Find in Files - Number per file - emeditor

In EMEditor, is there a way to get the number of occurrences of a "find in files" search per file? In other words, it finds 10,000 "hits" across 25 files, I'd like to know that 1200 where in file1 etc.
Notepad++ does a great job of this by allowing you to collapse the results by file and showing a summary for each, but I haven't seen a way to get the information in EMEditor.

After Find in Files, you can run this macro while the results document is active. Save this code as, for instance, statistics.jsee, and then select this file from Select... in the Macros menu. Finally, do Find in Files, and select Run in the Macros menu while the results document is active.
// Creates statistics from Find in Files Results.
// 2020-06-27
Redraw = false;
sOutput = "";
y = 1;
yMax = document.GetLines();
for( ;; ) {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, 1, y++ );
document.selection.Mode = eeModeStream | eeModeKeyboard;
bFound = document.selection.Find("\\(\\d+?\\)\\:",eeFindNext | eeFindReplaceCase | eeFindReplaceRegExp,0);
document.selection.Mode = eeModeStream;
if( !bFound ) {
sFile = document.selection.Text;
n = sFile.lastIndexOf("(");
sFile = sFile.substr( 0, n );
nCount = 1;
for( ;; ) {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, 1, y );
sLine = document.GetLine( y );
if( sLine.length > sFile.length && sLine.substr( 0, sFile.length ) == sFile ) {
else {
sOutput += sFile + "\t" + nCount + "\n";
document.selection.Mode = eeModeStream;
Redraw = true;
document.write( sOutput );
editor.ExecuteCommandByID(4471); // switch to TSV mode


Fastest way to search for a row in a large Google Sheet using/in Google Apps Script

GAS is quite powerful and you could write a full fledged web-app using a Google Sheet as the DB back-end. There are many reasons not to do this but I figure in some cases it is okay.
I think the biggest issue will be performance issues when looking for rows based on some criteria in a sheet with a lot of rows. I know there are many ways to "query" a sheet but I can't find reliable information on which is the fastest.
One of the complexities is that many people can edit a sheet which means there are a variable number of situations you'd have to account for. For the sake of simplicity, I want to assume the sheet:
Is locked down so only one person can see it
The first column has the row number (=row())
The most basic query is finding a row where a specific column equals some value.
Which method would be the fastest?
I have a sheet with ~19k rows and ~38 columns, filled with all sorts of unsorted real-world data. That is almost 700k rows so I figured it would be a good sheet to time a few methods and see which is the fastest.
method 1: get sheet as a 2D array then go through each row
method 2: get sheet as a 2D array, sort it, then using a binary search algorithm to find the row
method 3: make a UrlFetch call to Google visualization query and don't provide last row
method 4: make a UrlFetch call to Google visualization query and provide last row
Here are the my query functions.
function method1(spreadsheetID, sheetName, columnIndex, query)
// get the sheet values excluding header,
var rowValues = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetID).getSheetByName(sheetName).getSheetValues(2, 1, -1, -1);
// loop through each row
for(var i = 0, numRows = rowValues.length; i < numRows; ++i)
// return it if found
if(rowValues[i][columnIndex] == query) return rowValues[i]
return false;
function method2(spreadsheetID, sheetName, columnIndex, query)
// get the sheet values excluding header
var rowValues = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetID).getSheetByName(sheetName).getSheetValues(2, 1, -1, -1);
// sort it
rowValues.sort(function(a, b){
if(a[columnIndex] < b[columnIndex]) return -1;
if(a[columnIndex] > b[columnIndex]) return 1;
return 0;
// search using binary search
var foundRow = matrixBinarySearch(rowValues, columnIndex, query, 0, rowValues.length - 1);
// return if found
if(foundRow != -1)
return rowValues[foundRow];
return false;
function method3(spreadsheetID, sheetName, queryColumnLetterStart, queryColumnLetterEnd, queryColumnLetterSearch, query)
// SQL like query
myQuery = "SELECT * WHERE " + queryColumnLetterSearch + " = '" + query + "'";
// the query URL
// don't provide last row in range selection
var qvizURL = '' + spreadsheetID + '/gviz/tq?tqx=out:json&headers=1&sheet=' + sheetName + '&range=' + queryColumnLetterStart + ":" + queryColumnLetterEnd + '&tq=' + encodeURIComponent(myQuery);
// fetch the data
var ret = UrlFetchApp.fetch(qvizURL, {headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}}).getContentText();
// remove some crap from the return string
return JSON.parse(ret.replace("/*O_o*/", "").replace("google.visualization.Query.setResponse(", "").slice(0, -2));
function method4(spreadsheetID, sheetName, queryColumnLetterStart, queryColumnLetterEnd, queryColumnLetterSearch, query)
// find the last row in the sheet
var lastRow = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetID).getSheetByName(sheetName).getLastRow();
// SQL like query
myQuery = "SELECT * WHERE " + queryColumnLetterSearch + " = '" + query + "'";
// the query URL
var qvizURL = '' + spreadsheetID + '/gviz/tq?tqx=out:json&headers=1&sheet=' + sheetName + '&range=' + queryColumnLetterStart + "1:" + queryColumnLetterEnd + lastRow + '&tq=' + encodeURIComponent(myQuery);
// fetch the data
var ret = UrlFetchApp.fetch(qvizURL, {headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}}).getContentText();
// remove some crap from the return string
return JSON.parse(ret.replace("/*O_o*/", "").replace("google.visualization.Query.setResponse(", "").slice(0, -2));
My binary search algorithm:
function matrixBinarySearch(matrix, columnIndex, query, firstIndex, lastIndex)
// find the value using binary search
// first make sure the query string is valid
// if it is less than the smallest value
// or larger than the largest value
// it is not valid
if(query < matrix[firstIndex][columnIndex] || query > matrix[lastIndex][columnIndex]) return -1;
// if its the first row
if(query == matrix[firstIndex][columnIndex]) return firstIndex;
// if its the last row
if(query == matrix[lastIndex][columnIndex]) return lastIndex;
// now start doing binary search
var middleIndex = Math.floor((lastIndex + firstIndex)/2);
while(matrix[middleIndex][columnIndex] != query && firstIndex < lastIndex)
