zeromq: ZMQ_CONFLATE==1 does not stop queues from saving old messages - caching

With ZeroMQ and CPPZMQ 4.3.2, I want to drop old messages for all my sockets including
So I use m_socks[channel].setsockopt(ZMQ_CONFLATE, 1) on all my sockets before binding/connecting.
However, when I made the following test, it seems that the old messages are still flushed out on each reconnection. In this test,
I use a thread to keep sending generated sinewave to a receiver thread
Every 10 seconds I double the sinewave's frequency
Then after 10 seconds I stop the process
Below is the pseudocode of the sender
// on sender end
auto thenSec = high_resolution_clock::now();
while(m_isRunning) {
// generate sinewave, double the frequency every 10s or so
auto nowSec = high_resolution_clock::now();
if (duration_cast<seconds>(nowSec - thenSec).count() > 10) {
thenSec = nowSec;
// send to rendering thread
(const void*)(audio),
Note that I already use DONTWAIT to mitigate blocking.
On the receiver side I have a zmq::poller_event handler that simply receives the last message on event polling.
In the stop sequence I reset the sinewave frequency to its lowest value, say, 440Hz.
The expected behaviour would be:
If I stop both the sender and the receiver after 10s when the frequency is doubled,
and I restart both,
then I should see the sinewave reset to 440Hz.
But the observed behaviour is that the received sinewave is still of the doubled frequency after restarting the communication, i.e., 880Hz.
Am I doing it wrong or should I use some kind of killswitch to force drop all messages in this case?

OK, I think I solved it myself. Kind of.
Actual solution
I finally realized that the behaviour I want is to flush all messages when I stop the rendering. According to the official doc(How can I flush all messages that are in the ZeroMQ socket queue?), this can only be achieved by
set the sockets of both sender's and receiver's ZMQ_LINGER option to 0, meaning to keep nothing on closing those sockets;
closing the sockets on both sender and receiver ends, which also involves bootstrapping pollers and all references to the sockets.
This seems a lot of unnecessary work if I'm to restart rendering my data again, right after the stop sequence. But I found no other way to solve this cleanly.
Initial effort
It seems to me that ZMQ_CONFLATE does not make a difference on PAIR. I really have to tweak high water marks on sender and receiver ends using ZMQ_SNDHWM and ZMQ_RCVHWM.
However, I said "kind of solved" because tweaking HWM in the end is not the optimal solution for a realtime application,
having ZMQ_SNDHWM / ZMQ_RCVHWM set to the minimum "1", we still have a sizable latency in terms of realtime.
Also, the consumer thread could fall into underrun situatioin, i.e., perceivable jitters with the lowest HWM.
If I'm not doing anything wrong, I guess the optimal solution would still be shared memory for my targeted scenario. This is sad because I really enjoyed the simplicity of ZMQ's multicast messaging patternsand hate to deal with thread locking littered everywhere.


Does an OMNET++ / Veins simulation get very slow if both Vehicles and RSUs broadcast messages periodically?

