details of their implementation. First off, in their memoization array
int memo[9][9][1<<9][1<<3][2];
what do each of the indexes represent? I gathered that the first two are for current row and column, the third is for column parity, the fourth is for subgrid parity, and the fifth is for row parity. However, why does the column parity need 2^9 elements whereas row parity needs only 2?
Next, how are the transitions between the states handled? I would assume that you go across the row trying each element and moving to the next row when done, but after seeing their code I am quite confused
int& ref = memo[r][c][mc][mb][p];
/* Try setting the cell to 1. */
ref = !A[r][c] + solve(r, c + 1, mc ^ 1 << c, mb ^ 1 << c / 3, !p);
/* Try setting the cell to 0. */
ref = min(ref, A[r][c] + solve(r, c + 1, mc, mb, p));
How do they try setting the cell to one by flipping the current bit in the grid? And I understand how when you make it a one the row parity changes, as indicated by !p but I don't understand how column parity would be affected, or what mc ^ 1 << c does -- why do you need xor and bitshifts? Same goes for the subgrid parity -- mb ^ 1 << c / 3. What is it doing?
Could someone please explain how these work?
I think I've figured this out. The idea is to sweep from top-to-bottom, left-to-right. At each step, we try moving to the next position by setting the current box either to 0 or to 1.
At the end of each row, if the parity is even, we move on to the next row; otherwise we backtrack. At the end of every third row, if the parity of all three boxes is even, we move on to the next row; otherwise we backtrack. Finally, at the end of the board, if all columns have even parity, we're done; otherwise we backtrack.
The state of the recursion at any point can be described in terms of the following five pieces of information:
The current row and column.
The parities of all the columns.
The parities of the three boxes we're currently in (each row intersects three).
The current parity of the column.
This is what the memoization table looks like:
int memo[9][9][1<<9][1<<3][2];
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
| | | | |
row --+ | | | |
col -----+ | | |
column parity ---+ | |
box parity ----------+ |
current row parity---------+
To see why there are bitshifts, let's look at the column parity. There are 9 columns, so we can write out their parities as a bitvector with 9 bits. Equivalently, we could use a nine-bit integer. 1 << 9 gives the number of possible nine-bit integers, so we can use a single integer to encode all column parities at the same time.
Why use XOR and bitshifts? Well, XORing a bitvector A with a second bitvector B inverts all the bits in A that are set in B and leaves all the other bits unchanged. If you're tracking parity, you can use XOR to toggle individual bits to represent a flip in parity; the shifting happens because we're packing multiple parity bits into a single machine word. The division you referred to is to map from a column index to the horizontal index of the box it passes through.
Hope this helps!
The algorithm in the solution is an exhaustive depth-first search with a couple optimizations. Unfortunately, the description doesn't exactly explain it.
Exhaustive search means that we try to enumerate every possible combination of bits. Depth-first means we first try to set all bits to one, then set the last one to zero, then the second-to-last, then both the last and the second-to-last, etc.
The first optimization is to backtrack as soon as we detect that parity isn't even. So, for example, as we start our search and reach the first row, we check if that row has zero parity. If it doesn't, we don't continue. We stop, backtrack, and try setting the last bit in the row to zero.
The second optimization is DP-like, in that we cache partial results and re-use them. This takes advantage of the fact that, in terms of the problem, different paths in the search can converge to the same logical state. What is a logical search state? The description in the solution begins to explain it ("begins" being the key word). In essence, the trick is that, at any given point in the search, the minimum number of additional bit flips does not depend on the exact state of the whole sudoku board, but only on the state of the various parities that we need to track. (See further explanation below.) There are 27 parities that we are tracking (accounting for 9 columns, 9 rows, and 9 3x3 boxes). Moreover, we can optimize some of them away. The parity for all higher rows, given how we perform the search, will always be even, while the parity of all lower rows, not yet touched by the search, doesn't change. We only track the parity of 1 row. By the same logic, the parity of the boxes above and below are disregarded, and we only need to track the "active" 3 boxes.
