How to create 4-level nested relationship with Prisma - graphql

I have 3 main types: Company, Service, and Specialty. Every Company has a list of Service. Every Service have a list of Specialty. Every Specialty have a list of Specialty (sub-specialties).
Company 1
- Service 1
-- Specialty 1
--- Sub-specialty 1
I am working on this datamodel on Prisma 1.34:
type Company {
id: ID! #id
name: String! #unique
services: [Service]
type Service {
id: ID! #id
name: String! #unique
companies: [Company]! #relation(link: TABLE)
specialties: [Specialty]
type Specialty {
id: ID! #id
name: String! #unique
companies: [Company]! #relation(link: TABLE)
services: [Service] #relation(link: TABLE)
sub_specialties: [Specialty] #relation(link: TABLE)
My problem is, when I add one Company and use the same Service for that Company in another Company, all other Specialty and Sub-specialty records are coming along with that Service. I want to make Specialty and Sub-specialty fields unique for every company but they also should be under related Service under every company.
I have been working on it for the past 3 days, I would appreciate any help.

If you're committed to a nested relationship, then you're going to have to make the Service type have non-unique names. This will force a new Service model to be created for each company while still allowing Specialty to be more generalized and have better reuse.
The logic here is that if there are multiple Services with the same name but with different Specialty attributes, then they are NOT the same.

Here is the solution I came up with: I am holding unique service and specialty names in ServiceItem and SpecialtyItem tables. Whenever I add a new Service to a company, I link that Service to a specific ServiceItem that is unique. That Service and Specialty receives it's information (only name property in this project) from linked ServiceItem and SpecialtyItem. That way, whenever I update my ServiceItem or SpecialtyItem, all related Service and Specialty fields under each company get updated. Here is the datamodel:
type Company {
id: ID! #id
name: String! #unique
services: [Service]! #relation(onDelete: CASCADE)
type ServiceItem {
id: ID! #id
name: String! #unique
type Service {
id: ID! #id
info: ServiceItem! #relation(link: INLINE)
company: Company! #relation(link: INLINE)
specialties: [Specialty] #relation(onDelete: CASCADE)
type SpecialtyItem {
id: ID! #id
name: String! #unique
type Specialty {
id: ID! #id
info: SpecialtyItem! #relation(link: INLINE)
service: Service #relation(link: INLINE)
sub_specialties: [Specialty] #relation(onDelete: CASCADE)


Using Apollo Federated GraphQL, is there a way to sort/paginate on a value from an external entity?

Is it possible to mark a field in an input to a query as requiring a field extended by a different service?
Using the federation-demo to illustrate my question, but keeping a little bit more simple. Having just an Account service and a Reviews service, and adding a karma field to the User, is it possible to filter reviews based on User karma.
Account service, adding a karma int to a User:
extend type Query {
me: User
type User #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String
username: String
karma: Int!
Reviews service, adding a reviews Query:
extend type Query {
reviews(minKarma: Int): [Review!]!
type Review #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
body: String
author: User #provides(fields: "username")
product: Product
extend type User #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID! #external
username: String #external
karma: Int! #external
reviews: [Review]
extend type Product #key(fields: "upc") {
upc: String! #external
reviews: [Review]
In my resolver for, I want to filter out any review where is less than the specified minKarma.
How do I tell the gateway that when minKarma is specified in the Query input, I want the Account service to be queried first and a representation of users to be passed into the Reviews service, with the karma of each user attached to the review as the author, so that I can do the filter?
Circling back to the question at the top of this post, can I mark the minKarma field as requiring User.karma?
This is the questions plaguing me as well.

Is it possible to create two or more relations to a model in prisma?

I'm trying to create two relations to a model in datamodel.prisma
type User {
id: ID! #id
user_id: String! #unique
username: String!
email: String! #unique
type Operation {
id: ID! #id
teams: [User] #relation(link: INLINE)
created_by: User #relation(link: INLINE)
When I try to deploy this is the error I'm getting
✖ The relation field `teams` must specify a `#relation` directive: `#relation(name: "MyRelation")`
✖ The relation field `created_by` must specify a `#relation` directive: `#relation(name: "MyRelation")`
What I want to achieve is an operation can have multiple members(one to many) and can only be created by one member(one to one). How can I achieve this in Prisma?
Could you try creating it like this:
type User {
id: ID! #id
user_id: String! #unique
username: String!
email: String! #unique
type Operation {
id: ID! #id
teams: [User] #relation(name: "Teams", link: TABLE)
created_by: User #relation(name: "Createdby", link: TABLE)
The name field is required while creating multiple relations to the same model.
Also I'm assuming you are using Postgres.

How can I condition GraphQL mutation based on exists?