if(query < matrix[middleIndex][columnIndex])
lastIndex = middleIndex - 1;
else if(query > matrix[middleIndex][columnIndex])
firstIndex = middleIndex + 1;
middleIndex = Math.floor((lastIndex + firstIndex)/2);
return matrix[middleIndex][columnIndex] == query ? middleIndex : -1;
This is the function I used to test them all:
// each time this function is called it will try one method
// the first time it is called it will try method1
// then method2, then method3, then method4
// after it does method4 it will start back at method1
// we will use script properties to save which method is next
// we also want to use the same query string for each batch so we'll save that in script properties too
function testIt()
// get the sheet where we're staving run times
var runTimesSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("...").getSheetByName("times");
// we want to see true speed tests and don't want server side caching so we a copy of our data sheet
// make a copy of our data sheet and get its ID
var tempSheetID = SpreadsheetApp.openById("...").copy("temp sheet").getId();
// get script properties
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
// the counter
var searchCounter = Number(scriptProperties.getProperty("searchCounter"));
// index of search list we want to query for
var searchListIndex = Number(scriptProperties.getProperty("searchListIndex"));
// if we're at 0 then we need to get the index of the query string
if(searchCounter == 0)
searchListIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * searchList.length);
scriptProperties.setProperty("searchListIndex", searchListIndex);
// query string
var query = searchList[searchListIndex];
// save relevant data
var timerRow = ["method" + (searchCounter + 1), searchListIndex, query, 0, "", "", "", ""];
// run the appropriate method
case 0:
// start time
var start = (new Date()).getTime();
// run the query
var ret = method1(tempSheetID, "Extract", 1, query);
// end time
timerRow[3] = ((new Date()).getTime() - start) / 1000;
// if we found the row save its values in the timer output so we can confirm it was found
timerRow[4] = ret[0];
timerRow[5] = ret[1];
timerRow[6] = ret[2];
timerRow[7] = ret[3];
case 1:
var start = (new Date()).getTime();
var ret = method2(tempSheetID, "Extract", 1, query);
timerRow[3] = ((new Date()).getTime() - start) / 1000;
timerRow[4] = ret[0];
timerRow[5] = ret[1];
timerRow[6] = ret[2];
timerRow[7] = ret[3];
case 2:
var start = (new Date()).getTime();
var ret = method3(tempSheetID, "Extract", "A", "AL", "B", query);
timerRow[3] = ((new Date()).getTime() - start) / 1000;
timerRow[4] = ret.table.rows[0].c[0].v;
timerRow[5] = ret.table.rows[0].c[1].v;
timerRow[6] = ret.table.rows[0].c[2].v;
timerRow[7] = ret.table.rows[0].c[3].v;
case 3:
var start = (new Date()).getTime();
var ret = method3(tempSheetID, "Extract", "A", "AL", "B", query);
timerRow[3] = ((new Date()).getTime() - start) / 1000;
timerRow[4] = ret.table.rows[0].c[0].v;
timerRow[5] = ret.table.rows[0].c[1].v;
timerRow[6] = ret.table.rows[0].c[2].v;
timerRow[7] = ret.table.rows[0].c[3].v;
// delete the temp file
// save run times
// start back at 0 if we're the end
if(++searchCounter == 4) searchCounter = 0;
// save the search counter
scriptProperties.setProperty("searchCounter", searchCounter);
I have a global variable searchList that is an array of various query strings -- some are in the sheet, some are not.
I ran testit on a trigger to run every minute. After 152 iterations I had 38 batches. Looking at the result, this is what I see for each method:
| Method | Minimum Seconds | Maximum Seconds | Average Seconds |
| method1 | 8.24 | 36.94 | 11.86 |
| method2 | 9.93 | 23.38 | 14.09 |
| method3 | 1.92 | 5.48 | 3.06 |
| method4 | 2.20 | 11.14 | 3.36 |
So it appears that, at least for my data-set, is using Google visualization query is the fastest.

InDesign Text Modification Script Skips Content

This InDesign Javascript iterates over textStyleRanges and converts text with a few specific appliedFont's and later assigns a new appliedFont:-
var textStyleRanges = [];
for (var j = app.activeDocument.stories.length-1; j >= 0 ; j--)
for (var k = app.activeDocument.stories.item(j).textStyleRanges.length-1; k >= 0; k--)
for (var i = textStyleRanges.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var myText = textStyleRanges[i];
var converted = C2Unic(myText.contents, myText.appliedFont.fontFamily);
if (myText.contents != converted)
myText.contents = converted;
if (myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Chanakya'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'DevLys 010'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Walkman-Chanakya-905') {
myText.appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Utsaah");
myText.composer="Adobe World-Ready Paragraph Composer";
But there are always some ranges where this doesn't happen. I tried iterating in the forward direction OR in the backward direction OR putting the elements in an array before conversion OR updating the appliedFont in the same iteration OR updating it a different one. Some ranges are still not converted completely.
I am doing this to convert the Devanagari text encoded in glyph based non-Unicode encoding to Unicode. Some of this involves repositioning vowel signs etc and changing the code to work with find/replace mechanism may be possible but is a lot of rework.
What is happening?
See also:
Sample here:
This is untested since I'm not able to test against your document, but try using getElements() like below:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var stories = doc.stories;
var textStyleRanges = stories.everyItem().textStyleRanges.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i = textStyleRanges.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var myText = textStyleRanges[i];
var converted = C2Unic(myText.contents, myText.appliedFont.fontFamily);
if (myText.contents != converted)
myText.contents = converted;
if (myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Chanakya'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'DevLys 010'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Walkman-Chanakya-905') {
myText.appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Utsaah");
myText.composer="Adobe World-Ready Paragraph Composer";
A valid approach is to use hyperlink text sources as they stick to the genuine text object. Then you can edit those source texts even if they were actually moved elsewhere in the flow.