Let me give a brief context first:
I have a scenario where the RSUs will broadcast a fixed message 'RSUmessage' about every TRSU seconds. I have implemented the following code for RSU broadcast (also, these fixed messages have Psid = -100 to differentiate them from others):
void TraCIDemoRSU11p::handleSelfMsg(cMessage* msg) {
if (WaveShortMessage* wsm = dynamic_cast<WaveShortMessage*>(msg)) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + trsu +uniform(0.02, 0.05), RSUmessage);
else {
A car can receive these messages from other cars as well as RSUs. RSUs discard the messages received from cars. The cars will receive multiple such messages, do some comparison stuff and periodically broadcast a similar type of message : 'aggregatedMessage' per interval Tcar. aggregatedMessage also have Psid=-100 ,so that the message can be differentiated from other messages easily.
I am scheduling the car events using self messages. (Though it could have been done inside handlePositionUpdate I believe). The handleSelfMsg of a car is following:
void TraCIDemo11p::handleSelfMsg(cMessage* msg) {
if (WaveShortMessage* wsm = dynamic_cast<WaveShortMessage*>(msg)) {
wsm->setSerial(wsm->getSerial() +1);
if (wsm->getPsid() == -100) {
//sendDelayedDown(aggregatedMessage->dup(), simTime()+uniform(0.1,0.5));
scheduleAt(simTime()+tcar+uniform(0.01, 0.05), aggregatedMessage);
//send this message on the service channel until the counter is 3 or higher.
//this code only runs when channel switching is enabled
else if (wsm->getSerial() >= 3) {
//stop service advertisements
else {
scheduleAt(simTime()+1, wsm);
else {
PROBLEM: With this setting, the simulation is very very slow. I get about 50 simulation seconds in 5-6 hours or more in Express mode in OMNET GUI. (No. of RSU: 64, Number of Vehicle: 40, around 1kmx1km map)
Also, I am referring to this post. The OP says that he got faster speed by removing the sending of message after each RSU received a message. In my case I cannot remove that, because I need to send out the broadcast messages after each interval.
Question: I think that this slowness is because every node is trying to sendDown messages at the beginning of each simulated second. Is it the case that when all vehicles and nodes schedules and sends message at the same time OMNET slows down? (Makes sense to slow down , but by what degree) But, there are only around 100 nodes overall in the simulation. Surely it cannot be this slow.
What I tried : I tried using sendDelayedDown(wsm->dup(), simTime()+uniform(0.1,0.5)); to spread the sending of the messages through out 1st half of each simulated second. This seems to stop messages piling up at the beginning of each simulation seconds and sped things up a bit, but not so much overall.
Can anybody please let me know if this is normal behavior or whether I am doing something wrong.
Also I apologize for the long post. I could not explain my problem without giving the context.
It seems you are flooding your network with messages: Every message from an RSU gets duplicated and transmitted again by every Car which has received this message. Hence, the computational time increases quadratically with the number of nodes (sender of messages) in your network (every sent message has to be handled by every node which is in range to receive it). The limit of 3 transmissions per message does not seem to help much and, as the comment in the code indicates, is not used at all, if there is no channel switching.
Therefore, if you can not improve/change your code to simply send less messages, you have to live with that. Your little tweak to send the messages in a delayed manner only distributes the messages over one second but does not solve the problem of flooding.
However, there are still some hints you can follow to improve the performance of your simulation:
Compile in release mode: make MODE=Release
Run your simulation in the terminal environment Cmdenv: ./run -u Cmdenv ...
If you need to use the graphical environment by all means, you should at least speed up the animations by using the slider in the upper part of the interface.
Removing the simtime-resolution parameter from the omnetpp.ini file solves the problem.
It seems the simulation kernel has an issue when the channel delay does not match the simulation-time resolution.
You can verify the solution by cloning the following repository. Note that you need a functional installation of the OMNeT++ framework. Specifically, I test this fix in OMNeT++ 5.6.2.

3 queues + 1 finish or device-side checkpoints for all queues

Is there a special "wait for event" function that can wait for 3 queues at the same time at device side so it doesn't wait for all queues serially from host side?
Is there a checkpoint command to send into a command queue such that it must wait for other command queues to hit same(vertically) barrier/checkpoint to wait and continue from device side so no host-side round-trip is needed?
For now, I tried two different versions:
clWaitForEvents(3, evt_);
int evtStatus0 = 0;
sizeof(cl_int), &evtStatus0, NULL);
while (evtStatus0 > 0)
sizeof(cl_int), &evtStatus0, NULL);
int evtStatus1 = 0;
sizeof(cl_int), &evtStatus1, NULL);
while (evtStatus1 > 0)
sizeof(cl_int), &evtStatus1, NULL);
int evtStatus2 = 0;
sizeof(cl_int), &evtStatus2, NULL);
while (evtStatus2 > 0)
sizeof(cl_int), &evtStatus2, NULL);
second one is a bit faster(I saw it from someone else) and both are executed after 3 flush commands.
Looking at CodeXL profiler results, first one waits longer between finish points and some operations don't even seem to be overlapping. Second one shows 3 finish points are all within 3 milliseconds so it is faster and longer parts are overlapped(read+write+compute at the same time).
If there is a way to achieve this with only 1 wait command from host side, there must a "flush" version of it too but I couldn't find.
Is there any way to achieve below picture instead of adding flushes between each pipeline step?
queue1 write checkpoint write checkpoint write
queue2 - compute checkpoint compute checkpoint compute
queue3 - checkpoint read checkpoint read
all checkpoints have to be vertically synchronized and all these actions must not start until a signal is given. Such as:
checkpoints are all handled in device side and only 3 finish commands are needed from host side(even better,only 1 finish for all queues?)
How I bind 3 queues to 3 events with "clWaitForEvents(3, evt_);" for now is:
hCommandQueue->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(NULL, &evt[0]);
hCommandQueue2->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(NULL, &evt[1]);
hCommandQueue3->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(NULL, &evt[2]);
if this "enqueue barrier" can talk with other queues, how could I achieve that? Do I need to keep host-side events alive until all queues are finished or can I delete them or re-use them later? From the documentation, it seems like first barrier's event can be put to second queue and second one's barrier event can be put to third one along with first one's event so maybe it is like:
hCommandQueue->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(NULL, &evt[0]);
hCommandQueue2->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(evt_0, &evt[1]);
hCommandQueue3->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(evt_0_and_1, &evt[2]);
in the end wait for only evt[2] maybe or using only 1 same event for all:
hCommandQueue->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(sameEvt, &evt[0]);
hCommandQueue2->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(sameEvt, &evt[1]);
hCommandQueue3->commandQueue.enqueueBarrierWithWaitList(sameEvt, &evt[2]);
where to get sameEvt object?
anyone tried this? Should I start all queues with a barrier so they dont start until I raise some event from host side or lazy-executions of "enqueue" is %100 trustable to "not to start until I flush/finish" them? How do I raise an event from host to device(sameEvt doesn't have a "raise" function, is it clCreateUserEvent?)?
All 3 queues are in-order type and are in same context. Out-of-order type is not supported by all graphics cards. C++ bindings are being used.
Also there are enqueueWaitList(is this deprecated?) and clEnqueueMarker but I don't know how to use them and documentation doesn't have any example in Khronos' website.
You asked too many questions and expressed too many variants to provide you with the only solution, so I will try to answer in general that you can figure out the most suitable solution.
If the queues are bind to the same context (possibly to different devices within the same context) than it is possible to synchronize them through the events. I.e. you can obtain an event from a command submitted to one queue and use this event to synchronize a command submitted to another queue, e.g.
queue1.enqueue(comm1, /*dependency*/ NULL, /*result event*/ &e1);
queue2.enqueue(comm2, /*dependency*/ &e1, /*result event*/ NULL);
In this example, comm2 will wait for comm1 completion.
If you need to enqueue commands first but no to allow them to be executed you can create user event (clCreateUserEvent) and signal it manually (clSetUserEventStatus). The implementation is allowed to process command as soon as they enqueued (the driver is not required to wait for the flush).
The barrier seems overkill for your purpose because it waits for all commands previously submitted to the queue. You can really use clEnqueueMarker that can be used to wait for all events and provide one event to be used for other commands.
As far as I know you can retain the event at any moment if you do not need it more. The implementation should prolong the event life-time if it is required for internal purposes.
I do not know what is enqueueWaitList.
Off-topic: if you need non-trivial dependencies between calculations you may want to consider TBB flow graph and opencl_node. The opencl_node uses events for syncronization and avoids "host-device" synchronizations if possible. However, it can be tricky to use multiple queues for the same device.
As far as I know, Intel HD Graphics 530 supports out-of-order queues (at least host-side).
You are making it much harder than it needs to be. On the write queue take an event. Use that as a condition for the compute on the compute queue, and take another event. Use that as a condition on the read on the read queue. There is no reason to force any other synchronization. Note: My interpretation of the spec is that you must clFlush on a queue that you took an event from before using that event as a condition on another queue.