I am creating schemas in GraphQl and testing these in Playground. These seem to work fine in being able to create Club, User and Team, yet I only want to be able to create a team if a club exists and can therefore connect to the club. At the moment I can create a team without a club existing, which of course shouldn't happen. On create Team Mutation, I also want to stop any club being created, the club must exist prior to any mutation on a Team.
Here is what I have at the moment for my schemas
type Club {
id: ID! #unique
name: String! #unique
team: [Team!]! #relation(name: "TeamToClub", onDelete: CASCADE)
admin: User! #relation(name: "UserToClub", onDelete: SET_NULL)
type User {
id: ID! #unique
name: String!
team: [Team!]! #relation(name: "TeamToUser", onDelete: SET_NULL)
club: [Club!]! #relation(name: "UserToClub", onDelete: SET_NULL)
type Team {
id: ID! #unique
name: String!
club: Club! #relation(name: "TeamToClub", onDelete: SET_NULL)
creator: User! #relation(name: "TeamToUser", onDelete: SET_NULL)
coach:[Coach!]! #relation(name: "CoachToTeam", onDelete: SET_NULL)
Here are my mutations for creating a user
mutation {
name:"Jack Jones",
and creating a team..
mutation {
title:"Barcelona FC"
agegroup:"Under 12s",
published: false,
coachcreator {
both of which work without connecting to a club.
Could anybody provide a possible solution to ensure a condition is in place to say a team can only be created when a club already exists.
Strange mutations - looks like they are completely not related to types.
Usually create mutation returns created type, f.e. createUser returns User ... and mutation argument - input type (UserInput) - with almost the same shape as returned type (without id).
The simplest method to ensure that createTeam has proper (existing) club relation is to define club as required argument of mutation.

Do I have to create a new type to define array of objects in GraphQL schemas?

I’m trying to replicate a REST API that I’ve built in the past and one part that got me thinking was if one of my tables had an array of objects. So for example, I have a table called Profile and it contains arrays Experience and Education that would strictly be under Profile but has its own fields as well but not its own table.
While I was adding fields in GraphQL, I bumped into this not really having a solid solution other than to create new types and then associating them with relationships and then have a resolver or a front-end make sure a Profile is created first before the Experience/Education portion is. I’m not sure if it’s the right way to do it or if there is a better way to do it. Down below is a snippet of what I ended up using… looking at the admin page, there are created tables for Profile, Experience and Education which is expected. But is there a way to only have just Profile and accomplish something similar? Or is this more of a way of life with GraphQL?
type Profile {
id: ID! #id
handle: String!
company: String
website: String
location: String
status: String!
githubUsername: String
experience: [Experience!] #relation(link: INLINE)
education: [Education!] #relation(link: INLINE)
type Experience {
id: ID! #id
title: String!
company: String!
type Education {
id: ID! #id
title: String!
company: String!
In Prisma, you can use embedded types. You would drop the #relation directive and add #embedded directives to the types you're embedding:
type Profile {
id: ID! #id
handle: String!
company: String
website: String
location: String
status: String!
githubUsername: String
experience: [Experience!]
education: [Education!]
type Experience #embedded {
title: String!
company: String!
type Education #embedded {
title: String!
company: String!
However, this only possible if you're using MongoDB for your database and there's some specific limitations listed in the docs when using embedded types.

Same type relationships in GraphQL / Prisma

I am trying to create a one-to-many relation of the same type. In this case, a user can report to one user and in turn have many users reporting to them.
My data model currently looks like this:
type User {
id: ID! #id
name: String!
email: String! #unique
reportsTo: User #relation(name: "UserReports")
reports: [User] #relation(name: "UserReports")
I expect adding a userId to reportsTo should add the corresponding user's ID to reports.
However, adding a userId to reportsTo is adding the userId to the same user's reports, rather than other users reports.
You can't have a relationship with different elements of the one type. A relation is connecting two different types so we know they share information. Therefore we need to create some addition types that we can base a relationship on.
I've created two different types, one a "supervisor" who is a user who supervises other users, but we will have those users as a second type, "supervisee". Each user can be both a supervisor and a supervisee. There is a relation between a user and each of these two types and a relation between these two types as well.
This is the datamodel:
type User {
id: ID! #id
name: String!
email: String! #unique
supervisor: Supervisor #relation(name: "UserToSupervisor")
supervisee: Supervisee #relation(name: "UserToSupervisee")
type Supervisor {
id: ID! #id
user: User! #relation(name: "UserToSupervisor")
supervisees: [Supervisee!]! #relation(name: "SupervisorToSupervisee")
type Supervisee {
id: ID! #id
user: User! #relation(name: "UserToSupervisee")
supervisor: Supervisor! #relation(name: "SupervisorToSupervisee")
You must view the "supervisor" field in user not as who that users supervior is, but that the user might be a supervisor themselves. This is also the case with supervisee. Basically supervisor and supervisee are extensions of user and the working relationship between them is defined between those two types.
