How can I fix Laravel table going off page - laravel

I have a table which I have created in a laravel blade, I've used bootstrap for this but my table seems to span off the screen, I have never really used laravel and normally my tables have auto centred as needed, I'm hoping someone can make some suggestions or share snippets to help me out :)
I have this image here:
I thought I should also put my blade in but only put the form-group as it will save your guys time :)
<div class="form-group">
<table id="userTable" data-page-length='5' cellspacing="0"
class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover table-condensed"
<th scope="col">MESSAGE ID</th>
<th scope="col">MSISDN</th>
<th scope="col">MO/MT</th>
<th scope="col">TYPE</th>
<th scope="col">SENT/RECEIVED</th>
<th scope="col">TITLE</th>
<th scope="col">ORIENTATION</th>
<th scope="col">DESCRIPTION</th>
<th scope="col">IMAGE URL</th>
<th scope="col">ALIGNMENT</th>
<th scope="col">STATUS</th>
<td style='font-size:14px'>{{$message->id}}</td>
<td class="text-center">
#if ($message->direction == 'mo')
<span class='badge badge-warning'>mo</span>
<span class='badge badge-success'>{{$message->direction}}</span>
<td>{{$message->created_at}} </td>
<td class="text-center">
#if ($message->status == 'NOK')
<span class='badge badge-danger'>NOK</span>
#elseif ($message->status == 'received')
<span class='badge badge-info'>received</span>
#elseif ($message->status == 'delivered')
<span class='badge badge-primary'>delivered</span>
#elseif ($message->status == 'queued')
<span class='badge badge-warning'>queued</span>
#elseif ($message->status == 'read')
<span class='badge badge-success'>read</span>
#elseif ($message->status == 'sent')
<span class='badge badge-success'>sent</span>
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've never had this before.

before your table tag use
<div class='table-responsive'>
and close the div after closing your table tag.
This worked for me in some cases.

You will have to use table-responsive
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">


Laravel Livewire checkbox checked on edit page

I'm facing an issue with checking the checkbox on the edit page using Livewire. I've tried many ways but still not able to check the old selected value
View Code:
<table id="branches" class="table table-bordered table-sm" width="100%" cellspacing="0">
<th width="10%">
<th>Branch ID</th>
#foreach ($propertiesOptions as $key => $property)
<input class="branchCheckbox"
value="{{$property->id}}" #if(in_array($property->id,$propertyIds)) checked #endif>
Backend Code:
public $propertyIds, $propertiesOptions;
public function mount($record)
$this->propertiesOptions = Properties::where('merchant_id',$record->id)->get()
$this->propertyIds = $record->properties->pluck('property_id')->toArray();
And can you check if this correct? wire:model="propertyIds.{{$property->id}}"? Try to delete the wire:model .
<input class="branchCheckbox" type="checkbox"
#if(in_array($property->id,$propertyIds)) checked #endif>
`<table id="branches" class="table table-bordered table-sm" width="100%" cellspacing="0">
<th width="10%">
<th>Branch ID</th>
#foreach ($propertiesOptions as $key => $property)
<input class="branchCheckbox"
value="{{$property->id}}" >
public $propertyIds, $propertiesOptions;
public function mount($record)
$this->propertiesOptions = Properties::where('merchant_id',$record->id)->get()
$this->propertyIds = $record->properties->pluck('property_id')->toArray();

print the last 5 articles in the dashboard

I would like to know how to put a list of the last 5 items in the dashboard using backpack?
I made the table
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-hover m-0 table-actions-bar">
<div class="btn-group dropdown">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-light btn-xs dropdown-toggle waves-effect waves-light"
data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"><i class="mdi mdi-chevron-down"></i></button>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Dropdown link</a>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Dropdown link</a>
<th>Titolo Post</th>
<h5 class="m-0 font-weight-medium"></h5>
<i class="mdi mdi-map-marker text-primary"></i>
<i class="mdi mdi-clock-outline text-success"></i>
<i class="mdi mdi-currency-usd text-warning"></i>
<i class="mdi mdi-pencil"></i>
<i class="mdi mdi-close"></i>
I made the table inside the jumbotron.blade.php then the function that prints you on screen the last 5 posts I put it here? within the dashboard method?
$recentPost : Article::orderBy('id', 'desc')>limit(5)->get()
any other solution?
This line will get you the last 5 articles.
$articles = Article::orderBy('id', 'desc')->limit(5)->get();
You need to pass it to the view. Ex:
return view('dashboard', ['articles' => $articles]);
And loop the articles on the blade file table. Ex:
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">ID</th>
<th scope="col">Title</th>
<th scope="col">Author</th>
<th scope="col">Date</th>
#foreach($articles as $article)
<th scope="row">{{ $article->id }}</th>
<td>{{ $article->title }}</td>
<td>{{ $article->author }}</td>
<td>{{ $article->created_at }}</td>