Therefore, instead of 2^9 * 2^9 * 2^9 = 134,217,728 states, we only have 2^9 * 2^1 * 2^3 = 8,192 states. Unfortunately, we need a separate cache for each depth level in the search. So, we multiply by the 81 possible depths to the search, to discover that we need an array of size 663,552. To borrow from templatetypedef:
int memo[9][9][1<<9][1<<3][2];
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
| | | | |
row --+ | | | |
col -----+ | | |
column parity ---+ | |
box parity ----------+ |
current row parity---------+
1<<9 simply means 2^9, given how integers and bit shifts work.
Further explanation: Due to how parity works, a bit flip will always flip its 3 corresponding parities. Therefore, all the permutations of sudoku boards that have the same parities can be solved with the same winning pattern of bit flips. The function 'solve' gives the answer to the problem: "Assuming you can only perform bit flips starting with the cell at position (x,y), what is the minimum number of bit flips to get a solved board." All sudoku boards with the same parities will yield the same answer. The search algorithm considers many permutations of boards. It starts modifying them from the top, counts how many bit flips it's already done, then asks the function 'solve' to see how many more it would need. If 'solve' has already been called with the same values of (x,y) and the same parities, we can just return the cached result.
The confusing part is the code that actually does the search and updates state:
/* Try setting the cell to 1. */
ref = !A[r][c] + solve(r, c + 1, mc ^ 1 << c, mb ^ 1 << c / 3, !p);
/* Try setting the cell to 0. */
ref = min(ref, A[r][c] + solve(r, c + 1, mc, mb, p));
It could be more clearly rendered as:
/* Try having this cell equal 0 */
bool areWeFlipping = A[r][c] == 1;
int nAdditionalFlipsIfCellIs0 = (areWeFlipping ? 1 : 0) + solve(r, c + 1, mc, mb, p); // Continue the search
/* Try having this cell equal 1 */
areWeFlipping = A[r][c] == 0;
// At the start, we assume the sudoku board is all zeroes, and therefore the column parity is all even. With each additional cell, we update the column parity with the value of tha cell. In this case, we assume it to be 1.
int newMc = mc ^ (1 << c); // Update the parity of column c. ^ (1 << c) means "flip the bit denoting the parity of column c"
int newMb = mb ^ (1 << (c / 3)); // Update the parity of 'active' box (c/3) (ie, if we're in column 5, we're in box 1)
int newP = p ^ 1; // Update the current row parity
int nAdditionalFlipsIfCellIs1 = (areWeFlipping ? 1 : 0) + solve(r, c + 1, newMc, newMb, newP); // Continue the search
ref = min( nAdditionalFlipsIfCellIs0, nAdditionalFlipsIfCellIs1 );
Personally, I would've implemented the two sides of the search as "flip" and "don't flip". This makes the algorithm make more sense, conceptually. It would make the second paragraph read: "Depth-first means we first try to not flip any bits, then flip the last one, then the second-to-last, then both the last and the second-to-last, etc." In addition, before we start the search, we would need to pre-calculate the values of 'mc', 'mb', and 'p' for our board, instead of passing 0's.
/* Try not flipping the current cell */
int nAdditionalFlipsIfDontFlip = 0 + solve(r, c + 1, mc, mb, p);
/* Try flipping it */
int newMc = mc ^ (1 << c);
int newMb = mb ^ (1 << (c / 3));
int newP = p ^ 1;
int nAdditionalFlipsIfFlip = 1 + solve(r, c + 1, newMc, newMb, newP);
ref = min( nAdditionalFlipsIfDontFlip, nAdditionalFlipsIfFlip );
However, this change doesn't seem to affect performance.
Most surprisingly, the key to the algorithm's blazing speed seems to be that the memoization array ends up rather sparse. At each depth level, there is typically 512 (sometimes, 256 or 128) states visited (out of 8192). Moreover, it is always one state per column parity. The box and row parities don't seem to matter! Omitting them from the memoization array improves performance another 30-fold. Yet, can we prove that it is always true?

