Cleanup a path list in bash, removing all children paths (subdirectories) - bash

I have a file containing a list of paths like the following:
As of today, I iterate of that list, check if the path exists, and if so, I delete the path / file.
This works, but isn't very optimized since once a directory is deleted, I can safely assume that all of it's children are deleted too.
I also happen to use that list in rsync as exclude list, which is quite cpu extensive because the list can be quite big.
I'd like to clean that list before using it, meaning that if /some/path exists, all children paths ie /some/path/* can be safely removed from the list.
The result list of the example above should look like
The list is already sorted, meaning there won't be a case like
What's the fastest way to do so in GNU bash ?
Source list is generated as follows:
rsync creates a list of files in paths, using grep and sed to 'clean' rsync output
# rsync operation explanation
# (command || :) = Return code 0 regardless of command return code
# (grep -E \"^-|^d|^l\" || :) = Be sure line begins with '-' or 'd' or 'l' (rsync semantics for file, directory or symlink)
# (sed -r 's/^.{10} +[0-9,]+ [0-9/]{10} [0-9:]{8} //' || :) = Remove everything before timestamps
# (awk 'BEGIN { FS=\" -> \" } ; { print \$1 }' || :) = Only show output before ' -> ' in order to remove symlink destinations
# (grep -v \"^\.$\" || :) = Removes line containing current directory sign '.'
rsync --list-only -rlptgoDE8 /path1 | (grep -E \"^-|^d|^l\" || :) |
(sed -r 's/^.{10} +[0-9,]+ [0-9/]{10} [0-9:]{8} //' || :) |
(awk 'BEGIN { FS=\" -> \" } ; { print \$1 }' || :) |
(grep -v \"^\.$\" || :) | sort > /tmp/path1_list
rsync --list-only -rlptgoDE8 /path2 | (grep -E \"^-|^d|^l\" || :) |
(sed -r 's/^.{10} +[0-9,]+ [0-9/]{10} [0-9:]{8} //' || :) |
(awk 'BEGIN { FS=\" -> \" } ; { print \$1 }' || :) |
(grep -v \"^\.$\" || :) | sort > /tmp/path2_list
comm -23 /tmp/path1_list /tmp/path2_list > final_list
Purpose of final_list is to have a list of files which are present in /path1 but not in /path2
I use rsync to create the file lists because I need to honor rsync exclusion patterns, which I can't with other utilities, hence the whole rsync decoding used for list generation.
The whole project is about statefull file synchronization hosted at
michael's answer based on awk works great, except for specific corner cases like:
Overall, I could "dedupe" some of my lists from 48k lines to 50. Not a perfect solution, but does the job so far.

Considering that a sorted file of paths would have redundant paths listed after matching substrings, e.g.,
/one/two # dupe, matches /one
/one/two/three # dupe, matches /one
/two/three/four # dupe, matches /two/three
Then if you go thru the file, and if the current line contains the substring above it (or, specifically, the shortest substring above it), then just skip those lines:
LC_COLLATE=C sort -u file.txt | awk '
BEGIN { prev="^dummy/" }
$0 ~ prev { print "# skip: " $0; next }
$0 !~ prev { print $0; prev="^"$0"/" }'
This prefixes lines to skip with # so you can see what's omitted, feel free to remove that once you verify this might work.
I'm ignoring the difference between files and directories, because checking would be messy & a lot slower.
Also, /path/to/file should not cause /path/to/file2 to be skipped, even though it's a substring as coded, hence I use a regex like ^string/ to assume every entry is a directory to avoid that problem.
Technically, having both pattern matches is probably redundant, unless you need to tweak them.
Maybe make sure there are no blank lines or other oddities in the input, e.g., sort input.txt | grep '^/' | awk ...
I added LC_COLLATE=C so that /path/one/ would sort ahead of /path/one2, otherwise the original assumption above (sorted substrings indicates subdirs) doesn't hold. (It might not hold in other cases, as well, but then at least there still will be fewer duplicates, but still some duplicates.) I just noticed this problem right as I was posting, and perhaps you'll discover other corner cases, so please do test :-)

You need two while loops. The outer while loop reads the base paths. And the inner while loops reads the lines to drop.
#! /bin/bash
exec 0< full-list
exec 1> reduced-list
read -r line1
while :; do
echo "$line1"
while :; do
if read -r line2; then
case $line2 in
exit 0
The above code assumes that there is at least one line in the full list. If this can not be guaranteed, you have to add an additional if statement after the first read.