//Main routine
var main = function() {
var doc =,
fgp =,
cgp =,
fcgo =,
text, str,
found = [], srcs = [], n = 0;
//Exit if no documents
if ( !doc ) return;
app.findChangeGrepOptions = app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
//Settings props = {
} = {
//Finding text instances
found = doc.findGrep();
n = found.length;
//Looping through instances and adding hyperlink text sources
//That's all we do at this stage
while ( n-- ) {
srcs.push ( doc.hyperlinkTextSources.add(found[n] ) );
//Then we edit the stored hyperlinks text sources 's texts objects contents
n = srcs.length;
while ( n-- ) {
text = srcs[n].sourceText;
str = text.contents;
text.contents = str+str+str+str;
//Eventually we remove the added hyperlinks text sources
n = srcs.length;
while ( n-- ) srcs[n].remove();
//And reset initial properties = fgp; = cgp; =fcgo;
//Running script in a easily cancelable mode
var u;
app.doScript ( "main()",u,u,UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "The Script" );

C# console application word recognition

It is necessary to create a program that will on the basis of input N car number plate ( eg . " KR 635 B " ) to count the number of vehicles from individual places . At the end of the program to print the amount of vehicles coming from a particular place , and the number of vehicles whose region is not recognized . Places that recognizes :
KR - Karlovac
BJ Bjelovar ...
I need a piece of code that identifies the first part of plate lets say: " KR " , because when I use if ( input = " KR " );
then recognizes only if I enter " KR " and not the entire registration .
You can use the StartsWith method to check the beginning of a string. Example:
if (plate.StartsWith("KR")) {
If you are checking for muliple vales, you might want to get that part of the string as a separate string. You can get the first two characters:
string region = plate.Substring(0, 2);
Or the characters up to the first space:
string region = plate.Substring(0, plate.IndexOf(' '));
bool again = true;
int bje = 0;
int zgr = 0;
int spt = 0;
int vzn = 0;
int npo = 0;
//petlja za y/n
// program unutar loopa
Console.WriteLine("Unesite registarsku oznaku: ");
string unos = Console.ReadLine();
if (unos == "bj")
else if (unos == "zg")
else if (unos == "sp")
else if (unos == "vz")
Console.WriteLine("Bjelovar: " + bje);
Console.WriteLine("zagreb: " + zgr);
Console.WriteLine("split: " + spt);
Console.WriteLine("varazdin: " + vzn);
Console.WriteLine("Nepoznato: " + npo);
// za ponovan unos loop
Console.WriteLine("Ponovni unos? (Da/Ne)");
string YN = Console.ReadLine();
while (YN != "Y" && YN != "N" )
Console.WriteLine("Wrong entry. Again? (Y/N)");
YN = Console.ReadLine();
if (YN == "n")
again = false;
See i need those "if statments" changed for that word recognition and just done that is under the if statment.

How do you do dynamic / dependent drop downs in Google Sheets?

How do you get a sub-category column to populate a drop down based on the value selected in the main category drop down in google sheets?
I googled around and couldn't find any good solutions, therefore I wanted to share my own. Please see my answer below.
You can start with a google sheet set up with a main page and drop down source page like shown below.
You can set up the first column drop down through the normal Data > Validations menu prompts.
Main Page
Drop Down Source Page
After that, you need to set up a script with the name onEdit. (If you don't use that name, the getActiveRange() will do nothing but return cell A1)
And use the code provided here:
function onEdit() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var myRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
var dvSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Categories");
var option = new Array();
var startCol = 0;
if(sheet.getName() == "Front Page" && myRange.getColumn() == 1 && myRange.getRow() > 1){
if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 1"){
startCol = 1;
} else if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 2"){
startCol = 2;
} else if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 3"){
startCol = 3;
} else if(myRange.getValue() == "Category 4"){
startCol = 4;
} else {
startCol = 10
if(startCol > 0 && startCol < 10){
option = dvSheet.getSheetValues(3,startCol,10,1);
var dv = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation();
//dv.setHelpText("Some help text here");
dv.requireValueInList(option, true);
sheet.getRange(myRange.getRow(),myRange.getColumn() + 1).setDataValidation(;
if(startCol == 10){
sheet.getRange(myRange.getRow(),myRange.getColumn() + 1).clearDataValidations();
After that, set up a trigger in the script editor screen by going to Edit > Current Project Triggers. This will bring up a window to have you select various drop downs to eventually end up at this:
You should be good to go after that!
Caution! The scripts have a limit: it handles up to 500 values in a single drop-down list.
Multi-line, multi-Level, multi-List, multi-Edit-Line Dependent Drop-Down Lists in Google Sheets. Script
More Info
Last version of the script on GitHub
This solution is not perfect, but it gives some benefits:
Let you make multiple dropdown lists
Gives more control
Source Data is placed on the only sheet, so it's simple to edit
First of all, here's working example, so you can test it before going further.
Prepare Data
Make the first list as usual: Data > Validation
Add Script, set some variables
Prepare Data
Data looks like a single table with all possible variants inside it. It must be located on a separate sheet, so it can be used by the script. Look at this example:
Here we have four levels, each value repeats. Note that 2 columns on the right of data are reserved, so don't type/paste there any data.
First simple Data Validation (DV)
Prepare a list of unique values. In our example, it is a list of Planets. Find free space on sheet with data, and paste formula: =unique(A:A)
On your mainsheet select first column, where DV will start. Go to Data > Validation and select range with a unique list.
Paste this code into script editor:
function onEdit(event)
// Change Settings:
var TargetSheet = 'Main'; // name of sheet with data validation
var LogSheet = 'Data1'; // name of sheet with data
var NumOfLevels = 4; // number of levels of data validation
var lcol = 2; // number of column where validation starts; A = 1, B = 2, etc.
var lrow = 2; // number of row where validation starts
var offsets = [1,1,1,2]; // offsets for levels
// ^ means offset column #4 on one position right.