Algorithm - Partition two numbers about a power-of-two

Given two floating point numbers, p and q where 0 < p < q I am interested in writing a function partition(p,q) that finds the 'simplest' number r that is between p and q. For example:
partition(3.0, 4.1) = 4.0 (2^2)
partition(4.2, 7.0) = 6.0 (2^2 + 2^1)
partition(2.0, 4.0) = 3.0 (2^1 + 2^0)
partition(0.3, 0.6) = 0.5 (2^-1)
partition(1.0, 10.0) = 8.0 (2^3)
In the last instance I am interested in the largest number (so 8 as opposed to 4 or 2).
Let us assume assume that p and q are both normalized and positive, and p < q.
If p and q have differing exponents, it appears that the number you are looking for is the number obtained by zeroing the mantissa of q after the leading (and often implicit) 1. The corner cases are left as an exercise, especially the case where q's mantissa is already made of zeroes after the leading, possibly implicit, 1.
If p and q have the same exponent, then we have to look at their mantissas. These mantissas have some bits in common (starting from the most significant end). Let us call c1 c2 .. ck pk+1 ... pn the bits of p's mantissa, c1 c2 .. ck qk+1 ... qnthe bits of q's mantissa, where c1 .. ck are common bits and pk+1, qk+1 differ. Then pk+1 is zero and qk+1 is one (because of the hypotheses). The number with the same exponent and mantissa c1 .. ck 1 0 .. 0 is in the interval p .. q and is the number you are looking for (again, corner cases left as an exercise).
Write the numbers in binary (terminating if possible, so 1 is written as 1.0000..., not 0.1111...),
Scan from left to right, "keeping" all digits at which the two numbers are equal
At the first digit where the two numbers differ, p must be 0 and q must be 1 since p < q:
If q has any more 1 digits after this point, then put a 1 at this point and you're done.
If q has no more 1 digits after this point, then doing that would result in r == q, which is forbidden, so instead append a 0 digit. Follow that by a 1 digit unless doing so would result in r == p, in which case append another 0 and then a 1.
Basically, we truncate q down to the first place at which p and q differ, then jigger it a bit if necessary to avoid r == p or r == q. The result is certainly less than q and greater than p. It is "simplest" (has the least possible number of 1 digits) since any number between p and q must share their common initial sequence. We have added only one 1 digit to that sequence, which is necessary since the initial sequence alone is <= p, so no value in range (p,q) has fewer 1 digits. We've chosen the "largest" solution because we always place our extra 1 at the first (biggest) possible place.
It sounds like you just want to convert the binary representation of the largest integer strictly less than your largest argument to the corresponding sum of powers of two.

How to do matrix conversions by row and columns toggles?

I have got a square matrix consisting of elements either 1
or 0. An ith row toggle toggles all the ith row elements (1
becomes 0 and vice versa) and jth column toggle toggles all
the jth column elements. I have got another square matrix of
similar size. I want to change the initial matrix to the
final matrix using the minimum number of toggles. For example
|0 0 1|
|1 1 1|
|1 0 1|
|1 1 1|
|1 1 0|
|1 0 0|
would require a toggle of the first row and of the last
What will be the correct algorithm for this?
In general, the problem will not have a solution. To see this, note that transforming matrix A to matrix B is equivalent to transforming the matrix A - B (computed using binary arithmetic, so that 0 - 1 = 1) to the zero matrix. Look at the matrix A - B, and apply column toggles (if necessary) so that the first row becomes all 0's or all 1's. At this point, you're done with column toggles -- if you toggle one column, you have to toggle them all to get the first row correct. If even one row is a mixture of 0's and 1's at this point, the problem cannot be solved. If each row is now all 0's or all 1's, the problem is solvable by toggling the appropriate rows to reach the zero matrix.
To get the minimum, compare the number of toggles needed when the first row is turned to 0's vs. 1's. In the OP's example, the candidates would be toggling column 3 and row 1 or toggling columns 1 and 2 and rows 2 and 3. In fact, you can simplify this by looking at the first solution and seeing if the number of toggles is smaller or larger than N -- if larger than N, than toggle the opposite rows and columns.
