Fresh install of Liquibase 3.10 is failing - oracle

I have just installed Liquibase 3.10 using the Windows installer on Win10 64-bit. When I run the command "liquibase --help" from the command line, the liquibase.bat file fails with the following error;
="=="" ( was unexpected at this time.
I can see by looking at the batch file the error occurs in the section where it is manipulating the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
On my system, there is no JAVA_HOME environment variable.
I'm not an expert Windows batch file programmer, so I need help with this!
PS. Liquibase is installed in the following path: C:\Program Files\liquibase


Error occurs while Running the batch file of jmeter on windows 7

when running the batch file of jmeter(4.0 version) for windows 7 64-bit,I am getting the following error findstr is not recognized as inetrnal or external command,operable program or batch file.not able to find java executable or version
I have set the System variables also as "C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin" and also checked for java -version and JDk(9.4 version) is installed.
According to microsoft answer you need to add to Path enviroment vatiable also C:\Windows\System32

Why is PowerShell "not recognized" when installing Chocolatey?

I went to the Chocolatey website and copied the text for installing it and pasted into the administrator cmd.exe (using Windows 7). When I run the command I get:
'powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
This GitHub article with Chocolatey installation instructions says:
This really is the easiest method because it requires no configuration of PowerShell prior to executing it.
It turns out that #balint was right about the path being incorrect. The path variable at some point had gotten replaced instead of appended to. I was able to install Chocolatey successfully after appending all the paths that had been erased previously!
you have some faulty PowerShell installation, or it is missing from the Windows PATH variable. Run in an administrator cmd:
cmd> set PATH=%PATH%;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\

IntelliJ terminal setup

I used to run gradle test via IntelliJ terminal with following command,
>gradle test Accidentally I deleted my windows path environmental variable in my windows 7 machine.
After this when I run above command I get below error
'gradle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What should I add in path environmental variable to get this run again
IntelliJ version 13.0.3
I added all java and gradle path under env. variable (I can run test via cygwin with above command)
This issue was resolved after restarting the windows. Because after adding path to the env variable and restart IntelliJ was not enough.
I should have done this before posting the question.
Please bear with me if any convenience caused.

how to do spark installation process on windows 8 environment

I need to install spark 1.0.0 on my laptop, which has 64 bit OS windows 8, , java(java version "1.7.0_25"). I downloaded "spark-1.0.0-bin-hadoop2". But i don't know how to install spark 1.0.0. I also searched in Google but i can't find it properly. So can you please tell me the installation steps on windows 8 OS and what any other things are needed for this process ?
You just extract the file you downloaded and you're good to go. You can now run bin/spark-shell to start experimenting.
If your cluster environment runs Linux though, I would recommend using Linux for experimentation/development as well. Having a matching environment will avoid a number of issues.
Install Java 7 or later. Set JAVA_HOME and PATH variable as environment variables.
Download Scala 2.11 or Scala 2.12 and install. Set SCALA_HOME and add %SCALA_HOME%\bin in PATH variable in environment variables.
To test whether Scala is installed or not, run following command in command prompt.
C:\scala -version
Download and extract it to any drive i.e. c:\program files\spark-1.2.1-bin-hadoop2.3.
Set SPARK_HOME and add %SPARK_HOME%\bin in PATH in environment variables
Run following command on command prompt.
C:\program files\spark-1.2.1-bin-hadoop2.3.\bin\spark-shell
Thats it. this is for windows OS.

Sencha touch SDK command tools version3 commands on Mac not being recognised

I am trying to run Sencha touch commands on my macbook pro but I am getting an error when
I run this command 'sencha' to test if the SDK command tools is installed properly.
the error message is this: -bash: sencha: command not found
Can someone help me resolve the issue please?
Command Not Found
Upon running sencha, if there is an error message appears saying "sencha: command not found" on OS X / Linux or "'sencha' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." on Windows, follow these steps to troubleshoot:
Close all existing terminal / command prompt windows and re-open them.
Make sure that Sencha SDK Tools is properly installed:
The installation directory exists. By default, the installation path is /Applications/SenchaSDKTools-{version} on OS X, /opt/SenchaSDKTools-{version} on Linux, and C:\Program Files\SenchaSDKTools-{version}
The path to SDK Tools directory is prepended to your system's PATH environment variable. From the terminal, run echo $PATH (echo %PATH% on Windows). The SDK Tools directory should be displayed in part of the output. If this is not the case, add it to your PATH manually.
The environment variable SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_{version} is set, with the value being the absolute path to the installation directory mentioned above. For example: If the installed version is '2.0.0-beta2', a SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_2_0_0_BETA2 must be set. From the terminal, run echo $SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_2_0_0_BETA2 (echo %SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_2_0_0_BETA2% on Windows). If the output is empty, set the environment variable manually.!/guide/command