// =====================================================================================
SmartDataValidation(event, TargetSheet, LogSheet, NumOfLevels, lcol, lrow, offsets);
// Change Settings:
var TargetSheet = 'Main'; // name of sheet with data validation
var LogSheet = 'Data2'; // name of sheet with data
var NumOfLevels = 7; // number of levels of data validation
var lcol = 9; // number of column where validation starts; A = 1, B = 2, etc.
var lrow = 2; // number of row where validation starts
var offsets = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1]; // offsets for levels
// =====================================================================================
SmartDataValidation(event, TargetSheet, LogSheet, NumOfLevels, lcol, lrow, offsets);
function SmartDataValidation(event, TargetSheet, LogSheet, NumOfLevels, lcol, lrow, offsets)
// The event handler, adds data validation for the input parameters
var FormulaSplitter = ';'; // depends on regional setting, ';' or ',' works for US
// =================================== key variables =================================
// ss sheet we change (TargetSheet)
// br range to change
// scol number of column to edit
// srow number of row to edit
// CurrentLevel level of drop-down, which we change
// HeadLevel main level
// r current cell, which was changed by user
// X number of levels could be checked on the right
// ls Data sheet (LogSheet)
// ======================================================================================
// Checks
var ts = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var sname = ts.getName();
if (sname !== TargetSheet) { return -1; } // not main sheet
// Test if range fits
var br = event.range;
var scol = br.getColumn(); // the column number in which the change is made
var srow = br.getRow() // line number in which the change is made
var ColNum = br.getWidth();
if ((scol + ColNum - 1) < lcol) { return -2; } // columns...
if (srow < lrow) { return -3; } // rows
// Test range is in levels
var columnsLevels = getColumnsOffset_(offsets, lcol); // Columns for all levels
var CurrentLevel = getCurrentLevel_(ColNum, br, scol, columnsLevels);
if(CurrentLevel === 1) { return -4; } // out of data validations
if(CurrentLevel > NumOfLevels) { return -5; } // last level
ts - sheet with validation, sname = name of sheet
NumOfLevels = 4
offsets = [1,1,1,2] - last offset is 2 because need to skip 1 column
columnsLevels = [4,5,6,8] - Columns of validation
Columns 7 is skipped
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 | | | | | | | x | | |
2 | | | | v | V | ? | x | ? | | lrow = 2 - number of row where validation starts
3 | | | | | | | x | | |
4 | | | | | | | x | | |
| | | | |
| | | | Currentlevel = 3 - the number of level to change
| | | |
| | | br - cell, user changes: scol - column, srow - row,
| | ColNum = 1 - width
|__|________ _.....____|
| v
| Drop-down lists
| lcol = 4 - number of column where validation starts
// Constants
var ReplaceCommas = getDecimalMarkIsCommaLocals(); // // ReplaceCommas = true if locale uses commas to separate decimals
var ls = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(LogSheet); // Data sheet
var RowNum = br.getHeight();
/* Adjust the range 'br'
??? !
xxx x
xxx x
xxx => x
xxx x
xxx x
br = ts.getRange(br.getRow(), columnsLevels[CurrentLevel - 2], RowNum);
// Levels
var HeadLevel = CurrentLevel - 1; // main level
var X = NumOfLevels - CurrentLevel + 1; // number of levels left
// determine columns on the sheet "Data"
var KudaCol = NumOfLevels + 2;
var KudaNado = ls.getRange(1, KudaCol); // 1 place for a formula
var lastRow = ls.getLastRow();
var ChtoNado = ls.getRange(1, KudaCol, lastRow, KudaCol); // the range with list, returned by a formula
// ============================================================================= > loop >
var CurrLevelBase = CurrentLevel; // remember the first current level
for (var j = 1; j <= RowNum; j++) // [01] loop rows start
// refresh first val
var currentRow = br.getCell(j, 1).getRow();
loopColumns_(HeadLevel, X, currentRow, NumOfLevels, CurrLevelBase, lastRow, FormulaSplitter, CurrLevelBase, columnsLevels, br, KudaNado, ChtoNado, ReplaceCommas, ts);
} // [01] loop rows end
function getColumnsOffset_(offsets, lefColumn)
// Columns for all levels
var columnsLevels = [];
var totalOffset = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = offsets.length; i < l; i++)
totalOffset += offsets[i];
columnsLevels.push(totalOffset + lefColumn - 1);
return columnsLevels;
function test_getCurrentLevel()
var br = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet().getRange('A5:C5');
var scol = 1;
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
range |xxxxx|
dv range |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
levels 1 2 3
level 2
Logger.log(getCurrentLevel_(1, br, scol, [1,2,3])); // 2
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
range |xxxxxxxxxxx|
dv range |xxxxx| |xxxxx| |xxxxx|
levels 1 2 3
level 2
Logger.log(getCurrentLevel_(2, br, scol, [1,3,5])); // 2
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
range |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
dv range |xxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxx|
levels 1 2 3
level 2
Logger.log(getCurrentLevel_(3, br, scol, [1,5,6])); // 2
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
range |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
dv range |xxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxx|
levels 1 2 3
level 3
Logger.log(getCurrentLevel_(3, br, scol, [1,2,8])); // 3
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
range |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
dv range |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
levels 1 2 3
level 4 (error)
Logger.log(getCurrentLevel_(3, br, scol, [1,2,3]));
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
range |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
dv range |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
level 1 (error)
Logger.log(getCurrentLevel_(3, br, scol, [5,6,7])); // 1
function getCurrentLevel_(ColNum, br, scol, columnsLevels)
var colPlus = 2; // const
if (ColNum === 1) { return columnsLevels.indexOf(scol) + colPlus; }
var CurrentLevel = -1;
var level = 0;
var column = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < ColNum; i++ )
column = br.offset(0, i).getColumn();
level = columnsLevels.indexOf(column) + colPlus;
if (level > CurrentLevel) { CurrentLevel = level; }
return CurrentLevel;
function loopColumns_(HeadLevel, X, currentRow, NumOfLevels, CurrentLevel, lastRow, FormulaSplitter, CurrLevelBase, columnsLevels, br, KudaNado, ChtoNado, ReplaceCommas, ts)
for (var k = 1; k <= X; k++)
HeadLevel = HeadLevel + k - 1;
CurrentLevel = CurrLevelBase + k - 1;
var r = ts.getRange(currentRow, columnsLevels[CurrentLevel - 2]);
var SearchText = r.getValue(); // searched text
X = loopColumn_(X, SearchText, HeadLevel, HeadLevel, currentRow, NumOfLevels, CurrentLevel, lastRow, FormulaSplitter, CurrLevelBase, columnsLevels, br, KudaNado, ChtoNado, ReplaceCommas, ts);
function loopColumn_(X, SearchText, HeadLevel, HeadLevel, currentRow, NumOfLevels, CurrentLevel, lastRow, FormulaSplitter, CurrLevelBase, columnsLevels, br, KudaNado, ChtoNado, ReplaceCommas, ts)
// if nothing is chosen!