Speed up bash for loop which contains multiple sed commands

my bash for loop looks like:
for i in read_* ; do
cut -f1 $i | sponge $i
sed -i '1 s/^/>/g' $i
sed -i '3 s/^/>ref\n/g' $i
sed -i '4d' $i
sed -i '1h;2H;1,2d;4G' $i
mv $i $i.fasta
Are there any methods of speeding up this process, perhaps using GNU parallel?
EDIT: Added input and expected output.
sampleid 97 stuff 2086 42 213M = 3322 1431
Hopeful output:
I used the sed -i '1h;2H;1,2d;4G' $i command to swap lines 2 and 4.
If I read it right, this should create the same result, though it would probably help a LOT if I could see what your input and expected output look like...
awk '{$0=$1}
FNR==1{hd=">"$0; next}
FNR==3{print ">ref\n"$0 > FILENAME".fasta"}
FNR==5{print hd"\n"$0 > FILENAME".fasta"}
' read_*
My input files:
$: cat read_x
foo x
bar x
baz x
last x
curiosity x
$: cat read_y
and the resulting output files:
$: cat read_x.fasta
$: cat read_y.fasta
This runs in one pass with no loop aside from awk's usual internals, and leaves the originals in place so you can check it first. If all is good, all that's left is to remove the originals. For that, I would use extended globbing.
$: shopt -s extglob; rm read_!(*.fasta)
That will clean up the original inputs but not the new outputs.
Same results, three commands, no loops.
I am, or course, making some assumptions about what you are meaning to do that might not be accurate. To get this format in a single sed call -
$: sed -e 's/[[:space:]].*//' -e '1{s/^/>/;h;d}' -e '2{H;s/.*/>ref/}' -e '4x' read_x
but that's not the same commands you used, so maybe I'm misreading it.
To use this to in-place edit multiple files at a time (instead of calling it in a loop on each file), use -si so that the line numbers apply to each file rather than the stream of records they collectively produce.
DON'T use -is, though you could use -i -s.
$: sed -s -i -e 's/[[:space:]].*//' -e '1{s/^/>/;h;d}' -e '2{H;s/.*/>ref/}' -e '4x' read_*
This still leaves you with the issue of renaming each, but xargs makes that pretty easy in the given example.
printf "%s\n" read_* | xargs -I# mv # #.fasta
Using the file you gave in the OP, assuming every file is the same general structure and exactly 4 lines -
$: cat file_0 # I made files 0 through 7, but with same data
sampleid 97 stuff 2086 42 213M = 3322 1431
$: sed -Esi '1{s/^([^[:space:]]+).*/>\1/;h;s/.*/>ref/}; 3x;' file_?
$: cat file_0 # used a diff on each, worked on all at once
-Esi Extended pattern matching, separate file linecounts, in-place edits
1{...}; Collectively do these commands, in order, only on every line 1
s/^([^[:space:]]+).*/>\1/ add leading > but strip everything after any whitespace
h store the resulting >\1 line in the hold buffer
s/.*/>ref/ then replace the whole line with a literal >ref
`3x' swap line 3 with the value in the hold buffer from line 1
file_? I used a glob to supply the appropriate list of files all at once.
Doing same with awk:
$: awk 'FNR==1{id=">"$1; print ">ref" >FILENAME".fasta"; next} FNR==3{print id > FILENAME".fasta"; next} {print $0 > FILENAME".fasta"}' file_?
Then you can do file management as above with the xargs/mv for the sed or the shopt/rm for the awk - or we could add a little organizational work in awk if you like. Consider this:
awk 'BEGIN { system(" mkdir -p done ") }
FNR==1 { id=">"$1; print ">ref" > FILENAME".fasta"; next } # skip printing original
FNR==3 { print id > FILENAME".fasta"; next } # skip printing original
{ print $0 > FILENAME".fasta" } # every line NOT skipped
FNR==4 { close(FILENAME); close(FILENAME".fasta");
system("mv " FILENAME " done/")
}' file_?
Then if there are any problems, it's easy to delete the fasta's, move the originals back, adjust the code, and try again. If everything is ok, it's fast and easy to rm -fr done, yes?
Note that I really only added the mkdir inside a system call in the awk to show that you can, and to keep from having to manually do it separately if you have to run a few iterations or move it all into a wrapper script, etc.
The code in the question runs multiple subprocesses (cut, sponge, sed four times, and mv) for each file that is processed. Running subprocesses is relatively slow, so you can speed up the code significantly by reducing the number of them.
This Shellcheck-clean code is one way to do it:
#! /bin/bash -p
for f in read_* ; do
readarray -t lines <"$f"
printf '>ref\n%s\n>%s\n%s\n' \
"${lines[3]}" "${lines[0]%%[[:space:]]*}" "${lines[1]}" >"$f.fasta"
old_files+=( "$f" )
rm -- "${old_files[#]}"
This runs no subprocesses when processing individual files. It just reads the lines of the old file into an array using the built-in readarray command and writes to the new file using the built-in printf.
See Removing part of a string (BashFAQ/100 (How do I do string manipulation in bash?)) for an explanation of the %% in ${lines[0]%%[[:space:]]*}.
To avoid running rm for each file, the code keeps a list of files to be deleted and removes all of them at the end. If you try the code, consider commenting the rm line until you are very confident that the rest of the code is doing what you want.