sendReliable message sometimes not received by opposite peer

I've created a real time game for Google Play Game Services. It's in the later alpha stages right now. I have a question about sendReliableMessage. I've noticed certain cases where the other peer doesn't receive the message. I am aware that there is a callback onRealTimeMessageSent and I have some code in my MainActivity:
public void onRealTimeMessageSent(int i, int i2, String s) {
if(i== GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_OK)
My games render loop is checking every iteration the value of lastMessageStatus and if there was something other than STATUS_OK I'm painting a T-Rex right now.
My question is is checking the sent status really enough? I also could create source code where the sender has to wait for an Acknowledged message. Each message would be stamped with a UUID and if ack is not received within a timeout then the sender would send the message again? Is an ACK based system necessary to create a persistent connection?
I've noticed certain cases where there is some lag before the opposite peer received the reliable message and I was wondering is there a timeout on the sendReliable message? Google Play Services documentation doesn't seem to indicate in the documentation that there is a timeout at all.
Thank you
Reliable messages are just that, reliable. There are not a lot of use cases for the onRealTimeMessageSent callback for reliable messages because, as you said, it does not guarantee that the recipient has processed the message yet. Only that it was sent.
It may seem annoying, but an ACK-based system is the best way to know for sure that your user has received the message. A UUID is one good way to do this. I have done this myself and found it to work great (although now you have round-trip latency).
As far as timeout, that is not implemented in the RealTime Messaging API. I have personally found round trip latency (send message, receive ACK in callback) to be about 200ms, and I have never found a way to make a message fail to deliver eventually even when purposefully using bad network conditions.