Laravel 5.7 simple pagination

In our application, we have modules called Reports where in this report will show you the summarize of the module.
General Journal Report - in this report will show you the summarize of the general journal module.
Now in our reports need to implement the pagination, having a problem applying the pagination in query builder.
$general_journals = GeneralJournalReportModel::getGeneralJournals();
$data['defined_gj'] = GeneralJournalReportItemsController::getDefinedGJById($general_journals);
I fetch all the general journal records and stored it in the variable general_journals then I passed it in another controller to do something else(such as putting some error handling when the column is null).
public static function getGeneralJournals()
return DB::table('general_journals as gj')
->select(' as id',
'gj.number as number',
'gj.posting_date as posting_date',
'gj.remarks as remarks',
'gj.document_reference as document_reference',
'gji.debit_amount as debit_amount',
'gji.credit_amount as credit_amount')
->leftJoin('general_journal_items as gji', '', '=', 'gji.general_journal_id')
->where('gj.company_id', Auth::user()->company_id)
->where('gj.approval_status', 3)
->orderBy('', 'desc')
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 col-lg-12">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover general-journal-report-table" id="gj-report">
<thead class="thead-global">
<th id="pj_sequence">Sequence No.</th>
<th id="pj_date">Posting Date</th>
<th id="pj_op">Transaction No.</th>
<th id="4">Document Reference</th>
<th id="5">Remarks</th>
<th id="6">Amount Due</th>
<tbody class="general-journal-report-details">
<?php $counter = 0; ;?>
<?php $total_debit = 0; ?>
#foreach($defined_gj as $key => $value)
<?php $counter++;?>
<?php $total_debit += $value->debit ;?>
<td class="pj_sequence">{{$counter}}</td>
<td class="pj_date">{{$value->posting_date}}</td>
<td class="pj_op">{!! $value->number !!}</td>
#if($value->debit == '0')
<td align="right"> {{number_format($value->debit,2)}}</td>
<td align="right"> {{number_format($total_debit)}}</td>
{{ $general_journals->links() }}
When I used the links() my button doesn't have any class.
Question: How do I put some class on the button of links?
NOTE: I tried this {{ $general_journals->links() }} but it only worked on the previous button(I want to also apply the class in the next button)
Try this
{{ $general_journals->links('pagination::bootstrap-4') }}
Replace with your laravel bootstrap version.
If you want to customize the pagination view, you can follow to this link

Laravel 5.2 pagination: how to decrease distance from table

I have a Laravel 5.2 application. I'm using the default Laravel pagination. All works functionally but there is quite some empty space between the last row of the table and the pagination link. See picture for an example:
How can I make the empty space a bit less?
Here is the code I'm using:
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-list">
<th class="hidden-xs">Auction id</th>
<th><em class="fa fa-cog"></em>Actions</th>
#foreach( $events as $event )
<td align="center" class="hidden-xs">{{ $auction->id }}</td>
<td>{{ $event>name }}</td>
<td>{{ $event->description }}</td>
<td align="center">
<em class="fa fa-list-alt"></em>
<div class="text-right">
{{ $events->render() }}
<div class="text-right">
<!-- Your pagination code here -->