Grep list (file) from another file

Im new to bash and trying to extract a list of patterns from file:
base.csv (tried comma separated and tab delimited)
line 1,,,,"hfhf,ferf,ju,ABC"
line 2 ,,,,,"ewy,trggt,gtg,ABC,RFR"
line 3 .."himk,n,hn.ujj., BDF"
Suggested output is smth like
line 1..
line 2..(whole lines)
line 3..
and so on for each pattern from file 1
the code i tried was:
for i in *.txt -# cycle through all files containing pattern lists
for q in "$i"; # # cycle through list
echo $q >>output.${i};
grep -f "${q}" base.csv >>output.${i};
echo "\n";
But output is only filename and then some list of strings without pattern names, e.g.
line 1...
line 2...
line 3..
so i don`t know to what pattern belongs each string and have to check and assign manually. Can you please point out my errors? Thanks!
grep can process multiple files in one go, and then has the attractive added bonus of indicating which file it found a match in.
grep -f File1.txt base.csv >output.txt
It's not clear what you hope for the inner loop to do; it will just loop over a single token at a time, so it's not really a loop at all.
If you want the output to be grouped per pattern, here's a for loop which looks for one pattern at a time:
while read -r pat; do
echo "$pat"
grep "$pat" *.txt
done <File1.txt >output.txt
But the most efficient way to tackle this is to write a simple Awk script which processes all the input files at once, and groups the matches before printing them.
An additional concern is anchoring. grep "ABC" will find a match in 123DEABCXYZ; is this something you want to avoid? You can improve the regex, or, again, turn to Awk which gives you more control over where exactly to look for a match in a structured line.
awk '# Read patterns into memory
NR==FNR { a[++i] = $1; next }
# Loop across patterns
{ for(j=1; j<=i; ++j)
if($0 ~ a[j]) {
print FILENAME ":" FNR ":" $0 >>output.a[j]
next }
}' File1.txt base.csv
You're not actually reading the files, you're just handling the filenames. Try this:
for i in *.txt # cycle through all files containing pattern lists
while read -r q # read file line by line
echo "$q" >>"output.${i}"
grep -f "${q}" base.csv >>"output.${i}"
echo "\n"
done < "${i}"
Here is one that separates (with split, comma-separatd with quotes and spaces stripped off) words from file2 to an array (word[]) and stores the record names (line 1 etc.) to it comma-separated:
awk '
n=split($0,tmp,/[" ]*(,|$)[" ]*/) # split words
for(i=2;i<=n;i++) # after first
if(tmp[i]!="") # non-empties
word[tmp[i]]=word[tmp[i]] (word[tmp[i]]==""?"":",") tmp[1] # hash rownames
record[tmp[1]]=$0 # store records
($1 in word) { # word found
n=split(word[$1],tmp,",") # get record names
print $1 ":" # output word
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) # and records
print record[tmp[i]]
}' file2 file1
line 1,,,,"hfhf,ferf,ju,ABC"
line 2 ,,,,,"ewy,trggt,gtg,ABC,RFR"
line 3 .."himk,n,hn.ujj., BDF"
Thank you for your kind help, my friends.
Tried both variants above but kept getting various errors ( "do" expected) or misbehavior ( gets names of pattern blocks, eg ABC, BDF, but no lines.
Gave up for a while and then eventually tried another way
While base goal were to cycle through pattern list files, search for patterns in huge file and write out specific columns from lines found - i simply wrote
for *i in *txt # cycle throughfiles w/ patterns
grep -F -f "$i" bigfile.csv >> ${i}.out1 #greps all patterns from current file
cut -f 2,3,4,7 ${i}.out1>> ${i}.out2 # cuts columns of interest and writes them out to another file
I'm aware that this code should be improved using some fancy pipeline features, but it works perfectly as is, hope it`ll help somebody in similar situation. You can easily add some echoes to write out pattern list names as i initially requested