if (SearchText === '') // condition value =''
// kill extra data validation if there were
// columns on the right
if (CurrentLevel <= NumOfLevels)
for (var f = 0; f < X; f++)
var cell = ts.getRange(currentRow, columnsLevels[CurrentLevel + f - 1]);
// clean & get rid of validation
cell.clear({contentsOnly: true});
cell.clear({validationsOnly: true});
// exit columns loop
return 0; // end loop this row
// formula for values
var formula = getDVListFormula_(CurrentLevel, currentRow, columnsLevels, lastRow, ReplaceCommas, FormulaSplitter, ts);
// get response
var Response = getResponse_(ChtoNado, lastRow, ReplaceCommas);
var Variants = Response.length;
// build data validation rule
if (Variants === 0.0) // empty is found
if(Variants >= 1.0) // if some variants were found
var cell = ts.getRange(currentRow, columnsLevels[CurrentLevel - 1]);
var rule = SpreadsheetApp
.requireValueInList(Response, true)
// set validation rule
if (Variants === 1.0) // // set the only value
SearchText = null;
Response = null;
return X; // continue doing DV
} // the only value
return 0; // end DV in this row
function getDVListFormula_(CurrentLevel, currentRow, columnsLevels, lastRow, ReplaceCommas, FormulaSplitter, ts)
var checkVals = [];
var Offs = CurrentLevel - 2;
var values = [];
// get values and display values for a formula
for (var s = 0; s <= Offs; s++)
var checkR = ts.getRange(currentRow, columnsLevels[s]);
var LookCol = colName(CurrentLevel-1); // gets column name "A,B,C..."
var formula = '=unique(filter(' + LookCol + '2:' + LookCol + lastRow; // =unique(filter(A2:A84
var mathOpPlusVal = '';
var value = '';
// loop levels for multiple conditions
for (var i = 0; i < CurrentLevel - 1; i++) {
formula += FormulaSplitter; // =unique(filter(A2:A84;
LookCol = colName(i);
value = values[i];
mathOpPlusVal = getValueAndMathOpForFunction_(value, FormulaSplitter, ReplaceCommas); // =unique(filter(A2:A84;B2:B84="Text"
if ( Array.isArray(mathOpPlusVal) )
formula += mathOpPlusVal[0];
formula += LookCol + '2:' + LookCol + lastRow; // =unique(filter(A2:A84;ROUND(B2:B84
formula += mathOpPlusVal[1];
formula += LookCol + '2:' + LookCol + lastRow; // =unique(filter(A2:A84;B2:B84
formula += mathOpPlusVal;
formula += "))"; //=unique(filter(A2:A84;B2:B84="Text"))
return formula;
function getValueAndMathOpForFunction_(value, FormulaSplitter, ReplaceCommas)
var result = '';
var splinter = '';
var type = typeof value;
// strings
if (type === 'string') return '="' + value + '"';
// date
if(value instanceof Date)
return ['ROUND(', FormulaSplitter +'5)=ROUND(DATE(' + value.getFullYear() + FormulaSplitter + (value.getMonth() + 1) + FormulaSplitter + value.getDate() + ')' + '+'
+ 'TIME(' + value.getHours() + FormulaSplitter + value.getMinutes() + FormulaSplitter + value.getSeconds() + ')' + FormulaSplitter + '5)'];
// numbers
if (type === 'number')
if (ReplaceCommas)
return '+0=' + value.toString().replace('.', ',');
return '+0=' + value;
// booleans
if (type === 'boolean')
return '=' + value;
// other
return '=' + value;
function getResponse_(allRange, l, ReplaceCommas)
var data = allRange.getValues();
var data_ = allRange.getDisplayValues();
var response = [];
var val = '';
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
val = data[i][0];
if (val !== '')
var type = typeof val;
if (type === 'boolean' || val instanceof Date) val = String(data_[i][0]);
if (type === 'number' && ReplaceCommas) val = val.toString().replace('.', ',')
return response;
function colName(n) {
var ordA = 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
var ordZ = 'z'.charCodeAt(0);
var len = ordZ - ordA + 1;
var s = "";
while(n >= 0) {
s = String.fromCharCode(n % len + ordA) + s;
n = Math.floor(n / len) - 1;
return s;
function getDecimalMarkIsCommaLocals() {
// list of Locals Decimal mark = comma
af_NA: "Afrikaans (Namibia)",
af_ZA: "Afrikaans (South Africa)",
af: "Afrikaans",
sq_AL: "Albanian (Albania)",
sq: "Albanian",
ar_DZ: "Arabic (Algeria)",
ar_BH: "Arabic (Bahrain)",
ar_EG: "Arabic (Egypt)",
ar_IQ: "Arabic (Iraq)",
ar_JO: "Arabic (Jordan)",
ar_KW: "Arabic (Kuwait)",
ar_LB: "Arabic (Lebanon)",
ar_LY: "Arabic (Libya)",
ar_MA: "Arabic (Morocco)",
ar_OM: "Arabic (Oman)",
ar_QA: "Arabic (Qatar)",
ar_SA: "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)",
ar_SD: "Arabic (Sudan)",
ar_SY: "Arabic (Syria)",
ar_TN: "Arabic (Tunisia)",
ar_AE: "Arabic (United Arab Emirates)",
ar_YE: "Arabic (Yemen)",
ar: "Arabic",
hy_AM: "Armenian (Armenia)",
hy: "Armenian",
eu_ES: "Basque (Spain)",
eu: "Basque",
be_BY: "Belarusian (Belarus)",
be: "Belarusian",
