The javadoc at this link:
Returns a 403 error. I can get the javadoc from the download, but I use the online javadoc constantly. Would be nice to have it live again. :)
I am looking into eman functionality. Can anyone please suggest me link to some tutorials or example which would help me understand this feature.
As outlined in Why eman project is dropped from opendaylight oxygen release., the eman project is no longer actively maintained so you're most likely on your own although you could try the eman-dev list. Other than that there's the project page and/or whatever online docs were provided in releases prior to Oxygen.
I want to integrate SonarQube with XQuery. I got the plugin from GitHub.
In the readme page, below link is given for setup and upgrade of sonar.
But the link is not working. Can anyone please help me with the any other link I can refer to?
you mean . sidenote google is your friend, i was just searching for "Sonar Setup and Upgrade"
Similar to EclEmma which is a plugin on eclipse, is there any plugin for jdeveloper to see run junit tests and see the code coverage? I see EMMA integration plugin in jdeveloper but after installing wasn't able to see any difference and also could not get any documentation on what the plugin is supposed to do.. Please help!
I know it is an old question but just in case someone came across it.
There is a blog post here explaining how to get Emma work with your JDeveloper. I also tested this on my latest JDeveloper 12c and it works fine.
Also regarding the documentation and how to use Emma it is all listed in their site here
I created a web project inspired by from JSF 2 with Facelets, Ajax, and PrimeFaces. After a few days of progress (and solving numerous issues, thanks to the SO community, mainly) with my site I'm stuck at:
HTTP 404 - The requested resource is not available in Eclipse's internal browser and FF.
Eclipse's console shows:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
That's only fair and I had that before (one of the numerous issues mentioned above) but I can't convince it to leave this time.
mostar's answer did the trick. BUT, this setting is removed with every new Maven → Update Project...
Furthermore, there are the following warnings and errors I couldn't get rid off (permanently) no matter how many SO and other web pages I consulted:
Classpath entry org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER will not be exported or published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result.
I found how to get rid of this (see above) but with every Maven → Update Project... it's there again.
Implementation of project facet jboss.m2 could not be found. Functionality will be limited.
Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.0.
One or more constraints have not been satisfied. [Which one? The one immediately above?]
Who's the culprit for all this?
Note: I am not asking how to use Google Code's SVN repo as a Maven repo :-)
I'm looking for the simplest / most reliable way to automate uploading the built artifacts of a Maven project to a Google Code 'Downloads' tab.
I've found 4 different Google Code Maven plugins that claim to do this, but would appreciate any advice on evaluating them as fit-for-purpose, because they all seem to be in various states of inactivity.
maven-googlecode-plugin (Last commit: Sept 2009. Latest version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT)
gcupload-maven-plugin (Last commit: Jan 2009. Latest version: 0.9)
maven-gcu-plugin (Last commit: Oct 2010. Latest version: 1.1)
maven-googlecode (Last commit: Feb 2008. Latest version: 2.0, but labelled 'test')
In addition to these 'level of activity' clues, some of them offer their releases on the 'Downloads' tabs, which might be a good sign from an 'eat your own dogfood' viewpoint; but as these are supposed to be Maven plugins, having them available in Maven Central might inspire more confidence.
Anyone care to comment (perhaps even the owners / committers of these projects) ?
I have test-driven each one of these in turn and could not get any of them to work as advertised.
Two of them are still configured to upload to a Google Code URL ending in /files, whilst another claimed to work and reported success, but the artifacts did not appear in the 'Downloads' tab. With the last one there appeared to be no released code which could be referenced as a Maven plugin.
I have since emailed each of the project committers to see what can be done.
If you are not averse to looking beyond maven plugins, google code has a SciptedUploads documentation, which seems to provide a python script and an ant task for doing this.
You may want to start reading the comments bottoms-up to see challenges using them, if any.
I got to this page by clicking on the link to "Create a New Download" for my google code project and clicking on the "Tip".
I always wondered why google didn't offer a Maven repository for each project by default.
Digging further, I discovered the following deprecated project:
It appears the recommendation is to publish releases to Maven Central. This makes a lot of sense, as it certainly simplifies the discovery and integration of your project with other open source.
This movement towards Maven Central is a welcome and increasing trend in Java projects. Large projects like Oracle, Spring and JBoss are now publishing their releases there.