Bash - shorten script with function

In my script I need to get the highest number of a file two times, so i wanted to create a function. This is the command in the script:
First time:
highest=$( ls $path.bak.* | sort -t"." -k2 -n | tail -n1 | sed -r 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/')
Second time:
newhighest=$(ls $path.bak.* | sort -t"." -k2 -n | tail -n1 | sed -r 's/.*\.(.*)/\1/')
Now my question:
How can I shorten this with a function?
Here my Input-Files:
Expected return: 11
Written out for readability:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ^^^^ - Ensure that this script is run with bash, not /bin/sh
# Enable "extended globs", so we can exclude names that don't end with digits
shopt -s extglob
# since your files are test.bak.*
get_highest() {
# set the function's argument list
set -- "$path".bak.+([[:digit:]])
# if we have just one valid filename, we know the glob expanded successfully.
# otherwise, no such files exist, so exit the function immediately
[[ -e $1 || -L $1 ]] || return 1
# stream our list of extensions into sort, and let awk find the highest number
printf '%s\n' "${###*.}" | awk '$0>last{last=$0}END{print last}'
highest=$(get_highest) || { echo "No backup files found" >&2; exit 1; }
new_highest=$(get_highest) || { echo "No backup files on 2nd pass" >&2; exit 1; }
Expansions need to be quoted; "$path"/*, not $path/*, or else path="Directory With Spaces/test" would look for files in Spaces/test, after emitting Directory and With as results.
ls should never be used programatically.
extglob syntax allows regex-like capabilities for matching groups of files, letting us assert here that we only consider filenames that end in .bak. followed by a digit.
In general, you should write your scripts to be easy to read and understand as a higher priority than writing them to be short. Your future self (and others who need to maintain code in the future) will thank you.
Because newlines can contain in filenames, they're unsafe to use to separate filenames in a stream; only the NUL character is safe for this use when names are not otherwise quoted or escaped. Thus, when emitting a stream of arbitrary names they should be formatted with the string %s\0 and sorted with the -z argument. However, we're only printing the numeric extensions here, making newlines safe.

Finding the file name in a directory with a pattern

I need to find the latest file - filename_YYYYMMDD in the directory DIR.
The below is not working as the position is shifting each time because of the spaces between(occurring mostly at file size field as it differs every time.)
please suggest if there is other way.
report =‘ls -ltr $DIR/filename_* 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | cut -d “ “ -f9’
You can use AWK to cut the last field . like below
report=`ls -ltr $DIR/filename_* 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}'`
Cut may not be an option here
If I understand you want to loop though each file in the directory and file the largest 'YYYYMMDD' value and the filename associated with that value, you can use simple POSIX parameter expansion with substring removal to isolate the 'YYYYMMDD' and compare against a value initialized to zero updating the latest variable to hold the largest 'YYYYMMDD' as you loop over all files in the directory. You can store the name of the file each time you find a larger 'YYYYMMDD'.
For example, you could do something like:
for i in *; do
test "${i##*_}" -gt "$latest" && { latest="${i##*_}"; name="$i"; }
printf "%s\n" "$name"
Example Directory
$ ls -1rt
Example Use/Output
$ name=; latest=0; \
> for i in *; do \
> test "${i##*_}" -gt "$latest" && { latest="${i##*_}"; name="$i"; }; \
> done; \
> printf "%s\n" "$name"
Where the script selects filename_20120615 as the file with the greatest 'YYYYMMDD' of all files in the directory.
Since you are using only tools provided by the shell itself, it doesn't need to spawn subshells for each pipe or utility it calls.
Give it a test and let me know if that is what you intended, let me know if your intent was different, or if you have any further questions.