It's not always possible. If you start with a 2x2 matrix with an even number of 1s you can never arrive at a final matrix with an odd number of 1s.
Simplify the problem from "Try to transform A into B" into "Try to transform M into 0", where M = A xor B. Now all the positions which must be toggled have a 1 in them.
Consider an arbitrary position in M. It is affected by exactly one column toggle and exactly one row toggle. If its initial value is V, the presence of the column toggle is C, and the presence of the row toggle is R, then the final value F is V xor C xor R. That's a very simple relationship, and it makes the problem trivial to solve.
Notice that, for each position, R = F xor V xor C = 0 xor V xor C = V xor C. If we set C then we force the value of R, and vice versa. That's awesome, because it means if I set the value of any row toggle then I will force all of the column toggles. Any one of those column toggles will force all of the row toggles. If the result is the 0 matrix, then we have a solution. We only need to try two cases!
function solve(Matrix M) as bool possible, bool[] rowToggles, bool[] colToggles:
For var b in {true, false}
colToggles = array from c in M.colRange select b xor Matrix(0, c)
rowToggles = array from r in M.rowRange select colToggles[0] xor M(r, 0)
if none from c in M.colRange, r in M.rowRange
where colToggle[c] xor rowToggle[r] xor M(r, c) != 0 then
return true, rowToggles, colToggles
end if
next var
return false, null, null
end function
The analysis is trivial. We try two cases, within which we run along a row, then a column, then all cells. Therefore if there are r rows and c columns, meaning the matrix has size n = c * r, then the time complexity is O(2 * (c + r + c * r)) = O(c * r) = O(n). The only space we use is what is required for storing the outputs = O(c + r).
Therefore the algorithm takes time linear in the size of the matrix, and uses space linear in the size of the output. It is asymptotically optimal for obvious reasons.
I came up with a brute force algorithm.
The algorithm is based on 2 conjectures:
(so it may not work for all matrices - I'll verify them later)
The minimum (number of toggles) solution will contain a specific row or column only once.
In whatever order we apply the steps to convert the matrix, we get the same result.
The algorithm:
Lets say we have the matrix m = [ [1,0], [0,1] ].
m: 1 0
0 1
We generate a list of all row and column numbers,
like this: ['r0', 'r1', 'c0', 'c1']
Now we brute force, aka examine, every possible step combinations.
For example,we start with 1-step solution,
ksubsets = [['r0'], ['r1'], ['c0'], ['c1']]
if no element is a solution then proceed with 2-step solution,
ksubsets = [['r0', 'r1'], ['r0', 'c0'], ['r0', 'c1'], ['r1', 'c0'], ['r1', 'c1'], ['c0', 'c1']]
A ksubsets element (combo) is a list of toggle steps to apply in a matrix.
Python implementation (tested on version 2.5)
# Recursive definition (+ is the join of sets)
# S = {a1, a2, a3, ..., aN}
# ksubsets(S, k) = {
# {{a1}+ksubsets({a2,...,aN}, k-1)} +
# {{a2}+ksubsets({a3,...,aN}, k-1)} +
# {{a3}+ksubsets({a4,...,aN}, k-1)} +
# ... }
# example: ksubsets([1,2,3], 2) = [[1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]]
def ksubsets(s, k):
if k == 1: return [[e] for e in s]
ksubs = []
ss = s[:]
for e in s:
if len(ss) < k: break
for x in ksubsets(ss,k-1):
l = [e]
return ksubs
def toggle_row(m, r):
for i in range(len(m[r])):
m[r][i] = m[r][i] ^ 1
def toggle_col(m, i):
for row in m:
row[i] = row[i] ^ 1
def toggle_matrix(m, combos):
# example of combos, ['r0', 'r1', 'c3', 'c4']
# 'r0' toggle row 0, 'c3' toggle column 3, etc.
import copy
k = copy.deepcopy(m)
for combo in combos:
if combo[0] == 'r':
toggle_row(k, int(combo[1:]))
toggle_col(k, int(combo[1:]))
return k
def conversion_steps(sM, tM):