bg_BG: "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)",
bg: "Bulgarian",
ca_ES: "Catalan (Spain)",
ca: "Catalan",
tzm_Latn: "Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin)",
tzm_Latn_MA: "Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin, Morocco)",
tzm: "Central Morocco Tamazight",
da_DK: "Danish (Denmark)",
da: "Danish",
nl_BE: "Dutch (Belgium)",
nl_NL: "Dutch (Netherlands)",
nl: "Dutch",
et_EE: "Estonian (Estonia)",
et: "Estonian",
fi_FI: "Finnish (Finland)",
fi: "Finnish",
fr_BE: "French (Belgium)",
fr_BJ: "French (Benin)",
fr_BF: "French (Burkina Faso)",
fr_BI: "French (Burundi)",
fr_CM: "French (Cameroon)",
fr_CA: "French (Canada)",
fr_CF: "French (Central African Republic)",
fr_TD: "French (Chad)",
fr_KM: "French (Comoros)",
fr_CG: "French (Congo - Brazzaville)",
fr_CD: "French (Congo - Kinshasa)",
fr_CI: "French (Côte d’Ivoire)",
fr_DJ: "French (Djibouti)",
fr_GQ: "French (Equatorial Guinea)",
fr_FR: "French (France)",
fr_GA: "French (Gabon)",
fr_GP: "French (Guadeloupe)",
fr_GN: "French (Guinea)",
fr_LU: "French (Luxembourg)",
fr_MG: "French (Madagascar)",
fr_ML: "French (Mali)",
fr_MQ: "French (Martinique)",
fr_MC: "French (Monaco)",
fr_NE: "French (Niger)",
fr_RW: "French (Rwanda)",
fr_RE: "French (Réunion)",
fr_BL: "French (Saint Barthélemy)",
fr_MF: "French (Saint Martin)",
fr_SN: "French (Senegal)",
fr_CH: "French (Switzerland)",
fr_TG: "French (Togo)",
fr: "French",
gl_ES: "Galician (Spain)",
gl: "Galician",
ka_GE: "Georgian (Georgia)",
ka: "Georgian",
de_AT: "German (Austria)",
de_BE: "German (Belgium)",
de_DE: "German (Germany)",
de_LI: "German (Liechtenstein)",
de_LU: "German (Luxembourg)",
de_CH: "German (Switzerland)",
de: "German",
el_CY: "Greek (Cyprus)",
el_GR: "Greek (Greece)",
el: "Greek",
hu_HU: "Hungarian (Hungary)",
hu: "Hungarian",
is_IS: "Icelandic (Iceland)",
is: "Icelandic",
id_ID: "Indonesian (Indonesia)",
id: "Indonesian",
it_IT: "Italian (Italy)",
it_CH: "Italian (Switzerland)",
it: "Italian",
kab_DZ: "Kabyle (Algeria)",
kab: "Kabyle",
kl_GL: "Kalaallisut (Greenland)",
kl: "Kalaallisut",
lv_LV: "Latvian (Latvia)",
lv: "Latvian",
lt_LT: "Lithuanian (Lithuania)",
lt: "Lithuanian",
mk_MK: "Macedonian (Macedonia)",
mk: "Macedonian",
naq_NA: "Nama (Namibia)",
naq: "Nama",
pl_PL: "Polish (Poland)",
pl: "Polish",
pt_BR: "Portuguese (Brazil)",
pt_GW: "Portuguese (Guinea-Bissau)",
pt_MZ: "Portuguese (Mozambique)",
pt_PT: "Portuguese (Portugal)",
pt: "Portuguese",
ro_MD: "Romanian (Moldova)",
ro_RO: "Romanian (Romania)",
ro: "Romanian",
ru_MD: "Russian (Moldova)",
ru_RU: "Russian (Russia)",
ru_UA: "Russian (Ukraine)",
ru: "Russian",
seh_MZ: "Sena (Mozambique)",
seh: "Sena",
sk_SK: "Slovak (Slovakia)",
sk: "Slovak",
sl_SI: "Slovenian (Slovenia)",
sl: "Slovenian",
es_AR: "Spanish (Argentina)",
es_BO: "Spanish (Bolivia)",
es_CL: "Spanish (Chile)",
es_CO: "Spanish (Colombia)",
es_CR: "Spanish (Costa Rica)",
es_DO: "Spanish (Dominican Republic)",
es_EC: "Spanish (Ecuador)",
es_SV: "Spanish (El Salvador)",
es_GQ: "Spanish (Equatorial Guinea)",
es_GT: "Spanish (Guatemala)",
es_HN: "Spanish (Honduras)",
es_419: "Spanish (Latin America)",
es_MX: "Spanish (Mexico)",
es_NI: "Spanish (Nicaragua)",
es_PA: "Spanish (Panama)",
es_PY: "Spanish (Paraguay)",
es_PE: "Spanish (Peru)",
es_PR: "Spanish (Puerto Rico)",
es_ES: "Spanish (Spain)",
es_US: "Spanish (United States)",
es_UY: "Spanish (Uruguay)",
es_VE: "Spanish (Venezuela)",
es: "Spanish",
sv_FI: "Swedish (Finland)",
sv_SE: "Swedish (Sweden)",
sv: "Swedish",
tr_TR: "Turkish (Turkey)",
tr: "Turkish",
uk_UA: "Ukrainian (Ukraine)",
uk: "Ukrainian",
vi_VN: "Vietnamese (Vietnam)",
vi: "Vietnamese"
var SS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var LocalS = SS.getSpreadsheetLocale();
if (LANGUAGE_BY_LOCALE[LocalS] == undefined) {
return false;
return true;
function ReplaceDotsToCommas(dataIn) {
var dataOut = {
if (isNaN(num)) {
return num;
num = num.toString();
return num.replace(".", ",");
return dataOut;
Here's set of variables that are to be changed, you'll find them in script:
var TargetSheet = 'Main'; // name of sheet with data validation
var LogSheet = 'Data2'; // name of sheet with data
var NumOfLevels = 7; // number of levels of data validation
var lcol = 9; // number of column where validation starts; A = 1, B = 2, etc.
var lrow = 2; // number of row where validation starts
var offsets = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1]; // offsets for levels
I suggest everyone, who knows scripts well, send your edits to this code. I guess, there's simpler way to find validation list and make script run faster.