MVC3 ASP Replace null value with empty space on the view

I have the following view which returns some text if the POnumber is null.
What I think I need to have instead of the if(Model.Invoice.PONumber == null) is a check mechanism ( maybe multiple if statements ) that will check the fields LineNumber, Description, UnitOfMeasure, QtyOrdered and if any of them is null it will replace it with N/A or empty space but it will still allow the user to see the rest of information available.
Do you have any sugestions? I am new to MVC and any help will be apreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time and help,Bobby
<div class="contentWrapper2">
<div class="content2">
<div class="clr lfl w100">
<h1>Invoice Detail</h1>
<div class="return-btn">
<a class="btn btnStyleC btn-back-invoice" href="#Url.Action("InvoiceHistory", "Account")">
Back to Invoice List</a>
#if (Model.ErpError.Length > 0)
<div class="clr lfl w100 error">
if(Model.Invoice.PONumber == null)
<div class="lfl w100 clr messaging">
<p>No information available at the moment for current invoice.
Please call our sales department for further assistance.
<div class="clr lfl w100">
<div class="order-number-date">
<th class="col-1">
<h3>Invoice #:</h3>
<td class="col-2">
<th class="col-1">
<h3>Invoice Date:</h3>
<td class="col-2">
<div class="order-number-date">
<th class="col-1">
<h3>Order #:</h3>
<td class="col-2">
<th class="col-1">
<h3>PO #:</h3>
<td class="col-2">
<th class="col-1">
<h3>Due Date:</h3>
<td class="col-2">
<div class="clr lfl w100">
<div class="bill-ship">
<h4>Billing Information</h4>
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Invoice.BTAddress2))
<td>#Html.CityCommaStateZip(Model.Invoice.BTCity, Model.Invoice.BTState, Model.Invoice.BTZip)</td>
if (Model.Invoice.InvoiceLines.Count > 0)
<div class="clr lfl w100 line-item-detail">
<table class="info-tbl">
<th class="vid-item">Item #</th>
<th class="vid-desc">Description</th>
<th class="vid-um">
<th class="vid-qty">
<th class="vid-ship">
Ship Date
#if (Model.ShowPackslip)
<th class="vid-pack">Pack Slip</th>
<th class="vid-unit">Unit Price</th>
<th class="vid-ext">Ext Price</th>
#foreach (var invoiceLine in Model.Invoice.InvoiceLines)
<td class="vid-line">#invoiceLine.LineNumber</td>
<td class="vid-desc">#invoiceLine.Description</td>
<td class="vid-um">#invoiceLine.UnitOfMeasure</td>
<td class="vid-qty">#invoiceLine.QtyOrdered</td>
<td class="vid-ship">
#if (invoiceLine.ShipDate.ToShortDateString() == "1/1/0001")
#if (Model.ShowPackslip)
<td class="vid-pack">
<td class="vid-unit">#invoiceLine.UnitPrice.ToCurrency()
<td class="vid-ext">#invoiceLine.ExtendedPrice.ToCurrency()
<div class="clr lfl w100">
<table class="tbl-total">
<tr class="subtotal">
<th class="col-1">Subtotal</th>
<td class="col-2">#Model.Invoice.OrderSubTotal.ToCurrency()
#if (Model.Invoice.DollarOffOrder > 0)
<th class="col-1">Order Discount</th>
<td class="col-2">#Model.Invoice.DollarOffOrder.ToCurrency()</td>
#if (Model.Invoice.ShippingAndHandling > 0)
<th class="col-1">Shipping</th>
<td class="col-2">#Model.Invoice.ShippingAndHandling.ToCurrency()
#if (Model.Invoice.MiscCharges > 0)
<th class="col-1">Misc. Charges</th>
<td class="col-2">#Model.Invoice.MiscCharges.ToCurrency()</td>
<th class="col-1">Sales Tax</th>
<td class="col-2">#Model.Invoice.TotalTax.ToCurrency()</td>
<th class="col-1">Invoice Total</th>
<td class="col-2">#Model.Invoice.InvoiceTotal.ToCurrency()</td>
<div class="clr lfl w100">
<a class="btn btnStyleB btn-print" href="javascript:window.print();">Print</a>
You could create a template called for example "nullcheck.cshtml" like:
#if (ViewBag.ValueToCheck == null) {
<div class="lfl w100 clr messaging">
No information available at the moment for #(ViewBag.Field).
Please call our sales department for further assistance.
else {
#Html.Partial(ViewBag.TargetTemplate, Model)
Then you call it from your main view:
ViewBag.TargetTemplate = "okModel";
ViewBag.Field = "P.O.Number";
ViewBag.ValueToCheck = Model.Invoice.PONumber;
Html.RenderPartial("nullCheck", Model, ViewBag);
okModel.cshtml should be the part of your template you will display when the value is not null...
I haven't tested this myself but it should give you some ideas... contact me if things go wrong XD
This seems like something you should take care of in your controller.
public ActionResult YourControllerAction()
var myViewModel = SomeService.GetMyViewModel();
if (myViewModel.Invoice.PONumber == null)
myViewModel.Invoice.PONumber = "N/A";
This leaves your view clearer (my personal preference)
However in the view you could simply use the null coalescing operator like so:
#Model.Invoice.PONumber ?? "NA"