# Brute force algorithm.
# Returns the minimum list of steps to convert sM into tM.
rows = len(sM)
cols = len(sM[0])
combos = ['r'+str(i) for i in range(rows)] + \
['c'+str(i) for i in range(cols)]
for n in range(0, rows + cols -1):
for combo in ksubsets(combos, n +1):
if toggle_matrix(sM, combo) == tM:
return combo
return []
m: 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
k: 1 1 0
1 1 0
0 0 1
>>> m = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
>>> k = [[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,1]]
>>> conversion_steps(m, k)
['r0', 'r1', 'c2']
If you can only toggle the rows, and not the columns, then there will only be a subset of matrices that you can convert into the final result. If this is the case, then it would be very simple:
for every row, i:
if matrix1[i] == matrix2[i]
toggle matrix1[i];
if matrix1[i] == matrix2[i]
die("cannot make similar");
This is a state space search problem. You are searching for the optimum path from a starting state to a destination state. In this particular case, "optimum" is defined as "minimum number of operations".
The state space is the set of binary matrices generatable from the starting position by row and column toggle operations.
ASSUMING that the destination is in the state space (NOT a valid assumption in some cases: see Henrik's answer), I'd try throwing a classic heuristic search (probably A*, since it is about the best of the breed) algorithm at the problem and see what happened.
The first, most obvious heuristic is "number of correct elements".
Any decent Artificial Intelligence textbook will discuss search and the A* algorithm.
You can represent your matrix as a nonnegative integer, with each cell in the matrix corresponding to exactly one bit in the integer On a system that supports 64-bit long long unsigned ints, this lets you play with anything up to 8x8. You can then use exclusive-OR operations on the number to implement the row and column toggle operations.
CAUTION: the raw total state space size is 2^(N^2), where N is the number of rows (or columns). For a 4x4 matrix, that's 2^16 = 65536 possible states.
Rather than look at this as a matrix problem, take the 9 bits from each array, load each of them into 2-byte size types (16 bits, which is probably the source of the arrays in the first place), then do a single XOR between the two.
(the bit order would be different depending on your type of CPU)
The first array would become: 0000000001111101
The second array would become: 0000000111110101
A single XOR would produce the output. No loops required. All you'd have to do is 'unpack' the result back into an array, if you still wanted to. You can read the bits without resorting to that, though.i
I think brute force is not necessary.
The problem can be rephrased in terms of a group. The matrices over the field with 2 elements constitute an commutative group with respect to addition.
As pointed out before, the question whether A can be toggled into B is equivalent to see if A-B can be toggled into 0. Note that toggling of row i is done by adding a matrix with only ones in the row i and zeros otherwise, while the toggling of column j is done by adding a matrix with only ones in column j and zeros otherwise.
This means that A-B can be toggled to the zero matrix if and only if A-B is contained in the subgroup generated by the toggling matrices.
Since addition is commutative, the toggling of columns takes place first, and we can apply the approach of Marius first to the columns and then to the rows.
In particular the toggling of the columns must make any row either all ones or all zeros. there are two possibilites:
Toggle columns such that every 1 in the first row becomes zero. If after this there is a row in which both ones and zeros occur, there is no solution. Otherwise apply the same approach for the rows (see below).
Toggle columns such that every 0 in the first row becomes 1. If after this there is a row in which both ones and zeros occur, there is no solution. Otherwise apply the same approach for the rows (see below).
Since the columns have been toggled successfully in the sense that in each row contains only ones or zeros, there are two possibilities:
Toggle rows such that every 1 in the first column becomes zero.
Toggle rows such that every 0 in the first row becomes zero.
Of course in the step for the rows, we take the possibility which results in less toggles, i.e. we count the ones in the first column and then decide how to toggle.
In total, only 2 cases have to be considered, namely how the columns are toggled; for the row step, the toggling can be decided by counting to minimuze the number of toggles in the second step.