sendto() dgrams do not block for ENOBUFS on OSX

This is more of a observation and also a suggestion for whats the best way to handle this scenario.
I have two threads one just pumps in data and another receives the data and does lot of work before sending it another socket. Both the threads are connected via a Domain socket. The protocol used here is UDP. I did not want to use TCP as it is stream based, which means if there is little space in the queue my data is split and sent. This is bad as Iam sending data that should not be split. Hence I used DGRAM. Interestingly when the send thread overwhelms the recv thread by pumping so much data, at some point the Domain socket buffer gets filled up and sendto() returns ENOBUFS. I was of the opinion that should this happen, sendto() would block until the buffer is available. This would be my desired behaviour. However this does not seem to be the case. I solve this problem in a rather weird way.
CPU Yield method
If I get ENOBUFS, I do a sched_yield(); as there is no pthread_yield() in OSX. After that I try to resend again. If that fails I keep doing the same until it is taken. This is bad as Iam wasting cpu cycles just doing something useless. I would love if sendto() blocked.
Sleep method
I tried to solve the same issue using sleep(1) instead of sched_yield() but this of no use as sleep() would put my process to sleep instead of just that send thread.
Both of them does not seem to work for me and Iam running out of options. Can someone suggest what is the best way to handle this issue? Is there some clever tricks Iam not aware of that can reduce unnecessary cpu cycles? btw, what the man page says about sentto() is wrong, based on this discussion
The Upd code in kernel:
The udp_output function in /sys/netinet/udp_usrreq.c, seems clear:
* Calculate data length and get a mbuf
* for UDP and IP headers.
M_PREPEND(m, sizeof(struct udpiphdr), M_DONTWAIT);
if (m == 0) {
error = ENOBUFS;
if (addr)
goto release;
I'm not sure why sendto() isn't blocking for you... but you might try calling this function before you each call to sendto():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
// Won't return until there is space available on the socket for writing
void WaitUntilSocketIsReadyForWrite(int socketFD)
fd_set writeSet;
FD_SET(socketFD, &writeSet);
if (select(socketFD+1, NULL, &writeSet, NULL, NULL) < 0) perror("select");
Btw how big are the packets that you are trying to send?
sendto() on OS X is really nonblocking (that is M_DONTWAIT flag for).
I suggest you to use stream based connection and just receive the whole data on the other side by using MSG_WAITALL flag of the recv function. If your data has strict structure than it would be simple, just pass the correct size to the recv. If not than just send some fixed-size control packet first with the size of the next chunk of data and then the data itself. On the receiver side you would be wait for control packet of fixed size and than the data of size from control packet.

measuring cross process latency on windows

I am building latency measurement into a communication middleware I am building. The way I have it working is that I periodically send a probe msg from my publishing apps. Subscribing apps receive this probe, cache it, and send an echo back at a time of their choosing, noting how much time the msg was kept “on hold”. The subscribing app receives these echos and calculates latency as (now() – time_sent – time_on_hold) / 2.
This kinda works, but the numbers are vastly different (3x) when “time on hold” is greater than 0. I.e if I echo the msg back immediately I get around 50us on my dev env and if I wait, then send the msg back the time jumps to 150us (though I discount whatever time I was on hold). I use QueryPerfomanceCounter for all measurements.
This is all inside a single Windows 7 box. What am I missing here?
A bit more information. I am using the following to measure time:
static long long timeFreq;
static struct Init
QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*) &timeFreq);
} init;
long long OS::now()
long long result;
return result;
double OS::secondsDiff(long long ts1, long long ts2)
return (double) (ts1-ts2)/timeFreq;
On the publish side I do something like:
Probe p;
p.sentTimeStamp = OS::now();
Response r = recv();
latency=OS::secondsDiff(OS::now()- r.sentTimeStamp) - r.secondsOnHoldOnReceiver;
And on the receiver side:
Probe p = recv();
long long received = OS::now();
Response r;
r.sentTimeStamp = p.timeStamp;
r.secondOnHoldOnReceiver = OS::secondsDiff(OS::now(), received);
Ok, I have edited my answer to reflect your answer: Sorry for the delay, but I didn't notice that you had elaborated on the question by creating an answer.
It's seems that functionally you are doing nothing wrong.
I think that when you distribute your application outside of localhost conditions, the additional 100us (if it is indeed roughly constant) will pale into insignificance compared to the average latency of a functioning network.
For the purposes of answering your question am thinking that there is a thread/interrupt scheduling issue on the server side that needs to be investigated, as you do not seem to be doing anything on the client that is not accounted for.
Try the following test scenario:
Send two Probes to clients A and B. (all localhost)
Send the Probe to 'Client B' one second (or X/2 seconds) after you send the probe to Client A.
Ensuring that 'Client A' waits for two seconds (or X seconds) and 'Client B' waits 'one second (or X/2 seconds)
The idea being that hopefully, both clients will send back their probe answers at roughly the same time and both after a sleep/wait (performing the action that exposes the problem). The objective is to try to get one of the clients responses to 'wake up' the publisher to see if the next clients answer will be processed immediately.
If one of these returned probes is not showing the anomily (most likely the second response) it could point to the fact that the publisher thread is waking from a sleep cycle (on recv 1st responce) and is immediately available to process the second response.
Again, if it turns out that the 100us delay is roughly constant, it will be +-10% of 1ms which is the timeframe appropriate for realworld network conditions.