Here you have another solution based on the one provided by #tarheel
function onEdit() {
var sheetWithNestedSelectsName = "Sitemap";
var columnWithNestedSelectsRoot = 1;
var sheetWithOptionPossibleValuesSuffix = "TabSections";
var activeSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// If we're not in the sheet with nested selects, exit!
if ( activeSheet.getName() != sheetWithNestedSelectsName ) {
var activeCell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
// If we're not in the root column or a content row, exit!
if ( activeCell.getColumn() != columnWithNestedSelectsRoot || activeCell.getRow() < 2 ) {
var sheetWithActiveOptionPossibleValues = activeSpreadsheet.getSheetByName( activeCell.getValue() + sheetWithOptionPossibleValuesSuffix );
// Get all possible values
var activeOptionPossibleValues = sheetWithActiveOptionPossibleValues.getSheetValues( 1, 1, -1, 1 );
var possibleValuesValidation = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation();
possibleValuesValidation.setAllowInvalid( false );
possibleValuesValidation.requireValueInList( activeOptionPossibleValues, true );
activeSheet.getRange( activeCell.getRow(), activeCell.getColumn() + 1 ).setDataValidation( );
It has some benefits over the other approach:
You don't need to edit the script every time you add a "root option". You only have to create a new sheet with the nested options of this root option.
I've refactored the script providing more semantic names for the variables and so on. Furthermore, I've extracted some parameters to variables in order to make it easier to adapt to your specific case. You only have to set the first 3 values.
There's no limit of nested option values (I've used the getSheetValues method with the -1 value).
So, how to use it:
Create the sheet where you'll have the nested selectors
Go to the "Tools" > "Script Editor…" and select the "Blank project" option
Paste the code attached to this answer
Modify the first 3 variables of the script setting up your values and save it
Create one sheet within this same document for each possible value of the "root selector". They must be named as the value + the specified suffix.
Edit: The answer below may be satisfactory, but it has some drawbacks:
There is a noticeable pause for the running of the script. I'm on a 160 ms latency, and it's enough to be annoying.
It works by building a new range each time you edit a given row. This gives an 'invalid contents' to previous entries some of the time
I hope others can clean this up somewhat.
Here's another way to do it, that saves you a ton of range naming:
Three sheets in the worksheet: call them Main, List, and DRange (for dynamic range.)
On the Main sheet, column 1 contains a timestamp. This time stamp is modified onEdit.
On List your categories and subcategories are arranged as a simple list. I'm using this for plant inventory at my tree farm, so my list looks like this:
Group | Genus | Bot_Name
Conifer | Abies | Abies balsamea
Conifer | Abies | Abies concolor
Conifer | Abies | Abies lasiocarpa var bifolia
Conifer | Pinus | Pinus ponderosa
Conifer | Pinus | Pinus sylvestris
Conifer | Pinus | Pinus banksiana
Conifer | Pinus | Pinus cembra
Conifer | Picea | Picea pungens
Conifer | Picea | Picea glauca
Deciduous | Acer | Acer ginnala
Deciduous | Acer | Acer negundo
Deciduous | Salix | Salix discolor
Deciduous | Salix | Salix fragilis
Where | indicates separation into columns.
For convenience I also used the headers as names for named ranges.
DRrange A1 has the formula
This returns the most recent timestamp.
A2 to A4 have variations on:
with the 2 being incremented for each cell to the right.
On running A2 to A4 will have the currently selected Group, Genus and Species.
Below each of these, is a filter command something like this:
These filters will populate a block below with matching entries to the contents of the top cell.
The filters can be modified to suit your needs, and to the format of your list.
Back to Main: Data validation in Main is done using ranges from DRange.
The script I use:
function onEdit(event) {
var dynamicSheet='DRange'; //sheet where the dynamic range lives
var tsheet = 'Main'; //the sheet you are monitoring for edits
var lcol = 2; //left-most column number you are monitoring; A=1, B=2 etc
var rcol = 5; //right-most column number you are monitoring
var tcol = 1; //column number in which you wish to populate the timestamp
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var sname = s.getName();
if (sname == tsheet) {
var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
var scol = r.getColumn(); //scol is the column number of the edited cell
if (scol >= lcol && scol <= rcol) {
s.getRange(r.getRow(), tcol).setValue(new Date());
for(var looper=scol+1; looper<=rcol; looper++) {
s.getRange(r.getRow(),looper).setValue(""); //After edit clear the entries to the right
Original Youtube presentation that gave me most of the onEdit timestamp component:
Continuing the evolution of this solution I've upped the ante by adding support for multiple root selections and deeper nested selections. This is a further development of JavierCane's solution (which in turn built on tarheel's).
* "on edit" event handler
* Based on JavierCane's answer in
* Each set of options has it own sheet named after the option. The
* values in this sheet are used to populate the drop-down.
* The top row is assumed to be a header.
* The sub-category column is assumed to be the next column to the right.
* If there are no sub-categories the next column along is cleared in
* case the previous selection did have options.
function onEdit() {
var activeSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
if (activeSheet.getName() !== NESTED_SELECTS_SHEET_NAME) {
// Not in the sheet with nested selects, exit!
var activeCell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange()
// Top row is the header
if (activeCell.getColumn() > SUB_CATEGORY_COLUMN ||
activeCell.getRow() === 1 ||
activeCell.getRow() > NUMBER_OF_ROOT_OPTION_CELLS + 1) {
// Out of selection range, exit!
var sheetWithActiveOptionPossibleValues = activeSpreadsheet
.getSheetByName(activeCell.getValue() + OPTION_POSSIBLE_VALUES_SHEET_SUFFIX)
if (sheetWithActiveOptionPossibleValues === null) {
// There are no further options for this value, so clear out any old
// values
.getRange(activeCell.getRow(), activeCell.getColumn() + 1)
// Get all possible values
var activeOptionPossibleValues = sheetWithActiveOptionPossibleValues
.getSheetValues(1, 1, -1, 1)
var possibleValuesValidation = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
possibleValuesValidation.requireValueInList(activeOptionPossibleValues, true)
.getRange(activeCell.getRow(), activeCell.getColumn() + 1)
} // onEdit()
As Javier says:
Create the sheet where you'll have the nested selectors
Go to the "Tools" > "Script Editor…" and select the "Blank project"
Paste the code attached to this answer
Modify the constants at the top of the script setting up your values
and save it
Create one sheet within this same document for each possible value of
the "root selector". They must be named as the value + the specified
And if you wanted to see it in action I've created a demo sheet and you can see the code if you take a copy.

Script to rename files

I have about 2200 different files in a few different folders, and I need to rename about about 1/3 of them which are in their own subfolder. Those 700 are also in various folders as well.
For example, there might be
The top-most folder is Employees, which has a few files in it, then the folder 2002 has a few, 2003 has more files, 2004 etc.
