Vuetify radio group buttons appearing as $ Radio symbol Circle - vuetify.js

I am not getting the radio button option. It is displaying a weired image icon.
<v-radio-group v-model="radioGroup">
v-for="(accountType, index) in accountTypes"
:key= "accountType.key"
:value= "accountType.key"

I changed the version of the vue.js file and it is loading fine.


Can multiple BlueprintJS Popovers have the same target? (e.g. one for click and another for hover)

Let's say I have a Button component, and I'd like Popover A to appear upon hovering over the Button, and Popover B to appear when clicking on the button. Is this possible?
You can do this by nesting the popovers like this:
<Popover content={<div>Hover</div>} interactionKind={PopoverInteractionKind.HOVER}>
<Popover content={<div>Click</div>} interactionKind={PopoverInteractionKind.CLICK}>
<Button text="Button with two popovers"/>
There's a working example here.
In the case you don't want the hover popover to appear whenever a user clicks on the button, you can achieve this by switching to controlled usage by setting the isOpen prop. See the BP docs for more info on this.

KendoUI How can we generate button to clear data near a field (in a popup)

I have popup in a grid. when I click the popup button I have fields (kendo datepicker) now I want to put a button just near the calendar logo int the same line .
How can I do that any ideas ? Thanks.

ADF: panel splitter and command tool bar button

I have create ADF application which has page that using panel splitter and command tool bar button.
1.How to make panel splitter width fixed and and cannot be moved in the ADF pages?
Since currently, i can move the splitter using mouse and adjust the size.
2.How to disable command toolbar button or change the colour after click? Reason I do
like this is to let user know which page that currently view right now.
For example: I have navigation bar(using command Toolbar button)
If I choose REGISTRATION button,it will display registration page.REGISTRATION button
will disable or change colour until other button has been choose.
Can anyone help?Need this thing urgently.
Thanks in advance.
Q1) set the disabled property of the splitter to true
<af:panelSplitter id="ps1" disabled="true" ... />
Q2) How about putting an information on the page so that the user can read on which page he is. For this you don't have to changes anything if another page has to add to the application.
If you realy like to implement it with the button styles you can set an attribute in pageflow scope to the last clicked button id, then you set the disabled property of each button in the toolbar ro an EL like
disabled="#{pageFlowScope.lastButtonClicked eq 'ctb1'}"
Where ctb1 is the ID of the button. On the button ctb1 you add an
<af:setActionListener from="#{'cbt1'}" to ="#{pageFlowScope.lastbuttonClicked}"/>
Then you may need to add some partial triggers to see the result.
You can use the same techniqure to switch e.g. the background color of the button. For this you use the EL on the inlineStyle attribute of each button like:
inlineStyle="#{pageFlowScope.lastButtonClicked eq 'ctb1'?'background-color:Aqua;' :''}"
Then the last clicked button should come with Aqua background color.
#{(sessionScope.teamPage eq 'MGRV')?'background-color:rgb(99,206,255); color:red; font-weight:bolder;':'background-color:transparent;'}

Uncheck radio button custom control in ASP MVC

I want to create a radio button custom control in my ASP MVC application. I am using HTML Helpers for this (I hope it is the right way). I want to know if there is a way to make the radio button unchecked when clicked.
Any ideas ?
I want to know if there is a way to make the radio button unchecked when clicked.
That's a very weird requirement and you probably should be using checkboxes instead of radio buttons, but anyway, it is possible with javascript. If we suppose that the radio button is checked initially and you want to uncheck it when clicked:
$(function() {
$('#id_of_radio_button').click(function() {
But really, that's very weird. Radio buttons normally work by having them in groups: you have a couple of radio buttons and you can check only one in the group. So by selecting a different radio button in the group you are unchecking the current one.
Checkboxes on the other hand are not grouped. You can check/uncheck their values by clicking on them.


I Have three records which I want to display in three Accordion Panes
which (every pane) will have a Header and a content ( Two label controls, 1 text box and 1 checkbox and 1 link button)
I am able to display data on the accrodion from database but when I am trying to Update the text in textbox by clicking link button the LINKBUTTON doesnot fire and unabel to make the update. How can we create Update event working ??
I am creating the Accordion Panes and Content controls statically and directly assigning the values to the controls from Code behind in Page Load.
I was able to do it using the "ItemCommand" event of the Accordion Panel by using the Command Name property of a Link Button which will update the Text Boxes.
It works for me now but I felt JQUERY will be a better option which has no postback, css issues..