Writing a script for large text file manipulation (iterative substitution of duplicated lines), weird bugs and very slow.

I am trying to write a script which takes a directory containing text files (384 of them) and modifies duplicate lines that have a specific format in order to make them not duplicates.
In particular, I have files in which some lines begin with the '#' character and contain the substring 0:0. A subset of these lines are duplicated one or more times. For those that are duplicated, I'd like to replace 0:0 with i:0 where i starts at 1 and is incremented.
So far I've written a bash script that finds duplicated lines beginning with '#', writes them to a file, then reads them back and uses sed in a while loop to search and replace the first occurrence of the line to be replaced. This is it below:
#for each fastq file
for f in $fdir
#find duplicated read names and write to file $f.txt
sort $f | uniq -d | grep ^# > "$f".txt
#loop over each duplicated readname
while read in; do
#while this readname still exists in the file increment and replace
while grep -q "$rname" $f; do
sed -i.bu "0,/$rname/s/$rname/$replace/" "$f"
let "i+=1"
done < "$f".txt
rm "$f".txt
rm "$f".bu
echo "done" >> progress.txt
background=( $(jobs -p) )
if (( ${#background[#]} ==40)); then
wait -n
The problem with it is that its impractically slow. I ran it on a 48 core computer for over 3 days and it hardly got through 30 files. It also seemed to have removed about 10 files and I'm not sure why.
My question is where are the bugs coming from and how can I do this more efficiently? I'm open to using other programming languages or changing my approach.
Strangely the loop works fine on one file. Basically I ran
sort $f | uniq -d | grep ^# > "$f".txt
while read in; do
while grep -q "$rname" $f; do
sed -i.bu "0,/$rname/s/$rname/$replace/" "$f"
let "i+=1"
done < "$f".txt
To give you an idea of what the files look like below are a few lines from one of them. The thing is that even though it works for the one file, it's slow. Like multiple hours for one file of 7.5 M. I'm wondering if there's a more practical approach.
With regard to the file deletions and other bugs I have no idea what was happening Maybe it was running into memory collisions or something when they were run in parallel?
Sample input:
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:0:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:0:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
Sample output:
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:1:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:2:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
Here's some code that produces the required output from your sample input.
Again, it is assumed that your input file is sorted by the first value (up to the first space character).
time awk '{
#dbg if (dbg) print "#dbg:prev=" prev
if (/^#/ && prev!=$1) {fixNum=0 ;if (dbg) print "prev!=$1=" prev "!=" $1}
if (/^#/ && (prev==$1 || NR==1) ) {
n=split($1,tmpArr,":") ; n++
#dbg if (dbg) print "tmpArr[6]="tmpArr[6] "\tfixNum="fixNum
# magic to rebuild $1 here
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
tmpFix ? tmpFix=tmpFix":"tmpArr[i]"" : tmpFix=tmpArr[i]
$1=tmpFix ; $0=$0
print $0
else { tmpFix=""; print $0 }
}' file > fixedFile
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:1:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
#D00269:138:HJG2TADXX:2:1101:2:0 1:N:0:CCTAGAAT+ATTCCTCT
I've left a few of the #dbg:... statements in place (but they are now commented out) to show how you can run a small set of data as you have provided, and watch the values of variables change.
Assuming a non-csh, you should be able to copy/paste the code block into a terminal window cmd-line and replace file > fixFile at the end with your real file name and a new name for the fixed file. Recall that awk 'program' file > file (actually, any ...file>file) will truncate the existing file and then try to write, SO you can lose all the data of a file trying to use the same name.
There are probably some syntax improvements that will reduce the size of this code, and there might be 1 or 2 things that could be done that will make the code faster, but this should run very quickly. If not, please post the result of time command that should appear at the end of the run, i.e.
real 0m0.18s
user 0m0.03s
sys 0m0.06s
sort $1 | uniq -d | grep ^# > dups.txt
while read in; do
if [ $((i%4))=0 ] && grep -q "$in" dups.txt; then
x=${x/"0:0 "/$i":0 "}
echo "$x" >> $1"fixed.txt"
echo "$in" >> $1"fixed.txt"
let "i+=1"
done < $1