I just need to attach the word "Agreement" before the existing name of each file. So instead of it just being "Joe Schmoe.doc" It would be "Agreement Joe Schmoe.doc" instead.
I've tried googling such scripts, and I can find stuff similar to what I want but it all looks completely foreign to me so I can't understand how I'd modify it to suit my needs.
Oh, and this is for windows server '03.
I need about 2 minutes to write such script for *NIX systems (may be less), but for Windows it is a long song ... ))
I've write simple VBS script for WSH, try it (save to {script-name}.vbs, change Path value (on the first line of the script) and execute). I recommend to test script on small amount of data for the first time just to be sure if it works correctly.
Path = "C:\Users\rootDirectory"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sub visitFolder(folderVar)
For Each fileToRename In folderVar.Files
fileToRename.Name = "Agreement " & fileToRename.Name
For Each folderToVisit In folderVar.SubFolders
End Sub
If FSO.FolderExists(Path) Then
End If
I used to do bulk renaming with batch scripts under Windows. I know it's a snap on *nix (find . -maxdepth N -type f -name "$pattern" | sed -e 'p' -e "s/$str1/$str2/g" | xargs -n2 mv). Buf after some struggle in vain, I found out, to achieve that effect using batch scripts is almost impossible. So I turned to javascript.
With this script, you can add prefix to file names by 'rename.js "s/^/Agreement /" -r *.doc'. A caret(^) means to match the beginning. The '-r' options means 'recursively', i.e. including sub-folders. You can specify a max depth with the '-d N' option. If neither '-r' or '-d N' is given, the script does not recurse.
If you know the *nix 'find' utility, you would notice that 'find' will match the full path (not just the file name part) to specified regular expression. This behavior can be achieved by supplying the '-f' option. By default, this script will match the file name part with the given regular expression.
If you are familiar with regular expressions, complicated renaming is possible. For example, 'rename.js "s/(\d+)/[$1]/" *' which uses grouping to add brackets to number sequences in filenames.
// rename.js --- bulk file renaming utility (like *nix
// (c) Copyright 2012, Ji Han (hanji <at> outlook <dot> com)
// you are free to distribute it under the BSD license.
// oops... jscript doesn't have = function(f, t){
var o = Object(this);
var a = new Array(o.length >>> 0);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){ if (i in o) a[i] =, o[i], i, o) }
return a;
/// main
if (WScript.Arguments.Length == 0){
WScript.Echo('rename "<operator>/<pattern>/<string>/[<modifiers>]" [-f] [-r] [-d <maxdepth>] [<files>]');
var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
// folder is a Folder object [e.g. from fso.GetFolder()]
// fn is a function which operates on File/Folder object
var recurseFolder = function(folder, fn, depth, maxdepth){
if (folder.Files){
for (var e = new Enumerator(folder.Files); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()){
if (folder.Subfolders){
for (var e = new Enumerator(folder.SubFolders); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()){
if (depth < maxdepth){ arguments.callee(e.item(), fn, depth + 1, maxdepth) }
// expand wildcards (asterisk [*] and question mark [?]) recursively
// given path may be relative, and may contain environment variables.
// but wildcards only work for the filename part of a path.
// return an array of full paths of matched files.
// {{{
var expandWildcardsRecursively = function(n, md){
var pattern = fso.GetFileName(n);
// escape regex metacharacters (except \, /, * and ?)
// \ and / wouldn't appear in filename
// * and ? are treated as wildcards
pattern = pattern.replace(/([\[\](){}^$.+|-])/g, '\\$1');
pattern = pattern.replace(/\*/g, '.*'); // * matches zero or more characters
pattern = pattern.replace(/\?/g, '.'); // ? matches one character
pattern = pattern.replace(/^(.*)$/, '\^$1\$'); // matches the whole filename
var re = new RegExp(pattern, 'i'); // case insensitive
var folder = fso.GetFolder(fso.GetParentFolderName(fso.GetAbsolutePathName(n)));
var l = [];
recurseFolder(folder, function(i){ if (i.Name.match(re)) l.push(i.Path) }, 0, md);
return l;
// }}}
// parse "<operator>/<pattern>/<string>/[<modifiers>]"
// return an array splitted at unescaped forward slashes
// {{{
var parseExpr = function(s){
// javascript regex doesn't have lookbehind...
// reverse the string and lookahead to parse unescaped forward slashes.
var z = s.split('').reverse().join('');
// match unescaped forward slashes and get their positions.
var re = /\/(\\\\)*(?!\\)/g;
var l = [];
while (m = re.exec(z)){ l.push(m.index) }
// split s at unescaped forward slashes.
var b = [0].concat({ return s.length - x }).reverse());
var e = ({ return s.length - x - 1 }).reverse()).concat([s.length]);
return, i){ return s.substring(b[i], e[i]) });
// }}}
var expr = WScript.Arguments(0);
var args = [];
var options = {};
for (var i = 1; i < WScript.Arguments.Length; ++i){
if (WScript.Arguments(i).substring(0, 1) != '-'){
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '-f'){
options['fullpath'] = true;
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '-r'){
options['recursive'] = true;
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '-d'){
options['maxdepth'] = WScript.Arguments(++i);
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '--'){
} else {
WScript.Echo('invalid option \'' + WScript.Arguments(i) +'\'');
if (options['maxdepth']){
var md = options['maxdepth'];
} else if (options['recursive']){
var md = 1<<31>>>0;
} else {
var md = 0;
var tokens = parseExpr(expr);
if (tokens.length != 4){
WScript.Echo('error parsing expression \'' + expr + '\'.');
if (tokens[0] != 's'){
WScript.Echo('<operator> must be s.');
var pattern = tokens[1];
var substr = tokens[2];
var modifiers = tokens[3];
var re = new RegExp(pattern, modifiers);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i){
var l = expandWildcardsRecursively(args[i], md);
for (var j = 0; j < l.length; ++j){
var original = l[j];
if (options['fullpath']){
var nouveau = original.replace(re, substr);
} else {
var nouveau = fso.GetParentFolderName(original) + '\\' + fso.GetFileName(original).replace(re, substr);
if (nouveau != original){
(fso.FileExists(original) && fso.GetFile(original) || fso.GetFolder(original)).Move(nouveau)
